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should be released at the same time; upon condition, however, that he be not suffered to stay in any of the dominious of their republic; but that he be also forthwith put on board some ship, and sent away to Sweden. His Majesty at the same time desires of the States to make it a further condition with the king of Sweden, that, considering the character and behaviour of Gortz, and the troubles and difficulties he has brought them into, he may never be sent again by his Swedish Majesty into their country either with or without a character.

This being the substance of what my Lord Sunderland writes this night by express to Holland, I am commanded to transmit the same to your Excellency, that you may let the Regent know how sincere a desire his Majesty has to do all that can be done, on his part, towards procuring the quiet of the North, and likewise towards answering the confidence his Royal Highness places in his Majesty's friendship; which, together with his Majesty's desire to satisfy the earnest solicitations of the States upon this head, and to decline all measures that may possibly involve his people in a new war, are the principal reasons that could dispose his Majesty to give way to so great a piece of condescension in a case which, considered in all its circumstances, is without example. However, as the king has taken this resolution, his Majesty will give immediate orders for the release both of Count Gyllenborg and Baron Gortz, as soon as he shall receive from the Regent such a declaration in form as is abovementioned.

I take this occasion of acquainting your Excellency, that one John Bowdridge, late Receiver-General of the Land-Tax for the county of Somerset, is gone off with about twelve thousand pounds of the public money; and information being given that he has got into France, his Majesty would have your Excellency represent this matter to the Regent, and make such instances as you shall think proper for seizing the said Bowdridge and his effects, in order to prevent the loss the public is likely to sustain thereby. He is described to be a tall, handsome man, of a brown complexion, at least six foot high, aged about 35 years, and speaks very little of any language but English.

Your Excellency will please to represent this to the Regent, rather as a request from his Majesty than as a demand, since

it is thought no such can be made by virtue of any treaty; though foreign states have shown compliances of the same nature on such an occasion, even when the money carried off has only belonged to private persons, as your Excellency may particularly remember in the case of Pitsin.

Your Excellency is likewise to signify to the Court of France, that his Britannic Majesty's two ministers at Copenhagen having interested themselves in obtaining a free passage for the letters of his Excellency the Count de la Marck through Denmark, all they have been able to obtain of his Danish Majesty is, that the ambassador's paquet may be sent by the governor of Elsinbourg to the governor of Elsineur to Hamburgh to Monsieur Poussin, the envoy of France, and that the paquets from the Court of France to the Count de la Marck should be sent by the governor of Elsineur to the governor of Elsinbourg. But his Danish Majesty would not consent that the expresses of the Count de la Marck, or of the Court of France to him, should pass through Denmark, nor that the said ambassador may send his paquets on board of vessels hired on purpose from Ystedt to Lubeck.

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I am, &c.,




Whitehall, June 29th, 1717.

The king having been pleased to appoint by commission under the great seal John Armstrong and Jacob Ackworth, Esquires, and in the absence of either or both of them, Thomas Lascelles, Esquire, to inspect the demolition of the works at Dunkirk and Mardyke, pursuant to the late treaty of defensive alliance between Great Britain, France, and Holland; I am commanded to signify his Majesty's pleasure to your Lordships, that they should be paid at the rate of three pounds per day for their service in the said commission; that is to say, that Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Ackworth should be paid, each of them, at the rate of three pounds per day, during the time of their attending upon the place in the execution of the said commission, and that Mr. Lascelles should be paid the like sum of three pounds per day, during such time as he shall supply the absence of either or both

the other two, in the execution of the said commission; for which your Lordships will please to give the proper directions.

It is his Majesty's further pleasure, that your Lordships should order to be advanced to Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Lascelles the sum of two hundred pounds to each of them, on account of their said allowances, and one hundred pounds only to Mr. Ackworth, in regard that it is uncertain how long he may be able to attend the said service.

I am, my Lords,

Your Lordships' most obedient and
Most humble servant,




Whitehall, July 12th, 1717. Notwithstanding my letters of yesterday's date to your Excellency, which I despatched by a messenger, I am commanded to send you this likewise by express, that no time may be lost in making the proper application to the French Court with regard to the releasing of Gortz and Gyllenborg. That your Excellency may be fully informed of his Majesty's intentions in this particular, I herewith enclose to your Excellency an extract of my Lord Sunderland's letter to Mr. Whitworth at the Hague, as far as it relates to this matter.2

I am to acquaint your Excellency, that messengers were despatched last night to Plymouth, in order to bring Count Gyllenborg to Harwich, where he is forthwith to embark, and, according as the States shall determine, to send Baron Gortz in the same ship or in one of their own; the said ship is either to cross over to Holland, to receive the said Baron

Count Gyllenborg, or Gillenburgh, as it is sometimes spelt, was Swedish ambassador in London. Baron Gortz was a favourite of the king of Sweden, but not a minister, and was by birth a German. They were accused on good evidence, procured chiefly by the Earl of Stair, of conspiring to place the Pretender on the throne. The former was seized at his house in London, the latter at Arnheim in Holland. A full account of this affair is given in Rapin. The letters which passed between Count Gyllenborg, the Baron Gortz, Sparre, and others, "relating to a design of raising a rebellion on his Majesty's dominion, to be supported by a force from Sweden," were published by authority," in folio, (37 pages,) 2 Not found.

London, 1717.


on board with the Count, or proceed immediately with the Count alone from Harwich to Gottenburgh. According to the method that has been settled of exchanging Count Gyllenborg for Mr. Jackson, it is expected that the latter of them should be put on board his Majesty's ship, before the other be set on shore; so that it will be necessary for your Excellency to apply to the Regent, that a courier may be immediately despatched by the Court of France to Sweden, giving advice of Count Gyllenborg's being ready to arrive at Gottenburgh, and demanding that Mr. Jackson be sent without loss of time to that port, in order to their mutual exchange. That there may be no mistake in this matter, it will be proper to let the Court of Sweden know, that the commander of his Majesty's ship has orders not to set Count Gyllenborg on shore, till he has actually received Mr. Jackson on board.

The enclosed extract1 is sent at large to your Excellency for your particular information; you will please to communicate only such parts of it as you shall think necessary for the present occasion. I am, &c.,


1 Enclosure. Son Altesse Royale vois avec beaucoup de satisfaction, que les soins qu' Elle a employés au nom du Roi, pour prévenir les suites de ce qui s'est passé à l'egard du Sieur de Gyllenborg et du Baron de Gortz, Ministres du Roi de Suède, n' ont pas été infructueux, puisque ses offices ont également été admis par sa Majesté Britannique et par sa Majesté Suedoise.

Čomme Son Altesse Royale est instruite des veritables dispositions du Roi de Suède par les Depêches du Sieur Comte de la Marck, confirmées encore par les assurances du Sieur Coonstrom, Envoyé Extraordinaire de ce Prince pres du Roi, Elle a ordonné au Sieur d'Iberville de donner la presente Declaration au Roi de la Grande Bretagne, et d'assurer de sa part Sa Majesté Britannique, que le Roi de Suède n'a jamais eu, et qu'il n'a point encore intention de troubler la tranquillité de la Grande Bretagne, qu'il n'est entré dans aucun des desseins attribués à ses Ministres, que ce Prince regarderoit comme une chose injurieuse pour lui le simple soupçon qu'il eût eu part à de pareils projets, et qu'il se propose, lorsque ses Ministres lui seront remis, d'examiner leur conduite pour en faire bonne justice, s'ils sont abusé de leur caractère.

Après la presente declaration S. A. R. espère que le Roi de la Grande Bretagne voudra bien prendre la resolution de renvoyer le Sieur de Gyllenborg au Roi son Maître, sous l'engagement qu' Elle prend que le Sieur Jackson sera aussi remis en liberté sans aucun


I have received your letter of the 7th instant, O. S. giving an account of your arrival at Dunkirk, and have laid the same before his Majesty, who is glad to find the French have begun to work upon the demolition at Mardyke, and hopes some of your next will give a further account of their progress therein. In the mean time, I enclose his Majesty's instructions to you for the execution of your commission, and am, gentlemen,

Your most obedient, humble servant,




Whitehall, July 15th, 1717.

It being for his Majesty's service, that the accounts of the revenue in the plantations be constantly transmitted hither, in order to his Majesty's being informed, from time to time, of the true state thereof, as occasion may require, I am commanded to desire your Lordships will remind the respective governors of their instructions in that behalf. And, as your Lordships may have some of the said accounts by you, I am for the present to desire that you would let me know how the revenue of the quit-rents in Virginia stands; that is to say, whether that revenue be appropriated to any particular use, and whether it be not absolutely in the disposal of the Crown. Your Lordships' answer is desired as -conveniently as may be.

I am,


retardement. Et comme le Roi d'Angleterre a bien voulu faire connoître à Son Altesse Royale, qu'il ne refuseroit pas à sa consideration et à celle de les Etâts Generaux des Provinces Unies de consentir à ce que le Baron de Gortz soit aussi remis en liberté, Elle est persuadée que Sa Majesté Britannique ne differera pas aussi d'expliquer ses intentions sur ce sujet.

Fait à Londres ce 29th Juillet, 1717.


2 H


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