O F PAINTING IN ENGLAND; With fome Account of the principal Artists; And incidental NOTES on other ARTS; Collected by the late Mr. GEORGE VERTUE; And now digested and published from his original MSS. By Mr. HORACE WALPOLE. To which is added The HISTORY of The MODERN TASTE in GARDENING, The Glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee, the Fir-Tree, the Pine-Tree, The THIRD EDITION with ADDITIONS. VOLUME the FOURTH and laft. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. DODSLEY, PALL-MALL. M.DCC.LXXXVI. TO HIS GRACE CHARLES, Duke of RICHMOND, LENOx, and AUBIGNY. MY LORD, T is not to court protection to this IT work; it is not to celebrate your Grace's virtues and abilities, which want no panegyric; it is to indulge the fentiments of refpect and esteem, that I take the liberty of prefixing your name to this volume, the former parts of thefe Anecdotes having been infcribed to a Lady, now dead, to whom I had great obligations. |