Hydrangea" represents thirty grains of FRESH HYDRANGEA and three grains of CHEMICALLY PURE Benzo-Salicylate of Lithia. Prepared by our improved process of osmosis, it is INVARIABLY of DEFINITE and UNIFORM therapeutic strength, and hence can be depended... Saint Jospeh Medical Herald - Side 5231894Fuld visning - Om denne bog
| 1884 - 784 sider
...represents thirty grs. of FBBSII Hydrangea, and three grs. of CHEMICALLY PUKB Benzo-Sallcylate of Lithla. Prepared by our improved process of osmosis It is INVARIABLY of DEFINITE and UNIFOKM therapeutic strength, and hence can be depended upon in clinical practice. DOSE — One or... | |
| 1885 - 450 sider
...represents thirty grains of Fresh Hydrangea, and three grains of chemically pure Benzo-8alicylate of Lithia. Prepared by our improved process of osmosis, it is...therapeutic strength, and hence can be depended upon in medical practice. Dose— One or two teaspoonfuls four times a day. Hydrangea has been used with great... | |
| 1888 - 534 sider
...represents thirty grains o FRESH HYDRANGEA and three grains of CHEMICALLY PURE BenioSalicylate of Lithia. Prepared by our improved process of osmosis, it is...of DEFINITE and UNIFORM therapeutic strength, and heuce can be depended upon in clinical practice. DOSC.— One or two teaspoons/til four limes a day... | |
| 1887 - 988 sider
...represents 30 grains of fresh Hydrangea and 3 grains of chemically pure Benzo-Salicylate of Lithia. Prepared by our improved process of osmosis, it is...therapeutic strength, and hence can be depended upon in practice. DOSE — One or two teaspoonfuls four times a day (preferably between meals). Urinary Calculus,... | |
| 1887 - 654 sider
...represents thirty grains of fresh Hydrangea and three grains of chemically pure Benzo-Ssllcylate of Lithla. Prepared by our Improved process of osmosis, it is...invariably of definite and uniform therapeutic strength, aud hence can be depended upon in clinical practice. DOSE. — One or two teaspoonfuls four times a... | |
| 1887 - 78 sider
...three grains of chemically pureBenzo-Salicylateof Lithia. Prepared by our improved procen of otmosis, it is invariably of definite and uniform therapeutic strength, and hence can b» depended upon in clinical practice. Kidney Alterative and Anti-Lithio. Reliable, Uniform, and Deflnit*... | |
| 1888 - 460 sider
...represents thirty grains of Fresh Hydrangea and three grains of chemically pure Benzo-Salicylate of Lithia. Prepared by our improved process of osmosis, it is...and hence can be depended upon in clinical practice. }pSE — One or two teaspoonfuls four times a day (preferably between meals). J rinary Calculus, Gout,... | |
| 1888 - 412 sider
...our improved process of osmosis, it is INVARIABLY of DKFIHITB and UXIFOHM therapeutic strength, mid hence can be depended upon in clinical practice. DOSE. — One or two teaapoonfuls four times a day (preferably between meals). '""THE solution and elimination of an excess... | |
| 1889 - 600 sider
...represents thirty grains of FRESH HYDRANGEA and three gra'ns of CHEMICALLY PURR Benzo-Salicylate of Lithia. Prepared by our improved process of osmosis, it is...teaspoonfuls four times a day (preferably between meals). Yrinary Calculus, Gout, Rheumatism, Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Cystitis, Hamaturia Altuminuria, and... | |
| 1889 - 568 sider
...and three grains of CHEMICALLY PUSH Benzo-Salicylate of Lilhia. Prepared by our improved process oJ osmosis, it is INVARIABLY of DEFINITE and UNIFORM...depended upon in clinical practice. DOSE — One or two leaspoonfuls four times a day (preferably between meals). Urinary Calculus, Qout, Eheumatism, Brlght's... | |
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