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" Now there was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding. 12 And all the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them. 13 And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered... "
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: Translated Out of ... - Side 65
1837 - 543 sider
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Expository notes, with practical observations, on the New Testament, Bind 1

William Burkitt - 1832 - 780 sider
...him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them. 13 And forthwith Jesus gave ihem BFBGB if in the city, and in the country. And they went out to see what it sas that was done. 15 And they...
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An Exposition of the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark: And Some Other ...

Richard Watson - 1833 - 786 sider
...for we are many. 10 And he besought him much that he would not send them away out of the country. 1 1 uld be received up. — There can be n city, and in the country. And they went out to see what it was that was done. 15 And they come to Jesus,...
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The Biblical Reader: Consisting of Rhetorical Extracts from the Old and New ...

Ebenezer Porter - 1834 - 276 sider
...ran and worshipped him, 7 And cried with a loud voice, and said, What have I to do with thee, J6sus, thou Son of the Most High God ? I adjure thee by God,...And they that fed the swine fled, and told it in the city, and in the country. And they went out to see what it was that was done. 15 And they come to Jesus,...
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The Gospel Standard, Or, Feeble Christian's Support, Bind 4

1838 - 380 sider
...God, that thou torment me not. 8. For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit. 2 9. And he asked him, What is thy name ? And he answered,...And they that fed the swine fled, and told it in the city, and in the country. And they went out to see what it was that was done. 15. And they come to...
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The Holy Bible: According to the Authorized Version, Containing the ..., Bind 3

1838 - 900 sider
...into the swine, that we may enter into them. 13 And forth with Jesus gave them leave. ' Matt. 8. 2f>. city, and in the country. And they went out to see what it was that was done. 1 5 And they come to...
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The Gospels and Acts in English and Hindustha'ni'

1837 - 554 sider
...not. 8 For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit. 9 And he asked him, What it thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion:...And they that fed the swine fled, and told it in the city, and in the country. And they went out to see what it was that was done. 15 And they come to Jesus,...
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The Four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles in Paragraphs, Punctuated ...

Alexander Bell - 1837 - 338 sider
[ Denne sides indhold er desværre begrænset. ]
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An exposition of the four Gospels, ed. by A. Westoby, Bind 2

Thomas Adam - 1837 - 564 sider
...we think of; and they certainly have possession of our souls when we give way to their temptations. 13. And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean...And they that fed the swine fled, and told it in the city, and in the country. And they went out to see what it was that was done. Ver. 10—14.—Why Jesus...
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Hē Kainē Diathēkē. The New Testament, in Greek and English; with a ..., Bind 1

Edward Cardwell - 1837 - 612 sider
...feeding. And all the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the '3 swine, that we may enter into them. And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean...about two thousand ;) and were choked in the sea. Ч And they that fed the swine fled, and told it in the city, and in the country. And they went out...
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The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: With Text Carefully ...

Adam Clarke - 1838 - 1046 sider
...there was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding. 12 And all the devils brsought him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter...down a steep place Into the sea, (they were about twa thousand ;) and were choked in the sea. 14 And they that fed the swine /led, and told it in the...
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