The Cause of God and Truth ...Printed for, and sold by Aaron Ward, 1735 |
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Side 167
... the gospel and the knowledge of Chrift , his fufferings and death , shall also perish without law ; and as ! Rom . ii , 4 , 5 . M 4 Ver . 12 . many many as have finned in the law , shall be The Caufe of God and Truth . 167.
... the gospel and the knowledge of Chrift , his fufferings and death , shall also perish without law ; and as ! Rom . ii , 4 , 5 . M 4 Ver . 12 . many many as have finned in the law , shall be The Caufe of God and Truth . 167.
Side 184
... perish ; and the argument from them is formed thus ; " If Chrift died for them that perish , and for them that do not perish ; he died for all : But Chrift died for them that perish , and for them that do not perish ; ergo , he died for ...
... perish ; and the argument from them is formed thus ; " If Chrift died for them that perish , and for them that do not perish ; he died for all : But Chrift died for them that perish , and for them that do not perish ; ergo , he died for ...
Side 185
... it can be proved , that eternal deftruction did , or might ene sponta ufe of things indifferent , or that w thren might , or were is enlated , de 1 TLE10 and ftumbled hereby , as to perish eternally , there The Caufe of God and Truth . 135.
... it can be proved , that eternal deftruction did , or might ene sponta ufe of things indifferent , or that w thren might , or were is enlated , de 1 TLE10 and ftumbled hereby , as to perish eternally , there The Caufe of God and Truth . 135.
Side 186
John Gill. and ftumbled hereby , as to perish eternally , there is no force in the argument . II . It will appear from the context , that the deftruction of the weak brother dehort- ed from , is not the eternal deftruction of his perfon ...
John Gill. and ftumbled hereby , as to perish eternally , there is no force in the argument . II . It will appear from the context , that the deftruction of the weak brother dehort- ed from , is not the eternal deftruction of his perfon ...
Side 187
... perish , for whom Chrift died ? TH HESE words are commonly inade with the former , and protisat k the fame purposes , Borh to prove cu Gra died for fuch as perifh , and at !! shar vers may torally and fray 4 : What has been tail wow the ...
... perish , for whom Chrift died ? TH HESE words are commonly inade with the former , and protisat k the fame purposes , Borh to prove cu Gra died for fuch as perifh , and at !! shar vers may torally and fray 4 : What has been tail wow the ...
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Almindelige termer og sætninger
abfolute againſt alfo apoftle Arminian becauſe Befides bleffings caft Chrift died church confequently confider'd converfion death defign defires doctrine efficacious grace elect eternal everlaſting exhortation expreffed faid faints faith fall falvation fame faved favour fcripture felves fenfe fent fhall fhew fhould fignifies fince fome fometimes foul fpiritual ftand ftate fuch fufficient grace fuppofe fure Gentiles God's gofpel grace and favour grace of God hath heart hence HESE words himſelf Ifrael inftance iniquity Jefus Jerufalem Jews juftification Limborch loft Lord mankind Meffiah mercy miniftry muſt NUMB obedience obferved paffage pardon perfeverance perfons perish Pfal poffibility promiſed prove purpoſe reaſonably redemption refifted render'd repentance reprefented righteous righteouſneſs ſay ſenſe ſhall Spirit ſpoken ſtate ſuch temporal thefe themſelves ther theſe things theſe words thofe thoſe tion true believers underſtand underſtood unfruftrable univerfal unto uſed verfion Vulgar Latin Whitby wicked wiſh