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The Crystalline Form the Best Guarantee of Purity.

The extraordinary demand for the muriate of cocaine has flooded the market with a crude product, hastily prepared, and having no appearance, even under the microscope, of crystalline structure. None of it has been free from a tinge of color, and it produces a solution more or less colored.

Some of the European manufacturers have supplied a pure article, which is not only wholly free from color, but possesses a distinct crystalline structure. The price of this crystallized article has been held firmly at a higher figure than that of the amorphous salt, which, obviously, does not bear in its form the guarantee of its purity.

Crystallized Muriate of Cocaine.

We have been the first among American manufacturers to produce a crystallized muriate of cocaine, and we invite comparison of our product with that of any foreign or home manufacturer.

We find that the crude amorphous salt, with which the market is now largely supplied, yields only 80 to 85 per cent. of its weight of crystals. The remainder consists of a mixture of alkaloidal salts, the most important constituent being apparently a compound closely related to cocaine, and very possibly isomeric with it, but having a much lower fusing point, and assuming the crystalline form with difficulty, if at all. It is clear, therefore, that the colorphous salt is not equal in value to the crystalline, which latter is the only form in which we offer the salt itself.

Cocaine Hydrobromate vs. Cocaine Muriate.

Of all the salts of cocaine the crystallized muriate is that which hitherto has given the most complete satisfaction; it is likely, however, to find a formidable rival in the Crystallized Hydrobromate of Cocaine, which we also manufacture and to which we desire to call the attention of physicians. Those who have used this salt declare that its effects are more powerful and more promptly produced than those of the muriate..

While, therefore, we would especially commend to our medical friends these crystallized salts of cocaine in substance, we shall be pleased to supply to those who still prefer to use the drug in this orm solutions of these salts, which are prepared with the greatest care, of the strength stated below. We offer the following preparations of cocaine, and shall be pleased to furnish on application prices and any desired information regarding their use:

Cocaine Alkaloid (pure in crystals).

Cocaine Citrate, 4 per cent. solution.

Cocaine Hydrobromate (pure in crystals).

Cocaine Muriate (pure in crystals).

Cocaine Muriate, 2 per cent, solution.

Cocaine Muriate, 4 per cent. solution.

Cocaine Oleate (containing 5 ct of the alkaloid.
Cocaine Salicylate, 4 per cent. solution.



60 Maiden Lane & 21 Liberty Street,

Manufacturing Chemists,








G. W. TIBBITS, M. D., Assistant Editor.

AUGUST, 1885.



Gentlemen :-I have much respect for the good sense of the members of this Society, and anxious that we might profit by it. Several months since I addressed to all a circular requesting suggestions that might be of value to us as a society and as a profession. The results of that request I present for your consideration.

First-It is suggested that as our Society is increasing in numbers and in the amount of work it is performing that our committees be changed to sections; that one session of the whole Society be held daily and the remainder of the day and evening be given to sections. This would permit a greater dispatch of business. In such an arrangement information as far as possible complete as to papers certain to be read should be given to the Secretary previous to the annual meeting, and in time to prepare a carefully arranged programme. Further, members appointed as Chairmen of sections or to prepare papers upon special sub

jects should, if unable to act, inform the Secretary of the Society at an early date, that another might perform the desired service.

Second-It is the opinion of your President that a committee should be appointed to draft an order of exercises for the coming year, in order that in the next annual Convention business may be expedited and that the proceedings may not meet with interruptions and breaks.

Third-Several members have criticised one feature of our annual supper, of which in a public address I need not be more explicit. I commend the subject of criticism to your thoughtful consideration.

Fourth-Some of our sister societies have been culling the best professional work of other States in the following manner: Each representative of a State is required to prepare an epitome of what is most valuable in the work of the society of which he is a representative. Each epitome appears in his own society's transactions, thus giving in one volume a survey of all that is most recent and valuable-the essence of a year of American medicine. I urge a consideration of this matter by a committee from this body.

Fifth-Several thoughtful, earnest communications were received from members who urged that the society should put forth its most zealous efforts to secure a higher legal State standard of requirements for intending practitioners. To a discussion of this suggestion more particularly I desire to call your attention at this hour.

I accept without question the proposition that the most valuable products which can be reared and cared for in America are citizens.

Students of political economy have estimated the exact worth in dollars of the material from which some are produced on arrival at Castle Garden. Let us hope that the specie as found in Colorado are not of less value, and certainly they are of inestimable value socially, intellect-ually and as factors in the development of the State.

To care for their physical being is our province as physicians.

Five years ago, when this Society met at Colorado Springs, it began the business of securing to the citizens of this State as practitioners, only an educated class of physicians.

The Society appointed members from its own body to take the initial steps in this delicate and important business, and their labors resulted in a success that had not been vouchsafed to any previous similar efforts.

At a subsequent session there was placed before this honorable body a synopsis of the results that had come from the persistent efforts to those who had labored in this field.

That synopsis showed that while the business undertaken had in part been accomplished—had even excelled in its results more than was anticipated by fairly sanguine men—the high standard earnestly desired by all physicians whose hearts are with their professional work, had not been fully attained.

Should the society then determine to give this matter their hearty co-operation, it would, in the light of these facts, be returning to an unfinished business, formally begun a half decade ago, carried on with a gratifying success and with the present status of which it is fairly informed.

If God's noblest work is man, man's most honorable work is, each in his special field of labor, to care for man in the best manner; in our field to do this men especially trained and taught are necessary. To secure such persons for the profession and for the State, requires much work, worry and some worldly wisdom.

Let no one regard a consideration of this subject as an innuendo upon the average medical men of our State, but in Colorado, as in all States, there are among reputed physicians different degrees of professional competency, and in difference to self-respect we may ask that the few who are manifestly far below the average shall be debarred from experimenting with and acquiring skill upon bodies of unfortunate, sick and injured Coloradoans.

My acquaintance and intimacy, I may here say, with the profession of Colorado has been such as to give me an opportunity of forming an estimate of their worth, and in my humble opinion they are the peers of their brethern in other States, and, if I may judge from a brief acquaintance with their brethren across the Atlantic, under no ordinary comparison, then, need they bewail their lowly professional estate and beg to be clothed with humility.

I am conscious that the task we are considering is not one of pleasure, but 'tis only such labor with a purpose in view that brings the highest satisfaction, and in this work which should be undertaken for the State and for the honor of our profession for far more than for ourselves personally, we must remember its importance to the State, and the degree of excellence it shall stamp upon the profession of our Commonwealth, and must persevere until the people of Colorado, learning from our discussion of the subject, its importance to themselves, shall join with us in demanding a class of physicians, all of whom shall be worthy of the name, and shall ascribe to them the position, legal and scientific, which properly will be theirs.

Our aspirations in this matter are not an Utopian dream, nor the extravagant visions of enthusiasts. This condition already exists in some of the most enlightened nations of Europe, and even in the neighboring nation of Mexico.

Now is a favorable time for us to begin a resumption of our efforts in this matter. The efforts that have heretofore been made by our local profession, has been largely made with impediments that do not to-day exist.

The wind and tide of public sense and sentiment have turned in a favorable direction. That great representative body, the American Medical Association, at its session recently held in New Orleans, by resolution urged the establishment in every State, boards having a uniform standard, which should thoroughly examine all practitioners and debar those found incompetent in medical knowledge, whether in possession of a diploma or not.

The State Boards of Examiners of Illinois and West Virginia have been more exacting than those of any other States, and what Boards have received so much commendation from within and from without the profession? The plaudits given to them have been solely because of the position they have taken in the matter of professional education, and the determination they have manifested that their States shall be supplied by competent physicians only.

The sentiment of the people is shown by their statutes: Twenty-six States to-day have fairly well considered medical laws. A remarkable increase over the statutes of ten years ago.

A medical friend in this State, who takes a deep interest in this question, sought the opinion of 200 adults who visited his office during a portion of the past year. Eighty-three per cent were more or less pronounced in its favor, and less than ten per cent. would require no qualifications from the would-be practitioner.

Depend upon it, though, the citizen of average intelligence may not be able to tell you that modern abdominal and pelvic surgery has added over 40,000 years to the sum of human female life, he will tell you that modern miracles are daily wrought by skillful medical hands; and his appreciation of medicine, hygiene and surgery proper are equally great.

Take advantage then of this wide-spread sentiment, urged by our national association, carried into practical use in more than one State by examining boards, which are approved, appreciated, applauded by more men without and within the profession than at any time before in the history of our nation.

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