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Au. The pronoun, I.


A'va. A cove, crevice, creek; a hole; a gap; a streight. [ - A fish resembling the mullet, peculiar to the salt

water lakes of Namooca.

A've. To take away; to deprive of.

To conduct.

Aw-i. An expression of pity; also of pain.
Awi-áwi-fooa. Fair, beautiful.

Awla. Name of a certain kind of tree of which spears are made.

Awta. Kaw, not cooked.

Awta-awta. Dirt; filth; refuse; sweepings.


Bawla. Matting made of the branches of the cocoa-nut tree, with which houses are thatched: Báwla áto, matš

to thatch with. Bawla fucca tefichi, matting used to cover the ridge of a house.

Be. Only; alone; solely; by oneself.

The conjunction, and, also.

-. The adverb, when.

Béa. The conjunction, or, also.


Bea. A contraction, of be ia, and he, or when he.

And what? i. e. what is the result.

Béca-béca. The swallow, (a bird.).
Bécoo. Blunt, not sharp; obtuse.
Bécooânge. Bluntly, obtusely.)
Béhe. So, in this manner; alike. }

To signify, to give another to understand; to relate;

to say.

Beito. A kitchen or place where cooking is carried on.
Béla. Purulence; corruption; pus; to suppurate.
Béle. A favourite; a minion. c.

Béloo, Cups to drink out of, made of the Banana leaf, • Beloo cáva, Cava cups.

Bépe. Butterfly.

Bibico. Lazy; indolent; (contracted from bico bi'co); also


Bibígi. A child, not more than two or three years old.

Bico. Crooked; curved; awry.

Bíco-bíco. Lazy; indolent; (v. Bibi'co) crooked.

Bíco-bíco-ánge. Crookedly.

Bígi. To cement; to stick; to adhere.

Bígi-bígi. Adhesive; sizy; to stick.

Bíhi. To splash.

Bihía. Contagious: mahagi bihia, contagion,

Bíli. A species of lizard.

Bisi. This word has no particular meaning of itself, but with low, to speak, before it, thus, lowbisi, it means nonsensical discourse; tittle tattle: vide low.

Bíto. Full; brimful; the navel.

Bo. A post; a pillar.

[blocks in formation]

Boláta. The stem either of the banana or the plantain tree, Bóngi-bóngi. To-morrow; to-morow morning.

Boóa. A kind of flower resembling the Jeali, but yellow. Booáca. Swine; pork; pig, &c. (probably derived from the English Pork, or the Portuguese or Spanish,

Booáca tangáta. A boar, (literally a man swine.)
Booáca fafíne. A sow, (literally a woman swine.)

Boóboó. A gargle.

Booboóha. Sultry; hot.

Booboola. To swell.

Booboónoo. To close; to shut; the lid of any thing.

Booge. To apprehend; to hold; to seize hold of; to ar

rest; also the little hillock or mound in which a yam


planted: those parts of a double canoe extending be

yond the platform. Booge-mow. To clinch.

Boogoo-boógoo. Squab; short and thick.

[blocks in formation]

Bochi. To blow any thing out of the mouth with force; also the name of the party that go out to distribute the bait for rats, which is done by blowing it forcibly out of their mouths.

Boói boói. A curtain; a screen.

Boola. To swell: fucca boo'la maltta, to hector; to swagger; look big.

Boola-boóla. A swelling.

Boóle. To order or conduct; to give directions; to manage; to declaim.

Boo'le. A kind of spotted shell.
Boole-boóle. Spotted; party-coloured.

Booló. Veiled; concealed; something thrown over the head and face; to veil; to mask.

Booló-booló. A mask; a veil for the head.

Boolóa. A mask.

Boolónga. Hat; cap.

Boóloo. Gum; pitch, or any adhesive substance.

Boóloo-booloo. To draw up the dress so as to cover the' shoulders; to shelter.

Booloo'hi. Sick; ill; sickness: only used when speaking of Tooitonga.

Boo'na. To fly; to vault; to jump high in the air.

Boono'. To incline; to bend down; to droop; to stoop the' body, or head.

Bö-oo'li. Night; (from bo, day, and oóli, black.)

Bö-oo liange. Obscurely; darkly; by night.

Boo'si. A cat: (probably from the English word pussy.)

Boo'ta. To bet; also a wager.

Boo'too. Burial ceremony.

Bopau. A small paddling canoe made of the hollow trunk of

a tree.

Bolpo. Rotten; mouldy.

Bo'to. Wise; cunning; knowing.

Bo'to-bo'to. Round.

Bo'too, Alongside; near to; the side of any thing, except of man or animal, then it is va'ca valca ; a part of; a portion.

Buggi-buggi. A certain kind of club.

Ca. If; but; for; because.


Cábe. Abusive, abuse; cursing; execration,

A certain plant.

Cabéa. To abuse; to call ill names.

Cáca. To climb.

Cácá. Deceit, imposition.

Cacaha. Lighted in flames; kindled.

Cacala. Any flower; a wreath of flowers; a necklace of


Cacáva. To sweat; to perspire.

Cacávaía. Sweaty; all in a perspiration,

Cacców. To swim; to wade.

Cáfa. Plait made of the husk of the cocoa-nut.

Cáfo. A wound in battle; or, if not in battle, at least with a warlike instrument.

Cafoo. Any covering with which a person may be covered whilst resting, or sleeping.

Cáhi. Scrofulous indurations of the glands, to which the Tonga people are very subject.

Cáho. A reed; an arrow for sport.

Cáho-caho. A superior species of the yam.

Cáhooa, A necklace.

Cainga. A relation; a kin.

Caky'. Inhabitants; population; populous,

Calánga. To roar out; to shriek; to halloo: a shout,
Calanoo'i. Green beads.

Caláva. Vein; sinew; tendon.

Cáli. A pillow (made of wood, after the Tonga fashion.)
Calía. A double sailing canoe.

Caló. To bark; to yelp like a dog.

Cálo. To turn aside an arrow; or to parry any weapon. Calóa. A cockle. Gnédji calóa; a cockle-shell fixed on a stick to scrape out cocoa-nut.

Cána. Sponge; any thing spongy.

Canáhe. The fish called mullet.

Cananga. Any phrase, or proverbial expression; a cant word.. Cáno. The inmost substance of any thing, particularly,

kernels of fruit; also flesh.

Cáno he mátta. The eye-ball.

Cáno máte. Lean of flesh (cano, flesh; máte, dead.)

Cánognatá. Hard-hearted; refractory; stubborn (from cáno, the flesh or heart, and gnáta, hard.)

Cápa. A siege; to besiege.

Capaców. The wing of a bird.

Capów. If.

Cáppa-cáppa. To flap the wings with a noise, (as a bird.)
Cáta. To laugh.

Catági. Patience; sufferance; to endure; to suffer.
Cáto. A bag; a basket.

Catooánga. A feast; feasting and jollity.

Cáva. The pepper plant; also the root of this plant, of which is made a peculiar kind of beverage; being first chewed, and then mixed up with water.

Foóa Ca'va. An oath: see Foo.

Cáva. The beard.


A handle or sling to a basket.

Cáve-cave. A swing; to swing.

Cavénga. Burden; load; freight of a canoe or other vessel.

Cáwle. To beg; to request.

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