Printed by W. WOODFALL, Dorfet-street, Salisbury-Square. And fold by G. G. and J. ROBINSON, Pater-nofter-row MDCCLXXXVI. ! You threaten, Lucilius, to take it ill, if I do not inform you of my daily transactions. Observe how ready I am fincerely to answer your request. I go to hear a certain philosopher; and it is now the fifth day that I have attended his school, and heard him dispute from the eighth hour of the morning. At a good age, truly! Indeed I think so, Lucilius, (though you laugh); for what can be more ridiculous than to think, because you have some time desisted from study, you need no further instruction? What would you have me do? mount my horfe, and act the young esquire (a)? Happy would it be for me indeed, if this (going to school, as you call it) was the only thing that disgraced my old age! The school of philosophy invites men of every age: here let us grow old, and still follow it as earnestly as young men (6). Shall I at this age frequent the theatre, and be carried into the circus, and no VOL. II. B two F |