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undertakings, we recollect, that all who have case among our dissenting brethren. Hull gone before us in believing God's promises, has furnished a Ward to the Baptist Misand obeying his commands, have in every sions, and a Wray to the London Missionary age been exposed to the like. Noah was Society, who are labouring with distin probably the laughing-stock of the whole guished success, one in the East Indies, and world, while, through faith,' he pre- . the other in South America and should pared the ark : yet wbat he did, proved to none be found to offer themselves from

the saving of his house, and the preser- among the young men of our Established. vation of the human species. Abraham was, Church? no doubt, thought extremely visionary and “But why do I wish for a separate associaabsurd, when, believing the promises of tion, rather than concur with that which God, he forsook his country, his kindred, already exists? I will say in a few words. and friends, and went forth not knowing I agree with what has already been stated whither he went.' Yet thus only did upon the subject. In the Bible Society I he become the friend of God,'--and plead for the closest union--the most unli‘heir of the righteousness of faith'—and mited co-operation among Christians of difthus only in him and in his seed are all ferent denominations; and regard as lighter the families of the earth blessed.'—And than vanity all that has been said or writnever surely could any persons appear so ten against such co-operation in that one extravagant to the eye which looks only at object. There we are strictly upon comhuman probabilities, as the twelve fisher- mon ground.--Nothing on wbich we differ men of Galilee setting out to change the comes into question. The text, the text religion of the world! But they went out alone of the Scriptures, is what the Bible in obedience to the command-Go ye Society has to do with. But in a Missionary into all the world, preach the Gospel to Society the note and the comment must be every creature;' and in reliance on the furnished. Points of doctrine and of discipromise-Lo, I am with you alway;' and pline are concerned; and no cordial union they succeeded, with regard to what was can ever be produced where any principles, then called the world. We go forth upon even though but subordinate ones, are to be like principles, and we trust in God to sacrificed or compromised. Union, under share their success. The preaching of the such circumstances, can only resemble that cross is indeed to them that perish foolish- of the iron and miry clay. From esteem, ness'--the essence of weakness, and the therefore, for the Dissenters, and a desire essence of folly; but to them that are to cherish that cordiality which happily subsaved it is the power of God and the wisdom sists between us in this place, among other of God. It pleascth God by the foolish- , reasons, I would recommend that we should Dess of preaching to save them that be- here act separately-separately, yet barmolieve.'

* . niously. I would ever regard them as fel“ I will beg permission to use one more low-labourer's—fellow-soldiers, though of a argument. We have all continually in our different regiment. I read of their sucmouths the prayer, ' Hallowed be thy name cesses with heartfelt pleasure, and cordia

thy kingdom come-thy will be done on ally returned them the wish of good luck earth as it is in heaven. If, then, we in the name of the Lord. We are all, in would not be hypocrites in our daily short, marching upon one conimon object. prayers, we must feel interest, and use ex- Our acting separately is but advancing upon ertion, for the diffusion of Christianity in it in so many parallel lines, instead of folthe world.

lowing all in the same track; and I trust " But there is another reason why I wish the only consequence will be, that we shall for a Missionary Association amongst us— come down upon the heathen world in a pamely, that it may do good to ourselves. wider, broader phalanx, the impression of We want good of this kind doing to us. I which, under the blessing of God, all the feel myself lukewarm; I cannot but see gates of hell shall never be able to resist. that others are lukewarm; and I cannot “It only remains to say a few words but hope, that by being embarked in the upon the immediate object of my motion. cause, and coming in contact with what The collection of small weekly and monthly should excite us, our own hearts will be subscriptions is an apparently humble, but warmed with love and zeal — that we shall really effectual means of serving the cause. pray with increasing fervour, and hear the My Rev. friend (Mr. Pratt) informs me, word of the Gospel with more lively inter- that the resolution, constituting each colest; and that thus, while we' water others, lector of one sbilling per week a member of we shall be watered' of God ourselves. I the society, has added even thousands a hope, too, that a missionary spirit will be year to its funds! And when these small excited, and that some will arise to go forth sums are collected from the poor, the poor from among us, to carry the Gospel of sal. are not thereby pillaged--they are benefit vation to the beather. This has been the ed. I have just read, and wish to recon

mend, a very sensible pamphlet, by a Scotch alas! are now sunk into oblivion, and their clergyman (Mr. Chalmers, of Kilmany), on precise situation is not even known; in the tendency of such associations and sub- others there is not even a nominal professor . scriptions, among the poor. He shows, of our religion. Smyroa is indeed yet a that in a political point of view it is excel- city, but it contains very few Christians. : lent; that it is well suited to check the The situation of these once happy and en alarming growth of pauperism, and to re- lightened places ought to operate as a warnstore that sort of independence among the ing to us, lest, if we neglected to promote lower orders, wbich makes them reluctant the glory of God, our fate should also be to cast themselves upon parish support. similar! It might be asked, “Has nothing And surely the inoral and religious effect is been done for these unhappy countries? most beneficial also. It raises and expands Has no inquiry been made into their situathe thoughts of a poor man's heart, to give tion?' A friend of his had recently trar him information concerning the state of the velled thither, and endeavoured to extend world, and to make him a contributor to the the knowledge of the Gospel to those places

highest interests of his fellow-men univer- which he had visited. And here he might · sally. It makes him one of an honourable point out the advantages of combining re

fraternity, which he must take care not to ligious with mercantile pursuits; that in disgrace. It calls his best feelings into ex- travelling to promote their interests as merercise: and shows him the value of the Gos- chants, Englishmen might be enabled to pel as he had not before seen it, and in a communicate to the unenlightened those manner well calculated to bring his own truths which cheer the heart and form the mind under its heavenly influence. The only true riches." contribution of a penny a week can be felt He was followed by the Rev. J. Jowett, by few: and no where can the sentence be in a speech of considerable length, who more true than here-It blesses bim who concluded with expressing himself highly gives, as well as him who receives.”

gratified with the proceedings of that day, Ç. Lutwidge, Esq, l'ose to move that Sir and hoped that the zeal then manifested H. Etherington be President of the Asso- would never grow faint. He finished with ciation ; in doing which he paid a deserved the 67th Psalm "God be merciful, &c.” compliment to the worthy Baronet's wellknown benevolent disposition, and his readiness to patronize every charitable insti- . ;


• CHAPLAIN AT AGRA, TO THE REV. MR. We are obliged, for want of room, to


.. omit the report of the excellent speech DEAR BROTHER,

July 5, 1813. of the Rev. William Jowett; but the follow The sight of an old letter of yours reing passage in it was attended to with great proaches me seçerely, and sets me upon en interest

deavouring to excuse may long neglect in “ He would draw the attention of the not writing to you. The removal of your meeting to another scene nearer home-to old friend Mr, Brown, and of Mr. Martyn, the shores of the Mediterranean, where the bas affected me very particularly: the place Gospel was once preached, but where igno- of the former is supplied by Mr. T. as . rance and superstition now reigned. Let far as can be in Calcutta ; and extensive revisit, in imagination, the seas which good has been done, and is doing there, . St. Paul once navigated, and the plains both in Bible Society matters, and among wbich he trod. Where were now the cities individuals. But there was a maturity of of Philadelphia, of Ephesus, and of Sardis ? judgment and solidity of character in Mr. Let us go to that of Athens, where the voice Brown, that few can supply. The loss of

of that Apostle was once heard from Mars'- Mr. Martyn has left a perfect blank among .. hill, teaching the Greeks to worship Him us: he was a man sui generis. Come who whom they only knew as an unknown God! will, it is likely they will follow at an imWhat shall we see there but Mahometans, mense distance after Martyn; but, alas! who are sunk in the darkest ignorance, or there is no appearance of any to stand in a few Greeks professing indeed a religion his place. In these two, I have lost my miled Christian, but completely oyerlaid guide and my familiar friend; but the Lord with the grossest superstitions ? See the liveth, and blessed be my Rock. Mr. Thoplace where Demosthenes once poured forth mason is more fully employed than any one the torrents of his eloquence, and where person ought to be with his congregation, Euripides and Sophocles once lived, but of and secretary business; and Mr. T. gives whom the very names are almost forgotten himself wholly to the British, as I am by their now degraded countrymen. Let us the only one of our brethral actually en, endeavour to seek for those seven churches gaged with the natives. My situation here i of Asia, of whom mention is nade in the is favourable, having but a comparatively

Revelation of St. John. Many of them, small European congregation ; our whole ... CARIST, Gvab), Vol. VI. .'

number is about three bundred. It has several days past he has eaten very little. pleased God to raise a good deal of attention His former connexions, who took little or to his word amongst them, and a society no notice of him, now crowd in Hocks, is begun among the privates for reading and and beset him night and day. The Mahoprayer, and another among the merchants, medans too secm equally eager to dissuado ånd of which there are some who follow the him from embracing the truth : be makes army at every station. There is a Baptist "them no answer, and continues to profess mission here; but the Missionary, Cham bimself under my instructions. Nothing berlain, being a man of warm natural tem- but the great power of God can disentangle per, was removed from this by Government; him from the spares he is surrounded with. on account of a misunderstanding between Besides this, a very intelligent Brahmin bim and the commanding officer, and the mis- boy, about fifteen, oue day whilst Abdul sion has not bitherto produced any converts. Musech was expounding Acts, iv. and espea Mr. Chamberlain is now at - with cially verse 12, broke off the Brahmin the Begura Somrgo (a Roman Catholic), thread, ate with Abdul, and came to live teaching bis grandchildren English, and has with us. The few days he stayed he exfine opportunities of usefulness. I arrived pressed himself more and more happy at here on March 18th, You may perbąps see the change, and was asking me often about in the Christian Guardian some account of baptism, &c. A few days ago, when he

Abdul Musech, a converted Mahomedan; went out on necessary business, he disap· I had known him at Caunpore, and found peared. We heard that a fat Brahmin was

him in Calcutta last year, when I made a seen leading him by the hand towards the voyage to sea for the recovery of my health. city, and enticing him on, with evident reluce At my suggestion he was put upon the fund tance on his part. We have made all pose supplied by the Society for Missions to 'sible search, but can hear nothing of the Africa and the East, as a catechist, and Brahmin described, nor the boy, and fear goes on increasing with the increase of God. he has been secretly despatched. Dear Mr. Through his labours since we have been brown used to say, every thing that came here, there are now twelve adults, çandi- to good effect was opposed in the outset ; so dates for baptism; and several children be- that we are encouraged ratber than dismay, longing to them. I have sent a journal of ed by these circumstances, and you must his proceedings. regularly up to the 20th not think that any the least tumult is to be ylt, to a Mr. Bates, a college friend of apprehended. I go at all times alone without bine in London; and Mr. T. I believe, the least apprehension, through the greatest sends a copy to the Secretary to the Mis- crowds; at the same time I am instrumental sionary Society. Appearances become daily in this work, only as the adviser of Abdul more promising, but our difficulty increases Musech, and as a reference, when his aralso. The sanguinary Mahomedans become guments make any impression ; they then more waren in their opposition, and even say, “But let us hear what Sahib says on the the listless Hindoos look displeased at being subject; if he asserts that these things are disturbed; this has appeared, during the so, we must believe them to be so." My chief last week especially, on account of a young employment is in my schools. One of the Rajah, nephew of the Rajah of Benares, and boys I have had so long, begins to be a coma Brahmin : he has been a very thoughtless fort to me both by the progress he makes in young man, and very fond of hunting, &c. in knowledge, and the marks of piety that apcompany with the English. He came one pear in him. I have another school for the day to Mr. Martyn at Caunpore, when we drummers, who are children of European were living together ; and on coming here fathers of the native corps: they live among in the beginning of June, and hearing of the Seapoys. One of them, I trust, is awa. my being here, he came straight way to call kened to 'a care for his soul, and his light upon me. He is the lawful heir to the must necessarily shine through the whole government of Benares, though our go- regiment. These youths have little or no vernment choose to favour the present fa- intercourse with Europeans, and in all mily, and, after some time, told me the whole but name are perfect natives. I have much bistory of his disappointments. After hear- anxiety about getting Abdul Musech ordain. ing him out, I endeavoured to convince him ed. He is, by judgn that all earthly dependencies were equally and the learning of this country, amply unsatisfying, &c. Abdul Musech, who was qualified. Another person of the same present, took up the subject, and pursued race with the above drummers, bas given it: in short, the young man was struck himself to preach the Gospel to the natives : with the truth of wbat was said, and has he was near joining the Baptists, but I was become very open in his approbation of the made the means of clearing up his doubts Gospel; and says before all, he knows he on that subject. Two pious young officers shall perish for ever if he does not become have established schools for native children a Christian. The honour of his family, &c. where they are. One of them has sixty. however, so presses on his mind, that for scholars. There are three other families in

pt ar

different places here, thus seeking the the Freemasons' Tavern, Great Queen good of India

Street, on Saturday, the 21st of May last, I remain yours affectionately in the Lord, His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent in

D. C. the chair; and the Anniversary Dinger og

Tuesday, the 24th of the same month,

the Marquis of Lansdown in the chair, MORAVIAN COLLECTION.

supported by their Royal Highnesses the RECEIVED, on the 18th of July, the sum Dukes of Kent and Sussex. of £140, being the amount of a collection Subscriptions in aid of the Institution made by the Rev. Basil Woodd, for the are received by the Treasurer, William benefit of such settlements of the United Allen, Plough Court, Lombard Street; at Brethren in Germany as have suffered by the house of the Institution, Royal Bree the calamities of the war,

school, Borough Road; and 'by Messrs, REUSS. Ransom, Morland, and Co. Pall-mall,

Messrs. Coutts and Co. Strand; ápd Messrse

Hoares, Fleet Street. BRITISH SYSTEM OF EDUCATION, · N. B. It is requested that all communi. At a meeting of the Committee of the cations for information cancerning qualified Jostitution for promoting the British Sys- teachers, &c. be addressed, post-paid, to the tem for the Education of the labouring and Secretary, at the Royal Free-school, manufacturing Classes of Society, of every Borough Road, Southwark, where every are religious Persuasion, held at Kensington ticle requisite for the supply of country Palace, on Saturday, the 30th of April, His schools may be procured as usual. Royal Highness the Duke of Kent in the

Joseri'Fox, Secretary, Chair; it was resolved, that the following potice be inserted in the public papers, and a copy transmitted to every Subscriber :

CLERKENWELL PHILANTHROPIC SOCIETY. “That Joseph Lancaster, who, at the This Society has been recently insti, General Meeting held on the 10th of Nu- tuted for "Relieving the temporary distress · vember 1813, accepted the office of Super- of the necessiteus manufacturing and la

intendent, at a salary of 16. per diem, has bouring Poor," Neither the Society nof now resigned that office, expressing great the objects of its relief, are confined withiq dissatisfaction with the Committee and the limits of Clerkenwell. It þas members Trustees; by which measure, all connexion in almost every part of the metropolis, and between hinrself and the Institution for pro- its ear is open to distress from every quarter moting the British System, is dissolved. that can'reach it. The plan of the Society

“That the Committee having for some is to afford temporary relief to cases of distime past derived little assistance from the tress, not having parochial or ether estapersonal services of Joseph Lancaster, the blished relief. Their relief has the great public may rest assured that the Institution quality of speed in its application. A comstill remains upon precisely the same found. mittee meets three times a-week to decide ation as before; and that alt arrange- upon petitions, and no delay follows in adments, whereby the great work of public ministering aid, but what is necessary to education has been bitherto facilitated, sub inquire into the real nature of the claim. sist in their full vigour, and that tiis great Distress is the title to relief; and no denonational object will be prosecuted with un mination of religion, no distance of place, is diminished activity by the same Patrons, a bar to the administration of it, Trustees, and Committee, in whom the The Clerkenwell l'hilanthropic Society friends of education have been accustomed did not begin to dispense its charities till the to confide,

Ist of January 1814; since which time, it “ That, to prevent any mistake with re- has relieved 77 cases of distress (many of gard to the appropriation of subscriptions then of a very interesting nature), and inintended for the support of the British cluding relief to 254 persons.--His Royal System, the public are earnestly solicited to Highness the Duke of Kent is Patron of ascertain, that the persons applying for the Society; the Marquis of Nortbåmpton, such subscriptions are authorized by the President; and the following are ViceCommittee; or if the said subscriptions be Presidents :--Right Hon: Earl Compton ; paid into the hands of a banker, that they Samuel Whitbread, Esq. M. P.; Charles be placed to the account of Mr. William Calvert, Esq. M. P.; John Atkins, Esg. Allen, the Treasurer of the Institution, and Alderman, M. P.; Robert Albion Cox, Joseph Lancaster having no longer any au Esq. and Alderinan; Matthew Wood, Esq. thority to receive subscriptions for this pur and Alderman; l'hilip Booth, Esq.; Harry

Smith, Esq.; William Abud, Esq.; John The General Meeting of the Sub. C. Lettsom, M.D. F. R. A. and L. S. scribers to the Institution was held at




The gentle soul whose generous breast ex

pands . . . WNY are thy chariot-wheels, my love, so..


50 - With sympathizing pity to the poor," : slow? Why tarries my beloved Jesus so?

Nobly relieves their wants with bounteous My Saviour dear, my father, and my Friend,

hands, Here bid disease and sickness have an end:

Nor spurns the hạmble suppliant from bis If 't is thiỹ will, no longer, Lord, delay,

door : But come and take my willing soul away; The friendly hands that smooth Afüiction's Resign'd I wishi it, -Jesus, hear my plea, Sign my dismission --Saviour, set me free." Or from the pillow pluck the thorn of care, Thüs pray'd the Christian-Jesus, who was Kindly and gently prop the sinking head, , there,

Relieve their wants, and all their sorrows Heard and approv'd the dying Christian's share. prayer :

Thus gentle Howard liv'd, illustrious name! $* Death, do thy office," was the kind reply— (Sweet Mercy's darling childs) the good And the believer died without a sigh.

and great : * Dublin.

AARON. Åvaunt ye heroes; ye proud sons of fame,

Lay your diminish'd honours at his feet. *.. THE CHRISTIAN'S. ADIEU. . T was his to wipe away the mournful tear IMMANUEL's land, where glory dwells, From van Affliction's pale and meagie • The Christian keeps in view;

face; Aud whilst its happy plains hc eyes,

'T was his the widow's lonesome heart to Bids earth's delights adieu.

.cheer, “Adieu," he cties, “ adieu thou world,

And take the friendless orphan's pås - Where proud ambition reigns ;

rent's place. Your highest seat's too low for me, . 'T was his to pierce the dungeon's horrid -Nor worthy of my pains.


Lighten the woe-worn prisoner of his ** Adieu ye scenes, where pleasure casts

chain, Its momentary light;

Arert the guilty culptit's wretched doom, Awhile ye shine, and then are lost

... And ease the sufferer of his torturing pain, In everlasting night.

Reader, art thou of wealth and power .“ Adieu ye haunts of noisy mirth,

- possess'd ? : Where folly sports and sings;

Did e'er thy bosom own a kindred flame! Your proffer'd joy my soul disdains,

Did gentle pity ever warm thy breast? And aims at nobler things.

Remember Howard, and go do the same: «. Adieu that converse, where my soul

Can nought of Jesus hear; Belor'd hy him, by him redeem'd,

· LINES ON A DYING INFANT. No name to me so dear.”

LOVELY infant, yield thy breath, Imwanuel's land, where glory dwells,

Sweetly fall asleep in death.
OʻChristian, kecp in view ;

Terger blossom doom’d to die
And whilst its happy plains you eye, Ere thy beauty charm’d the eye, .
Bid eartli's delights adieu.

Happy child, we envy thee,
Lovely, innocent, and free; :

Quit this world of sin and woe,
Frome, March 7, 1814.

Leave thy weeping friends below. As you lately did me the honour of in

We would not prolong thy stay; Berting two pieces which I sent you for

Stretch thy pinions, soar away, the poetical department of your inva

Let thy sinking eyelids close, Juable Magazine, I am induced to send

Gently siak to sweet repose,

Swiftly take thy early slight, ** the following original pieces for insertion

Gain those blest abodes of light. also, if approved of. I am, dear Sir, yours, &c. S. T. Angels hover near thy bed.

Radiant glory crowns their head. LINES SUGGESTED BY READING A SHORT Hari

Hark! those shining seraphs say,
ACCOUNT OF THE ILLUSTRIOUS AND « Lovely stranger, haste away;

Come, a little cherub be,
Bles't be the soul that sheds the manly tear Come, for, lo! we wait for thíce ,
At the recital of another's woes ;

Come our bursting joys-to.share, . The breast that longs the hopeless wretch to Be a little harper there ; cheer,

Lovely infant, quickly rise," * And lull the eyes of Care to sweet repose : We will waft thee to the skies."

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