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pulle is very frequent but feeble, and at laft not to be felt fometimes a mild delirium occurs, and at others the patient keeps his fenfes perfect. No other febrile fymptoms can be obferved. The rudiments of buboes appear on the body after death.

At the first instant of attack, and while the strength was yet entire, vomiting was excited and continued till the anxiety was removed or much relieved. Immediately afterwards cordials, and next fudorifics were given repeatedly. But after extreme debility had come on, the most powerful cordials were given before emetics, and after fufficient vomit. ing the fame diaphoretic plan was purfued, not neglecting ftimulants and corroborants.

Among the more uncommon fymptoms, tinnitus aurium, vertigo, bleeding at the nofe in the beginning of the dif cafe, worms, fpafms and convulfions may be enumerated.

The diet was accommodated to circumftances. Meat and drink, whether crude or liable to fermentation were evidently hurtful. Broth, well fermented bread, acidulated drink feemed very proper, aud even highly advantageous in pro moting the cure.

Bleeding and cathartics were manifeftly hurtful. The great prefervative confifted in avoiding all intercourfe with the infected.

The detrufion of the fufpected and infected into prefervative houses, as they were called, and hofpitals, was too much dreaded and detefted as to produce the greatest confufion, whence this regulation feemed to contribute little to the extinction of the plague.

The beft mode of prefervation, with refpect to nonnaturals, feemed to confift in cold and dry air, food eafy of digeftion, well fermented drink, rather weak and of refreshing nature; moderate fleep; conftant motion, very gentle evacuants, if at all neceffary, and avoiding all violent paffions.

Those who could not avoid frequent intercourse with the infected, and were even obliged to touch them, befides the general precautions, made ufe of fumigations and odours, trengthening and diaphoretic medicines, and particular

dreffes and inftruments.

The fumigations ordered by the College of Health, were as follow. I. That for fumigating infected houses.

Fol. Juniperi
Rad. lign. guaiaci

Baccar Juniperi

Furfur tritic. ana. Ib vi.

Nitri crudi b viii

Sulph. b vi



2. A milder

2. A milder form for fumigating fufpected houses and more delicate fubftances, differed only in containing lefs fulphur

and nitre.

3. Perfumed antipeftilential powder for fumigation.

Calami aromat. lb iii

Ollbani lb ii

Succini lb i


Flor. rofar. ana. lb fs

Nítri lbi 3 viii

Sulphur. 3 iv

The fmoaking of tobacco and iffues feemed useful though a few inftances to the contrary occurred. I know nothing certain with respect to amulets and other prophylactics.

The author next fubjoins eight cafes, and among the reft his own, which we should willingly infert, if we had room. The vifcidity of the meat in feveral of these cases is remark, able, but the rapidity with which the miafma produced its effects, while the author was feeling the pulfe of a patient from whom it would feem he received the infection, is altogether as extraordinary.

Then follow thirty-six observations which we shall tranflate.

1. The phases of the moon feem to have no confiderable influence on the plague.

2, There was a plentiful crop of fruits at Jaffe, and Mofcow, and of grapes at the former place.

3. Thofe who had large wounds or ulcers, even in a state of fuppuration, were not exempt from the infection. In the military hofpital at Jaffe the first carbuncles were observed in the wounds. As the difeafe advances the wounds dry up; fuppuration stops, but returns again afterwards if the patient furvives.

4. Pregnant women when infected are easily delivered and seem to be better immediately afterwards, but they die in a fhort time of an uterine hæmorrhage.

5. In gonorrhea the running ceafes after infection, but re curs upon convalefcence.

6. Infected infants often become comatofe and convulfed, fyptoms feldom occurring in adults.

7. In relapses the symptoms are milder.

8. The contagion feems to be propagated from perfons only in the acme of the difeafe. No infection was ever observed to proceed from those in the period of infection, or those who have been early saved by a falutary crisis after the disease is fully formed,

9. After

9. After a long period of infection the disease was always more dangerous and difficult of cure than after a sudden sei


10. At the height the fenfe of touch is extremely obtuse, even when there is no delirium.

11. The moft ufual way of infection was by contact; though it was certainly fometimes received by infpiration.

12. In the two acute types the symptoms fuffer an exacerbation at the time of the eruption of buboes and carbuncles.

13. Some who bore evident marks of infection, fuch as the rudiments of buboes and broad livid exanthemata, the forerunners of dry carbuncles, and were apprized of their danger, fhewed incredible indolence and indifference about approaching death.

14. Immediately before the attack of the very acute fpecies, the apetite is often preternaturally keen.

15. Some have affirmed that they were fenfible of an inexpreffibly naufeous fmell at the inftant they were seized with the plague in its very acute state.

16. Convalescents from the plague recover their strength and former health much more eafily and fpeedily than after malignant fevers.

17. In fome, who have carbuncles, ulcers resembling chancres, appeared at the fame time on the glans penis, but they never became gangrenous.

18. After the refolution, many pimples fometimes appeared in various parts of the body.

19. When buboes were opened too early, an immoderate flow of fanies in fome cafes enfuing, brought on emaciation and haftened death. In others the edges of the wounds and the adjacent parts, became fo hard that fuppuration could with difficulty be brought on by the beft emollients.

20. Fomentations of vinegar were used with the greatest advantage for the refolution of buboes and carbuncles; but if this end could not be attained, the business of suppuration proceeded much more flowly, when they were too long continued,

21. Hæmorrhages from the nofe were in feveral inftances falutary at the very beginning of the plague, but at a more advanced period they were generally followed by death.

22. Large carbuncles in the neck produce a great fwelling in the adjacent parts, and in a short time the patient is fuffocated.

23. Buboes fometimes rife in the middle of the leg.

24. Carbuncles appearing upon parotids forwarded the fupuration, which otherwife is obtained with great difficulty. Their fixing upon other buboes was fometimes a good, but oftner a bad fign,

25. It

25. It is a fatal fign, if carbuncles fpread farther, after the efchar is separated and pour forth fanies instead of pus.

26. At Moscow it was remarked as a fingular phænomenon that all the prifoners who were infected had parotids.

27. At the origin of the plague exhanthemata and buboes are more frequent, at its height carbuncles, and at its decline buboes almost alone appear.

28. Buboes fometime after they have been cured, rife again in the fame place.

29. When the efchars of carbuncles remained neglected after the recovery of the patient, the adjacent parts fwelled very much, and fometimes buboes rofe again.

30. When buboes have already rifen, and humid carbuncles fupervene in places not dangerous, it is in general a good fign.

31. Sometimes two or three buboes were observed in the fame groin.

32. I have never feen carbuncles on the hairy fcalp, the eyes, the infide of the mouth, the penis, the palms of the hands, and the foles of the feet.

33. In the period of infection the external fkin becomes fo unctuous on account of the fuperabundant unguem, that water poured upon it collects into drops; many patients newly infected have their face as fhining as if it had been anointed with oil.

34. Mercurial medicines used both externally and internally in various forms and dofes, produced not the smallest good effect.

35. They, who early in the acute type vomited either fpontaneously, or otherwife, without much difficulty, much bilious vifcid faburra, always had the disease in a milder way. On the contrary, late or difficult vomiting, or the failure of emetics in producing their effect, foreboded a fatal termination. 36. This paragraph is long, and relates to a contagious difeafe among dogs.

(To be concluded in our next.)



Art. 18. Obfervations on Dr. M'Farlan's Inquiries concerning the Poor. By T. Tod, Merchant, Treasurer to the Orphan, Hofpital. Published for the Benefit of the Orphans. Edinburgh. James Donaldfon. 1783. No Price.


O write obfervations on the poor, and poor-laws in profe and verfe is rather fingular; but the author appears by his publication to be a very extraordinary perfonage. Thomas Tod merchant,' we undersland is a tanner in Edinburgh. Had he stuck to his currying knife, or written, if he must write, for the pastime of his particular friends, he would not have been fo confpicuoufly ridiculous; his conceit would have been confined to the fmall circle of his acquaintance, they alone would have undergone the penance of reading his obfervations.

Dr. M'Farlan's inquiries concerning the poor we have noticed in a former review*, with that approbation we thought they undoubtedly deferved. Obferving, in England efpecially, that the number of paupers, and the poor-rates are continually increafing, while the streets are crouded with mendicants of every defcription, the fenfible author naturally concluded that the laws now fubfifting were infufficient for the purposes for which they were enacted, that they were the bane of induftry, and tended ultimately to the encouragement of vice. Knowing that the morals of a ftate, as well as its political profperity depend in a great measure on the industry of its inhabitants, he offered a plan whofe object was to give no encouragement to idleness, to prevent begging, and to fupport the real objects of public bounty equally well, and at much less expence than formerly. Surely fuch benevolent and patriotic intentions merited the approbation and thanks of the community. Had the plan been erroneous, virulence fhould not have entered into the confutation. Above all,

to have the whole mangled and diftorted by fuch an adverfary is truly mortifying. An adverfary who appears evidently incapable of comprehending the plan as a whole, but who impotently nibbles at the parts, after having, either through ignorance or defign, mifreprefented them; who deals largely in perfonal abuse, who is often at variance with himself, and conftantly fo with grammar and common fenfe. Thomas Tod informs us that he has no great abilities' for writing on fubjects of latitude." Why then Thomas, write on this? Doft not thou know that this is a fubject of great latitude, and that a proper code of poor laws has hitherto been the opprobrium legiflationis; which, being interpreted for thy ufe, means that the legifiature has failed in every attempt of the kind. And yet thou must be meddling-once more ftick to thy currying knife. Art. 19. The Beauties of Great Britain; or, a new Companion to Ogilby's Book of Roads. Containing a general Description of fuch Lakes, Mountains, ruins, Antiquities, and Noblemen's Seats


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