| 1896 - 1088 sider
...the works of Hippocrates: "I swear by Apollo, the physician, and Esculapius, and Health, and AllHeal, and all the gods and goddesses, that, according to...my ability and judgment, I will keep this Oath and this stipulation — to reckon him who taught me this Art equally dear to me as my parents, to share... | |
 | 1897 - 622 sider
...of the oath in full: " I swear by Apollo the physician, and ^Esculapius, and Health, and All-heal, and all the gods and goddesses, that, according to...my ability and judgment, I will keep this oath and this stipulation — to reckon him who taught me this Art equally dear to me as my parents, to share... | |
 | 1897 - 668 sider
...works of Hippocrates: ' "I 's\year by Apollo, the physician, and Esculapius, and Health, and All-Heal, and all the gods and goddesses, that, according to...my ability and judgment, I will keep this Oath and this stipulation — to reckon him who taught me this Art equally dear to me as my parents, to share... | |
 | 1898 - 512 sider
...an accurate translation of it: "I swear by Apollo the physician, and y£sculapius, and by Hygeia and Panacea, and all the gods and goddesses, that, according...my ability and judgment, I will keep this oath and this stipulation — to reckon him who taught me this art equally dear to me as my parents, to share... | |
 | John Clark Ridpath - 1898 - 582 sider
...BC HIPPOCRATES THE OATH. I swear by Apollo the physician, and ^tsculapius, and Health, and All-heal, and all the gods and goddesses, that, according to...my ability and judgment, I will keep this Oath and this stipulation—to reckon him who taught me this Art equally dear to me as my parents, to share... | |
 | 1899 - 662 sider
...This is the oath : " I swear by Apollo, the physician, and ^Esculapius and Health and All-heal, and the gods and goddesses, that according to my ability and judgment I will keep this oath and this stipulation, to reckon him who taught me this art equally dear to me as my parents; to share rny... | |
 | 1902 - 692 sider
...quoting Dr. Adams' translation of it. " I swear by Apollo and /KseubipiuH and Heal th and all Heal and all the gods and goddesses that according to my ability and judgment I will keep this oath and this stipulation — to reckon him who taught me this art equally dear to me as my parents ; to share... | |
 | 1903 - 432 sider
...which it has maintained ever since. "I swear by Apollo, the physician, and Aesculapius and Hygfea, and Panacea and all the gods and goddesses, that according to my ability and judgment, 1 will keep this oath and its stipulations; to reckon him who taught this art, equally dear to me as... | |
 | 1903 - 634 sider
...text of the Hippocratic oath: I swear by Apollo the physician and /Esculapius and Health and Allheal and all the gods and goddesses that according to my ability and judgment I will keep this oath and this stipulation — to reckon him who taught me this Art equally dear to me as my parents, to share... | |
 | 1904 - 506 sider
...various schools of medicine. " I swear by Apollo the Physician, and ^Esculapius, and Health and Ail-Heal, and all the Gods and Goddesses, that according to my ability and judgment, I will keep this oath and this stipulation — to reckon him who taught me this art equally dear to me as my parents, to share... | |
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