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and other French writers; 304, Begbie, ibid., effects in a case of chorea; 305, Dr. Gibbs, Lancet, 1858 (1), p. 613, a lady took it many years for an eruption; 306, Dr. Wm. N. Brown, Edinb. Med. Journ., 1858, vol. iii, p. 148, a man washed sheep with a solution of white Arsenic; 307 to 312, Dr. Robert Paterson, ibid., p. 391, different cases of poisoning; 313, Scheffer in Gesundheit der Bergleute, effects on cobalt miners; 314 and 315, Dr. A. S. Taylor, Ophth. Hosp. Rep., 1859 (1), 270, effects of arsenical wallpaper; 316, Dublin Med. Press, 1859, vol. xli, p. 280, shepherds were poisoned by washing sheep with an arsenical wash; 317, Harles, Med. Circular, vol. xiv, 1859, experiments on healthy men with gr. of Arsenious acid; 318, Gonffia's experiments on himself, ibid.; 319, Manchester Guardian, Pharm. Journ., vol. xxiv, 1859, p. 482, three children were poisoned by arsenical wall-paper; 320, Dr. Lorenz, quoted by Heisch, ibid., p. 556, Arsenic-eaters of Styria; 321, same, effects on a gentleman; 322, J. B. Metcalfe, ibid., vol. xx, p. 343, poisoning of Clarence King, æt. three years and a half; (323 to 329, from Berridge); 323, Dr. R. Biggs, Lancet, 1860 (1), p. 8, poisoning by paper; 324, Dr. Ballenden, ibid., p. 579, poisoning of three children by the same; 325, MS. Reports of St. Barth. Hosp., 1860 (Month. Hom. Rev., vol. xiv, p. 428, Rachel and Emma Taylor, partook of a pudding containing a teaspoonful of white Arsenic; 326, Dr. Thomas Orton, Lancet, 1862 (2), p. 576, poisoning by paper; 327, Mr. Simon's Pub. Health Reports, Brit. Med. Journ., 1863 (2), p. 435, symptoms from Ars. green; 328, Dr. D. MeN. Parker, Edinb. Med. Journ., 1864, vol. x, p. 116, effects of Arsenic-eating on a man, æt. thirty years; 329, Craig Maclagan, ibid., p. 200, effects of Arsenic-eating; 330, R. C. Hamil, M.D., Chicago Med. Exam., 1865, p. 643, Mr. H., æt. twenty-five years, took 6 or 7 drachms in cold water; after half an hour an emetic and hydrated oxide of iron were given, vomiting produced; 331, A. S. Taylor, Guy's Hosp. Rep., 1865, 277 (Berridge), poisoning of three children by Arsenic in vermin powder; 332, Dr. Docherty, Glasgow, Mon. Journ. (Pharm. Journ., 2d ser., vol. vii, 1866, p. 243), Mrs. Keechan took oz. in milk; 333, Profs. Grote and Mosler, Berl. Klin. Woch., 1866, p. 60, a boy, æt. two years, ate a piece of paint; (334 to 339, from Berridge); 334, Dr. F. Duckworth, Madras Quart. Journ. of Med. Sci., vol. ix, 1867, 304, Arsenic in food; 335, Hutchinson, Lancet, 1869 (2), 508, general effects; 336, Dr. Seissei, Ertz. Intell. Blatt, 1869 (Brit. Med. Journ., 1869 (1), 424), four hundred persons poisoned by bread; 337, Thomas Graham, Glasgow Med. Journ., 1869 (1), 56, poisoning; 338, Dr. Hicks, Lancet, 1870 (2), 356, a man, æt. forty-eight years, was engaged in pulling off wall-paper; 339, Berridge, Month. Hom. Rev., 1870, 430, a friend of mine suffering from skin eruption, took the 6th; 340, Brit. Med. Journ., 1871 (2), 101, poisoning by wall paper; 341, Martineau, L'Union Med., April, 1873, p. 558, poisoning; (342 to 344, from Berridge); 342. Dr. Clement Walter, Brit. Med. Journ., 1873 (2), 700, a lady was poisoned by wall-paper; 343, Dr. J. Liddell, ibid., p. 772, effects of wall-paper; 344, Dr. John Morley, ibid., 88, poisoning of fifteen persons by Arsenic; 345, Dr. Merbach, Vjs. für Ger. Med., 1875, p. 48, poisoning; 346, H. S. Jones, M.D., Virginia Med. Month., 1875, p. 194, Jesse Thomas, æt. twenty-two years, swallowed nearly a teaspoonful; (347 to 372, from Tardieu, Étude méd. leg. et clin., sur L'Empoisonnement, Paris, 1875); 347, Arsenic in milk; 348 and 349, other cases; 350, Devergie, Med. leg., 3d edit., t. 3, p. 525, poisoning; 351, same, a girl, æt. seventeen years, took 10 grams; 352, Dr. Lachèse fils, Ann. d'hyg. publ. et de méd. leg., 1re ser., t. 17, p. 340,

a girl took a large quantity; 353, Laborde, Journ. de med.-chir. et pharm., 1787, p. 89, poisoning; 354, Bull. de la Soc. Anat., 1853, 179, a girl took a large quantity; 355, Aun. d'hyg., publ. et de méd. leg., 1847, 390, poisoning; 356, Dr. Bineau, Journ. des cours méd.-chir., 1835, 190, five children, from five to nine years, were poisoned; 357, Guilbert, Journ. de Van der Monde, 1756, 353, a man took a large quantity; 358, Barrier, Journ. de med., 1873, 353, five men were poisoned by a solution; 359, Dr. Coqueret, Journ. des connais, medic. chir., 1839, p. 155, poisoning of three persons; 360, Dr. Deville, Révue méd., 1838, 355, a woman took 3 grams; 361, Tardieu, poisoning; 362, Dr. Martineau, communication to Soc. med. des Hôp., effects on a man; 363, Ann. d'hyg. et de méd. leg., 1847, 400, poisoning; 364, Dr. Lachese fils, Ann. d'hyg. publ. et de méd. leg., 1re ser., t. 17, five persons were poisoned by soup; 365, same, case of a woman; 366, ibid., t. 37, p. 121; 367, Dehesne, Journ. de Van der Monde, 1759, 330, poisoning; 368, Mean, Bib. méd., 1821, 401, application to the feet; 369, Desgranges, Rec. de la Soc. de méd. de Paris, t. 6, p. 22, application of arsenical pomade to the hair; 370, Belloc, Med. leg., t. 4, p. 124, a woman applied a solution to the whole body; 371, Dr. Vernois, Ann. d'hyg, et de méd. leg., 1846, application of a preparation to a tumor; 372, Dr. Vitry, ibid., application of a preparation of Arsenic; 373, Dr. Netolitzky, Prag. Med. Wochn., 1876, 225 (S. J., 171, 138), a woman poisoned by a large dose; 374, Eduard Renner, Ueber einen Fall von chron. Arsengiftung, Würzburg, 1876; 375 and 376, E. W. Berridge, Am. Journ. of Hom., Mat. Med., New Ser., vol. v, p. 427, poisoning of two children by wall-paper; 377 to 384, F. H. Brown, M.D., Bost. Med. and Surg. Journ., vol. xciv, 529, cases of similar poisoning; 385, H. B. Donkin, M.D., Brit. Med. Journ., 1876 (2), 587, similar case; 386, A. P. Bowie, M.D., Hahn. Month., vol. xii, p. 490, John Adams swallowed 4 oz. dissolved in water; 387, J. H. Finley, M.D., New York Med. Journ., vol. xxvi, 1877, p. 401, poisoning of sixty men; 388, Dr. Ussher, Hom. World, vol. xii, p. 536, Mrs. S. poisoned by wall paper; 389, same, other cases of poisoning; 390, M. Saint Philippe, Gaz. méd. de Par. (Lond. Med. Rec., 1878, 215), one patient took 16 grs., and another 64 grs.


Mind.- Delirium," 358 359 366-Occasional delirium,369. Loss of reason from time to time,.-Previous to death the patient became delirious and restless,-Slight night delirium,290.-Delirious and unconscious, 29.—Became very nervous, agitated, and delirious, suspecting people were about the house plotting against his life, jumps out of bed suddenly and reaches after imaginary objects, and stares wildly and suspiciously around him, and at every one who makes the slightest noise or stirs; is incoherent,3 [2880.] Within two hours she was found sitting up in a chair, tossing her arms about, apparently perfectly unconscious of surrounding objects and events. She seemed to be suffering from hysteria. In half an hour she was able to speak,25-He pointed out to his sister a hollow between his breast and belly, into which "she could have laid her arm,' 238-Much excited and crying (after one hour),265.-Much mental and bodily agitation,236-His head seemed very much affected, so that he scarcely knew what he said or did, and seemed to labor under a kind of insanity,' When spoken to she turned away her head, and was silent,.-Symptoms of intoxication immediately,333. Arsenic-eating makes men lively and combative, -Feeling of impulsiveness,.-Remarkable watchfulness,. -2890.] Great dislike and indifference to those around,296.-Extreme oppression,355.-Great depression and want of interest in anything,.-"The



whole head sick, the heart faint;" she awoke in the morning wretched, her life a burden, weariness the day's portion, and each succeeding day like its predecessor, unless physic helped her with its little aid,.—Extreme anxiety,.-Great personal anxiety,287.-Anxiety as regards some persons,Her easy-going natural temper was altered; she was irritable in spite of herself, and the same demon had taken temporary habitation in a sister and brother-in-law,38.-Morose and sullen till convalescent, which was in twelve or fourteen days,12.- Intellectual excitation,317, [2900.] Seemed at times hardly able to collect her thoughts,.-Memory enfeebled,-Lying down, apparently insensible; on being roused began to be sick (after two hours),263. Insensible (after nine hours),' Coma,


293 346


Head.-Vertigo, 259 299, etc.-Vertigo, with inability to keep erect, Dizziness in the head (after five minutes); great swimming in the head and vertigo (after ten minutes),36.-Head swollen,369.-Head on one side, and pain on raising it, as from a rheumatic affection of the sterno-mastoid,326.[2910.] Cerebral congestion on the third day, just before death,351.-Sensation of heaviness in the head,358.-Headache,2 251 266, etc.-Severe headache,264 359, etc.-Constant headache, 297-Severe pain in head and across eyes (one case),2.-Complained of pain in head, breast, and belly, vomited several times, and was very thirsty,She complained of a "queerness and strange feeling in her head." These symptoms had come on suddenly, and lasted about ten days. Loss of memory of the performance of very recent acts, frequent giddiness, and some drowsiness, were the chief expressions of the "queerness" she alluded to. She felt as if she were "losing her mind," "-Pain over brows,326.-Violent pain in the frontal region, with vertigo,360.[2920.] Violent neuralgia of forehead and face,301. -Falling out of the hair,.-Falling of the hair during convalescence, 369. -The hair on the head was thick only on the middle of the skull, and the skin desquamated freely,374.

Eye.-Dark areolæ round eyes,280.-Livid circle round eyes,270.-Dark areola round eyes and mouth," 267-When near death dark areolæ around eyes,Dark areola around eyes, which are somewhat staring,3-Eyes sunken,-[2930.] Eyes hollow, when quite half closed,.-Eyes hollow and dark round eyelids,.-Hollow, sunken eyes,307.-Lustrous glistening eye,326.-Eyes injected,281 347 372-Eyes red, lids swollen and excoriated; the redness and swelling of the lids lasted several days,.-Scalding of eyes,. -During the week she had soreness of the eyes,2-Soreness of eyes, which looked inflamed,.-Soreness and irritability of eyes; during the second attack the conjunctiva of lids was deep red along the tarsal edges and at the angles; the lids were slightly tumid, and had a tendency to eversion; vision was painful,3-Lids. [2940.] Swelling of eyelids,269.-Lids oedematous (second day),3.-A line of excoriation on integument at external angle of each eye, and desquamation of cuticle of eyelids, with redness of latter,269.Slight inflammation of left upper eyelid,.-Convulsive movements of the eyelids, jaws, etc.,.-Itching about eyelashes,.-Lachrymation. Lachrymation,2-Lachrymation, which corroded the lids and cheeks,. -Eyes suffused, even bloodshot,.—Conjunctiva. Conjunctivitis for a considerable time,30-2950.] Slight conjunctivitis, with intolerance of light, Mild conjunctival inflammation,.-Inflammation of tarsal portions of conjunctiva,.-Injected conjunctiva,266 270 313,-In all the conjunctivæ were injected; the next day, except in the children, the congestion had disappeared, and given place to a yellow tinge,".-Conjunctiva





bluish white,Suffusion of conjunctiva, 3.- Pupil. Pupils dilated (after several days),.-Pupils dilated, but react normally to light," Vision. Dimness of sight,239 262, etc.-[2960.] Failure of vision,270 279. One girl, æt. fourteen years, became blind, lost her speech, and fell down in a state of syncope,.-Flickering before the eyes,-Some complained of flickering of the muscles and disturbance of vision, preventing them from knitting, sewing, or reading; and when they closed their eyes they saw shining particles floating backwards and forwards (second day),".--Sparks before the eyes (second day),373 374-Bluish sparks before the vision,32. Ear.-Ringing in ears,


Nose.-Long-continued excessive watery discharge from the left nostril, saturating handkerchiefs by the dozen, excoriating the nose, and making her wretched, Nosebleed,.-Profuse epistaxis,5-[2970.] Tip of the nose violet, cold,362.


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279 280



Face.-Anxious countenance, 270 309, etc.-Cadaverous countenance,2 Features pinched; eyes sunken, 349-Features pinched, livid,.-Features contracted and face thin,328.-Sunken countenance," 280.-Face sunken and ghastly,.-Complexion unnatural, and by gaslight a dark greenish hue,-Pallor of the face,55753-[2980.] Face pale, pinched, covered with cold sweat,356.-Face pale, contracted, and anxious,-Face pale, collapsed,.-Flushed face,27-Face red,347 358, etc.-Easily flushed," -Much suffusion and some swelling of face,26.-Face red and swollen,360.—Countenance dusky,.-Face livid,".-[2990.] Countenance livid and sunken (after six hours),262-Face puffy and erysipelatous,-Twitching of face muscles,2-Convulsive movements of the muscles of the face,357.-Neuralgia; often have I found this lady with her face closely wrapped up in flannel, as if she dreaded an attack with sharp ice-spears or burning needles; it came with throes of violence over the left eyebrow, and into the bones of the face, crept up the spine, and settled in the vertex, making her feel as if she could go mad, or rush out anywhere; noise was intolerant," Lips violet, cold,341 362.-Lips parched and dry,"

271 331



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Mouth.-Teeth. Sordes on teeth,270.-Teeth of a yellowish-earthy look, with very little lustre,.-Gums. Spongy gums,0-[3000.] Aphthous ulceration of gums and tonsils,301.-Gums swollen and sore (second day),30-Gums inflamed,.-The gum exhibited a red line,87.—Tenderness of gums,.—Burning in gums,275.-Tongue. Tongue swollen," Tongue foul and swollen,".-Tongue large, somewhat indented, covered with a true silvery-white fur, the papillæ projecting through it of rather a dark-red color, 25-Tongue thick, fleshy, clean,".-3910.] Drew her tongue together as much as alum does, 25.-Tongue loaded, Tongue much furred,250.-Tongue moist and covered with a thin white fur,3 -Whiteness of tongue," White tongue, with red tip,266.-Tongue coated white, with red margins, and painful,-Tongue red and dry,.-The tongue presents red edges, with white fur,.-Tongue coated white, with scattered red papillæ, resembling the tongue of scarlatina,-[3020.] Tongue and fauces very red (second day),530.-Tongue and whole mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx intensely red,.-Bright green coating of the tongue (one case),2-Tongue had a dryish coffee-brown coloring, later changed to an inky color, the substance of the organ being injected,".Tongue dry and brown,.-On the fifth day the tongue became dry and black, the ecchymosed spots on the skin became dry and black,36.-Tongue dry, 357 369.-Tongue cold,".-Burning in tongue,275.-Sensation on the tongue as though there were blisters on it,.-General Mouth. [3030.] Aph


thous ulcerations on mouth and tongue,246.-Stinging sensations in mouth and pharynx (after a quarter of an hour),2.-Burning heat in the mouth and anus-Saliva. Ptyalism, 373-Unusual degree of salivation,2-He spat very much,.-Free secretion of saliva, as if salivated (second day),330. -Taste. Burning astringent taste in the mouth,373.-One complained of a nauseous taste (second day),".-Sooty taste in mouth,2-[3040.] He had had a metallic taste in mouth and throat for some time,328.-Strong metallic (coppery) taste in mouth,.-Speech monosyllabic, tremulous,372. Throat.-Spasms in the throat,-Dryness of the throat,.-Dryness of throat and tongue,2-Diphtheritis,0-Sore throat,376-More or less sore throat for three years,2-Constriction of throat,268 271, etc.[3050.] Painful constriction of the throat,.-Slight sensation of constriction in throat,.-Sensation of strangling in the throat,356.-Scraping in the throat,.-Roughness of throat (one case),278.-Husky feeling in throat,314. -Burning in throat,246.-Sensation of burning in throat,.-Severe burning pain in throat,264-Two observed that they had burning in the throat (after five to seven minutes),.-[3060.] Heat in the throat and stomach,360-Heat and uneasiness of throat, with hoarseness,238.-Soon after his occupancy of the room, began to have tonsillitis, with dry tongue and mouth, and finally these symptoms continued through nearly the entire winter; he increased very markedly in weight, became dyspeptic, and had a foul breath, with a general sensation of malaise,376.-On palate and uvula were small, roundish, white, acuminated prominences; seemingly the membrane covering the palate, bones, and velum pendulum detached at the parts by a whitish liquid,238.-Redness of fauces with aphthous ulceration,269. -Uneasiness in fauces,.-Spasmodic contraction of pharynx, 2012-Constriction of esophagus,271 282 330,- Burning in tract of oesophagus, Simple ardor in oesophagus extending to stomach, but seldom painful when the dose is not considerable,-[3070.] Dysphagia, 28.-Deglutition very painful on account of the spasmodic constriction of the throat,355.

270 289


269 334

Stomach.—Appetite and Thirst. The increase of appetite is remarkable, and is almost always observed when the dose is weak. A strong dose produces opposite effects, such as diminution and even complete loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting,".-No appetite,250, etc.-Appetite there was none; eating became a forced business," -Great loathing of stomach,265. Loathing of animal food,343. -Thirsty,264 265, etc. Excessive thirst,2 , etc.-Tormenting thirst,336 345-[3080.] Intense thirst, with constant desire for cold water, which even in the smallest quantity could not be retained,328-The thirst is more excessive in proportion as the quantity of Arsenic taken is greater,"17. Pyrosis,.- Heartburn,240,- Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea soon,259-Desire to vomit,.-Five centigrams Arsenious acid taken at supper caused nausea and headache the following morning, with slight diarrhoea, all of which disappeared in the course of the day,3--Nausea, followed by vomiting of green bilious matter, and ropy mucus, continuing for thirty hours,.-Nausea (after three hours); frequent violent efforts to vomit, though nothing was discharged (after five hours); incessant vomiting for two hours (after six hours),.-Nausea and vomiting, 38-3090.] In an hour she was constantly retching, and sometimes vomiting, with violent spasms of stomach and bowels; weak and quick pulse; frequent dark bloody diarrhoea; frequent coldness of extremities. The next day she complained of soreness of stomach,.—Nausea and flow of viscid saliva from the mouth, with heat of fauces, stupor, small and frequent pulse (after forty minutes),2.-In about an hour he

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