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" HOW long wilt thou forget me, O LORD ? for ever ; how long wilt thou hide thy face from me? 2 How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily? how long shall mine enemy be exalted over me? "
Theological Discourses on Important Subjects Doctrinal and Practical - Side 457
af James Thomson (minister at Quarrelwood.) - 1808
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A common-place-book to the holy Bible: or, The Scriptures' sufficiency ...

William Dodd - 1828 - 522 sider
...standest thou afar off, O Lord ? Why hidest thou thyself in times of trouble ?-Ps. xl Ixxxviii. 14. How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord? for ever? How long wilt thou hide thy face from me? — Ps. xiii. 1. Ixxiv. 9, 10. The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance, and of my cup ; thou maintainest...
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The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Translated Out of the ...

1828 - 1042 sider
...every side, when the vilest men are exalted. PSALM XIH. VTo the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. OW hall lie with her : thou shall build ail house, and thou shall no bide thy face from m« ! soul, having sorrow in my heart daily ? how long shall mine enemy be exalted...
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Morning Exercises for the Closet: for Every Day in the Year ...

William Jay - 1829 - 538 sider
...to recede as I advance ; yea, the distance between me and the attainment seems to increase daily." " How long wilt Thou forget me, O Lord ? for ever ?...counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily ?" " My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning" — " O when will it dawn...
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Select devotional works of Joseph Hall

Joseph Hall (bp. of Norwich.) - 1850 - 332 sider
...12. What was it other than night •with him, when he complains to be neglected of the Highest ? " How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord ; for ever ? How long wilt thou hide thy face from me ? " Psa. xiii. 1. And what merrier note could there be, than that which he instantly sings, " But my...
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Peace in Believing: A Memoir of Isabella Campbell, of Rosneath ...

Robert STORY (Minister of Roseneath.) - 1830 - 322 sider
...my way ? Scripture. WHY Blandest thou afar off, O Lord, why hidest thun thyself in time of trouble 1 How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily? Consider and hear me, O Lord my God ; lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleepof death. — Hold not...
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Writings of the Rev. Thomas Becon: Chaplain to Archbishop Cranmer and ...

Thomas Becon - 1831 - 512 sider
...Lord preserve and defend me. Neighbours, I will pray again unto the Lord my God while I have time. How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord ? For ever? How long wilt thou hide ihy face from me ? O how lonj shall I seek counsel in my soul, and be so vexed in m^ heart? How long...
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The Book of Common Prayer, & Administration of the Sacraments, & Other Rites ...

Episcopal Church - 1830 - 480 sider
...children of men are put to rebuke. Psnlm 13. VsrpiK cue, Domine 7 XTOW long will Ihou forget me. ' О Lord ; for ever ? how long wilt thou hide thy face from me ? 2 How long shall I seek couirse! in my soul, and be so vexed in my heart? How long shall mine enemies...
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The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated Out of the ...

1831 - 676 sider
...LORD 1 foi ever? how long will tbou hide thy faco from mel David's Imp', in tke renrrettim. PSALMS. 2 How long shall I take counsel In my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily 1 how long shal. mine enemy be exalted over me 7 3 Consider and hear me, O LORD my God : lighten mine...
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A scriptural commentary on the Book of Genesis and the Gospel ..., Bind 2

Charles Lambert Coghlan - 1832 - 578 sider
...ashamed «iddenly. P«. vi. 1, 2, 3. 6, 7- 9, 10. How long wilt thou forget me, О Lord Î for ever t ister, ? But I have trusted in thy mercy ; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation. Pi. xiii. 1, 2. 5. Lord,...
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The Adventures of a Dramatist ...

Benjamin Frere - 1832 - 242 sider
...topic, sir, .and prolific the subject ! — The text is from Psalm the thirteenth, verse the first. — How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord, for ever ? How long wilt thou hide thy face from me? — Hem! — DEARLY BELOVED." Although I could not help smiling at the capability of an Author's fondness...
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