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" Conflicts of Capital and Labour Historically and Economically considered. Being a History and Review of the Trade Unions of Great Britain, showing their Origin, Progress, Constitution, and Objects, in their Political, Social, Economical, and Industrial... "
Polybiblion: Revue bibliographique universelle - Side 171
redigeret af - 1891
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Thomas Carlyle

Moncure Daniel Conway - 1881 - 274 sider
...Photographic Portrait from a Medallion by SUMMERS. Tenth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, js. 6d. Ho well's Conflicts of Capital and Labour Historically and Economically considered. Being a History and Review of the Trade Jnions of Great Britain, showing their Origin, Progress, Constitution, and Objects, in...
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God and the Man: A Romance, Bind 3

Robert Williams Buchanan - 1881 - 300 sider
...Photographic Portrait from a Medallion by SUMMERS. Tenth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, js. 6d. HowelTs Conflicts of Capital and Labour Historically and Economically considered. Being a History and Review of the Trade Unions of Great Britain, showing their Origin, Progress, Constitution, and Objects, in...
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My Garden Wild: And what I Grew There

Francis George Heath - 1881 - 344 sider
...Photographic Portrait from a Medallion by SUMMERS. Tenth Edition. Crown Svo, cloth extra, js. 6d. Howell's Conflicts of Capital and Labour Historically and Economically considered. Being a History and Review of the Trade Jnions of Great Britain, showing their Origin, Progress, Constitution, and Objects, in...
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Thomas Carlyle

Moncure Daniel Conway - 1881 - 278 sider
...Photographic Portrait from a Medallion by SUMMERS. Tenth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, js. 6d. Howell's Conflicts of Capital and Labour Historically and Economically considered. Being a History and Review of the Trade Unions of Great Britain, showing their Origin, Progress, Constitution, and Objects, in...
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Merrie England in the Olden Time

George Daniel - 1881 - 472 sider
...Photographic Portrait from a Medallion by SUMMERS. Tenth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 73. 6d. Howell's Conflicts of Capital and Labour Historically and Economically considered. Being a History and Review of the Trade Unions of Great Britain, showing their Origin, Progress, Constitution, and Objects, in...
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The agony column of the 'Times' 1800-1870, with an intr., ed. by A. Clay

Times The - 1881 - 366 sider
...Photographic Portrait from a Medallion by SUMMERS. Tenth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 7*. 6d, Howell's Conflicts of Capital and Labour Historically and Economically considered. Being a History and Review of the Trade Unions of Great Britain, showing their Origin, Progress, Constitution, and Objects, in...
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Joseph's coat, Bind 2

David Christie Murray - 1881 - 330 sider
...Photographic Portrait from a Medallion by SUMMERS. Tenth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, js. 6d. Howell's Conflicts of Capital and Labour Historically and Economically considered. Being a History and Review of the Trade Unions of Great Britain, showing their Origin, Progress, Constitution, and Objects, in...
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The Life and Adventures of a Cheap Jack

William Green (of Brighton.) - 1881 - 384 sider
...a Medallion by SUMMERS. Tenth Edition. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Crown 8vo, cloth extra, yj. 6d. Howell's Conflicts of Capital and Labour Historically and Economically considered. Being a History and Review of the Trade Unions of Great Britain, showing their Origin, Progress, Constitution, and Objects, in...
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My Garden Wild: And what I Grew There

Francis George Heath - 1881 - 344 sider
...Photographic Portrait from a Medallion by SUMMERS. Tenth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 7t. bd, HoweLL's Conflicts of Capital and Labour Historically and Economically considered. Being a History and Review of the Trade Unions of Great Britain, showing their Origin, Progress, Constitution, and Objects, in...
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Vignettes from Nature

Grant Allen - 1881 - 284 sider
...Photographic Portrait from a Medallion by SUMMERS. Tenth Edition. ^^ Crown Svo, cloth extra, 7*. 6d. Howell's Conflicts of Capital and Labour Historically and Economically considered. Being a History and Review of the Trade Unions of Great Britain, showing their Origin, Progress, Constitution, and Objects, in...
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