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with the sight of the dead carcase of her husband, when he was brought into the Chapell; came foorth, the Lieutenant leading her, with countenance nothing abashed, neither her eyes any thing moistened with teares, (although her gentlewomen, Elizabeth Tylney and Mistress Helen, wonderfully wept,) with a book in her hand, wherein she prayed untill she came to the said scaffold, whereon when she was mounted, she was beheaded."

A still more particular account of her behaviour on the scaffold, is to be found in an exceedingly rare tract, (neither noticed by Ames, nor Herbert,) which, though without date, bears internal evidence of having been printed immediately subsequent to her decapitation. That portion of the tract regarding the Lady Jane is as follows:

The Ende of the Lady Jane Dudley, daughter to the Duke of Suffolke, upon the Scaffolde, at the houre of her death being the 12 day of Feb.

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"Fyrst, when she was mounted on the scaffolde, she sayd to the people standinge thereabout; Good people, I com hether to die, and by a lawe I am condemned to the same. The facte, indede, against the Queenes highnes was unlawful, and the consenting thereunto y me, but touching the procurement and desyre thereof by me, or on my halfe, I doo wash my hands thereof in innocencie, before God and the face of you, good christian people this day,' and therewith she wrung her handes in which she had her booke. Then she sayd, 'I pray you bear me wytnes that I dye a

all, good christian people to true christian woman, and that I looke to be saved by none other mene but only by the mercy of God, in the

merites of the blood of his onlye sonne Jesus Christe, and I confesse when I dyd know the word of God, I neglected the same and loved myselfe and the world, and therefore this plagge or punyshment is happely and worthely happened unto me for my sinnes. And yet I thanke God of his goodnes that he hath thus geven me a tyme and respet to repent. And now, good people, while I am alyve, I pray you to assyst me with your prayers.' And then she knelyng downe, she turned to Fecknam, saying, Shall I say this psalm?' and he said, 'Yea.' Then she said the psalm of 'Misereri mei Deus,' in English, in most devout manner to thende. Then she stode up, and gave her mayde Mistres Tylney her gloves and handkercher, and her booke to Maistre Thomas Brydges, the lyveteuantes brother. Forthwith she untyed her gowne. The hangman went to her to have helped her off therewith, then she desyred him to let her alone, turning towardes the two jentlewomen, who helped her of therewith, and also her Frose paste and neckecher, giving to her a fayre handkercher to knytte about her eyes. Then the hangman kneled downe, and asked her forgevenes, whome she forgave most willingly. Then he willed her to stand upon the strawe, which doing, she saw the blocke. sayd, I pray thee dispatche me quickly.' kneeled downe, saying, Wil you take it of before I lay me downe?' And the hanginan answered her, ‘No, Madame.' She tyed the kercher about her eyes. Then feeling for the blocke, saide, What shal I doo, where is it?' One of the standers by guiding her thereunto, she layde her head downe upon the blocke, and stretched forth her body, and sayd, ‘Lorde, into thy handes I commende my spirite.' And so she ended."


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Then she

Then she

* The particular kind of ornament designated by these words, is not at present known.

The lines which this unfortunate lady is said to have scratched with a pin on the walls of her prison in the Tower; viz.

Non aliena putes homini quæ obtingere possunt,
Sors hodierna mihi cras erit illa tibi;

have been thus diversely translated :

To mortal's common fate thy mind resign,
My lot to-day, to-morrow may be thine.

Think not, O.mortal, vainly gay,

That thou from human woes art free;
The bitter cup I drink to-day,

To-morrow may be drank by thee.

Of the following lines, ascribed also to Lady Jane, the annexed translations have been given :*

Deo juvante, nil nocet livor malus ;

Et non juvante, nil juvat labor gravis :
Post tenebras, spero

Whilst God assists us, envy bites in vain,
If God forsake us, fruitless all our pain.
I hope for light after the darkness.

Harmless all malice, if our God be nigh;
Fruitless all pains, if he his help deny.
Patient I pass these gloomy hours away,
And wait the morning of eternal day!

* Vide Nicolas's recently published, and very interesting "Life of Lady Jane Grey," p. 61.

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