our (my) friends (countrymen, &c.). nota, -ae, [√gno + ta], f., a mark, a sign. - Less exactly, a spot, a scar, a mark (of wounds). nothus, -1, [Gr. νόθος], m., an illegitimate son, a bastard. - Of animals, a mongrel, a cross-breed. noto, -āvi, -ātum, -āre, [†notā-], I. v. a., mark. Of the effect, mark down, inscribe. - Less exactly, mark, observe, notice. Notus, -ī, [Gr. Νότος], m., the South Wind. - Less exactly, the wind. nōtus, -a, -um, p.p. of nosco. novālis, -e, [†novo- (reduced) + alis], adj., (new). - Fem., (sc. terra), fallow land (left to be renewed by lying). - Neut., fallow land, (less exactly) fields (cultivated). novellus, -a, -um, [tnovo- (reduced) + ellus, as if novulă + lus], adj., young, tender, new. novem [unc. case-form petrified, cf. Gr. ἐννέα, Eng. nine], indecl. adj., nine. noverca, -ae, [?, akin to novus], f., a stepmother. noviēns (-iēs), [stem of novem, with unc. term.], num. adv., nine times. novitās, tātis, [†novo- (weakened) + tas], f., newness: regni (infancy). novo, -āvi, -ātum, -āre, [†novo-], I. v. a., renew, make new, repair, refit, repeat. Fig., change: fidem (break). novus, -a, -um, [akin to Gr. νέος], adj., new, fresh, strange, young: ver (new,early); sol (new risen); soles (of early spring). — novissimus, -a, -um, superl., nervest, latest, last, rear. nox, noctis, [perh. ✓noc (cf. nocco) + tis (reduced), cf. Gr. νύξ, Eng. night], f., night, darkness, the influence of night. - Personified, Night. noxa, -ae, [noc + ta (?)], f., (harm), a fault, guilt. noxius, -a, -um, [†noxa-(reduced) + ius], adj., harmful, guilty. nūbēs, -is, [nub- (cf. nubo) + es (and -is)], f., a cloud. Fig., a cloud, a swarm: facta nube (gathering like a cloud, of birds); belli (storm (storm-cloud). Also, the region of clouds, the clouds, the heavens. nūbigena, -ae, [†nubi-(see nubes) -gena (gen + a, cf. Graiugena)], m., cloud-born, a centaur, a cloud-born monster. nūbila, -ōrum, [tnubi- (see nubes) + la (n. plur. of lus)], n., prop. adj., the clouds, the region of clouds. nūbilis, -e, [†nubo- (cf. pronuba, conubium) + lis], adj., marriageable. nūdātus, -a, -um, p.p. of nudo. nūdō, -āvī, -ātum, -āre, [†nudo-], I. v. a., strip, make bare, lay bare, bare, uncover. - nūdātus, -a, -um, p.p. as adj., bared, stripped, naked, uncovered. nūdus, -a, -um, [prob. for fnugdus, cf. Eng. naked], adj., naked, bare, uncovered, stripped, exposed, defenceless: aetheris axis (open); ensis (alone). Less exactly, in a single garment (without an outer garment), uncloaked. nullus, -a, -um, [ne-ullus], adj., no, none: non nullis oculis (without regard).- Masc. and fem., none, no one, nobody. — nonnullus, -a, -um, some, some one. num [pron. ✓na, acc., cf. tum, cum, dum], conj., interrog., whether (often not expressed in Eng., but indicated by the order, is any, does any, &c.). - Regularly expecting the answer "no." Numa, -ae, [?], m., a Roman name. Esp., Numa Pompilius, the second king of Rome, to whom were attributed the religious institutions of the Romans; 2. Two Rutulians. Numānus, -1, [†Numā + nus], m., Rutulian, with the surname Remulus. a nūmen, -inis, [ ✓nu (lengthened, cf. nuo) + men], n., (a nod).Esp., the divine will, power (of the gods), authority, permission, purpose, consent, approval, decree, inspiration, presence (of a god), divine nature, divine interposition, oracle (declared purpose). Also, divinity, divine essence, deity (with genitive of the god used concretely): Iunonis; Fauni; vestra (of the stars). - Also concretely, a divinity, a divine being: numina magna Deum (forms); media inter numina (images). numero, -āvī, -ātum, -are, [tnumero-], I. v. a., count, reckon up, recount. numerus, -1, [stem akin to νόμος (cf. numus) + rus], m., number, a number. - Esp., a large number, a number. - Also, order, proportion: pares numeri (equal dimensions); compositi numero in turmas (in equal numbers); stellis numeros fecit (places, by calculation); nec numero nec honore cremant (without distinction). Also, musical measure, time, tune, the notes of the scale (pl.). - Phrases: in numerum, in time, in order, in turn, in measure; sideris in numerum, to the place of a star; neque est numerus, it is impossible to count, there is no numbering. Numicus, -1, [?], m., a river of Latium, where Æneas was said to have disappeared. Numidae, -ārum, [Gr. νομάς], m. plur., the Numidians (a people of Northern Africa). Numitor, -ōris, [?], m.: 1. The grandfather of Romulus and Remus; 2. A Rutulian. nunc [num-ce (cf. hic)], adv., now. Repeated, now. now, some times...again. nuncius, etc.; see nuntius. nunquam [ne-unquam], adv., never.- Less exactly, not at all, by no means (see hodie). nuntia, -ae, [f. of nuntius], f., a messenger (female). nuntio, -āvī, ātum, -āre, [†nuntio-], I. v. a., report, announce, bring tidings. nuntius, -i (-ii), [prob. tnovo†ventius (†vento + ius)], m., a messenger, a reporter. - In appos., as adj., bringing tidings, reporting. - Also, news, message, tidings, report. nuper [prob. novum-per, cf. parumper], adv., lately, just now, not long ago. Nursae, -ārum, [?]; see Nersae, the approved spelling. Nursia (Nurt-), -ae, a town [?], f., of the Sabines (now Norcia). nurus, -ūs, [akin to Gr. vuós (for SNUSUS)], f., a daughter-in-law. nusquam [ne-usquam], adv., nowhere. Also equal Eng. never (with a different conception). nūtō, -āvi, -ātum, -are, [†nuto(cf. abnuo)], I. v. n., nod, totter, swing, wave. nutrimentum, -i, [tnutri- (of nutrio) + mentum], n., food, nourishment. - Less exactly, fucl. nutrio, -īvi (-ii), -itum, -ire, [?, cf. nutrix], 4. v. a., nurse, nourish, suckle. - Less exactly, bring up, rear.- Pass. as dep., cultivate, raise. nutrior, see nutrio. nutrix, -icis, [unknown root (cf. nutrio) + trix], f., a nurse. nūtus, -ūs, [inū- (as root) + tus, cf. abnuo, numen], m., a nod. Fig., will, an order, a command. nux, nucis, [?], f., a nut (of various kinds). - Also, an almond tree. nympha, -ae, [Gr. νύμφη], f., α nymph (a goddess of the sea or woods, more or less allied to the human race). - Less exactly, a muse (as the muses proper were of this general class). Nysa, -ae, [Gr. Νῦσα], f., a city of India, said to have been built by Bacchus in his expedition to India. 0, interj. (of all emotions), oh! O! - With acc., nom., or voc. Oaxēs, -is, [Gr. ̓́Οαξις], m., a river in Crete. ob (obs), [akin to Gr. ἐπί], prep., towards (archaic).-near, around. -Fig. (cf. the provincial “ all along of"), on account of, for, for the sake of, through. - In comp., to, towards, against, before, over, &c. obambulo, -āvi, -ātum, -āre, [ob-ambulo], I. v. n., walk about, roam about. obdūcō, -dūxi, -dūctum, -dūcere, [ob-duco], 3. v. a., draw over, spread over. With change of point of view, overspread, cover, overgrow, choke. - obdūctus, -a, -um, p.p., overspread, surrounding; -hidden, covered. obdūctus, -a, -um, p.p. of obduco. obeō, -īvi (-ii), -itum, -ire, [obeo], irr. v. a., go to, go over, go around, visit: pugnas (engage in); terras maria (wash, encompass); omniavisu (view, survey); mortem (suffer, meet). - Also, surround, encircle, cover. obēsus, -a, -um, [ob-esus], adj., fat, swollen. ōbex, -icis, [ob-Viac (as stem)], m. or f., a bar, an obstacle, a bar rier. obfero and compounds of ob with f, see offero. ōbicio (obii-), -ieci, -iectum, -icere, [ob-iacio], 3. v. a., throw against, throw to, expose, throw in the way of, offer: clipeos ad tela (oppose, present); equites sese (array themselves in opposition); portas (shut against one). - Fig., expose, offer to the sight, throw out against, throw at (of taunts, &c.): rabiem canibus (inspire). - obiectus, -a, -um, p.p. as adj., thrown in the way, lying in the way, opposing. obiecto, avi, -atum, -are, [obiacto, cf. obicio], 1. v. a., throw 0. against. -Fig., expose, risk, sacrifice (in war). obiectus, -a, -um, p.p. of obicio. obiectus, -ūs, [ob-iactus, cf. obicio], m., a throwing in the way : laterum (opposition, obstacle, of an island). obitus, -a, -um, p.p. of obeo. obitus, -ūs, [ob-itus (cf. obeo)], m., a going down, setting, death (cf. obire mortem), dissolution. oblātus, -a, -um, p.p. of offero. oblimo, -āvi, -ātum, -āre, [oblimo], I. v. a., clog (orig. with mud), stop. obliquo, -āvi, -ātum, -are, [obliquo-], I. v. a., turn obliquely; sinus in ventum (brace, swing). obliquus (-cus), -a, -um, [ob†liquus (cf. limus and Gr. λέχ ριος)], adj., sidewise, slantwise, slanting, sidelong, oblique: in obliquum (across, transversely); obliqua invidia (with eyes askance). oblitus, -a, -um, p.p. of oblivis cor. obliviscor, oblitus, oblivisci, [toblivi- (of verb akin to lividus compounded with ob) + sco, become dark to (?)], 3. v. dep., forget, think no more of. - oblitus, -a, -um, p.p., forgetting, forgetful, careless of, heedless of: sucos poma (losing). - Also, forgotten. oblīvium, -i (-ii), [toblivo- (cf. obliviscor and liveo)], n., forgetfulness. obloquor, -locutus, -loqui, [obloquor], 3. v. dep., speak against. - Also, sing to (with accompaniment of). obluctor, -ātus, -ārī, [ob-luctor], I. v. dep., struggle against. obmūtēscō, -mūtuī, no sup., -mūtēscere, [ob-mutesco], 3. v. n. incept., hush, become specchless, be silent. obnitor, -nisus (-nixus), -niti, [ob-nitor], 3. v. dep., struggle against, lean against, lean on, struggle, strive. obnixus, -a, -um, p.p. of obnitor. obnoxius, -a, -um, [ob-noxius, guilty towards], adj., guilty. From ancient mode of administering justice, bound to, subject to, exposed to. obnūbo, -nūpsī, nūptum, -nābere, [ob-nubo, in its orig. sense, veil], 3. v. a., veil, cover. oborior, -ortus, -orīrī, [ob-orior], 4. v. dep., rise against, rise over. - obortus, -a, -um, p.p. as adj., rising, flowing (of tears), blinding. obortus, -a, -um, p.p. of oborior. obruð, -rui, -rutum, -ruere, [ob ruo], 3. v. a., overwhelm, bury. obrutus, -a, -um, p.p. of obruo. obscēnus, -a, -um, [prob. obs- (sce ob) †caeno- (decl. as adj.)], adj., filthy, foul. — Less exactly, unsightly, ugly, hideous, horrible.Esp., ill-omened, ill-boding. obscūrō, -āvi, -ātum, -āre, [tobscură-], 1. v. a., darken, obscure. obscūrus, -a, -um, [ob-tscurus (cf. scutum), covered over, shut in], adj., dark, dim, gloomy, dusky. -Transferred, obscured, unknown, little known, in the dark, unseen : fama (doubtful, dimmed); haud obscura signa (no uncertain signs); obscuris vera involvens (dark hints); sub obscurum noctis (under the darkness of night), obserō, -sēvi, -situm, -serere, [ob-sero], 3. v. a., plant over.obsitus, -a, -um, p.p., covered, beset, overgrown: aevo (heavy with, full of years). observātus, -a, -um, p.p. of ob servo. observo, -āvi, ātum, -āre, [observo], I. v. a., watch, mark, observe, notice, trace. - Esp., honor : regem. obsessus, -a, -um, p.p. of obsideo. obsideō, -sēdi, -sessum, -sidere, [ob-sedeo], 2. v. a., blockade, bzset, guard, besiege, secury.-ob sessus, -a, -um, p.p. as adj., blocked up, beset, choked. obsidio, -ōnis, [tobsidio- (reduced) + 0], f., a blockade, a siege. obsido, no perf., no sup., -sidere, [ob-sido], 3. v. a., beset, occupy. obsitus, -a, -um, p.p. of obsero. obstipēsco (-stupēsco), -stipui, no sup., -stipēscere, [ob-sti(stu)pesco], 3. v. n., be amazed, be struck with astonishment, be stunned, be dazed, be struck dumb, stand amazed, be thunderstruck, be paralyzed. obsto, -stiti, -stātum, -stāre, [ob-sto], I. v. n., stand in the way of, hinder, withstand, stay, retard: obstitit quibus Ilium (be obnoxious). - Also, congeal (of blood). obstruō, -struxi, -structum, -struere, [ob-struo], 3. v. a., block up, choke, obstruct, seal (of the ears). obstupesco, see obstipesco. obsum, -fui, -esse, [ob-sum], irr. v. n., be opposed (cf. prosum), injure, harm. obtectus, -a, -um, p.p. of obtego. obtegő, texi, -tectum, -tegere, [ob-tego], 3. v. a., cover over, cover, obscure. obtendo, tendi, -tentum, -tendere, [ob-tendo], 3. v. a., spread before, outspread, shed: obtenta nox (spreading). obtentus, -a, -um, p.p. of ob tendo. obtentus, -ūs, [ob-tentus, cf. obtendo], m., a spreading out. Concretely, a canopy: frondis. obtestor, -ātus, -ārī, [ob-testor], I. v. dep., entreat (by some sacred object called to witness), beseech, adjure. obtexō, -texui, no sup., -texere, [ob-texo], 3. v. a., weave over.With change of point of view, overspread. obtorqueō, -torsi, -tortum, -torquere, (ob-torqueo], 2. v. a., twist. obtortus, -a, -um, p.p. of obtor- | occulo, -cului, -cultum, -culere, queo. obtrunco, -āvi, -ātum, -āre, [ob trunco], 1. v. a., cut down, butcher, slay. obtuli, see offero. obtundo, -tudi, -tūsum, -tundere, [ob-tundo], 3. v. a., dull (orig. by beating), blunt. - obtūsus, -a, -um, p.p., dulled, blunted, dull, dim, less vigorous. - Fig., obtuse, unfeeling. obtūsus, -a, -um, p.p. of obtundo. obtūtus, -ūs, [ob-tutus, cf. obtueor], m., a gaze, a fixed stare. obumbro, -āvi, -ātum, -āre, [obumbro], 1. v. a., overshadow. obuncus, -a, -um, [ob-uncus], adj., hooked, curved. obūstus, -a, -um [ob-ustus (see uro)], adj., burnt around, hardened in the fire. obversus, -a, -um, p.p. of obverto. obvius, -a, -um, [ob-tvia (decl. as adj.), cf. obviam], adj., in the way, opposed, exposed, in front, before, to meet. occasus, -ūs, [ob-casus, cf. occido], m., a fall, ruin. Esp., the setting (of a heavenly body): solis (sunset). Also (cf. last division), sunset, the west. occido, -cidi, -cāsum, -cidere, [ob-cado], 3. v. n., fall, perish, be slain, disappear, be lost, be undone. - Esp., set. occido, -cīdī, -cisum, -cidere, [ob-caedo], 3. v. a., slay, kill. occisus, -a, -um, p.p. of occido. occubo, no perf., no sup., -āre, [ob-cubo], I. v. n., lie (dead or buried): occubat umbris (has fallen a prey). occultus, -a, -um, p.p. of occulo. occumbo, -cubui, -cubitum, -cumbere, [ob-cumbo], 3. v. n., fall, die, be slain: morti (fall a prey). occupo, -āvi, -ātum, -āre, [toccup-, cf. taucup- (ob-cap as stem)], I. v. a., take in advance (as against somebody else), seize, take possession of, assail, strike, fill: manicis (bind). — Fig., overspread, fill, seize. occurro, -curri, -cursum, -currere, [ob-curro], 1. v. n., run to meet, rush to, rush in, come in the way, meet: medius (come in to interrupt). - Fig., appear, meet one's eyes. occursõ, -āvi, -ātum, -are, [obcurso, cf. occurro], I. v. n., rush in the way, fall in the way of, meet. Oceanītis, -idis, [Gr. patronymic], f., daughter of Ocean. ōceanus, -1, [Gr. Ωκεανός], m., the ocean. Personified, Ocean, conceived by the ancients as the universal parent. ōcior, -us, [tocu- (cf. Gr. ὠκύς) + ior, compar. of lost positive], adj., swifter. - Neut. as adv., more swiftly, quicker. - Also, quickly, forthwith, at once. Ocnus, -1, [Gr. "Okvos], m., the founder of Mantua. ocrea, -ae, [tocri- (cf. ocris, Ocriculum) + ea, f. of -eus], f., a legging, a greave (usually plur.). octo [akin to Gr. ὀκτώ, Eng. eight]. indecl., num. adj., eight. |