in this city and also spoke of the necessity of supporting the move. Unless the physicians recommend this milk. to the people and insist upon their using it for their children, the scheme will fail. It is a good move and should have the consistent support of all physicians at all times so that the sale may be sufficient to justify the dealer in establishing a plant that will produce certified milk. At the meeting the society appropriated $100 for starting the work, but thereafter the commission will be self-supporting. A week or two after the meeting, the president of the society appointed the following to serve on the commission: Drs. Burckhardt, Ferguson, Hoskins, Sowder and Torian. So far they have had time only to meet and arrange with Dr. Ferguson as chairman and Dr. Torian as secretary and treasurer. —Torian. Abe Martin. Owin' t' th' fickleness o' th' American people a feller should be careful 'bout namin' his child after a great politician. Like a hoss some folks do ther best hustlin' when ther goin' toward th' stable. An Arrival. There came to port last Sunday night I looked, and looked, and laughed. It seemed so curious that she Should cross the unknown water And moor herself within my roomMy daughter, O my daughter! Yet, by these presents, witness all, And comes consigned to Hope and And common meter rhymes. She has no manifest but this; Ring out, wild bells-and tame ones, too; Ring out the lover's moon; Ring in the little worsted socks, Ring in the bib and spoon. Ring out the muse, ring in the nurse; Ring in the milk and water; Away with paper, pen and ink— My daughter, O my daughter! -George W. CABLE. Reviews and Book Notices. Progressive Medicine. A Quarterly Digest of Advances, Discoveries, and Improvements in the Medical and Surgical Sciences. Edited by H. A. Hare, M. D., assisted by H. R. M. Landis, M. D. Vol. II, June, 1908. Published by Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia. $6.00 a year. This volume of Progressive Medicine, well sustains the reputation of this valuable quarterly. The subject of Hernia is thoroughly discussed by William B. Coley. William B. Coley. The other abdominal surgical procedures are taken up by E. M. Foote, who devotes 80 pages to this subject and reviews the recent literature. Jno. G. Clark covers the review of Gynecology in 102 pages and presents the kernel of the literature of the past year. Diseases of the blood, diathetic and metabolic diseases, diseases of the spleen, thyroid gland and lymphatic system are next taken up by Alfred Stengel. The subject of Ophthalmology by Edward Jackson, completes this volume. Folia Therapeutica. This is a periodical journal relating to modern therapeutics and pharmacology for medical practitioners. The circulation is 12.000. Published quarterly. Edited by A. Baginsky, M. D., Privy Councillor, Prof. of Medicine, University Berlin. and J. Snowman, M. D., M. R. C. P.. London. Price, one shilling or $1.00 each year. Quarto of 40 pages. This excellent journal exchanges with the Indiana Medical Journal. London. John Bale, Sons, & Danielsson, Ltd., 83-91, Great Titchfield Street, Oxford Street, W. Borderland Studies.-By George M. Gould, M. D., formerly editor of the Medical News, the Philadelphia Medical Journal, American Medicine, etc. P. Blakiston's, Son & Co.,. Philadelphia, 1908. Many of these essays which heretofore appeared in various medical journals are now gathered into a volume, where they are easily accessible to all desiring to reach them. It is useless to say that they are learned and interesting, since their distinguished author is known as a man of scholary attainments whose literary work is characterized in spite of its pessimism by erudition. Each one of these essays is worthy of careful reading; hence, we command them to the profession. Physical Signs of Diseases of the Thorax and Abdomen by James H. Sawyer, M. A., M. D. Oxon., M. R. C. P., Lond. 12mo, 198 pages, illustrated. Price, muslin, $2.00 net. The physical signs of disease of the thorax and abdomen are briefly described. The causes of the physical signs present in health and disease are discussed and the usual explanations of them are given. Differential diagnosis has been carefully considered. Handbook of Gynaecology by George Ernest Herman, M. B., (Lond.), F. R. C. P., F. R. C. S., author of "Diseases of Women" and "Difficult Labor" 10mo, 554 pages, with 170 illustrations. Price,extra muslin, $2.50 net. This is a book for the general practitione rof medicine and the medical student. It is a condensed edition of the larger book by the same author, "Diseases of Women." The Treatment of Gonorrhoea in the Male by Charles Leedham-Green, M. B., F. R. C. S., Surgeon to the Queen's Hospital Birmingham, etc. Octavo, Campbell's Textbook of Surgical Anatomy. W .B. Saunders & Company, of Philadelphia. 675 pages, with 319 original illustrations. Price in cloth, $5.00. This book is written by Dr. William Francis Campbell, of Brooklyn, Professor of Anatomy in the Long Island College Hospital, and the attending surgeon of the Methodist, the Swedish and the Bushwick Hospitals; also consultant to the Jamaica Hospital. The text is written upon the basis that surgery is anatomy practically applied, and that the "anatomic mind" is as essential to the surgeon as the "aseptic conscience." And so its sinpractitioner in mastering the essentials gle purpose is to aid the student and such work are necessarily the product of practical anatomy. The facts of of many minds and the accumulations of many years of past anatomical and surgical research. But the author has so presented them and so estimated and adapted their clinical values, that the work will prove of great service to the student, the teacher and the surgeon. The original illustrations are all new and appeal to one for their clearness and simplicity and the sense of relationship they give of the essential structures met in the various operations of surgery. A teacher of surgery would be only too happy if able to carry these dissections and diagrams. in his mind and transfer them with a few bold chalk marks to the board while teaching this most delightful and practical branch of anatomy. Consumption: How to Prevent it and How to Live With It. Its nature, causes, prevention, and the mode of life, climate, exercise, food, and clothing necessary for its cure. By N. S. Davis, A. M., M. D., Professor of Principles and Practice of Medicine, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago; Physician to Mercy and Wesley Hospitals; Member of the American Medical Association, American Climatological Association, Illinois State Medical Society, Chicago Medical Society, Chicago Pathological Society, Chicago Neurological Society. Chicago Academy of Sciences; Fellow of the American Academy of Medicine; author of a hand-book on “Diseases of the Lungs, Heart and Kidneys," and a treatise on "Diet in Disease and Health." Second edition, thoroughly revised. 12mo. 172 pages. Bound in extra cloth. Price, $1.00 net. F. A. Davis Company, Publishers, 1914-16 Cherry street, Philadelphia, Pa. But This book has been reprinted many times since it was first written. now it is revised in every chapter and an additional chapter added on the advantages of treatment in sanitaria and and other institutions. The book began with a series of rules for patient; these were explained and amplified to the present treatise, well adapted to both the doctor and the patient. A Treatise on the Principles and Practice of Gynecology. By E. C. Dudley, A. M., M. D., Professor of Gynecology in the Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago. Fifth edition, thoroughly revised. Octavo, 806 pages, with 431 illustrations, of which 75 are in colors, and 20 full-page colored plates. Cloth, $5.00, net; leather, $6.00 net; half-morocco, $6.50. Lea & Febiger, publishers, Philadelphia and New York, 1908. Professor Dudley's Gynecology is out in a new edition, the fifth in ten years. Dr. Dudley was first to see the advantage of presenting gynecology along natural lines of cleavage, by causes, rather than regions. He thus had not been done before, and his book was quickly appreciated, both by professors for their students' use and by practitioners for their own. It grew in favor, and some years ago the author gave it further impetus and distinction by making all its abundant illustrations original, each drawn for its special place and purpose, and therefore exactly fit. Now Dr. Dudley again responds to popularity by bringing out a new edition, thoroughly revised to date, with everything obsolete in text or picture eliminated, and with still more original drawings added. Health Circular.—The Indiana State Board of Health has issued a letter to the people entitled "Why Not Protect the Health of School Children?" In this the importance of pure air and proper heating and ventilation is urged, the evils of air starvation detailed, and the lighting and air supply of schoolrooms considered-all these with the idea, first, of preserving the health of the school children, and, second, of saving the money of the state and increasing the general well being. and happiness. "Health and Beauty',' by John V. . Shoemaker, LL. D., M. D., Professor of Materia Medica, Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Clinical Medicine, Clinical Professor of Diseases of the Skin in Medico Chirurgical College, of Philadelphia. Publishers, F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Net, $3.00. Dr. Shoemaker has written his book in a concise and readable form and yet practical. It combines, the hygiene of the skin and its modifications with the pathological conditions and their treat ment. The chapters on Disfigurement from Disease with Treatment and Eruptive Fevers cover the pathological conditions most frequently met in skin diseases. The author uses his knowledge of therapeutics to advantage in the treatment of the cases mentioned. This work ought to have a large sale. SUMMER COURSES Beginning May 1st and continuing until October 1st we present a series of Clinical Courses at reduced rates. Throughout this period, Prof. Gronnerud will personally conduct his Operative and Research Work in the Anatomical Laboratories. There will be Special Practical Courses in Bacteriology and Clinical Microscopy. For further information address M. L. HARRIS, Sec'y, 174 E. Chicago Ave., CHICAGO OF TULANE UNIVERSITY LOUISIANA Medical Department Its advantages for practical instruction, both in ample laboratories and abundant hospital materials, are unequaled. Free access is given to the great Charity Hospital with 900 beds and 30,000 patients annually. Special instruction is given daily at the bedside of the sick. Department of Pharmacy also. The next session begins October 1, 1908. For catalog and information, address DR. ISADORE DYER, DEAN, P. O. Drawer 261, NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. SUMMER ILLS such as acute indigestion, summer diarrhea, intestinal disorders and heat prostration are rapidly overcome by the use of Gray's Glycerine Tonic Comp. It promotes digestion, controls fermentation, and re-establishes normal circulation. "A ton.c of known dependability suitable for em- THE PURDUE FREDERICK CO. 298 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Indiana Medical Journal Publishing Co. PUBLISHERS DEPARTMENT. DR. F. A. MORRISON, President, Willoughby Building. 224 N. Meridian St. DR. J. O. STILLSON, Vice-President, 445 N. Penn. St. General Manager and Treasurer: DR. ALFRED HENRY, Illinois and Twenty-fourth St. = Editor: DR. A. W. BRAYTON..........Newton Claypool Building Associate Editor: DR. THEODORE POTTER, Newton Claypool Building The INDIANA MEDICAL JOURNAL is published by the INDIANA MEDICAL JOURNAL PUBLISHING COMPANY. It is The JOURNAL was established in 1870 and has just completed its 12th year under the present management. now owned by a stock company of well known professional men, each of whom is not only financially interested in its success, but who have a professional pride in its welfare. Their names are an ample guarantee for its future progress and prominence. The list of stockholders is as follows: Drs. A. W. Brayton, Geo. J. Cook, Geo W. Combs, L. C. Cline, L. H. Dunning, F. W. Hayes, b F. Hodges, E. Hadley, Henry Jameson, H. M. Lash, John H. Oliver, W. H. Lopp, Theo. Potter, L. F. Page, H. O. Pantzer, J. O. Stillson, G. V. Woollen, Wm. N. Wishard, Daniel Thompson, Wm. Flynn, F. A. Morrison, H. E. Zimmer, Mrs. E. S. Elder. The business interests are separate and distinct from the editorial department. The JOURNAL in not responsible for any medical or therapeutical views expressed in this department. All orders for subscriptions or advertising and all books for review should be addressed to the INDIANA MEDICAL JOURNAL PUB. CO. All articles for publication should be addressed to DR. A. W. BRAYTON, Newton Claypool Building. SPECIAL NOTES. Physicians Attention.-Drug Stores and Drug Store positions any where desired in U. S. and Canada. F. V. Kniest, Omaha, Neb. New Orleans Polyclinic. Post Graduate Medical Department Tulane University of Louisiana, twenty-second annual session opens November 2, 1908, and closes May 29, 1909. Physicians will find the Polyclinic an excellent means for posting themselves upon modern progress in all branches of medicine and surgery. The specialties are fully taught, including laboratory and cadaveric work. For further information, address New Orleans Polyclinic, Postoffice Box 797, New Orleans, La. The Convalescent Patient. The convalescent patient, for purposes of apt comparison, may be appropriately likened to an exhausted army that has successfully withstood. a fierce assault and rests upon its arms, after the victorious conclusion of a strenuous struggle for supremacy. The invading bacterial enemy, with his cohorts of toxins and ptomaines, attacked suddenly and viciously; the outer line of defense was overcome and the enemy strove mightily to intrench. itself in, and draw sustenance from, the fluids and tissues of the organism. The physician-the general in command of the vital army-with his active lieutenants, Rest, Food, Fresh Air and Intelligent Medication, rallied and brought forward his time-tried reserves, Nature's vast army of leucocytes, phagocytes and opsonins, and, after a "Battle Royal," drove the invaders from the field. In military operations, the careful and judicious commander, after such an active engagement, immediately sets to work to rally his shattered forces and to fill up his depleted ranks with new and fresh recruits, so that he may be fully prepared to successfully resist a possible second attack. Such should also be the aim and object of the medical general in command of the defending forces in the struggle between man and microbe. Special attention given to the reconstruction of the vital forces of the convalescent, to the end that relapses may be avoided. and he patient's energies rapidly recruited to their full fighting strength. Every possible aid, of a restorative and reconsistuent nature, should be enlisted and utilized in this essential "upbuilding" procedure, including an abundance of fresh, pure air, nutrious and readily digestible food, rest of body and brain and appropriate reconstructive medication. Although some systemic infections, such as malarial poisoning, are more essentially destructive to the erythrocytes than others, whether or not the disorder from which |