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after that led him to question her being "in foal," he sent her to a stallion, and, in about eleven months, she gave birth to a mule colt, and a few days after to a horse colt! Mirabili dictu! Superfetation! eh?

There is a colored woman in our town who had, by nature, a well formed, rather high forehead for her race. She suffered severe neuralgic (?) pains in the head for a long while, and now there is, in the centre of her forehead, a distinct depression about 3 by 3 inches, presenting the appearance of having been struck by a mallet. How do you account for it?

Finally, during a practice of twenty years, although it was my fortune or misfortune to have quite a preponderance of obstetric cases, I delivered but a single pair of twins; now, during the last 10 years, while I have been located here, I have superintended the confinement of six ladies with twins, two pairs last week, one on Christmas eve, and the other two nights after. Upon inquiry I learn that there are about 15 cases of multiple births within a radius of ten miles from our town! Immigration societies are not needed here. JOSEPH ATKINSON, M.D.,

Arcadia, La.

A New Treatment for Boils. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Having been quite subject to boils, I had one commencing and I saw at a glance his whole career. He had located under my waistband, and demanded the privilege of annoying me with pain and poultices for at least a week. The prospect was inexpressibly dreadful. To get along for the day I pulled off a big handful of cotton and laid over it and fastened to the clothing with a few stitches, and went on about my business. I forgot all about that boil. Two or three days afterwards I looked at it and found it all withered away. Since then I have tried it on myself and prescribed it for others, and that is the way it works every time. In one case I had the temerity to try it experimentally on a boil already bulged out with matter. Of course it should have been opened. The boil withered

away and the little bunch of matter remained harmless a long time, and finally disappeared. I would be pleased to hear from any reader of THE MEDICAL WORLD the result of further trials. C. ALLEN, M. D.,

Vernon, N. J.

Two for one. Our supply of THE WORLD for April and May, '94 is exhausted. We will give two copies of any other issue, either past or future, for one of these.

Cut the Gums.--Why?

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Under the heading of "Teething,' Dr. H. A. Carrington writes, and writes well. The trouble about gum cutting comes of a misconception of the subject. The irritation or nervous strain is not caused by the pain or discomfort of the gums per se-nor is the relief of cutting to the gums only ; but, as the tooth, at the stage of develop ment, is, on the root end, an open tube, filled by the pulpy matter, loaded with the earthy matter that is being deposited as the tooth is pushed forward; the mischievous work of this gum is simply in pressing the tooth back on its pulpy base, the sharp edges cutting and squeez. ing this to the terrible torture of the little one. Cutting the gums lets the tooth lift, to the great relief of the little sufferer, and, while care should be taken in this, as in all else of so much importance, it is inexeuseable not to cut, and cut freely when needed. There can be no harm done, as some may suppose, by hardening of the gums when cut too soon, nor, indeed, in any other way, if a clean, sharp blade is used. If the tooth or teeth be near the surface, carry well down to tooth, and, if need be, make a crucial incision. No inflamation of consequence follows in any case. It matters little what form or stage of suffering, everything is promptly improved. So cut, not to relieve the gums, but the tooth-forming pulp behind the tooth. H. D. BOYD, D.D.S.,

Troy, Ala.

[We commend to our readers the good judg ment expressed in this letter by Dr. Boyd, President of the Alabama Dental Association. -ED.]


Editor MEDICAL WORLD:— -On pages 231271 Prof. Waugh speaks of compound albolene spray. I have been unable to find out what it is, but conclude that McKesson & Robbins' "Albolene Spray Solution" is meant. Formula:-R. liquid albolene, eucalyptol, thymol, menthol.

"Teething," on page 440, contains "lots of sense," but don't it go the other extreme. I knew of a child who had spasms to come on every Sunday and last off and on until Wednesday. Its mother said its mouth was all scarred up where the doctor had lanced it. Another doctor cured the spasms by giving quinine, but the child was made an idiot, a victim to the first doctor's ignorance.

I agree with Dr. Erican that as no physician from this country would be permitted to practice in Canada, they should not be allowed to come over here to practice.

Mr. X. came to me for examination for life insurance. He seemed to be a good risk, a hard working, temperate man, aged thirty-eight. Agent said chemical examination of urine was not necessary. Afterwards the company wrote me requesting an examination of the urine. The specific gravity was 1.010; no albumin. Mr. T., aged 30, upon physical examination proved all right. Urine, specific gravity 1.030. Company requested another examination of urine. I made it in about 2 weeks; specific gravity still 1.030. By request of the company I made a third examination two weeks later; specific gravity 1.025. Mr. M. came to me in May; said to have had pneumonia during the winter. He complained of pain in the chest near the heart, dizziness when he stooped over, hurt to use his arms, heart weak, no cough. Under treatment he improved, but thinking that there might be something further I asked to have a bottle of urine sent to the office. I found the specific gravity 1.040; no trace of sugar. I used four or five different tests. No increase of quantity. At this time he was drinking a home made beer. He was a Ger

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Chronic Ulcer of the Leg.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Dr. Kernodle, of Clarkson, Ok. Ter., asks for a good treat ment of chronic ulcer of the leg. I desire to suggest for the doctor a plan of treatment that has answered me many good offices, not only for the kind of a trouble he speaks of, but for many others of a similar character, such as varicose ulcers, synovitis, periostitis or any form of acute inflammation, liable to terminate in suppuration, destructive of the bone and tissues. Experience has been my school, and when a man has traveled many of the beaten paths laid down by our authors and then fails, he feels that he is in straightened circumstances. The plan that I propose is not original with me and is likely not new to many. Yet, it

has answered my purpose so well in these trying cases that I shall at least suggest it.

Many years ago a physician in a neighboring village was riding along one night on horseback when his horse stumbled and threw him over his head, giving his ankle a terrible wrench, which caused congestion, inflammation and, finally, suppuration. The doctor consulted me in reference to his case, but, in spite of all we could do, the ulceration continued. His ankle was girdled around, two inches broad, save a narrow strip of integument on the posterior part of the tendo Achilles. With all of our plans of treatment the ulcer would not heal. The doctor consulted many physicians and surgeons, but to no purpose. He finally decided to go to St. Louis and see what could be done for him. He was first recommended to a German surgeon, who only made matters worse. I received a letter from him stating that he had become discouraged and was coming home to have his limb amputated. I immediately wrote, advising him to go and see Dr. Hodgins, and get his counsel. The doctor put him on the following plan, from which I got my suggestions: Take an old linen crash towel, wring it out of cold water, roll it around the limb, covering the ulcer with it and all the parts that are swollen, three or four thicknesses, then take common cotton batting, white, that is generally used in quilts, roll this around the limb, covering the toweling about two thicknesses more, then take your rubber bandage (or common muslin roller bandage will do just as well), lay it on smoothly but firmly, commencing at the foot and bandage over the cotton until you get above it, then fasten your bandage. Change this twice a day and once at night, wringing the toweling out of cold water each time. The cotton will do for a number of dressings until it becomes saturated with absorption of the water contained in the toweling; then the cotton needs to be changed for fresh. This is to be continued until relief is obtained. The Doctor's ulcer referred to was healed in twenty days, so that he could come home. He passed on to permanent recovery without an untoward symptom. Shortly after the treatment was instituted the Doctor stated that he had considerable hemorrhage from the ulcer, which promptly relieved it of its hyperemic condition, which was then followed by healthy granulation. "The art to cure such a condition is the art divine." Since the above experience the late Dr. Hodgins has indicated this plan of treatment in a monograph in the International Cyclopedia of Surgery on treatment of ulcers.

Can we not thus relieve many of our old

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Treatment and Amputation for Chronic Sore Leg. -Case of Anemic Dropsy Successfully Treated.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I was called to see Mr. F, a farm laborer, who had been suffering from the effects of a number of ulcers. He was weak, emaciated, with poor appetite, and some fever. The leg was the seat of ten or fifteen ulcers, from about middle of leg down, almost over the foot. The foot was swollen considerably, and was discharging some pus. Family history good, as far as could learn, no organic disease, previous health good. He told me it started from a brier scratch about three years ago, and that it had gotten poisoned from dew, and he had not been able to walk much since. I decided that the bone was dis eased, and told him I could perhaps cure it up, but it would break out again; but we would try and see, and if it could not be cured that it would be best to amputate.

Treatment. Internally with iodide of iron, with sarsaparilla and other alteratives. Locally, tincture of iodine once a day, and in about two weeks it was cured up, but it soon burst out again. Then I changed the local treatment, using iodoform and vaseline, and bandaging the leg. This was of no avail, and finally, with preparatory treatment, with three consultants, we amputated above the knee with anteroposterior muscular oval flaps, with all antiseptic precautions, with good results. The wound almost healed up by second intention. The wound has been since treated antiseptically. I also gave tonic to meet the indications.

Second. I was called to see a little boy, about 12 years old, with a bad case of dropsy. He had been lingering for three or four months, had been treated by one or two doctors to no avail. He was bouffed and swollen so that he could not stand alone, very pale sallow complexion. My diagnosis was that the symp toths were caused by anemia. not find any organic trouble of the Heart. He could scarcely get his breath when lying down. Treatment

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Also, Blaud's pills for some time, and Dover's powder to procure rest. Now he is sound as a dollar, and all right after five months treatment. J. C. SELLERS, M.D.,

Victoria, Ala.

Umbilical Hernia.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-In answer to Dr. J. C. Mollyneaux's inquiry, page 31, January WORLD, I would say:

I have always been able to retain and cure umbilical hernia in young children by the ap plication of a chamois covered convex button mould, large enough to keep the hernia in place, and held in position by a strip of adhesive plas ter (surgeon's rubber), two or three inches wide, encircling the body at this point. If the plaster loosens, clip off the ends, and when it gets too short apply new plaster. Use care in washing the child, and do not wet the plaster, which will remain in place for about two months,

Charlton, N. Y. F. W. ST. JOHN, M.D.,

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Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Dr. J. C. Mollyneaux, in January, 1895, WORLD, asks for help in a case of umbilical hernia in a child two and a half years old. I think I have treated fifteen (15) case? successfully by taking a piece of lead and hammering it so that it will more than cover the opening, and very slightly rounding the side which is to cover the opening; have this nicely covered with chamois, reduce the hernia, place the button of covered lead over the opening, carefully and firmly; strip it with good rubber adhesive plaster, using not less than six-possibly eight-strips, x 6 inches. This will prevent displacement of the button, and sets up an adhesive inflammation, which I have found curative in the last fifteen cases. When the plaster gets soiled or detached, remove and apply new. The so called truss for this kind of disability, with a peg half an inch long to enter the opening, only aggravates the case. Try this, Doctor-it is inexpensive. D. P. MORGAN, M.D., Clarksburg, W. Va.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Dear Sir-Please allow me to thank my young professional brethren, through the columns of your valuable journal, for their liberal response to my ad., in the November issue, for a partner. I received 106 applications for the position, and as I only needed one partner I could not accommodate the other 105. I have associated with me as partner Dr. W. T. Bertrand, of South Bend, Ind., one of the 106 that made application for the position. I found THE MEDICAL WORLD an excellent advertising medium. DR. B. F. OVERMYER,

Leiter's Ford, Ind.

Umbilical Hernia.-Tape-Worms in Children.Morphinomania Cures.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-"In moments snatched from labor and refreshment" I write this medley letter.

Replying to question by Dr. J. C. Mollyneaux regarding umbilical hernia in child, I would say that the following simple procedure has cured all my cases:

I cut a round ball of soft pine wood, according to size of rupture, sandpaper, and divide in half; place convex side of one piece in depression left on pushing hernia back; then over flat portion place adhesive plaster, crucial style, applying over all compress of folded cloth, sewed to the binder which goes around the body. Never allow the parts to reprotrude while the pad may for a moment be removed, to apply lead water, if needed, for chafing or cleansing. Tape-worms are not common in children under three years old, but I have seen them, and recall a case-a child less than two years, who passed many feet, caused by eating raw scraped beef, which was much given some twenty-five years ago to young children for intestinal troubles. Soon after I noticed other cases reported, from apparently the same cause.

Dr. Smith writes: "Dr. Woolley has no par ticular formula. He has a system of treatment"--to cure morphinomania. For some years Dr. Woolley mailed a little pamphlet to narcotic habitues about the country, in which he claimed he could send them medicines and directions to cure. Now, we know that few cases can be treated alike; that promised cures "without detention from business are a myth, and that time is an essential element for permanent cure. The drug can be stopped in ten or twelve days, but the post-treatment must be prolonged according to the case, with perfect rest of mind and body; in fact, the rest treatment, aided by baths especially, which do so much good, must be kept up for a good while, and quick return to active life has proved disastrous to a great many. Curing one's-self while attending to business is impossible. First a change. Go to some good place-Dr. Waugh's, at Chicago; Dr. Crothers, at Hartford, Conn.; Dr. E. E. Smith's, at Norwalk, Conn.; where the drug will be quickly removed, and complications with existing troubles properly met. If a man has urethral stricture, chronic malarial poisoning or other troubles, they must be cured. So a specialist must know enough to attend to these. This has been the reason why many cases have not been cured. The trouble that drove one to morphia primarily does not cease to act. A return to active life is the only sure test of cure. Any excitement, a discharge of nervous energy

from any cause may cause the nerve cells, unstable as they are, to beg in a way only those who have felt can tell. After years of habit a change cannot at once come.

"As the stream its channel grooves,
And within that channel moves,
So doth habit's deepest tide

Groove itself, and there abide."

A man may be able to walk ten miles, and appear well, but one week of steadily active life, with any pressure of anxiety or excitement, will soon show him that longer time is required for cure. I would also emphasize the need of a quiet life during convalescence, and here is where the post treatment has often failed. Many have relapsed through celebrating their recovery while in the new made state of mind and body, so susceptible, and while idle, too, with newmade friends or brother patients. These cases often act and react on each other, and one bad patient may contaminate others in a sanatarium, so as to keep the superintendent anxious, at a time when inhibition is weak. Those who enter sanatariums for cure should remember these practical points. So, then, with the modern treatment of to-day the drug is quickly removed under sedation, as a rule, while the insomnia, neuralgia, bowel atony, nervous erethism, weak heart, and all complications must be attended to, and time taken for the post-treatment, the individuality of each case being carefully noted as a guide to all. No stimulants or narcotics should be allowed. Alcohol, codeine, and even tobacco, for a time, with some, should be interdicted. The bromides, trional, physostigmine, sparteine, strychnine, digitalin, electricity, and especially baths, all have their place. Sometimes codeine, carefully managed, unknown to patient, especially if a medical man, may be well used, and certainly affords great relief from suffering. There is no doubt but the codeine habit can be formed, and I have known it to be used too carelessly. A completely "royal road" to cure cannot be attained with absolute safety. Alcohol, codeine, physostigmine, spare patients much suffering, but anything producing a state of euphoria should be regarded with suspicion. Alexander Dumas, fils, well said: "The senses have their memories.' The force of this expression is well realized by the ex-morphia habitué; any state approaching euphoria is too much a reminder. My first opium patient, an exceedingly talented man, handed me Harper's Magazine for August, 1867, in the summer of that year, asking me to read an article with the caption, "What shall they do to be saved?" It was written by Fitz Hugh Ludlow, a literateur, who, I was told, was addicted to cannabis

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indica. Up to that date opium cases had been so notoriously hopeless, that every straw in the way of a promise of relief was eagerly grasped. Ludlow had perhaps shifted from one narcotic to another, for he offered a hope of cure to opium-eaters by taking hemp. We know now, and we find it false hope, most of the "fake cures' are simply the device of swapping one devil for another; and so alcohol, codeia, cannadis, et hoc genus omne, but take place for a time; soon or late they are cast aside for the old King of Pain, often as matter of necessity, or choice of change.

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I have written more than I intended, but I have seen the lives of many of our own guild blighted by this octopus of evil, and since the advent of the facile hypodermic syringe, they have fallen in larger numbers, looking to this as a quick friend when in pain, only to find an ambushed enemy. Time, patience, proper care, will cure now almost all cases that are free from organic disease, who are not vicious, and who earnestly wish for a permanent cure. But I don't think Dr. Waugh, or any other "hightoned, honorable gentleman," will send any medicines by mail, to cure people at home, "without detention from business."


Norwalk, Conn.

The Hot Springs of Arkansas. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-The questions are very frequently asked, wherein are the Hot Springs of Arkansas so much more beneficial for certain classes of troubles than any other resort? Why is it that cures are affected here more speedily, more readily, more thoroughly than anywhere else? Why is it that hundreds who have suffered for years, visited many famous springs, both in this country and abroad without satisfactory results, have finally come to Hot Springs and obtained the desired relief? There is no doubt that the chief reason of this exists in the hot water, yet what are the exact chemical constituents which this water contains, and how these constituents are combined, is as yet an unsolved problem even to the most expert analytical chemist. That there is a wonderful potency in this water is without a doubt, but whether this be due to free gases or electricity or some as yet undiscovered and undefined force, the clinical facts have proved and are constantly proving with thousands and thousands its remarkable curative properties. There is no doubt that one of the greatest therapeutic effects of the hot water is its eliminative property. Under the advice of the physician the patient generally drinks large quantities of the water, and is also given a regular bath at a given temperature, and some

times a vapor bath every day for a certain length of time. On this account larger doses of powerful drugs can be admitted with little or no inconvenience than could possibly be the case elsewhere. Mercury by inunction is given in from one to two drachm doses daily, and for weeks at a time without salivating. Iodide of potassium, one of the greatest, if not the greatest of the eliminators and alteratives in the whole pharmacopeia, the administration of which is generally so trying to the stomach, is given at Hot Springs to the extent of from 100 to 600 grains a day. It has been my experience, however, that the idodide of potassium is rendered more effective if it be given with tongaline. My reasons for this are that while iodism is frequent, in fact is desirable in most cases, yet by the use of tongaline the stomach becomes more tolerant and the liver is stimulated, which, under these circumstances, frequently exhibits a tendency to torpidity, on account of the extraordinary action of the iodide and the hot water upon the emunctories. While stimulating the latter, it is of the greatest importance that the liver, the main organ in the work of elmination, should be considered, and it is for this purpose that tongaline is of much benefit, besides correcting the neuralgic and rheumatic features, which almost invariably present themselves.

The discipline enforced at Hot Springs upon all patients contributes also largely to the bene ficial results. Every bath must be given according to certain rules and regulations of the United States Government, which fact constitutes a great safeguard, and guarantees to the physician that his prescription for the bath will be properly carried out. Diet and daily habits are regulated to a very large extent, smoking and drinking, at least immoderately, being prohibited; in fact Hot Springs might be termed an enormous "walking hospital" and the "nation's sanitarium."


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