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W. H. HOSTELLEY & Co, Philadelphia, Pa.

Gentlemen:-I am well acquainted with the merits of your Syrup Hydriodic Acid. I have accomplished some truly remarkable cures with it. Can call to mind a case last spring,-La Grippe, with Bronchorrhoea-very profuse expectoration. Consultant advised I dine and Carbolic Acid, but it aggravated the case. I then put him on the Syr. Hydriodic Acid -(Hostelley's) and there was improvement from the first dose. I have tried it in but few cases of Rheumatism, but in Bronchorrhoea, Asthma or in Phthisis Pulmonalis, where there is profuse expectoration, it is a most admirable remedy, and I feel that I could not practice without it.

I am fraternally yours

Rising Sun, Iowa.


FOR fine trusses, supporters and woven goods address, G. W. Flavell & Bro., 1005 Spring Garden St,


WE have used McArthur's Compound Syrup of the Hypophosphites with entire satisfaction. For liberal sample and literature address, Mc Arthur Hypophos. phites Co., Boston.

FOR 25 cents you can have a large sample bottle of Hydrozone, by sending to Charles Marchand, 28 Prince St., New York, N. Y.

FINE trial package of Horlick's Malted Milk will be sent upon request. Horlick's Food Co., Racine, Wis.

81 Craven Park Rd., Harbsden N. W., April, 17th, '95.

I have a lady just now delivered of a healthy full grown child, who has had several miscarriages in the past through persistent and uncontrollable sickness. This time Ingluvin" floated her safe through pregnancy to this happy issue.-J. Burns Gibson, M. A., M. D., L. R C. S., L. M., Member of the Philosophical Society, Post Office and Police Medical Officer.

MESSRS. WM. R. WARNER & Co. have removed their New York Branch to the more commodious and convenient quarters No 52 Maiden Lane. This change became imperative, the space at their former salesrooms having at last become inadequate to admit of the proper conduction to their largely increased business. There will be constantly on fi'e a complete list of the leading Medical and Pharmaceutical Jou nals of the United States, and a cordial invitation is extended to the profession to consult them at any time.

GEORGETOWN, O., February 1, 1893.

Please send me two double boxes of Freligh's Tablets for Pulmonary Phthisis. Having used one box, am very much pleased with their merits. One box cured a case of Consumption in my own family. Class of 1883. R. B. FEE, M.D.

LISTERINE is taken as the standard of antiseptic preparations.

INSTEAD of a horse, try the Sterling Bicycle. Sterling Cycle Works, 236 to 240 Carroll Ave., Chicago.


The following letter of inquiry was printed in last Sunday's Sun: "If a man is sentenced to death by the electric chair, and after the current is applied and the doctor in attendance pronounces him dead, his friends revive him through this new method, or any other, does he gain his liberty or must he serve the rest of his life in prison?" The Sun's answer was as follows: "The execution under the present law in this State isn't completed until the doctors have performed an autopsy. In other words, the doctors are executioners. After they have cut the criminal up there is no doubt about his being dead." This has an ugly sound, but who can demonstrate that the Sun is wrong.-N. Y. Med. Journal.

FOR sample of the new surgical dressing, Unguentine, address Norwich Pharmacal Co., Norwich, N. Y

YOUR summer suit should be cool and yet handsome. Try E. O. Thompson, Importer, Tailor and Clothier, 1338 Chestnut St., Phila.

REPORT from H. Schoenfeld, M.D., Trenton, O.: "I find Stearn's Wine of Cod Liver Oil excellent, using it extensively in convalescence following La Grippe."

A RATIONAL treatment for various disorders of the female genital organs is the local treatment with Micajah's Medicated Uterine Wafers. Send for sample, free, to Micajah & Co., Warren, Pa.

I HAVE derived the most satisfactory results in all nervous troubles from the use of Peacock's Bromides. I frequently prescribe it and I invariably do so when bromides are indicated since I am certain to get permanent results. Fred'k G. Moore, M.D., 82 W. Dedham St., Boston, Mass.

"DEAR MISS TEACHER: I don't want you to learn my daughter any more about her insides. It ain't decent and it turns her against her vittles. Respectfully, Mrs.

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"Bald-head, bunions, corns, warts, cancer and ingrowing tow-nales treated scientifically :"

"Coleck, cramps, costiveness and worms nailed on sight:"

"Wring-worms, pole evil, shingles, moles, and cross eye cured in one treatment or no pay."

"P. S. Terms: Cash invariably in advance. No cure no pay."

N. B. (Take Notis). No coroner never yet sot on the remanes of my customers, and enny one hiring me doan't hafto be layin' up money to buy a gravestone. Come one come awl."-Stillwater Gazette.

THE new nerve sedative, Passiflora Incarnata, is prepared by John B. Daniel, Wholesale Druggist, 34 Wall St., Atlanta, Ga.

You will find Colden's Liquid Beef Tonic a reliable help to patients with weak digestive powers. Sample, also, of Svapnia, the purified opium by addressing Chas. N. Crittenton Co., 115 Fulton St., New York N. Y.

FOR fine batteries send to McIntosh Battery and Optical Co., 521-531 Wabash Ave., Chicago.

FOR reliable, scientific diphtheria antitoxin address Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich.

KINDLY see the full page advertisement, this issue, of Dr. A. G. Selman's Solanum treatment for epilepsy. Doubtless many have on hand a very obstinate case of this disease. Write to the Doctor, 680 East Washington St., Indianapolis, Ind..

Remedies in Rhyme.

By J. W. Wells, M. D., Vanceburg, Ky., in Ec. Med. Jour.

The following ingenious and instructive rhymes give, in an easy way, some of the guiding principles of the eclectic practitioners.

If the pulse is small, frequent too, Fever heavy or light,

Always give most carefully

Specific aconite.

For full and bounding pulse,

What e'er the cause may be,

Specific medicationists

Give veratrum viride.

When face is flushed and eyes are bright,

Pupils contracted too, Gelsemium in normal dose

Will pull the patient through.

In dullness, and in hebetude, To sleep a disposition; Give belladonna in full faith, And hope a glad fruition.

Fullness of the eyelids,
Swelling of the feet,
A pocynum cannabinum
These indications meet.

In itching, also burning,

Of the generative box,

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The dose of any Parvule will vary from one to four, according to age or the frequency of administration. For instance, one Parvule every hour, two every two hours, three every three hours, and so on for adults. For children, one three times a day is a minimum dose. It is claimed by many practitioners that small doses, frequently repeated, exert a more salutary effect.

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Useful in Nervous Headache, Sleeplessness, Excessive Study, Over Brainwork, Nervous Debility, Mania, etc., etc.

DOSE-A heaping teaspoonful in half a glass of water, to be repeated once after an interval of thirty minutes, if necessary. Each teaspoonful contains 30 grs. Bromide Sodium and 1 gr. Caffein.

It is claimed by some prominent specialists in nervous diseases that the Sodium Salt is more acceptable to the stomach than the Bromide Potassium. An almost certain relief is given by the administration of this Effervescing Salt. It is also used with advantage in INDIGESTION, DEPRESSION following alcoholic and other excesses, as well as NERVOUS HEADACHE, It affords speedy relief for MENTAL and PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION.




Manufacturers of Soluble Coated Pills,


Registered July 20, 1886.


Cold extremities pallid face, Capsicum in full dose Must always find a place.

Cinnamon zeylanicum, Tincture of the oil, "Certain in post-partum waste; This is "cordin' to Hoyl."

The tongue is broad and pallid,

(Continued on next leaf.)

XCELLENT Country Practice in N. Y. state given away to purchaser of property at discount. Address "L," care of THE MEDICAL WORLD.

WANTED-Competent young Catholic or Baptist, of pleasant address, as equal partner in practice and drug store. Five hundred cash. BACHMAN FOLK Pomaria, S C. NOR SALE-New house, office, barn, 13 years practice. No competition. Price $1200-half cash. German speaking. "Opportunity," care of MEDICAL WORLD.

ANTED -Position with elderly practitioner, by exper

W ienced young physician. Laige dispensary exper

ience. Highest testimonials and references furnished. Ad. dress "0," care of MED WORLD.

FOR SALE. -$2500 to $3000 yearly practice; new house, ex

cellent water, barn, etc. In California town. Good chance. Address WM. CANNEDY, Madison, Cal.

$350 of unopposed practice in growing town and

Bys horse, buggy, household goods and good will

country. "G," care of Omaha depot, Mitchell, 8. D.

OR SALE-In the beautiful lake region of Central New

FOR Talable practice and pleasant home. Address

Lock Box 12, Dundee, New York.

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a partEXCELLENT Country practice in Greenville County, S. C. given away to purchaser of property at half price. Buildings all new. Ad tress Doctor, Newry, 8. C.

ner. Address Lock Box 155, Jacksonville, Fla.

OR SALE-Good property and location. Good roads, schools, etc. Address Lock Box 204, Bluff City, Kansas. ONORRHEA CURED in twenty four hours. A new

Gtreatment; cheap easy to use and painless. Patient uses

it. Prevents orchitis, stricture and gleet. You will endorse it when you understand the principle. Prescription $1. B. P. WI:SON, M.D., Redd ck, Fla.

Doctor, We Have It.

A remedy you have often needed and been asked for in practice. Accepted and indorsed immediately by the profession. Address for explanation, with card.

TAYLOR & CO., No. 169 East 122nd St.,





A modern institution with the latest equipment, established for the treatment of Tuberculosis in all its forms. Prepared to apply the new SERUM THERAPY, the new method of constant antiseptic inhalations, gymnastics, dietetics, etc.

PAUL PAQUIN, M.D., Medical Director.

For prospectus and information ad 'ress the St. Louis Sanitarium for Throat aad Lung Diseases,
Grand and McRee Avenues, St. Louis. Mo.



A limited amount will be on the market May 1st, 1893. Demands filled in the order of their receipt, all requests of the last two months, now on file, taking precedence.

For information and literature, address



520 N. Third Street,


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Neurasthenia, Sick and Nervous Headache, Dyspepsia, Nervous Indigestion, Paralysis, Locomotor-Ataxia, Impotence, Loss of Vital Fluids (through excesses or otherwise), Debility of old Age, Mental Strain and Overwork, and in the Treatment of Mental and Nervous Diseases.

One of the oldest and best known of the Washington physicians writes as follows:

"I have used your Cerebro-Spinant, Freligh's Tonic, since its first introduction, all of ten years. When I prescribe it there is nothing more to trouble me, as I am certain of results. For a while back, though, I did not obtain the usual results. At first I was inclined to think you were letting it fall from its high standard, but wishing to use it in my own family lately, I sent to you direct for a bottle. It is sufficient to say that I think you have even Advanced the standard. The fault before was the growing evil of substitution. As every bottle of the Tonic bears the formula upon it, and conforms fully to the requirements of the Code, I now invariably, write " Original Bottle" upon every R for it, and call the attention of the patient also to it. I know your difficulty in obtaining evidence of substitution sufficient to convict the offender, but if in your advertisements, you will urge the profession to stipulate "Original Bottle" on the R, it will benefit all of us, and help to prevent the evil. We must do this with articles as valuable as your Cerebro-Spinant, which is a sine qua non with me in the treatment of certain cases, or we must take a long step backward, and do our own dispensing once more. I, for one, feel too old to undertake it."

The above, and thousands of similar commendatory letters from the profession, can be examined at our office.

40,000 Physicians

are to day regularly prescribing the Tonic. Single sample mailed to any physician on application. Should any physician wish to make a thorough test of the Tonic in his practice, send your address for our

Special Offer

on the Tonic, as well as on other of our preparations. Retail price of the Tonic, $1.00 per bottle. Usual discount to the profession. Each bottle contains 100 of the average 5 drop doses. It is never sold in bulk.


It is kept in stock regularly by all the leading wholesale druggists, but as we furnish no samples through the trade, wholesale or retail, for samples, directions, professional testimonials, price lists, etc., address


Manufacturing Chemists,

& CO.,

106-108 Fulton Street,

New York City.

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