| Mark Antony De Wolfe Howe - 1926 - 394 sider
...Boston and Governor Calvin Coolidge's reply, fraught with moment in his approach to the Presidency: "There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, any time." One must look elsewhere, moreover, for any account of the debate between Gompers and Governor Allen... | |
| Charles Norman Fay - 1926 - 314 sider
...labor for national hold-up! Remember, Governor Coolidge's famous message to Mr. Gompers — that " there is no right to strike against the public safety, by anybody, anywhere, anytime." I commend the above remedy to your careful consideration. PS Since the foregoing was written... | |
| Charles Austin Beard, Mary Ritter Beard - 1927 - 848 sider
...Coolidge called out the state militia and wrote a ringing note to Samuel Gompers informing him that "there is no right to strike against the public safety, by anybody, anywhere, any time." The language was so decisive that President Wilson congratulated the Governor on his stand and a friendly... | |
| David Saville Muzzey - 1927 - 910 sider
...recruited. Governor Coolidge gave his hearty support to the commissioner, declaring in his reply to Gompers, "There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, any time." President Wilson wrote to Governor Coolidge, commending his stand, and the quiet, modest chief magistrate... | |
| Henry Luther Stoddard - 1927 - 644 sider
...the most "uncertain, coy and hard to please" in legislation. CHAPTER LXVI CALVIN COOLIDGE " I VHERE is no right to strike against the public safety by -*• anybody, anywhere, any time," rang through the counry in September, 1919, from the Governor of Massachusetts, ike the clear, sharp... | |
| 1919 - 680 sider
...Nation or the world needs to-day, but the products of labor. These products are to be secured only by the united efforts of an entire people." We have put...DEFEND THEMSELVES EVERY generation in America, it l seems, must give proof for itself of its right to its inheritance of civil liberty maintained by... | |
| Edward Stanwood - 1916 - 692 sider
...previous autumn, in connection with which he sent a telegram to Samuel Gompers, part of which read: " There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, any time." Governor James M. Cox, of Ohio, had as his Democratic opponents William G. McAdoo, son-in-law of President... | |
| Edward Rondthaler - 1928 - 552 sider
...and the unprotected city was suddenly made subject to wild loot and robbery. The Governor then said : "There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, at any time," and the solid American mind throughout the land said Amen to this manly utterance. And... | |
| Paul Martin Pearson, Egbert Ray Nichols - 1928 - 552 sider
...President Coolidge, then governor of Massachusetts, said, "The men are deserters. This is not a strike. There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, at any time." The principle is clear cut — public welfare must come first. Restriction is our only... | |
| William Yandell Elliott - 1928 - 568 sider
...United States largely because of an historic sentence that expressed the extremest form of this view. "There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, anytime," he said to the Boston police. As for personnel efficiency and the technique of administra'... | |
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