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63. Vocem, saying.' Ita-osurus, that (one) ought to love as if (one) were some time or other about to hate. After se adduci posse take ut crederet hoc, &c. Impuri cujusdam esse sententiam, (but) that it was the saying,' &c. Aut omnia-revocantis, 'or of one who referred all things,' &c.

Aquæ opprimitur, 'a strong flame (literally, 'the strength of flame') is quenched by a large quantity of water.' Consumptus -exstinguitur, 'a spent fire goes out.' Vis aufert, 'it is violence that takes away.' Adolescentibus is Ind. Obj. to aufert, and senibus to aufert understood. Quo propius accedam, the nearer I approach.'

Ut-diligatur, 'on the condition of neither loving any one, nor being himself beloved by any one' (literally, so that he should neither love,' &c.). Omnia-sollicita, 'all things are always causing suspicion and disquietude' (literally, 'suspected and disquieting). Pro Deum fidem atque hominum, 'in the name of gods and men.' Deum is for Deorum.

64. Carmina, 'incantations.' asunder.'

Vel, 'even.' Rumpitur, is burst

Ipsæ, (of) themselves.' Ipsa, 'of itself.' Fallax herba veneni,
'the deceptive poisonous herb' (literally, 'herb of poison'),
Veneni is Gen. of Quality, though this, like the Abl. of
Quality, is regularly accompanied by an Adjective.

Populus, poplar.' Distinguish between this word and populus,
'a people.' Lenta-vites, the twining vines form (literally,
'weave') a bower.' Insani-fluctus, 'let the mad waves lash
the shore.' Sine is Imp. of sino. Insani feriant litora
fluctus is a Noun-sentence, Dir. Obj. to sine; but in the
English 'the wild waves' is Dir. Obj. to 'let,' and 'lash the
shore' is Comp.

Habuere vos, 'held you.' Indigno—peribat, 'when Gallus lay dying of unreturned (literally, unworthy') love'? Solajacentem, 'as he lay under the lonely rock.'

Quæ-Lycoris, such as Lycoris herself may read.' Quis neget, 'who can refuse '?

Sic tibi-After sic take cum-Sicanos, and take tibi after intermisceat, which expresses a wish, as the Subjunc. often does. See note on Part I. Sec. 8, 10. Doris amara, 'briny Doris'; tibi, 'with thine' (literally, 'to thee,' Ind. Obj.) Respondent omnia sylva, 'the woods re-echo all (the strain ').

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65. Quid exornamus philosophiam? why do we set off philosophy with praises?' (literally, adorn philosophy'). Gloriosi sumus, 'do we boast' (literally, 'are we boastful'). Fodiat sane, let it stab (us), if you like.' Da, 'offer.' Hæc agrees with custos, which is of Common Gender.


65. Disciplinis, 'teachings.' Ad hanc præbuit, 'lent himself a sufficiently docile (pupil) to this weak and womanish sentiment.' Tantum mali duxit, did he think' (esse, 'there lay') in dolore.

Hoc constat, 'this is agreed upon.'

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Virorum-vincentium, 'of men (who are) brave, high-souled, patient, and superior to human (troubles'). Fuit, has there been.' Quod ergo, &c.— take thus: Nonne turpe est ergo aut extimescere veniens, (when) coming,' aut non ferre præsens (when it has) come' [literally, (when) present '], id quod, &c. Quum fit, when it exists.' Veniens and præsens agree with id. Viri autem, &c. 'Now fortitude is in the highest degree the distinguishing characteristic of a man.'

Ad satus, &c. for receiving seed, and commits to them, and, so to speak (literally, that I may say so '), implants (in them) those (seeds) which (when) grown up, may bear,' &c.

66. Justum-jubentium, 'A just man, and firm of purpose, not the fury of citizens dictating a wrong course' (literally, 'wrong things'). Propositi is Obj. Gen. to tenacem. Mente solida, 'from his fixed resolve.'

Nulla certior, &c.-Take thus: tamen nulla aula certior fine destinata, than the destined goal'; rapacis Orci manet, ' awaits.' Equa tellus recluditur, 'the earth the impartial earth is opened'). Promethea is Acc. of Prometheus.

Tendis, do you aim.'
opens equally' (literally,
Satelles Orci, i.e. Charon.
Captus, 'bribed.'

Læta, 'delighting.' After et take pertinax ludere. Transmutat,
'transfers.' Manentem, if she remain.' Involvo, I en-

Destrictus-pendet, (for him) over whose impious head hangs
the naked sword' (literally, 'for whom over (his) impious, &c.').
Saporem, 'relish.' Agitata agrees with Tempe, which is Pl.
Neuter, and is indeclinable. Trans. agitata, ‘fanned.'

67. Cuilibet-par, '(who was) equal to any one of the former kings in both the arts of peace, and the glory of war.' Instare, urged.' Instare is historical Inf. Ut quam fierent, that comitia should be held as soon as possible for the creating of a king.' Regi creando is Dat. of Purpose, Adjunct to comitia. Sub tempus, 'about the time.' Venatum is Sup. denoting Purpose. Isque dicitur, And he is said to have been the first who ambitiously sought,' &c. (literally, and he the first is said to have ambitiously,' &c.).


Accipio, 'I have heard' (literally, 'I hear'), Coll. ita deditos (esse). In sua potestate, 'their own masters' (literally, 'in their own power'). In meam-ditionem, at my disposal and that of the R.' &c. At ego recipio, 'Well, I receive (them).'


67. Princeps-ibat, 'First went Horatius.' Trigemina spolia, 'the spoils of the three twin-brothers.' Cui soror virgo obvia fuit, 'And he was met by his maiden sister.' N. B. It is some

times convenient thus to turn Active to Passive.

Cui is Ind.

Obj. to obvia. Solvit crines, 'lets fall her hair.' Fiebiliter, 'weeping,' or, 'with tears.' Oblita, &c. (You) who have forgotten (literally, 'having forgotten') your dead brothers and your living brother, who have forgotten your native land.’ Fratrum and patriæ are Obj. Gen. to oblita, which is Pf. Part. of obliviscor.

Ut bono esset, 'that for a good and moderate successor (literally, succeeding king') it would have been difficult to rival him' (literally, rivalry would be difficult'). Ad gloriam accessit, was an addition to his glory' (literally, 'was added to his glory'). Justa ac legitima regna, 'just and lawobserving kingly rule passed away.' Id ipsum, &c.-take thus: tamen quidam, 'some,' auctores sunt, say,' eum habuisse in animo deponere id ipsum tam mite ac tam moderatum imperium, quia unius esset, 'because it was (in the hands) of one man (only).' Unius is Possessive Gen. Comp. to esset.

68. Virum, 'the hero.' Vir, not homo, is used in praising a man. Italiam, to Italy.' Profugus, 'exiled.' Notice Italiam and Lavina litora, which in prose would have been ad Italiam, &c. Multum ille jactatus, having been much driven about.' Alto, 'sea' (literally, 'deep'). Passus, Pf. Part. of patior, ‘having suffered.' Dum conderet-Conington translates this, 'in the struggle to build.' The Subjunc. here denotes dependence of events, which the English 'while he was building' does not express. Latio, 'to Latium.' In prose this would be ad


Juvat, 'it delights (us).' The Subj. to juvat is ire-relictum. Manus is Subj. to tendebat understood. Primus hortatur, 'is the first to advise.'

Feta-Austris, 'teeming with raging southern blasts.' Premit, 'keeps in subjection.' Indignantes, 'in impatience' (literally, 'being impatient'). Vinciis et carcere frenat, 'curbs (them) by close custody and a prison.'

Ostendit se dextra, 'she shows herself propitious.' Dextra agrees with the Subj. Sequamur, mutemus, aptemus, are Subjunctives used as Imperatives. Requirat, 'would ask.' Clipei insigne decorum, 'the beautiful shield' (literally, 'the beautiful accoutrement of the shield '-a periphrasis). Induitur (used reflexively), 'puts on.' Accommodat, 'girds.'

69. Terra marique, 'by sea and by land.'

Cujus adipiscendi, 'of obtaining which.'

Tarquiniis, 'at


6. Indicit, 'he issues an order.' In diem certam, 'by a fixed day.' Esse quæ, (saying) that there were (matters) which.' Frequentes, in numbers.' Prima luce, 'at dawn." Invectus erat, had inveighed.'

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Ex-redditam is Dir. Obj. to ferunt, they say.' Qui vestrum
primus tulerit, (the one) of you who shall be the first to give '
(literally, 'who the first shall have given '). Tarquinium
Sextum, &c.- take thus: jubent rem summa ope taceri
Tarquinium Sextum, 'to be most carefully concealed from
Tarquinius Sextus.' Of the two Acc. that accompany Verbs
of Asking, Concealing, and Teaching, one is Dir. Obj. the
other Acc. of Limitation or Definition, which may, of
course, accompany any kind of Verb. Thus here, Tarquinium
Sextum is Acc. of Limitation, Adv. Adjunct to taceri. Expers,
'without any share.' Sorti permittunt, leave it to the lot (to
decide)'; uter, which of the two'; quum Romam rediissent
prior daret, should be the first to give.' Alio spectare, had
a different meaning' (literally, 'looked to a different quarter').
Velut si prolapsus cecidisset, as if he had stumbled and fallen
(literally, 'having stumbled he had fallen'). Scilicet quod ea
esset, evidently because she was.'

70. Gramina, 'the grass.'

Mutat vices, 'renews her changes.' Decrescentia-prætereunt, 'the rivers glide past their banks (in) decreasing (volume).'


Polum,' the sky.' Retro, 'past.' Diffinget will he alter.'

Frigora, 'the cold.' Ver-interitura, 'Summer treads on the heels of Spring, (itself) about to pass away.'

Bacchus, 'wine.' Importuna, 'pinching.' Si velim, if I wished.' Tu deneges, 'would you refuse.' Contracto, &c.

I shall better extend my small income by contracting my desires, than if I were to join the kingdom,' &c. i.e. than if I possessed the kingdom of Al., together with the M. plains.

72. Habere rationem officii, 'paid regard to (the claims of) duty.' Pro hospitio, in consideration of the ties of hospitality.'

Quod quum faciat, 'and that in doing this.' Gratiam referre was making a return.'

Ad hunc modum, 'after this manner.'

73. Quod transducat, 'as to his bringing over.' Quod bellum non intulerit, sed defenderit, 'that he had not carried on an offensive, but a defensive war' [literally, 'had not made war against (them), but had warded off (war)'].

Summis utriusque rebus, 'matters of the greatest importance to both.' Agere, to treat.' Si quid ipsi opus esset, if he himself wanted any thing' (literally, if any thing were a business to him himself').


74. Quæ legatis in mandatis dederat, which he had stated to his ambassadors in their orders.'

Hunc esse delectum earum, 'that this had been chosen nearly (in) the middle of those regions.'

Certa re,

75. Non hostem-spectare, 'that he did not regard the enemy who gave the advice, but the facts of the case.' certainty.'


Per se, 'so far as they were concerned.'

76. Eo gravius ferre, 'that he felt the more indignant.'

Re frumentaria non premi, 'that they were not pressed for provisions.'

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