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" Conflicts of Capital and Labour Historically and Economically considered. Being a History and Review of the Trade Unions of Great Britain, showing their Origin, Progress, Constitution, and Objects, in their Political, Social, Economical, and Industrial... "
Polybiblion: Revue bibliographique universelle - Side 171
redigeret af - 1891
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A Handbook of English and Foreign Copyright in Literary and Dramatic Works ...

Sidney Jerrold - 1881 - 168 sider
...Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, js, Home's Orion : Crown 8vo, cloth extra, js. 6d. Howell's Conflicts of Capital and Labour Historically and Economically considered. Being a History and Review of the Trade Jnions of Great Britain, showing their Origin, Progress, Constitution, and Objects, in...
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Hours with the Players, Bind 2

Dutton Cook - 1881 - 310 sider
...Medallion by SUMMERS. Tenth Edition. 14 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Crown 8vo, cloth extra, js. 6d, Howell's Conflicts of Capital and Labour Historically and Economically considered. Being a History and Review of the Trade Jnions of Great Britain, showing their Origin, Progress, Constitution, and Objects, in...
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Journal of the Statistical Society of London, Bind 47

1884 - 956 sider
...[Occasional Paper No. 1.] Conciliation and Arbitration in Trade Disputes. 21 pp., 8vo. 1880.... The ConBicts of Capital and Labour historically and economically considered ; being a History and Review of the Trade Unions of Great Britain, showing their Origin, Progress, Constitution and Objects in their...
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Colonial Facts and Fictions: Humorous Sketches

Mark Kershaw - 1886 - 346 sider
...Portrait from a Medallion by SUMMERS. Tenth Edition, crown Bvo, cloth extra, 7s. . Howell.—Conflicts of Capital and Labour, Historically and Economically considered: Being a History and Review of the Trade Unions of Great Britain. By GEO. HOWELL MP Crown Svo, cloth extra, 7s. 6d. Hugo. — The...
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Systematic Catalogue of the Public Library of the City of Milwaukee: With ...

Milwaukee Public Library - 1886 - 1036 sider
...period, 1812— 1844. Phila. 1875. V. 2 : The constructive period, 1845-1878. 2d ed. Lond. 1879. D. 331:2 Howell, G: The conflicts of capital and labour, historically and economically considered ; a history and review of the trade unions of Great Britain, showing their origin, propolitical, social,...
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The Principles of Science: A Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method

William Stanley Jevons - 1887 - 896 sider
...Wagci Question and its Economic Relation to Social Reform. By GEOKUE GUMTOK Or. 8vo. 6s. HOWELL.— THE CONFLICTS OF CAPITAL AND LABOUR. Historically...Economically considered, being a History and Review of the Trade Unions of Great Britain, showing their origin, Progress, Constitution, and Objects, in...
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The Deemster: A Romance, Bind 1

Sir Hall Caine - 1887 - 354 sider
...Photographic Portrait from a Medallion by SUMMERS. Tenth Edition, crown Svo, cloth extra, 7s. Howell.— Conflicts of Capital and Labour, Historically and...Economically considered : Being a History and Review of the Trade Unions oi Great Britain. By GEO. HO\VELL MP Crown Svo, cloth extra, 7s. 6d. Hunt (Mrs....
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The Beckoning Hand and Other Stories

Grant Allen - 1887 - 400 sider
...Photographic Portrait from a Medallion by SUMMERS. Tenth Edition, crown 8vo, cloth extra, 7s. Howell.— Conflicts of Capital and Labour, Historically and...Economically considered : Being a History and Review of the Trade Unions oi Great Britain. By GEO. HOWELL MP Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 7s. 6d. Hugo. — The...
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The Case for Home Rule

Justin Huntly McCarthy - 1887 - 306 sider
...Photographic Portrait from a Medallion by SUM. »»ERS. Tenth Edition, crown 8vo, cloth extra, 7s. Howel I.— Conflicts of Capital and Labour, Historically and...Economically considered: Being a History and Review of the Trade Unions ot Great Britain. By GEO. HOWELL MP Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 7s. 6dHunt.— Essays...
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Robert Louis Stevenson - 1887 - 204 sider
...Photographic Portrait from a Medallion by SUMUERS. Tenth Edition, crown 8vo, cloth extra, 7s. Howell.— Conflicts of Capital and Labour, Historically and...Economically considered: Being a History and Review of the Trade Unions of Great Britain. By GEO. HOWELL MP Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 7s. 6d. Hunt. — Essays...
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