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nations, that not the Jews only, shall feed his flock like 'a shepherd: but all the ends of the earth, might he shall gather the lambs in his see the salvation of our God.” arms, and carry them in his bo(Ver.10.) The office of SAVIOUR 'som, and shall gently lead those peculiarly belongs to Jesus, but that are with young.” (Isaiah, xl. Israel shall be saved in Jehovah 10, 11.) One of the most com, with an everlasting salvation. (Is. mon characters of the Redeemer. xlv. 17.) Who hath declared from is the Light ; as such he is dis-, ancient time? Who hath told it played in prophecy; and the bea from that time? Have not I, Je- loved Disciple has dwelt upon it hovah? “ But I only (saith he) am with peculiar pleasure: but that the Saviour.”' (Ver. 21.) “ There light in which his people are en-, is no God beside me, a just God lightened is the glory of Jehovah. and a Saviour; there is none be- (Isaiah, Ix. 1, 2.) « Arise, shine; side me;" hence that invitation, for thy light is come, and the glory ver. 22, « Look unto me, and be ye of Jehovah is risen upon thee: saved, all the ends of the earth: for, behold, darkness shall cover for I am God, and there is none the earth, and gross darkness the else.” The correspondence of this people: but Jehovah shall arise . passage with the gracious invita- upon thee, and his glory shall be tion of the Gospel to gentile sin- seen upon thee.” Yea: (ver. 19) pers, would plainly show its allu- Jehovah shall be unto thee an. sion to the Lord Jesus Christ our everlasting light, and thy God thy Saviour, had not "the application glory. In reference, no doubt, to of the following verses, by a di- this, the Apostle, when treating vine authority, determined it be- on the character, connects it with yond a doubt *. The HUSBAND Him who was the word which was of his church can be no other than with God, and was God; and He who in infinite condescension when tabernacling in human flesh, hath - assumed and repeatedly manifested his glory as the “ Onlyclaimed that character in the New begotten of the Father, full of Testament. (But) thy husband grace and truth.” (John, i.13,14.)* is thy maker (saith the Lord); Je- The wisdom, the righteousness, the hovah, God of Hosts, is his name, sanctification, and the redemption, and thy Redeemer the Holy One of his people, can reside in no of Israel: the God of the whole other than the Lord Jesus Christ; earth shall he be called. (Isaiah, as the Mediator of his people, all kiv. 5:) But of all the characters' fulness is treasured up in him, that of the Redeemer, none is more out of his fulness we may reexclusively so, none more ex- ceive, and grace for grace. (1 Cor. pressly attributed to him in the i. 30.) But, comparing the lanlanguage of prophecy, nor claim- guage of prophecy with the declaed by himself with more sweetness rations of the Apostles, we shall of affection, than that of SHEPHERD find that he is none other than Jeof his flock; but in that most hovah, in whom these blessings beautiful passage of the Prophet are treasured up. This is the which describes all the care and name whereby he is designated,' tenderness of this delightful cha- that shall be called the Branch racter, it is predicted of Jehovah of David, the Lord of Israel, · Aleim, “ who shall come (on the their spiritual deliverer in Gospel work of salvation) with a strong times ; Jehovah our righteousness.; hand, and his arm shall rule for (Jer. xxiï. 5, 6.) That this hin. Behold! his reward is with should be the boast and glory of him, and his work before him. He the Christian church, is predicta'

;. * Isaiah, lx. 16. .. ed by the evangelical Prophet in a ÇURIST, GUARD. VOL. VA

passage twice applied to the Rę. each other's conversation, that deemer in the New Testament: they mutually wished to conclude « Surely shall one say.. (every one the evening in company, and or." of his redeenied people), In Jeho-dered à supper at the inn where vah have I righteousness and they alighted. Both gentlemen' strength; even to him shall men secretly resolved to avoid religious come, and all that are incensed discourse, lest it might lead to against him shall be ashamed." the discussion of subjects which, “In Jehovah shall all'the seed of would tend to disturb their har... Israel bé justified ;* «and (there- mony. fore in him they') shall glory.". Our Lord declares, that " out (Isaiah,"xlv. 24, 25.) This spes of the abundance of the heart cies of evidence might be abun- the mouth speaketh;" and perhaps dantly increased; bụt to the can- there are few tasks more difficult did mind what hath been produced than studiously to avoid the subs. will be sufficient; and to otliers, `ject on which we are most inte. accumulated testimonit's of the rested. While they kept silence paine kind would little avail.' their hearts burnt within them, Cuis) TTo be continued.

sham and especially the heart of Bene

volus; for he imagined that Cana, ON CHRISTIAN Uạity.. didus was under a dangerous delu. A Dialogue between Candidus and

sion, which might possibly end far.. in Bénévolues. manat

ucun tally, and his mind misgave him

that he was sacrificing to peace at Aș one great object “The Chris, the expense of faithfulness. As tian Guardian” has in view is the he suddenly grew silent, and appromotion of brotherly, love, it peared thoughtful, his neighbour may not be unsuitable to its de-, viewed him with an aspect of cus sign to insert the following Dia- riosity, and it became necessary logue and reflections, should they for Benevolus to explain, which seem calculated to cncourage so he did as follows: excellent à principle.

" Benevolus, I can withhold my: Candidus and Benevolus were self no longer. O, my worthy neighbours of similar condition, neighbour ! we have passed a day. habits of life, education, and in- most pleasantly together; but a formation. To the surprise of doubt shoots across my mind whe most observers they were only ci- ther we shall pass an eternity to-, villy known to each other, neither gether, which I earnestly desire, party ever appearing disposed for we should. intimacy. The reason which pre- Candidus. I ought not to be of, vented such a wish lay concealed fended at the seeming, harshness in their own breasts, and was sim- of your observation, since it is atply no other than the circumstance tached to the system you have ot some difference on a point of embraced: but what are your religious opinion, Candidus bcing grounds for such a suspicion ? an Arminian, and Benevolus a Ben. I conceive that all the glo-. Calvinist. Both regularly attend-, rified spirits which will surround ed their different places of wore the throne will asçribe their salva-, ship, and both distinguished them- tion to God alone, saying, “ Not selves by doing good unto all men, unto us, not unto us, but to thy as they had opportunity. It so name be the praise for ever and happened that they once met on a' ever ;" and that this song of praise journey; and, after spending the must be pegun on earth, since no day very pleasantly in a stage- part of Scripture warrants us to supcoach, were so well pleased with, pose any change takes place after


death. As the free falls, so it must well as individuals exemplify the lie. :

fact, that “God will have mercy Can. I don't exactly agree with on whom he will have mercy, in you in the last sentiment, for. I the distinguishing favours of Prothink many errors in opinion will vidence; yet few will arraign his be corrected in the world of light; wisdom or justice here. and I must remind you of an ob- Can. The case is not parallel... servation made by one of your These distinctions in providence warinêsť advocates : he spoke of a refer only to this life ; and respectpious character as gone to heaven ing afflictions laid on individuals, i to another, who'answered, But we know them frequently, to be do you know he was an Armi- advantageous, as the means of nian ?""6 Yes," returned the promoting their eternal good : but Calvinist; "but he is not an Ar- consider what it is to be doomed *miniannow.” Respecting the to eternal woe! song of praise you mention, Ó B en. 'I am, then, after all, disthat you could read my heart! how puting with a Christian who doubts would you see it glow' at times, the justice of God in inflicting on with 'love and gratitude to that Sa- sinners eternal punishments. This viour who has edeemed me with is, indeed, a turning-point I did his precious blood; to that Spirit not expect: here I supposed we who has in a measure 'sanctified agreed. me ; and to God the Father, who Can. And so we do. How can formed the mighty scheme of hùI read my Bible, and overlook the man redemption!

awful denunciations on impenitent ' Ben. Ah! I wish you could add sinners? And do not all the Mito that, electing love, which chose nisters I approve as usually denoyou froin all eternity for a monu- "minated Christians, warn them to ment of mercy..

"flee from the wrath to come? I : Can. I detest the phrasé. Dread- only contend that the sinner's doom ful idea to entertain, that a wise is of his own procuring; grant me. and just God had ordained crea- this, and call yourselves simply tures to destruction ! Every proa subjects of Divine grace, and I mise and invitation in the Bible is 'am satisfied. against you. No; he willsall men Ben. I willingly grant the forto be saved, and to come to the mer ; but there is an ambiguity of knowledge of the truth.

expression in the latter you must : Ben. Why, 'then, are not all explain. In what sense can you men saved ?

suppose yourself a subject of DiCań. Becalise they will not: "vine grace? ** Ye will not "come unto me," "Can. Thus ;-I am indebted to says Christ, “thảt ye may have God for my creation, redemption,

and all the blessings of this life, Ben. Even so; and “no man as our thanksgiving prayer excometh unto me," says Christ presses it. Then I ain of course also, « unless the Father who has indebted to him for the under. seht me draw him ;" * Blessed con- standing which enables me to disMclusion he also makes': « änd irhó- cern the things which are excelspever cometh unto me, I will in terit, ana the capability of accenthis wisę cast Qut;"> & if he had ing the offers of his mercy in Sara; Their coming to me is the the Gospel, Häd he not given évidence that my Father has drawn ine à free-will, I should not have them. The same distinctions are "Had a free-will. I therefore thank made in the world of providence 'him for the faculty he has given *s in that f gtace nationis ás nie; whereby I have chosen life ras

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ther than death, both being set the use of it we mean such an efbefore me in his blessed word. fect; but I believe few, Arminians

Ben. If this be your definition would allow such an influence. of the term free-will, I see no dif- Ben. We, too, have to complain ference between us, for it compre- of inferences drawn from our hends all. I contend for, namely, words, nay, from our doctrine itthat God is the author of every self, which we never intended; good we possess. You acknow- and the fact is, that on both sides ledge he gave you that free-will we have to lament injudicious adwhich has enabled you to accept vocates, in fallible men, ever prone the mercy set before you in the to speak inadvertently, or write Gospel ;-what is this but distin- unguardedly. guishing grace ? for you allow all Can. Granted: but still I must are not saved; and though lost by think that your system makes God their own faults, you should have the author of sin, and punishment been of the number, had not your to creatures not accountable. Almighty Benefactor given you Ben. And I must think that the understanding and will to yours militates against the humichoose the more excellent way. lity and gratitude taught us in the This is arguing in a circle, where Scriptures. Sina, then, by mere we meet at a point, and fly away dint of reasoning on the subject, from each other at a word. . we become inconsistent, as dread

Can. But your words seem to ing to admit the full force of our me so objectionable, that I cannot own arguments, let us candidly bear them: " Distinguishing own the mystery of God's decrees grace!" I know nothing of the to be too high for us, and, resting term. The privileges I mean are on the declarations of his word, extended to all; they may all be- simply believe that we are saved lieve if they choose on the evi- by grace through faith, not of dence on which I have believed ourselves, but by the gift of God; · Ben. You have, then, something yet in a way, though at present into boast of in yourself; for if all explicable to us, as shall at the have partaken of your privileges, last silence the sinner at the just and yet are not all saved, yoụ tribunal of final judgment. must take credit for your superior Can. You have now brought merit in choosing what they have the argument to a point where I refused : consequently you must am content to leave it. We must Þe in part the author of your own walk by faith not sight, and what salvation.

we know not now we shall know Can. I confess the inference is hereafter; in the mean time let it fair; yet, speaking feelingly and be our endeavour to keep the unity experimentally, I cannot allow it. of the spirit in the bond of peace The enmity of heart I once felt and in righteousness of life. towards the Gospel method of sal . The two Christian neighbours vation, nay, against God himself, now presented their hands to each as his nature and attributes are re- other, and from that hour a friend* vealed in Scripture, and the frem ship commenced, which doubtless

quent backslidings and omissions eternity will crown with increased of duty since I have in a measure delight. ' known his ways and, been devoted. It is scarcely neşessary to in, to his service, all crowd on my re- form the reader that the foregoing collection, and forbid boasting of short dialogue is not designed to any description. I am not sur; elucidate the doctrines on which prised at your dislike to the term it treats. Neither is it the writer's 'free-will, if you infer that from wish to assert that the differences

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between Christians on these points somewhat paradoxical to many ; are altogether nugatory. Learning but they “ who have tasted of the and ingenuity may be employed to heavenly gift of grace, not only the conviction of sceptics; but the understand the meaning of the generality of Christians are plam Apostle's declaration, but being and unlettered, and, like Candidus brought to feel its power, are likeand Benevolus, stand aloof from wise sensible of its importance. , . each other more from a disagree- ; Men in their natural state being ment in terms, than a disunion of strangers to their own true characopinion. Even where this is not ters, laugh at the idea of confessthe case, it surely becomes Chris- ing their weakness. In fact, they tians to respect each other's pre- do not feel themselves weak, and judices on points of such acknow- therefore cannot be prevailed on ledged intricacy: and though they to call themselves so. But they may deem it even their duty to whose minds are enlightened in the attempt a refutation, they should knowledge of the truth as it is in reflect, that, while they are waging Jesus, and are made partakers of war on their brethren, the unbe- the Holy Spirit, being humbled lieving world is looking on, mark- under a consciousness of theirfallen ing every uncandid sentiment, mis and depraved condition both by taken representation, or unbro- nature and practice,readily acknow. therly epithet, and charging each, ledge their guilt, and with sincerity not on the individual who deserves confess their extreme helplessness. the blame, but the holy religion They perceive that, unless they which equally condemns him. The have“ righteousness and strength persecutions of the Church have in the Lord,” they must for ever often been overruled by Providence remain undone. To such persons, to the furtherance of its interests, how precious are the promises but dissensions amongst the mem- which God has made of divine as. bers have generally produced the sistance to all who lay aside self. most unhappy consequences. While righteousness and self-dependence, the controversialist is deciding upon and trust in the Lord alone, as He minor points, he often forgets to in whom there is everlasting inculcate the weightier matters, of strength! To them Jehovah-Jesus, the law, and he burdens the con- the sinner'sfriend, declares, Though sciences of his weaker brethren by you are guilty of transgressing the attributing an undue importance to law of God, which is holy, just, and subjects above, their comprehen- good; and consequently exposed sion. . .

to the wrath and curse of the Finally, let the truly pious of righteous Judge-yet fear not: I every denomination reflect with have satisfied God's justice. I pleasure on the points in which have made his law honourable, I they agree, and with which the have died, that you might live. vital principle of their religion is Believe on me. Though you are connected, and let them contend altogether as an unclean thing, and only earnestly for that faith which your best righteousnesses nothing worketh by love, and has therefore better than filthy rags, my rightethe best tendency to edify each ousness shall cover you as a robe, other.. .

C. H. and my salvation shall clothe you

as a garment. Though your ini.

quities have separated you from CHIRIST THE BELIEVER's Him who is of purer eves than to STRENGTH.

behold iniquity, My blood cleanseth : « When I am weak, then I am from all sin, and through it there strong." This saying may appear is reconciliation and peace with

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