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45. The Giver of the Holy Spirit. 7—6—8

When the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me.JOHN XV. 26.

SAVIOUR, I thy word believe,
My unbelief remove;

Now thy quick'ning Spirit give,
The unction from above:
Show me, Lord, how good thou art,
My soul with all thy fulness fill,
Send the witness, in my heart
The HOLY GHOST reveal.

2 Blessed Comforter, come down,
And live and move in me;
Make my ev'ry deed thine own,
In all things led by thee:
Bid my sins and fears depart,

And with me vouchsafe to dwell:
Faithful witness in my heart
Thy perfect light reveal.

3" Whom the world cannot receive,"
Lord, manifest in me:

SON OF GOD, I cease to live,

Unless I live to thee:

Make me choose the better part,
Display thy love, my pardon seal,
Send the witness, in my heart,
The HOLY GHOST reveal.

46. The Guide of his People. 8-7-4.

And he led them on safely.-PSALM lxxviii. 53.

SAVIOUR thro' the desert lead us :
Without thee we cannot go;
Thou from cruel chains hast freed us;
Thou hast laid the tyrant low.

Let thy presence

Cheer us all our journey through.

2 With a price thy love has bought us; (SAVIOUR What a love is thine!) Hitherto thy power has brought us; Power and love in thee combine. Lord of Glory:

Ever on thine Israel shine.

3 [Thro' a desert waste and cheerless, Tho' our destin'd journey lie; Render'd by thy presence fearless, We may ev'ry foe defy.

Nought shall move us,

While we see our SAVIOUR nigh.

4 When we halt (no track discovering,) Fearful lest we go astray;

O'er our path thy pillar hov'ring,
Fire by night and cloud by day,
Shall direct us;

Thus we shall not miss our way.]

5 When we hunger thou wilt feed us; Mauna shall our camp surround: Faint and thirsty thou wilt heed us;

Streams shall from the rock abound;
Happy Israel!

What a SAVIOUR thou hast found;

6 [When our foes in arms assemble,
Ready to obstruct our way,
Suddenly their hearts shall tremble;
Thou shalt strike them with dismay:
And thy people

Led by thee, shall win the day.]
7 Then lead on, Almighty victor,
Scatter ev'ry hostile band;
Be our guide and our protector
Till on Canaan's shores we stand.
Shouts of Vict'ry

Then shall fill the promis'd land.

47. The Hiding place of his People. 7-6-8.

And a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, an a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place; as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land.ISAIAH Xxxii. 2.

To the haven of thy grace,
O Son of man, I fly;
Be my rest and hiding place
Whene'er the storm is high;
Save me from the furious blast,
A covert from the tempest be;
Hide me, JESUS, 'till o'er past
The storm of sin I see.

2 Welcome as the water spring
To a dry, barren place,
O descend on me, and bring
Thy sweet refreshing grace!
O'er a parch'd and weary land
As a great rock extends it's shade,
Hide me, SAVIOUR, with thy hand,
And screen my naked head!
3 In the time of my distress

Thou hast my succour been,
In my utter helplessness,
Restrain me still from sin !
First and last, in me perform
The work thou hast begun;
Be my shelter from the storm,
My shadow from the sun.

48. The Hiding Place of his People. L.M.

Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance.-PSALM XXXii. 7.

HAIL sov'reign love that first began, The scheme to rescue fallen man! Hail matchless, free, eternal grace, That gave my soul a hiding-place! 2 Against the GOD that rules the sky I fought with hand uplifted high; Despis'd his rich abounding grace, Too proud to seek a hiding-place. 3 Indignant justice stood in view, To Sinai's fi'ry mount I flew ;

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But justice cried with frowning face,
"This mountain is no hiding-place.'
4 Vain ev'ry hope, until I heard,
The voice of mercy in thy word,
Proclaiming free, redeeming grace,
And JESUS as my hiding-place.

5 Since then, tho' various tempests roll,
And threaten to o'erwhelm my soul;
Still have I found in ev'ry case,
That JESUS is my hiding-place.

6 A few more fleeting years at most,
Will land me safe on Canaan's coast;
Where I shall see him face to face,
JESUS, my glorious hiding-place.

49. High Priest. L.M.

Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us Kings and Priests unto GOD and his father to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. Behold he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.REV. i. 5 to 7.

NOW to the Lord, that makes us know
The wonders of his dying love,
Be humble honours paid below,
And strains of nobler praise above.

2 'Twas he that cleans'd our foulest sins,
And wash'd us in his richest blood;
"Tis he that makes us Priests and Kings,
And brings us, rebels, near to GOD.

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