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emaciated wife, as I gently alluded to her altered situation; her only reply was, "O sir, my poor husband has fallen into bad hands; but even situated as I am, we could do very well, for my father assists me a little, and I have learned to have but few wants, if my dear S could only be prevailed upon to give up his unsteady habits. Sometimes, sir, he will keep from strong drink a whole day, but then one and another of his miserable associates come and draw him away, and it appears as if he became worse for his short abstinence."

I parted from this deeply afflicted woman with a broken heart, and for several months I heard nothing of her, or her unfortunate partner, till a few weeks since, on taking up a newspaper, I saw that in died suddenly

aged twenty-nine. I immediately wrote to a friend to inquire into the particulars of his death, and was informed that he dropped down in a grogshop, and was carried home dead to his miserable and afflicted wife. Such are the effects produced by the introduction of distilleries into the villages of our country; and the use of ardent spirits, even in small quantities. They demoralize the inhabitants; carry sin, poverty, and distress, into the bosom of domestic happiness. War has slain its thousands, but rum its tens of thousands. War kills the body, but rum both body and soul.


AMONG the fashionable part of society, wealth and accomplishments are the standard of respectability. For the want of these, persons will refuse acquaintance with those who are really noble and virtuous; and with them, they will receive into their friendship persons wholly destitute of either goodness or greatness.

If a lady can dance gracefully, paint elegantly, play well on the piano-forte, dress fashionably, talk fluently a whole evening about nothing, and appear wealthy, she is a valuable and respectable person: though she may be proud, envious, passionate, self-willed, contemptuous, and fretful-though she cannot put the plainest garment together, tell the latitude of the place in which she lives, or in what zone, or even what continent, she resides. She can mention the titles and authors of twenty novels; but if you ask her opinion concerning any of the celebrated poets and historians of the day, she is utterly at a loss, and is obliged to confess that she did not so much as know there were such authors in

the world. If you spend an evening with her,you must dispense with all solid and improving topics, and be entertained with an account of the latest fashions received from France, and of all the courtships, broken engagements, intended marriages, and runaway matches, in the town or neighbourhood. If you can dwell on these subjects with delight and loquacity, you are a welcome visiter; but if you are so awkward and unfashionable as to be dull on these interesting and sprightly subjects, you are an unwelcome guest, and the sound of the clock striking ten is music, because it announces the hour of separation.

If a gentleman can play cards well, and carry himself genteelly in all polite company; if he attend the theatre two or three times a week, has a large share of gallantry, can talk nonsense with the ladies, flatter slyly and smoothly, and has a superficial knowledge of history, politics, &c., he is esteemed a valuable acquaintance, though he cannot solve a single problem in Euclid, account for a solitary phenomenon in nature upon philosophical principles, tell on which of the planets he dwells, or the distance, magnitude, or revolutions of any of the heavenly bodies. Or he may be able to tell you the continent on which he lives, have intelligence enough to know what straits separate America from Asia, what isthmus connects Asia with Europe, which is the most southerly cape and the most northerly island in the world. But mathematics and metaphysics are things about which he never troubles his head. Like the poor and ignorant country girl, he thinks he "has got larnin enough." Or he may be able to read and converse in different languages, and be acquainted with all the celebrated authors in each of them;-he may have travelled from the Cape of Good Hope, to Nova Zembla, and from Cape Horn to mount Elias and the isle of God's mercy, and have circumnavigated the globe;-he may have a thorough knowledge of all the sciences, be a good mathematician and sound philo. sopher, and at the same time not have one principle of virtue in his heart-be none too good to oppress the poor, take the name of God in vain, get exasperated at trifles, fight a duel: still he is a gentleman, and a very respectable one too.

Now, no people have more vanity and self-importance than these. They imagine they are worthy persons, and really merit all the preference they enjoy. They look down upon virtuous labouring people with a glance of pity and disdain, while at the same time many of those they despise pity them for their blindness and inconsistency,

and that too with a far more rational commiseration.

If angels witness scenes on earth, what what must they think of rational and accountable beings, who know neither themselves, their Creator, nor his works of creation, providence, or redemption; who understand neither their own origin nor end; who spend their short lives over the trifles of earth, and use their tongues, which were given them to speak the wonderful works of God, in idle and useless conversation. The noble faculties of the mind, they neither understand, value, nor improve; or if they improve them, it is but to dignify error, to adorn vice, and to add power to their evil influence. They make the earth, which was designed as a temporary abode, their permanent home, forget they must die, and disbelieve the realities of eternity. In short, they are wholly turned aside, entirely disordered, valuing things that are worthless, and despising things that are worthy of their pursuit. I say, if angels see all this, what opinions must they form of them? But whether they do or do not see them, we know that the all-seeing God beholds all the creatures he has made. How, then, must they appear in His holy sight! How must he despise the popular opinions of the world! How must the Author of all intelligence view the conceited worms of earth, who know nothing aright, and yet boast of great and extensive knowledge, as if no beings existed superior to themselves, and even forget "Him in whom they live, and move, and have their being."-New York Christian Advocate.

HUMILITY AND PERSEVERANCE-A FABLE. FROM the side of a mountain there flowed

forth a little rivulet-its voice was scarcely heard amid the rustling of the leaves and grass around; its shallow and narrow stream might be overlooked by the traveller. This stream, although so small, was inspired with a proud spirit, and murmured against the decree of Providence, which had cast its lot so lowly.

"I wish I were a cloud, to roll all day through the heavens, painted so beautifully, as those lovely shapes are coloured, and never descending again in showers: or, at least, I wish I were a broad river, performing some useful duty in the world.

"Shame on my weak waves and unregarded babbling. I might as well have never been, as to be thus puny, insignificant, and useless."

When the brook thus complained, a beautiful flower, that bent over its bosom, replied,

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"Thou art in error, brook. Puny and insignificant thou mayest be; useless thou art not, for I owe half my beauty, perhaps my life, to thy refreshing waters. The plants adjacent to thee are greener and richer than others. The Creator has given thee a duty, which, though humble, thou must not neglect. Besides, who knows what may be thy future destiny? Flow on, I beseech thee."

The brook heard the rebuke, and danced along its way more cheerfully. On and on it went, growing broader and broader. By and by, other rivulets poured their crystal waters into it, and swelled its deepening bosom, in which already began to appear the fairy creatures of the wave, darting about joyfully, and glistening in the sun. As its channel grew wider and wider, and yet other branches came gliding into it, the stream began to assume the importance of a river, and boats were launched on it, and it rolled on in a meandering course through a teeming country, freshening whatever it touched, and giving to the whole scene a new character of beauty.

As it moved on now in majesty and pride, the sound of its gently-heaving billows formed itself into the following words:


"At the outset of life, however humble we may seem, fate may have in store for us many and unexpected opportunities of doing good, and of being great. In the hope of this, we should ever pass on without despair or doubt, trusting that perseverance will bring in its own reward. little I dreamed, when I first sprang on my course, what purpose I was destined to fulfil! what happy beings were to owe their bliss to me! what lofty trees, what velvet meadows, what golden harvests, were to hail my career! Let not the meek and lowly despair; heaven will supply them

with noble inducements to virtue.'


WHEN we cast our eyes around, and behold the beauties that every where present themselves to our notice, we are lost in admiration and wonder. The stability of the mineral kingdom; the beauty, fragrance, and general utility, of the vegetable; and the nice lineaments of feeling and motion, together with the sweet choir of the feathered race, that are discoverable in the animal; claim the attention of the philosopher, and the general observer of nature. The lowest link in the great chain is of vast utility.

The surface of our globe possesses many attractions, to arrest the senses of sight, smell, taste, or hearing; it is the productive source of all that can charm, delight, or 166.-VOL. XIV.

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animate the mind. It is from this source that the eye is gratified with the view of the surrounding landscape: from it is derived the ever-pleasing verdure of immortal green, variegated with the stately oak, the lofty poplar, the spreading beech, the solemn cyprus, and a variety of other trees. The mineral domain here renders its assistance, through the medium of the ingenuity and industry of man, and breaks the verdant landscape with the spire of the village church, and with here and there a rustic dwelling interspersed among the foliage. Nor is the eye only delighted with behold. ing such a scene; the ear also is gratified by the merry peal of evening bells, wafted on the bosoms of the mild and gentle zephyrs; and, while listening to their pleasing music, we shall be ready to say with our poet,

"Ever charming, ever new,

When will the landscape tire the view." But we will now leave the contemplation of the landscape, and see what gratifications the pasture will afford us. Here our sight is again arrested by the great variety of hues that surround us on every side, from the gaudy tulip to the humble violet: nor is the sense of smell less attracted; the fragrance of the fullblown rose, the sweetness of the jessamine, the peculiar and delightful odour of the clematis, with an infinite variety of other scents, have a tendency to gratify our olfactory nerves in a most exquisite manner. And shall we ask-whence are all these hues, from what is all this fragrance derived? A careful observation of the growth and culture of these plants will inform us, that it is from the soil in which they grow, and in proportion to the richness of the surface of the earth, the colours of the flowers are more beautiful, and their odours more fragrant.

If we visit the orchard; in addition to the delights already enumerated, the mellowness of the apple, the juiciness of the pear, the lusciousness of the grape, and the delicious flavour of the nectarine, with the great variety of fruits that are the produce of the bounteous hand of nature, tend to gratify the sense of taste. And are these derived from the source already mentioned ? Doubtless, they are the end for which the trees that produce them had existence, and obtain nourishment from the surrounding earth.

We have thus briefly noticed the manner in which the vegetable kingdom contributes to the gratification of our senses; let us now endeavour to ascertain in what manner the animal world is capable of producing

the same effect, and from what source the beauties that arrest our attention in this department of nature are derived. To what is the British female indebted for one of the most beautiful articles of clothing? The labours of an insect which derives all its nourishment from the vegetable world. And when in the early morn we bend our steps to the sequestered grove, and our ears are saluted by the music of the feathered choir; from what source do we derive this gratification of our faculty of hearing? From one of the most delightful classes of animated nature; which in its turn is primarily indebted for its support to the vegetable kingdom; and which exhibits to our view the most glowing colours that adorn the plumage of individuals. It is to the animal kingdom that we are indebted for the swiftness and strength of the horse, the sagacity and fidelity of the dog, the valuable class of cattle used both as beasts of burden, and for the purpose of supplying mankind with food, and a variety of other animals that are of the greatest utility to man, but which the extent of the present article will not allow us to mention.

We may here notice as we pass, that the distinguishing character between the vegetable and animal kingdoms consists in the power of locomotion, or the means of removing from place to place, combined with the beautiful and delicate sensations of feeling, taste, smell, hearing, and sight, which are observable in the latter. And, while the vegetable draws its nourishment from the soil in which circumstances have placed it, the animal, with the exception of some in the higher classes, selects from the vegetable kingdom those portions that are best suited to support its nourishment, growth, and strength; the exceptions, just noticed, feeding on the smaller kinds of animals. Here our attention cannot fail of being arrested by the order, beauty, and utility of the great chain of nature, and the nice gradations by which each link is connected with both those above and those below it. The mineral domain, including earth, contributes to the existence and beauty of the vegetable; this again is the principal support of the animal; and both contribute, by the decay of the bodies of their respective individuals, after fulfilling the end of their existence, to recruit those portions of the soil that have been expended in supporting them.

Each kingdom of nature possesses distinguishing characteristics peculiar to itself; this induced one of our most celebrated naturalists to observe, that "stones grow; vegetables grow and live; animals grow,

live, and feel." As we pass on, we may notice these distinguishing marks: and the first that we observe in this description, is, the mineral kingdom. Here we behold motion in its lowest degree; for, unless the particles of the increasing substance be in motion, there can be no addition to its bulk. The distinguishing feature between the mineral and vegetable worlds is, the vital principle. If we break a stone, the aggregate suffers no diminution of bulk from the fracture, nor are any of the properties of the mineral destroyed; but if we break a vegetable, the portion that is separated from the root, and deprived of the benefit of the circulating fluids, soon loses its freshness and beauty, the sap is gradually exhausted, the branch withers, and, finally, the state which is termed death


The distinguishing feature between the vegetable and animal domains consists in sensation. When we separate a branch from a vegetable, it betrays no symptoms of feeling; but if we detach a limb from an animal, the individual expresses, by certain sounds, and various motions of its body, that it feels considerable pain. Hence, we may notice an essential difference between the separation of a branch from a vegetable, and the removal of a limb from an animal of the higher classes. In the former instance, if the detached branch be placed in the earth, the orifices of its sap-vessels will, in many cases, absorb nourishment from the surrounding soil, and those portions of the stem situated beneath the surface, to which the leaves are attached, and from which, had it not been separated from its parent, fresh branches would have sprung, will throw out radicella or rootlets; while the corresponding portions above the surface will produce branches, and thus the separated branch will become a perfect plant.

But not so with the limb of an animal, when separated from the body: place it in whatever situation we please, it still resembles the branch of a vegetable detached from its root, and cast forth to wither and to die; deprived of the circulation of the vital fluid from the heart, it no longer derives nourishment therefrom; its nerves separated, and their communication with the sensorium broken, the nice sensation of feeling is no more discoverable; it is consequently resigned to the chemical action of the substances by which it is surrounded, and reduced to a mass of putrid and offensive matter.

The case of the branch becoming a perfect plant, may be beautifully illustrated in the following manner. Let the branch

of a geranium be detached, and placed in a phial of water, kept near a window for the benefit of the light; by carefully watching it for some days, it will be seen that at the foot of each leaf below the surface of the water, small white bodies are protruded, which ultimately are found to be the radicals above spoken of; and new leaves are observed to be produced on the upper part of the branch.

Hitherto we have briefly contemplated the gratification which the mineral, vegegetable, and animal kingdoms are capable of affording us; and the peculiar features which distinguish each kingdom. It will, however, require but a cursory glance at the innumerable products of nature, to convince us, that there are substances existing which cannot be arranged in either of the above divisions. Among these, we find the interesting class of gases; and, although the gaseous elements are never presented to our notice in an uncombined state, but are obtained by various chemical processes, yet they are so extensively diffused through nature, and enter into so many combinations with other substances, that we may pronounce them the most useful of all. To them we are indebted for the air we breathe, and the refreshing draught from the crystal fountain, with which we quench our thirst. The world of waters, too, is produced by their combination!—and what a magnificent and varied scene does this open to our view, from the pearly dew that is gently deposited on the exhausted herbage during the tranquil hours of the night, when the moon walks in brightness, and a thousand suns irradiate the vast expanse of heaven, to the mighty ocean, which forms a communication between the most distant lands, and supports within its extensive bosom the various finny tribes.

Between these extremes, how numerous are the links that unite them! Sometimes, instead of the pellucid dew-drop, we observe the gentle showers descending on the plain, and irrigating the smiling pastures. At others, we are astounded with the roaring tempest; the rain descends in torrents; the wind whistles fearfully among the trees of the forest; and the loud, tremendous claps of thunder, together with the vivid glare of the forked lightning, strikes us with terror and amazement. But if our minds are agitated with the awful grandeur of the storm-the purling brook, meandering among the meadows, its softest murmurs striking on the ear, and its glassy surface reflecting the sylvan beauties around, tend to restore unto them tranquillity, and hush them to repose.

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Not only is the glittering drop of early dew, beautiful to the eye, and of considerable utility in nourishing the vegetable creation; the irrigating shower, of immense importance in bringing to maturity the tender herb; the appalling tempest, exceedingly beneficial in restoring the equilibrium of the atmosphere, so necessary to animal and vegetable existence; and the meandering rivulet, extremely beneficial in supplying with moisture the enamelled pastures which contribute to the growth of the useful class of cattle designed as food for man; but even the stagnant pool is capable of affording amusement and instruction to the attentive observer of nature. It is in these reservoirs that we behold the insignificant mona, the lowest link in the great chain of animal life, a mere inflated bladder, floating among myriads of animalculæ, some of which are of the most complicated forms. Here also we become acquainted with the polypi, the connecting link between the animal and vegetable kingdoms, and which possesses properties peculiar to each; and here our eyes may be gratified for hours in watching the varied movements of the various tribes, the gradations by which they rise one above another, and the voracity with which the larger devour the smaller species, and this too in the small space of a single drop. How overwhelming is this consideration! What vast extents of animal existence does this open to the imagination; for if myriads of these minute beings exist in a single drop of water, how numerous must be the individuals that inhabit the immense number of reservoirs that may be found in the world!

The view of a magnificent river is calculated to afford us considerable gratification. If we trace it from its source, how various are the beauties we successively behold! At one period, the sylvan glories around us attract attention; at another, we are conducted by its ever-rolling waters through a busy town, and are animated with the bustling scene presented to our notice. On the banks we perceive the active tradesman attending to the busy concerns of the day, and every one who is passing appears to be intent on the business in which he happens to be engaged. On the smooth and tranquil surface are seen the vehicles that have conveyed from distant cities various articles of merchandise, and this circumstance may lead us to contemplate the great utility of the flowing stream. Having passed the town, our attention is arrested by the stately buildings we behold on its banks; and wandering among the groves which skirt its peaceful

waters, we observe here and there a student; fit situation for the mild retreats of learning, where, retired from the busy scenes of the world, the philosopher may search into the vast operations of nature, and view with admiration and wonder the mighty processes that are continually going forward in her immense arcana.

As we proceed onwards with the continuous stream, we are entertained with the gambols of the scaly tribes, as they sport in the pellucid medium in which they live; and as we behold the villas on each side become more numerous, and the grounds about them more tastefully laid out, the boundaries of the stream also considerably increased, and the various conveyances on its bosom, both for pleasure and traffic, augmented; we are led to conclude that we are approaching an immense city, and soon its various buildings present themselves to our notice; the stream swells to a magnifi cent extent, and as well as the small wherries and barges which before met our view, we now behold the swift-sailing vessel, and the more rapid steamer, the stately merchant-man, and the stupendous East-Indiaman floating on its silver bosom. Here are ships from every nation, and the produce of every clime are by their means brought to our shores. How various are the reflections which this prospect suggests to the mind; but to indulge them at present, would swell this paper to too great a length.

If we take our stand on an eminence, how grand, how magnificent the scene before us in the distance we observe the splendid city with a thousand spires; around us we notice the variegated landscape interspersed with hill and dale, and the mighty river rolling in magnificent splendour at our feet. Upon its wide. spread bosom, the flags of every nation are displayed, while the continual notion of the vessels that glide along its silvery sur. face, adds considerably to the beauty of the appearance. If the river is thus grand, how superb must be the ocean, that vast reservoir of waters, that liquid world, in which the immense whale sports, with amazing facility, and

"Where the dim ships like shadows ride," when illumined by the faint twinkling of the starry host. How smooth and tranquil is the vast surface, when nought terminates the view, but the mingling elements of air and water! how beautiful the appearance, when the shades of darkness are chased away, and the glorious orb of day rises as an immense reservoir of radiancy from its

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