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" Professor of Materia Medica, Pharmacology, Therapeutics, and Clinical Medicine, and Clinical Professor of diseases of the skin in the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia; Physician to the Medico-Chirurgical Hospital; member of the American Medical... "
The Kansas City Medical Index-lancet - Side 240
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Memphis Medical Monthly, Bind 21

1901 - 698 sider
...Hospital of Philadelphia; Physician to the Philadelphia Hospital for Diseases of the Skin ; Member of the American Medical Association, of the Pennsylvania and Minnesota State Medical Societies, of the American Academy of Medicine, and of the British Medical Association ; Fellow of the Medical...
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Cleveland Medical and Surgical Reporter, Bind 10

1902 - 768 sider
...MedlcoChlrurglcal College of Philadelphia ; Physician to the Medico-Chlrurglcal Hospital ; Member of the American Medical Association, of the Pennsylvania...Fellow of the Medical Society of London, etc., etc. Fifth Edition. Thoroughly Revised. 1143 Pages. Extra Cloth, $5.00 net ; Sheep, $5.75 net. FA Davis...
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Meyer Brothers Druggist, Bind 23

1902 - 456 sider
...the MedicoChirnrgical College of Philadelphia; Physician to the MedicoChirurgical Hospital; Member of the American Medical Association, of the Pennsylvania...Association; Fellow of the Medical Society of London, etc. Fifth edition, thoroughly revised. Pages viii-1143. Size 9Xx6K inches. Extra cloth, $6.00 net; sheep,...
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The Monthly Cyclopaedia of Practical Medicine and Universal Medical ..., Bind 5

1902 - 498 sider
...Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia; Physician to the Medico-Chirurgical Hospital; Member of the American Medical Association, of the Pennsylvania...Association; Fellow of the Medical Society of London, etc. Fifth Edition, Thoroughly Revised. Pages viii-1143. Size, 9Vs x 6'/4 inches. Extra Cloth, $5.00, net;...
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The American Monthly Microscopical Journal, Bind 6

Romyn Hitchcock, Henry Leslie Osborn, Charles Wesley Smiley - 1885 - 296 sider
...Pennsylvania State Medical Society ; the Minnesota State Medical Society; the American Medical Association ; the American Academy of Medicine; the British Medical...Association ; Fellow of the Medical Society of London, etc. Philadelphia: FA Davis, Att'y, 1217 Filbert St. 1885. (i2mo, pp. 122.) A very useful book for the medical...
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Medical News and Abstract, Bind 59

1891 - 816 sider
...Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia; Physician to the MedicoChirurgical Hospital ; Member of the American Medical Association, of the Pennsylvania...Association, Fellow of the Medical Society of London, etc. VOL. II. OF A TREATISE ON MATERIA MEDICA, PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS : BEING AN INDEPENDENT VOLUME...
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A Practical treatise on materia medica and therapeutics

John Vietch Shoemaker - 1906 - 1276 sider
...Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia; Physician to the Medico-Chiriirgicttl Hospital; Member of the American Medical Association, of the Pennsylvania...Fellow of the Medical Society of London, etc., etc. SIXTH EDITION. THOROUGHLY REVISED PHILADELPHIA FA DAVIS COMPANY, PUBLISHERS COPYRIGHT, 1889, BT FA...
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Texas Medical Journal (Austin, Tex.)., Bind 22

1907 - 522 sider
...Philadelphia; Physician to the Medico-Chirurgical Hospital; Member of the American Medical Association and the British Medical Association ; Fellow of the Medical Society of London, etc., etc. Sixth edition. Thoroughly revised. (In conformity with latest revised US Pharmacopeia, 1905.) Royal...
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Canadian Practitioner, Bind 32

1907 - 948 sider
...Philadelphia ; Physician to the Medico-Chirurgical Hospital; Member of the American Medical Association and the British Medical Association ; Fellow of the Medical Society of London, etc., etc. Sixth edition. Thoroughly revised. (In Conformity with Latest Revised US Pharmacopeia. 1905.) Royal...
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Daniel's Texas Medical Journal, Bind 22

Ferdinand Eugene Daniel - 1907 - 566 sider
...Philadelphia; Physician to the Medico-Chirurgical Hospital; Member of the American Medical Association and the British Medical Association; Fellow of the Medical Society of London, etc., etc. Sixth edition. Thoroughly revised. (In conformity with latest revised US Pharmacopeia, 1905.) Royal...
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