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When the repeated oath and menace loud Warn from the lifted courfe the preffing crowd;

The various horrors of the narrow lane,
As the promiscuous heaps the town regain,
Where coaches, waggons, horfemen, foot-
men, all

Rush eager to the alehoufe, or the ball;
The fragrant toilette of the crowded roont,
The ftable's and the kitchen's mix'd per-

The minuet'sfobernote till midnight drawn,
The gayer dance beyond the hour of dawn,
While the vex'd gamefter at his rubber

The eternal tune ftill droning in his ears;
The fupper, circling toaft, and choral lay,
Protracted far into the folid day;
The interrupted fleep, till noon again
Roufe to the early feaft the drowsy train,
And to the bev'rage of the Indian weed
The smoking haunch and mantling bowl

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And in the produce of the ftol'n embrace The father's fenfe, and mother's wit we


Both with a parent's love their offspring kifs'd,

Prefag'd his future fame, and call'd him Whift.

Far from the courtly race, in private bred, With rural, fwains his early youth he led, The chearing folace, by the wintry fire, Till, when cach livelier game could charm Of the fat parfox or the drunken squire;

no more,

And dear Quadrille itself became a bore, Capricious tafte, with novel nonfenfe fraught,

To town this scientific ftranger brought, Taught him the courtly circle's fmile to fhare,

Till fathion bade him reign fole monarch there.

Struck with amaze, his fprightlier rivals fly
The chilling torpor of his gorgon eye:
Spadille no longer rears his fable fhield,
Pam drops his halberd and forfakes the

See where around the filent vot'ries fit,
To radiant beauty blind, and deaf to wit;
Each vacant
eye appears with wisdom

fraught, Each folemn blockhead looks as if he thought.

Here coward infolence infults the bold,
And selfish av'rice boafts his luft of gold;
Ill-temper vents her spleen without offence,
And pompous dulnefs triumphs over fenfe.
Should fome intrufive infant in the room
Disturb with jocund voiee the general

The parent's eye, with fhort-liv'd frenzy

wild, Reproves the frolic of his wifer child.Oftrange extreme of faney's wayward,


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Monthly Regifer

For JULY 1790.


LIEGE, June 15.

HE Electors of Germany, fenfible

Tthat the Liegeoife have been dri

ven to arms by the inpolitic decrees of the Imperial Chamber in support of the Prince Bishop, have refolved to present certain conditions of election or articles to be ratified by the new Emperor.

The conditions are in fubftance as follow :

"To re-establish the authority of the Imperial Chamber according to the principles of its primitive inftitution. To render the execution of its decrees lefs tardy and prolix.

To reftrain the authority of the tribunals of the Empire within just bounds, efpecially in all causes in which the fubject is concerned.

To give more energy and efficiency to the Diet, and to oblige the Emperor to ratify more readily its refolutions.

To pafs wholefome laws for the inveftiture of fiefs of the empire, and to deliver them from arbitrary and exorbitant impofitions.

That the Emperor shall not refuse a feat or voice to any member of the empire, ftill lefs to deprive him of fuch right, without the confent of the empire.

That the definitive fentences of the Emperor fhall be reftricted to articles of taxation and revenue.

That it shall be decided whether the Emperor ought to name tutors and guardians for the members of the empire in their minority.

The rights of the church fhall be aftertained.

Laws fhall be paffed to prevent the exchange of the territory between the members of the empire."

It is easy to fee that fome of thefe articles will not meet with the concurrence of Leopold II. But fuch is the ftate of Europe, that no wife princes will rafhly contend for trifles.

And it is very natural to afk-if the Electors of Germany prefume to dictate to the Emperor, will not their refpective VOL. XIL No. 67.


fubjects copy their conduct and dictate to them?


PARIS, June 19,

A decree was paffed, inviting those regiments who are ftationed in the colo nies to fend Deputies to the General Affociation.

M. Mirabeau complained of the decree by which his brother had been allowed to be apprehended, and made a motion, That as his perfon was inviolable as a member of the Affembly, he fhould immediately be summoned before them to give an account of his conduct. This motion was unanimously adopted.

M. Houdon, a celebrated artift, prefented to the Affembly the bufts of Washington and Franklin.

The members were much pleased with this mark of his refpect, and appointed the Prefident to exprefs to him their fatisfaction.

A letter was then read from the city. of Avignon returning thanks to the National Guards of France, who had faved them from the danger which threatened them. It informed us, that after an engagement of two hours, and a continual firing, they have at laft been completely delivered from the Ariftocratical Party'; feven or eight perfons have been killed

or wounded. The Citizens have now unanimously agreed to give themselves up to the French Nation, and have with that purpofe actually taken the Civic Qath.

A deputation was received of the Conquerors of the Baftile, and the Af fembly decreed, "That each Conqueror of the Baftile should, in name of the Affembly, receive a fuit of cloaths and arms complete, with his name inscribed on the fabre, and a mark of diftinction put on the coat."

M Alexander de Lameth informed the Affembly, that a deputation was


Coming to Paris from French Comte and Alface, which countries were reprefented by flaves chained round the pe deftals of ftatues. He then moved, That all fuch fymbols of fervitude should be removed.

This motion was feconded with a further demand,'that, as a confequence of the declared rights of man the titles of Duke, Marquis, Count, &c. be fupprefied..

M. de Foucault enquired how the Aff mbly would recompenfe the foldier of the Bands of Piedmont, to whom Henry II. gave letters of Nobility in thefe words, I make you Noble, and Count, for having faved the State." The Marquis de la Fayette replied, We would put down, that John, or Thomas, had faved he State

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M. Alex. de Lamech obferved, that Duk, Count, and Marquis, did not founi a bit better than Charles Fox, George Washington, or Benjamin Franklin.

After a violent debate, and much oppolit on, the Affembly at last paffed two decrees, which were in fubftance

"The National Affembly, at the approach of the great day of General Confederation, wifhing to fet all the French the example of fraternity, decrees, That the fymbo's of fervitude at the foot of the flatues of the Kings, in the capital, fhall be immediately deftroyed.

"The National Affembly, confidering that hereditary nobility cannot fubfift in a free ftate, enacts in confequence, that the titles of Duke, Count, Marquis, Baron, Excellency, Greatnefs, Abbe, and the like, fhall be abolished, and that all the Citizens fhall take in future, their family and patronymick names that no one hall in future caufe liveries

to be worn, or take a coat of arms; that incenfe fhall no longer be burnt in the temples, unlefs in honour of the Divinity; that the title of Monfeigneur shall not be given to any individual or body: but, at the fame time, no injury fhall be offered, under pretence of executing the prefent decree, or to public or private monuments, nor fhall any one be forced to lay afide his liveries in Paris till the 14th of July, and in the Provinces till the expiration of three months."

June 21.

The greateft preparations are every where going on for the celebration of the General Affociation to be held here on the 14th of July.

On the part of the River, which is opl polite to the Champ de Mars, there will be a bridge of boats.

Triumphal arches and other decora tions are getting in readiness to adorn a temple, erected for the occafion, in which will be placed a flatue of Liberty.

The King and the Royal Family, will be feated on a large fcaffolding, on which there will be placed a Throne richly adorned.

The expence of these preparations is eftimated at no less than a million.

This will, indeed, be a proud day for Frenchmen. The paffion they have fo lately acquired of Liberty, and their natural love of fhow, will be gratified at the fame time-There is foppery even in the virtues of a Frenchman!

June 24.

The further confideration of Ecclefia ftical provifion was refumed, when it was decreed, that "All the Bishops, who, after the fuppreffion of ther fees, fhall remain in the exercife of their functions, fhall have as a penfion of retreat two-thirds of their former income." Some provifion was alfo made for the inferior clergy in the fame fituation.

The Affembly was then informed by a deputy from Toulouse, that M. de Touloufe Lautric, an ariftocrate, had been arrefted by a decree of the muni cipality. The Affembly remitted the affair to the Committee of Researches.

PARIS, June 26.

of our Court, the fuccours ftipulated by The Court of Spain have demanded the family compact, and exifting treaties, in cafe it fhould be involved in a war. The general voice feems to reprobate a compliance; and it is believed the Affembly, when the affair comes before refting debates are expected on the occathem, will give a flat negative. Inte family compact, and that clofe connec fion, as the confirming or annulling the tion we have hitherto maintained with Spain, will of courfe ingrofs the attentent of our naval preparations, and the tion of the Affembly, as well as the exneceffity for maintaining a great or 1 Imall force.

Yefterday a deputation was introduced to the National Assembly, of 863 conquerors of the Baftile, with M. Bailly at their head. Thefe brave fellows, finding that the honourable decrees paffed

in their favour by the Affembly had excited the envy of their fellow citizens, and that the enemies of the com non weal were making ufe of this opportunity to disturb the public peace, generoufly declined the advantages to which they were entitled, rather than occafion any disturbance. The meeting was terminated by a decree, exprefled in these


"The National Affembly, affected with the noble patriotifmof the brave men who conquered the Baftile, accepts their renunciation of the diftinctions which had been granted them by the decree of the 19th inftant. The National Affembly farther decrees, that there shall be made, in the records of the Affembly, the most honourable mention of their generous facrifice."

The Affembly then paffed a decree, for the fale of the national domains, of which the poffeffion has not been appropriated to the King, except the forefts.

Extract of M, Neckar's Letter, on taking away the Titles of the Nobility.

"It is often neceffary in fociety, that the rights of individual citizens fhould be facrificed to the general good; but at all times, even thefe should be made with fuch circumfpection and caution, that the ordinary courfe of juftice may not be interrupted; and no attack ought to be made on rights, the fuppreffion of which can yield no real advantage to the public or individuals.-The decree, for a more equal impofition of the taxes, had, for its object, the general advantage of the people. The decree abolishing the feudal rights, which confifted of a fpecies of flavery unbecoming free people, had the fame laudable object in view. The decree which made all citizens indiscriminately eligible to the various offices of the State, took away an invidious and unfair diftinction, which one clafs of the people enjoyed at the expence of another. It is therefore with reafon that thefe laws have been esteemed popular and patriotic laws. But is it the fame with regard to titles and arms? Few people can be jealous of honorary diftinctions, because few can be in fitua tions where they can be acquired; and it is perfectly indifferent to any man, whether he devotes his labour to, or receives a falary from, a private individual, or a perfon invefted with a title. The circle, where honours are the object of vanity, is fmall. The people at large have no fuch defires. The portion of A

the community then, that will have caufe to rejoice at this fuppreffion, is fmall. They are thofe only who, by the affluence of their fortunes and elu aion, nearly approach to those in poff ffion of honorary diftinctions. And is it just 10 deprive a respectable and numerous class of citizens of thofe honorary diftinctions which form a part of their heritage, and the lofs of which will be more painful to many of them, than the forfeiture of their eftates? Is this a time to provoke and irritate the Public mind?-Te true mode of leffening the value of honorary diftinctions, is not to profcribe them, but to let them die away of themselves.

It is not by a law, that antient opinions, in a kingdom fo vaft as France, can be deftroyed; it must be by the gradual introduction of lib ral principles

the work of ages:-Care hould be taken, that the word equality be fo underftood, that it may not mean a general let velling principle. In a kingdom fo polifhed as France, a number or diftinctions do, and ought to exit. The object of a wife legiflatur fhould not be to rend thefe afunder, but fo to combine them, that one fhall not be enjoyed to the pre judice of another, and by that means preferve the union of the whole fyftem.'


July 36

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M. l'Abbe Gregoire opened this meeting by calling the attention of the Affembly to the cafe of their fellow-citizens, whom the defpotifm of minifters, as if the refources of domeftic tyranny were feanty, had inmured in foreign dungeons. Hei Itanced Spandau and Set tin, and concluded with moving that the committee of Lettres de Cachet should, in conjunction with the minifters for foreign affairs, be inftructed to procure the releafe of thefe victims of the antient defpotifm, before the fœderal union of the 14th of July. The decree was adopted with acclamation.

M. le Compte de Rofe, aged 72 years, prefented to the Affemby his titles of nobility, wishing for no other title than the brother and friend of every French


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the diftrict, and continue in office for fix years; at the end of which, the fame perfons may again be elected that the Judges fhall receive letters patent from the King-that none fhall be elected Judges under the age of thirty, and who have not been five years publicly engaged in the offices of the law-that the pleadings, reports, and judgments of the Court fhall be made public, and that every citizen fhall have a right to defend his own caufe-that the procedure by juries fhall have place in criminal trialsthat all privileges in matters of jurifdiction are abolished-that ali citizens fhall be equal in the eye of the law, and no attention paid to any diftinction of rank-that the civil laws be reviewed and reformed by the legislature, and there fhall be formed a code of laws, fimple, clear, and appropriated to the conftitution that the penal code fhall be continually reformed, fo that punishments may be proportioned to crimes, taking care that the punishments be always moderate, and fuch only as are juflified by views of public utility.

July 13.

Anfwer of the King of the French to the Deputies of the National Guarde, who, with M. de la Fayette at their head, went to his Majefly at the Thuilleries, previous to the confedera. tion, and to affure him of their loyalty and patriotifm.


I am indeed deeply affected by the teftimories of love and attachment to my family and perfon which you exprefs in the name of the confederate body of the National Guards. May the folemn day on which you are about to renew your oath to the Conftitution, dispel diffention, reftore tranquillity, and render the laws and the liberty of the kingdom triumphant. Defenders of the public peace, and friends to the laws and to liberty, remember that your first duty is to preferve peace and to obey the laws That the advantage of a free conftitution ought to be equal to al-That the more freedom you poffefs, the greater is the offence, of invading the liber. ties and properties of others, and the more criminal is every act of violence which is forbidden by the laws.

Tell your countrymen, that it would give me pleasure, could I fpeak the fame language to them all that I now hold to you-Tell them that their King is their father, their brother, yea their friend

That their welfare conftitutes his happi nefs. That he places his greatness in their glory, his power in their freedom, his riches in their profperity, and his fufferings in their misfortunes. Let thefe words, or rather these sentiments of my heart, be made known in the most humble cottages, and in the most private receffes of the unfortunate. Tell them that it is not at prefent in my power to acquaint them perfonally with thefe my fentiments. But I will watch over them with tenderness, and protect the feeble. In fhort, let the different provinces in my kingdom be made acquainted, that the fooner circumstances will permit me to accomplish the intention which I have formed, to visit them with my family, the fooner will my heart be at eafe.


The King having been informed of the meafures taken, as well by the Mayor of Paris as by the Committee of the Municipality and Federative Affembly of the faid city, to regulate the preparations for the ceremony which is to take place on the 14th; and willing to prevent all difficulties which might give rife to any trouble or hindrances, has thought neceffary to manifeft, by the prefent prcclamation, the order which feems beft to be obferved, as well for the placing the members of the Confederation, as for their march to the place of ceremony, fo that no obftacle may arife to trouble the order of the day, or to derogate from its majesty.

The general rendezvous of the differer t corps which might compofe the Confe deration, is appointed to be at the Boulevard du Temple at fix in the morn ing.

They are to march and enter the Champs de Mars in the order pointed out in the table annexed to this procla mation, which has been approved by his Majefty.

No troops but thofe on guard are to be armed with guns. No carriages can be faffered to feLow thofe of his Majefty, the Royal Family, and their train If any Deputy of the Confederation, or any other perfon invited there, fhould be in a ftate to be unable to go on foot to the Champs de Mars, they fhall receive from the Mayor of Paris a ticket permitting them the ufe of a carriage, and a Chevalier d'Ordonnance to efcort them to the military school.

M. de la Fayette, Commander-General of the Parifian National Guard, al


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