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Murray, Andrew. Report to the council of the Royal horticultural society on the forest education on the continent and in England respectively. [London. 187-?] Nanquette, Henri. Cours d'aménagement des forêts professé à l'École impériale forestière. [Nancy.] 1859. The same. Faisant suite au Cours élémentaire de culture des bois et précédé d'une notice historique sur l'art des aménagements par M. Parade. Paris, etc. 1860.


Cours de technologie forestière. See EXPLOITA

[blocks in formation]

Progress of forest management in the Adirondacks. Ithaca. [1901.] Northrop, B. G. The schools of forestry and industrial schools of Europe, with other papers. New York. 1878. Oregon Agricultural college. The course in forestry. [Corvallis. 1902.]

Pardé, Léon. Cours de droit forestier enseigné à l'École forestière secondaire des Barres. See FOREST LAWS FRANCE.

Pearson, G. F. The teaching of forestry.

Journal of the Society of arts, 1882, xxx, 422-433. Pinchot, Gifford. The profession of forestry. Washington. 1901.

Pool, R. J. Summer botany for forestry students in the mountains of Colorado. Lincoln, Neb. [1909.] Price, O. W. Study in Europe for American forest students. (In PINCHOT, Gifford. The profession of forestry, 1901, pp. 8-15.)

Prytz, C. V. Et par ord om skovbrugernes practiske uddannelse og særligt forberedelsen til den practiske adgangsexamen for skovbrugstuderende ved den Kgl. vet. og landbohøjskole. Kjøbenhavn. 1885.

Rothrock, J. T. Syllabus of lectures on silvyculture.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

-] Forest policy preamble. [Lectures at Biltmore forest school, 1903. Biltmore, N. C. 1903.]

Lectures on forest policy. Pt. ii. [Biltmore, N. C. 1904.] Schermbeek, A. J. van. Een woord over het boschbouwvak en de opleiding daarvoor. [Amsterdam. 189-?] Shepard, E. M. The public interest involved in the Cornell forestry experiment. New York. 1904.

Stebbing, E. P. Notes on a visit to some European schools of forestry. Calcutta. 1906. Vallombrosa, Italy istituto. Roma. 1894. Ordinamento dell' istituto ed indicazione del materiale scientifico di cui l'istituto stesso è provveduto. Roma. 1880.

Istituto forestale. Ordinamento dello

Vilmorin, H. L. de. Exposé historique et descriptif de l'École forestière des Barres (Loiret). Paris. 1864.

The same. Paris. 1874. Winkenwerder, H. A. Forestry in the public schools. [Washington. 1907.]


[Bourdin, Arthur, and Monnet, L. E.] La fête de l'arbre. [Besançon. 1902.]

Egleston, N. H. Arbor-day.

Popular science monthly, 1886, xxviii, 689-693.

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