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spring up from healthier sources. is tinged with the acquired evil.

Even the natural good almost worthless to another. First of all, however, of the secular library, is the dictionary, as complete as possible. Show me the teacher's library and I will tell you pretty A good encyclopedia would be my next choice. Then accurately what that teacher is doing in the school room; some good works for teachers from the professional standwhether the influence is for good or evil. In a general point, their tools. One good standard history of the more way, if I find a few copies of the sensational dime novel in important countries. A large atlas of the world. And in the private room, I look for sensationalism and unnatural the line of fiction and lighter literature such authors as aims and purposes among the pupils. But I would almost Dickens, Elliott, Scott, Irving, Hawthorne, Thomas Hughes, as soon find this as a series of purposeless, soulless, sense-Thomas Reade, J. G. Holland, and a host of others may less, dish-watery stories the whole effect of which is nega-] be selected from almost at pleasure. I for one would not tive, a dwarfing of every intellectual capacity by a total fear to trust a child of mine with the possession of such a failure to appeal to and cultivate any. Sometimes I library for his private inspiration. tempted to fear that the devil's work-shop in the shape of an idle brain more than the devil himself.




B. B. LOUGHead, M. d.

I do not wish the impression to go that I am opposed to the reading of fiction. I believe we could better afford to suddenly lose all of nearly every other class of literature There are certain accidents and emergencies that frethan our true poetry and fiction. They appeal to the soul quently occur among school children; while at play or where their more solid brothers only storm the intellect. about their school duties, that require immediate and The best thoughts of all the ages past and present are crys-skilful attention. If the teacher knows exactly what to do tallized into our fiction. Give me a volume teaching cer- when any one of these emergencies arises, it is most fortain moral truths in the shape of the most attractive essays tunate for the sufferer, and very creditable to the teacher, and discourses, and one in which the same are equally giving to both pupils and parents increased confidence in well presented in the form of a novel, and I would place his ability. But if an emergency arise and the teacher be the lattter in the hands of a child first; not because it is found unable to do the needful thing, mark you, the lost more attractive but because it is more practical, a word prestige can never be regained, for every old woman in the picture showing the double purpose of illustration and district will declare her ability to have done just the right advice. thing.

So long, however, as there is an opportunity of retaining The following are the most common conditions which both I would much prefer to make the most of the privi- call for skilful treatment on the part of the teacher, viz: lege. Even the not strictly orthodox "moral novels" may fainting, convulsions or fits, wounds, hemorrhage from be advantageously resorted to occasionally. By this I do nose, mouth, or cats, sprains, broken bones, and disloca not by any means intend to admit literature contrary to tions. good morals, but those in which the "moral" is not fasten

Fainting is one of the most common and terrifying ac

ed on like a rag to a sore thumb; a tale told for itself, and cidents that you will meet with. The suddenness of the capable of standing on its own legs. A certain professor attack and the deathly appearance of the patient are likely in one of our prominent colleges confesses to an approval to terrify the pupils and try the nerve of the teacher. of such tales as "The Arabian Nights" to a limited degree, Fainting or syncope is caused by a sudden anæmia or lack as an exerciser of the imagination. In fact, if we think of it, many of the triumphs of science have been forced to come through channels of improbability almost as great as these fables, and have required a good deal of the Jules Verne style of imagination in their conception. But, like a ball of twine, a little will go a good ways.

of blood in the brain. This loss of blood supply is caused by failure of heart action, and may be precipitated by a variety of causes. If a pupil fall over in a faint, what shall I do? is a question every teacher should be able to answer without hesitation. To restore the patient to conscious ness is the thing desired, and that can be brought about It is always easier to criticise than to advise. This is by securing a return of blood to the brain. Now, I beg of particularly true in regard to the best choice of books for you, don't rush out and get a pail of water and dash it on the private library, as the ideal to be aimed for is of such the little sufferer. That is what the aforementioned old uncertainty, and the various conditions that surround indi-woman would do. Quietly place the patient upon the viduals render that which would be of high value to one floor, or upon a couch near an open door or window, with

the head a trifle lower than the body if possible, thus fav- When you have been working and have taken your coat oring the return of blood to the brain by force of gravity. off, be sure to keep in motion all the time, so as not to Now loosen the clothing so that there will be no impedi- become chilled. When the work is over, put on your coat ment to free action of heart and lungs. By this time, prob- at once. Do not get chilled by any carelessness. When ably some one has brought the time-honored pail or feet get wet, change boots and stockings at earliest opporpitcher of cold water. With this bathe the head and face, tunity. Change all wet or damp clothes. These hints are not by pouring, but by wetting the hand and gently wash- to those who desire to avoid pneumonia, a disease alarming temples and face. No attempt should be made to get ingly prevalent, and noted for its selection of the strong the patient to swallow until there is a fair return of color and vigorous as its victims. A word to the wise, &c. to the face and lips, as raising the head may precipitate The cold season of the year is the time when the contaanother attack of syncope. There will be no necessity for gious diseases of childhood-diphtheria, scarlet fever, dosing the patient with stimulants after a fair action of the measles, &c., are most prevalent. Keep your children heart is restored. If the means here suggested do not away from houses where diseases prevail, and if they berecover the patient from the attack or bring about signs of come epidemic in your neighborhood it may be necessary recovery within five to ten minutes from the time of at- to keep the children from the day and Sabbath schools It tack, a physician should be called it one can be found; if is much better to close all schools promptly when any of not, the pupils' parents should be notified and the respon- these diseases threatens to become epidemic. It is a good sibility shifted from the teacher. After the pupil has re-plan to give your children a cup for their own use at school. covered sufficiently, he should be sent home for the day, If children are kept free from scarlet fever and diphtheria attended by another member of the family or an older until 16 or 18 years of age the danger of contracting them pupil. is greatly lessened.



Convulsions of an epileptic character are frequently If in spite of all your care they do catch these diseases, with, and if a pupil that is known to be an epileptic, or nurse them carefully, and then be very careful of them "subject to fits," as the phrase goes, suffers an attack in while convalescent (for many children who have escaped the school room or in the yard, the most that can be done scarlet fever and diphtheria die of subsequent exposure.) is to use sufficient restraint to keep him from injuring him- After these diseases, the eyes are often in a weak state for self by striking the head or hands against the floor or fur- a long time, and the children should not be permitted to niture, and if possible thrusting a cork or wooden gag be- use them to excess. Many children should be kept out of tween the teeth to keep the sufferer from biting the tongue school until the eyes have recovered their tone. and lips. If the patient is not an epileptic, but a convul- ever a child complains of its eyes aching, don't allow it to sion is precipitated from some cause unknown, the sufferer use them in studying or doing fine needlework. At night, should be kept as quiet as possible and the parents, or a don't allow them to be crowded far off from thelight. Their physician, or both, should be summoned, for medical aid eyes are better than those of the older people, it is true, will probably be required to remove the cause and prevent but, like older eyes, they can readily be injured too. further attacks, or to treat the patient for some disease of which the convulsion is the initial symptom.-Ohio Educational Monthly.


If you have vegetables stored in the cellar, see that they are not left to decay and thus to make foul air for the rooms above. Of the vegetables commonly placed in the cellar, cabbage probably becomes the most offensive. It is far the better plan to bury this vegetable in the garden in Dress warmly, especially whenever exposed to unusual a barrel or box, where it will keep fresher and nicer than cold. Whenever about to take a ride, put on your heav- in the cellar. Of one thing the head of the family may be iest clothes, the extra heavy overcoat, and then throw into sure, and that is, if there is foul air in the cellar, it will the buggy or sleigh several extra robes or blankets. One find its way into the living-rooms above. never knows how cold it may be before he again reaches As it is difficult to keep the cellar air pure in winter, home. At sales wear your overshoes and heavy overcoat, there should be some means devised whereby it may be even on warmish days, and don't stand in any place where ventilated. This will be best accomplished by making an there is a current of cold air blowing. At funerals, don't opening into a flue which is in a chimney kept warm all take your hat off on a cold day and stand in that position. winter. Such a flue will have a draft, and will do much Some ministers seem to desire other funerals at which to to keep the air in the cellar pure. When there is a furofficiate, by their needlessly long services at the grave. nace in the cellar, this will use up the foul air and lessen

the need of any special ventilation. A means of maintain- pupil was on her dignity now-pouting a little, you know ing good health is by the free use of fruits and green vege--and answered quietly, but firmly: "I don't understand tables. There may not be very much nourishment in some you. I don't know what you mean." vegetables and fruits, but there exists in them some food I began to think a little-a rare occupation, I know, for elements not in preserved or dried articles, and these a school teacher to engage in—but I did. I am glad I did elements are of great use to the body. Thus often a few not "speak out"; for if I had done so, how those children barrels of apples placed in the cellar may be the means of would have laughed at me. But I thought, "that's a very keeping the whole family in vigorous health all winter. good answer.

Cranberries may be expensive, but doctors and medicine

The teacher made some little apology for the pupil, are more expensive. This winter, when all fruits are so which I understood to mean that this pupil was one of the very expensive, we shall have to depend more largely upon unfortunates, inasmuch as she was not in this particular our garden products; viz., potatoes, beets, carrots, pars- school, or under the care of this particular teacher "last nips, salsify, turnips and cabbage. At, the earliest possi-year." I forget which it was. I do not blame the teacher ble moment in the spring a lettuce bed should be started for this. No teacher should ever blame herself for what under glass. The writer has taken up a lot of rhubarb children do not know. If I had the power I would disroots and stored them in boxes of earth in the cellar, to be charge any teacher who would admit that she was wrong forced in January and February. Try eating more vege-about anything. I say this because I am quite sure I tables and less meat this winter.-DR. G. G. GROFF, in would never have occasion to use such a power. The Cultivator. After the little apology the teacher turned to the room and up went forty or fifty hands. Things were getting serious. I felt ashamed of myself. There were only two people in that room who could not tell what part of speech a girl was, and I was one of the two. Anyway I would find out, and this would be a little piece of grammatical inany-formation I had never before stumbled on, as it were.



This is not "A how to teach


article. If it's thing, it is a "How not to teach -" I will tell only, but I will call no names, and at the outset apologize if anyone becomes offended.

By chance I was in the city of -. As I am not often there, I concluded to improve the occasion and visit the N- street school, said to be the best in the city system. I saw many good thing there, and one very funny thing, I wish to talk about this funny thing; because I have since found out that this funny business is not confined to this particular school, nor to this particular city.

There is some utility in funny things. They serve to entertain visitors who are in search of pedagogical novelties, even if they damage children.

The teacher selected a bright boy, one who held his hand up high, and said: "Can you tell us?" I am glad she included me in the "us"; for I was dying to know what part of speech that girl was. Girls, I had thought, were generally a whole grammar, bad syntax and all.

The answer came proudly from the bright boy-"A noun,"-and down went forty or fifty hands, which meant "that's right, wish it had been me." I tried hard to catch the grammatical inspiration which was abroad, but I could


The teacher asked: "If you do anything, what part o spech will it be?" I heard the question distinctly, but I did not catch the idea. I was not sure about the anteceI was in the eighth grade room; about fifteen pupils dent of the word "it." Perhaps "it" referred to the thing were on their feet. The teacher, a very fine one, or she done, perhaps not. The fact is-if I must tell the truth--I would never have been in that school, selected a handsome was so glad that I had found out that a girl was "a noun," girl, one of the largest in the grade, and asked: "What that I could not think of things of minor importance. part of speech are you?" The pupil hesitated and asked I began to reflect-for sometimes, under peculiar cirto have the question repeated. The teacher complied, and cumstances, even a school teacher may be guilty of a asked: "What part of speech are you-you yourself?" strange act-and these are my reflections: "The little old The pupil became confused, turned red-blushed, I should grammar they used to make me study, though not larger have said—and answered: I don't know what you mean." than a third reader, I am sure, had between its lids a thousThe teacher administered a delicate rebuke and for the and nouns. But here is a large school room, packed full, third time asked: "What part of speech are you?" The and yet it will accomodate only about fifty or sixty such

nouns as this. But then there were no electric lights in those days, consequently no such nouns. The books were not large enough to hold them-their fathers and mothers could not spare them-and so they were left out.

But in the old books, or out of the old books, I determined to parse the noun if it should prove the last act of my grammatical existence.

And so I began: A noun, but the reason given by the books would not fit. That girl was no name, no combination either of letters or sounds, she was flesh and blood, and handsome too, with a conscious blush of dignity on her fair young cheek.





'Twas a jolly old pedagogue, long

Tall and slender, and sallow and dry. .
His form was bent, and gait was slow,
His long, thin hair was as white as snow:
But a wonderful twinkle shone in his eye;
And he sang every night, as he went to bed,
"Let us be happy down here below;
The living should live, though the dead be dead,"
Said the jolly old pedagogue, long ago.

He taught his scholars the rule of three,
Writing, and reading, and history, too;
He took the little ones up on his knee,
For a kind old heart in his breast had he,

And the wants of the littlest child he knew.
"Learn while you're young," he often said;
"There's much to enjoy, down here below;
Life for the living, and rest for the dead!"

But any way she was a noun, if for no other reason than because so taught by the city schools of - A common No-no girl is common who can look a teacher of an eighth grade in the face, and reply dignifiedly to a silly question: "I don't understand you. I don't know what you mean." A proper noun. No. Five feet, two inches high-in length alone, not to speak of diameter, circumference and avoirdupois, she would fill eighteen lines or half a page of any grammar, and be absolutely unpro- With the stupidiest boy he was kind and cool, nounceable. It makes one shudder to think of carrying The rod was hardly known in his school: Speaking only in gentlest tones; around a visiting card or envelope with a proper noun on it weighing ninety-five pounds, and it not grown.

Said the jolly old pedagogue, long ago.

Whipping, to him, was a barbarous rule,

And too hard work for his poor old bones;
Besides, it was painful, he sometimes said.

"We should make life pleasant, down here below:
The living need charity more than the dead,"
Said the jolly old pedagogue, long ago.

A collective noun. Hardly. She represented but one and not being over fourteen years old, I am sure she was single-she was singular too, no one in that large room would stand up with her. I call this noun her, as a mat-He lived in the house by the hawthorn lane, ter of personification. When she answered: "I don't understand you. I don't know what you mean," she was a collected noun, but I could not remember such a class


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I am sure she was not an abstract noun, she was too material for that. I concluded at last that she must have been a kind of special noun, invented and copyrighted by the public schools of the city of Any way a Singular number-but her teacher called her "thirty-five," so she may have been plural, but she looked single and singular to me. Feminine gender, I could not be mistaken in this. I could tell by her dress and dainty white apron, by her bonny blue eyes and bright sunny hair. In the objective case. The object of her teacher's passionate commiseration, an object of ignorance in the eyes of her classmates, and the object of my sincere sympathy and unqualified admiration, and "governed by" a defective system of grammatical perception, which does not distinguish between an object, and the name of the object, "according to rule." (Number forgotten.) "All teaching must be reduced to object lessons," however ridiculous the conclusion arrived at."-Southern Edacational Journal.

With roses and woodbine over the door.
His rooms were quiet and neat and plain;
But a spirit of comfort there held reign,

And made him forget he was old and poor.
"I need so little," he often said;

"And my friends and relatives here below
Won't litigate over me when I am dead,”
Said the jolly old pedagogue, long ago.
He smoked his pipe in the balmy air,

Every night, when the sun went down,
While the soft wind played in his silvery hair,
Leaving his tenderest kisses there,

On the jolly old pedagogue's jolly old crown.
And feeling the kisses, he smiled and said,-
"'Tis a glorious world, down here below;
Why wait for happiness till we are dead?"
Said the jolly old pedagogue, long ago.
He sat at his door one midsummer night,

After the sun had sunk in the west;
Made his kindly old face look warm and bright,
And the lingering beams of golden light
While the odorous night-wind whispered, "Rest!".
Gently, gently, he bowed his head.

There were angels waiting for him, I know;
He was sure of happiness, living or dead,
This jolly old pedagogue, long ago!

- Educational Courant.



We beg to acknowledge our indebtedness to the Ohio

A WEEKLY EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL, Educational Monthly for its indorsement of one of our

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We give below the names of twenty-six extra good standard books, any one of which will be sent free as a premium to each subscriber to the WEEKLY EDUCATIONAL NEWS who will send $1.50 in advance for the paper for one year and 10 cents to pay postage on the book.

1. Robinson Crusoe.

2. Arabian Nights Entertainments.

3. Swiss Family Robinson.


Don Quixote.

5. Vicar of Wakefield.

6. Dickens' Child's History of England.

7. Last Days of Pompeii.

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25. Swineford's Literature for Beginners. 26. Hints and Helps on English Grammar. These books are all bound in cloth and well printed. They

will grace any one's library.

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For $4.00, we will send the Forum and the weekly EDUCATIONAL NEWs one year, the cash must acc (m pany the order.

For three dollars, we win cend the EDUCATIONAL NEWS weekly for one year, and Macaulay's History of England vols., cloth, worth alone $3.75

editorials on the Grube Method. The Grube Method was largely a fad, and it was so recognized by the abler mathematicians from the start, but like all other educational fads and hobbies it was heartily endorsed by the sensationalists. How absurd must a theory be to escape their indorsement?

The Monthly adds on this subject,

"If teachers generally would strive as hard to make for themselves a reputation for level-headed common sense, for good judgment, as many do the first in every new thing, fewer mortifying mistakes would be made, and the profession of teaching would take higher rank."

In speaking of Philadelphia's experience with this fad, the Monthly says also,

"Dr. Brooks further testifies that the experiment in Philadelphia, resulted, as was to be expected, in perplexity and confusion.

"It may be added that trial was made of the system for one year in Akron, twenty years ago. It was condemned and discarded by unanimous vote of the teachers, mainly on the ground that the young minds were perplexed and confused by the effort to learn too many processes at once."

In this connection it may not be out of place to quote directly from the Report of Supt. Brooks of the Philadelphia Schools, on this question. In speaking of the Grube Method he says,

"The system of combining four or five operations from the beginning of instruction in arithmetic is opposed alike to the philosophy of the science of numbers and the natural development of the mind of the child. Addition and subtraction are fundamental

processes of arithmetic, while multiplication and division are derivative processes from the fundamental ones. The old writers on arithmetic were correct in saying that multiplication is a short process of addi tion, and division is a short process of subtraction. To attempt to teach these four processes simultaneously is thus to attempt to teach derivative processes before the child has a clear idea of the fundamental ones. In the historical development of the science

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