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Our church fund also is in great need of aid. We cannot, as in former years, meet our current expenses. We have given up the idea of a school as impracticable. When Dr. Wackermann, of Asbach, obtained a teacher for his children, he, at the same time, became the superintendent of the elementary school, in which he was engaged three hours every day. For this, and for taking part of the service and giving instruction to the catechumens, he received from the Church funds 100 sgr., while the teacher at Waldbreitbach, who has to provide for himself, receives 140 sgr. Thus the Church fund has a yearly outgoing of from 650 to 680 r. d., for the payment of pastor and teacher, to which the interest of the pastor's fund contributes 170 to 180 r. d. In the preceding year, when it received a contribution of 185 r. d., there was still a deficit of 300 r. d.,

and it is now too evident that this year, if we do not receive help, the Church fund will be exhausted. Therefore we do not cease our prayers in full confidence. Dear brethren, still help us as before, that our little Diaspora Church may become a missionary station and may be a proof of the love and unity of Evangelical Churches. And with your gifts unite your prayers that we may make progress internally as well as externally, and that we may joyfully praise Him who has called us into His marvellous light.

God the Lord, who said, "Ask, and it shall be given you," give to you all your wishes and desires, and reward you according to what you have done for us and our brethren.

In the name of the Presbytery, HIRSCH, Pastor. Waldbreitbach, June 1, 1859.



To the Editor of Evangelical Christendom. Dear Sir,-In the year 1853, I had the privilege of appealing to the liberality of British Christians, on behalf of a poor Protestant congregation at Krabschütz, in Northern Bohemia; and you were so good as to insert my appeal in the pages of your journal. The sympathy which it awakened, and the gifts which it called forth, were generous beyond my expectation, and supplied our Bohemian friends with the needful funds, not merely for the completion of the church and parsonage which they had already taken in hand, but also for the very desirable addition of a convenient school-house. Of the sum collected in this country, a portion was received through the medium of Evangelical Christendom, affording one proof among many, of the benefit conferred by a periodical, which is as ready to become the channel of enlarged Christian benevolence as of varied religious information.

Encouraged by the success of my former appeal, I venture to solicit the favourable attention of your readers to another Bohemian object. I do this the more confidently, because I feel with a German writer of the present day, that "there is no country in Europe more deserving of the sympathy and regard of the whole Evangelical Church

than Bohemia." The events which have taken place within its borders form, indeed, a striking and instructive chapter in civil and ecclesiastical history. It can never be forgotten, that its Slavonian population were the last to receive, and the first to reject, the Romish yoke; that in its martyrs, John Huss and Jerome of Prague, it could boast of "Reformers before the Reformation," and in the most spiritually-minded of their followers-the members of the Ancient Unity of the Brethren-the firmest maintainers of apostolical doctrine and discipline, and the earliest printers and circulators of the Word of God in the vernacular tongue; and that, in yielding eventually to the storm which swept from its surface almost every vestige of Protestantism, it might claim the testimony of surrounding nations, that it had manifested, both by action and suffering, the earnestness of its desire to preserve the faith of the Gospel, and the stubbornness of its resistance to the overwhelming force which the Papacy knew how to wield for the destruction of its civil and religious liberties. That no vigorous effort was made by the negotiators of the Peace of Westphalia, to save the remnant of the 200 congregations of the Brethren which existed in Bohemia and Moravia in the beginning of the seventeenth

See the very interesting and instructive work of M. E. de Bonnechose, bearing this title. Edinburgh, 1844.


century, or to obtain permission for their exiled members to return to their native land, was a wrong, for which reparation is still due from the Protestant States that were parties to that great European treaty.

Among these States, Britain is not indeed to be numbered, having been precluded by its own civil dissensions from sharing in the later struggles of the Thirty Years' War. But we shall not, on that account, reject all claim of Bohemia to our sympathy-and the less, as the connexion between England and that country can be shown to be old and intimate.* It may be traced back to the latter portion of the fourteenth century, the period when Wickliffe in the former, and Militsch, Stieckna, and Janowsky in the latter country, were exposing the errors of the Church of Rome, and labouring to bring about a reformation both of doctrine and practice. In the year 1381, our King Richard II. married Anne, sister to Wenceslaus, King of Bohemia, a princess of eminent piety and love for the Word of God. Hereby not only did the followers of Wickliffe obtain a kind protectress, but means were provided for the transmission of that great Reformer's doctrines to the city of Prague itself. Huss declared, in his answer to Stokes, A.D. 1411, that he had been a student of Wickliffe's writings for above twenty years, and the truths which he had thus learnt, he boldly proclaimed from the pulpit of the Bethlehem Church, while his friend Jerome, who had returned from Oxford in 1400, lectured upon them, with no less power, in the halls of the University. After that Wickliffe's doctrines had been anathematised by the Pope, and Archbishop Zbynek ‡ had publicly burned 200 copies of his works in the square at Prague, two English Bachelors of Divinity, who had recently arrived in that city, suc

ceeded by means of a series of scenical representations, to keep in remembrance of the common people the truths which had proved so obnoxious to Rome and to her bigoted partisans. Thus the servants of Christ, in England and Bohemia, "stood fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel," according to the light which they possessed, "in nothing terrified by their adversaries." (Phil. i. 27.)

How pleasant it would be to be able to believe, that such times of mutual help and refreshment were again approaching; that the true followers of Christ, in enlightened Britain, and comparatively dark Bohemia, were prepared to give each other the right hand of fellowship; and that many in our own highly-favoured country were but waiting for the opportunity of contributing, according to their ability, to the circulation of the Holy Scriptures, the preaching of Christ's saving Gospel, and the building up again of the spiritual Church of God, in a land, which has not unjustly been called "The cradle of the Reformation."

That the present state of Bohemia is favourable to earnest and judicious efforts for the revival of spiritual religion, will hardly be questioned by any who are acquainted with that country. Ever since the year 1848, a large measure of toleration has been conceded, and the existing Protestant communities-chiefly of the Augsburg and Helvetic Confessions-are protected in the preaching of the Gospel and the exercise of their ecclesiastical rites and discipline. Of the mass of the people it may be asserted, that they are but nominally Roman Catholics. The majority seem tired of Popery, and many of them are looking for something better, though scarcely knowing where to find it. The report of Dr. Nowotny on this interesting subject is well

* In a certain sense, even the fields of Crecy and Agincourt may be said to bear testimony to it. From the former, as is well known, the heir apparent to the British crown derives the ostrich-plume and motto, borne by the gallant Bohemian monarch who fell there; on the latter, John Zizka, afterwards the terrible leader of the Hussite armies, was seen fighting under the banners of our Henry V., and in the very year, 1415, that witnessed the martyrdom of Huss, at Constance.

The following testimony to her piety is borne by Archbishop Arundel, the bitter persecutor of the followers of Wickliffe: "Although she was a stranger, she constantly studied the four Gospels in English, with the expositions of the doctors, and in the study of them, and in the perusal of godly books, she was more diligent than the prelates themselves, whose office and calling required it." And Huss, in one of his treatises, represents her as reading the Scriptures in Bohemian, German, and Latin. Her early death was a national calamity.

I "Homo ávaλpaßnroc," as he is termed in the History of the Bohemian persecution,-having taken his first lessons in reading, after his elevation to the archiepiscopal see. The people held him in such derision, that a Bohemian epigram was handed about at Prague to the following effect:

"Tho' mitred Zbynek scarce can spell,

He scents the heretics full well,
Condemns their writings to the flames,
Before he e'en can read their names.


worthy of attention. His account of the veneration in which the memory of John Huss is held by his countrymen, the historical traditions which they cherish, and the contemptuous dislike of the Romish Church, expressed by many of their proverbs, is confirmed by other witnesses. To assist in promoting the spirit of inquiry, and in diffusing Evangelical light among all classes of the population of Bohemia, appears, therefore, to be an object of great importance. It is under this conviction that the circumstances of the Bohemian congregation at Prague, adhering to the Confession of Augsburg, are herewith laid before British Christians; and some help is respectfully solicited towards providing it with a suitable church. The leading features of the case are contained in the subjoined statement, which has been abridged from three different appeals, issued by Pastor Jacob Benesch, and addressed to the Christians of Germany, the Committee of the Gustavus-Adolphus Society, and the General Synod of the Brethren's Church, held at Herrnhut in the year 1857. For its substantial accuracy the undersigned is able to vouch, having spent a couple of days in Prague in 1857, visited Pastor Benesch in his own dwelling, seen his present place of worship, and examined the site on which he is desirous to erect a proper church and to provide suitable school-premises. Personal intercourse with him, and the testimony of Brethren at Herrnhut, warrant the belief, that he is a faithful preacher of the Gospel, and an active and successful circulator of the Bohemian Scriptures, much respected by persons of all classes. His sphere of ministerial usefulness is extensive, his congregation being scattered through the city and neighbouring villages, and receiving not unfrequent additions from the Roman Catholies around them.

The cost of the proposed improvements, including the building of a church, is estimated at about 30,000 florins (or 3,0007.), of which scarcely a tenth can be raised by the congregation, whose members are mostly poor. Their co-religionists in Bohemia and Moravia have sent offerings out of their penury; the King of Prussia, with his wonted liberality, has given 1,000fl. (1007.), and the King of Saxony, though a Roman Catholic sovereign, 200fl. (201.) From several congregations of the United Brethren, contributions have been received,

and Pastor Benesch and his wardens are quite willing that the Elders of the Brethren's Church at Herrnhut should act as trustees for any donations that may be derived from British liberality.

The January number of your journal contained an appeal for help towards the erection of a school-house, addressed to you by the minister and wardens of the Reformed congregation at Prague. I should manifest very little of the spirit of the Evangelical Alliance, and show myself a very indifferent friend to the Protestant Church in Bohemia, were I not to wish success to this appeal, and to rejoice that it has already met with a kind response from various quarters. Should it please God to accept and bless both these efforts to promote His cause, He will, I doubt not, so order things, "that there may be an equality; he that gathereth much having nothing over, and he that gathereth little having no lack."

I am, my dear Sir, ever yours faithfully,


Secretary to the Unity of the
Brethren in England.



The Bohemian Protestant Church, adhering to the Augsburg Confession, was founded in the city of Prague, in the year 1782, by virtue of the Edict of Toleration promulgated by the Emperor Joseph II. Its first religious service was held in the palace of Count Morzini, in the Sporngassc. In the year 1784, it obtained by purchase a house situated in the Tischlergasse in the New Town, a hall of which was fitted up as a place of meeting. To this purpose it continues to be applied; but, owing to its confined dimensions and the lowness of its roof, it proves to be neither healthy nor convenient. According to the official report of the Crown-surveyor it will not seat more than 300 persons, whereas the congregation attached to it numbers nearly 1,200, to say nothing of occasional hearers.

In years gone by, frequent application was made by our little flock for leave to purchase one of the secularised churches of the city, and thus to provide itself with a suitable place of worship, but without success. Now, however, that equality of civil and religious rights prevails to a considerable extent, we find ourselves at liberty to

* See "Letters from Eminent German Divines, on the State of Evangelical Religion in Germany,” Second Series. Nisbet and Co.


take measures for the improvement of our position. Nor will such an effort on our part be considered unreasonable or premature, when it is known that the great majority of Protestant communities in Bohemia are already provided with commodious churches, while our congregation, in the metropolis of the land, has been obliged, for seventy-three years, to rest satisfied with a mean, unwholesome, and inconvenient locality. Often does it happen that, while we are engaged in worship, passers-by, attracted by the singing of our flock, are led to inquire, Who are these people, and what are they about? The answer generally is, "These are the Lamb's brethren (berani), who meet here to sing and pray; and yet, with all their singing and praying, they cannot succeed in getting a proper church." Towards such ignorant scoffers we cherish no unkind feeling; but we are truly grieved that we cannot invite them to enter into a place which they would be disposed to regard as a house of God, and in which they might hear the Word of life, the Gospel of salvation.

We have no desire to raise an edifice which may attract by its architectural beauty. The city of Prague, with its hundred steeples, needs no additional ornament of this kind. All that we aspire to is, the erection on our own ground, of a neat, convenient church, of moderate dimensions, and the adaptation of a portion of our present dwelling to the purposes of a school. The need of such an institution is evident from the fact, that the majority of parents belonging to our church have hitherto been obliged to send their children to Roman Catholic schools; nor is it certain, that education, even on such undesirable terms, will continue to be obtainable, should the Concordat remain in force.

In our congregation, there are encouraging traces of spiritual life, and the attendance on the services of the house of God, shows that the means of grace are generally valued. The accession to it within the last ten years, of seventy-one persons, formerly members of the Roman Catholic Church, bears testimony to its salutary influence on the surrounding community, notwithstanding the disadvantages under which it labours.

The work which we are desirous to take in hand, greatly transcends our feeble powers. Of the sum of 30,000 florins (3,000.), which is its estimated cost, but a small portion can be raised by our congregation, who are mostly poor in this world's goods. We therefore stretch out our hands to you, Protestant brethren, of our own and other Churches, who dwell in more favoured countries, beseeching you to come to our help, for the sake of the Lord, whom we desire to serve in fellowship-of the thousands. around us to whom we would gladly proclaim the Gospel message-and of our persecuted forefathers, who freely gave up home and substance, and liberty and life itself, rather than renounce the truth of God, or deny the Saviour who had bought them.

And we do this the more confidently, because we know that "God is not unrighteous, to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have showed towards His name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister." (Heb. vi. 10.)

JACOB BENESCH, Pastor and Senior in
Northern Bohemia.


**Contributions to this object may be sent to Rev. EDWARD STEANE, D.D., Camberwell, Surrey (S.)




This question has been asked me repeatedly by friends who take an interest in Sweden, and especially in the very extensive work of evangelisation carried on there by that devoted servant of God whom we have been accustomed to call "Grandmother of Herrestad."

Gladly I can answer yes" to this question. Her works do follow her, even

on earth. She has left Herrestad a large estate, much encumbered by debt, in the hands of an excellent Christian woman, her own niece, Baroness Rappe. This lady has not been endowed with many worldly pos sessions, but with great natural gifts-much energy, judgment, and the fruit of the grace of God-a renewed heart. Her only desire at present is to fulfil dear Grandmother's


wishes in all things as much as is in her | schools, where the children themselves had power. She has undertaken the arduous collected for Herrestad or worked for it on work of continuing the establishment for week-days, devoting their leisure or their giving work to poor women, which she little savings to this purpose. hopes after a while may become a selfsupporting one. In Mrs. Petersen's time, aged as she was, it was necessary to have much paid assistance. The Baroness hopes to be able to carry it on herself with the help of her daughters.

The school will go on just the same, and so will the missionary meetings and the Sunday afternoon readings to the people. The Home for destitute children, Grandmother's 66 grey sparrows," will be modified in some ways. The girls, Baroness R. intends to take to her own home and have the inspection of them herself.

The two colporteurs who have hitherto been supported by means of the gifts which English friends have sent for Herrestad, and who have been very useful, are to go on as long as there is money to support them with. Their work is therefore doubly in the Lord's hands.

After writing the above, it struck me that it would be desirable if Mrs. Petersen could once more speak to you in her own words and recommend her work and her children to you. I therefore, take up her last report, in which she gives an account of the three different lines of Christian work going on at Herrestad. In regard to her poor workwomen, she gives the number of yards (9,367) spun and woven in that year, and the money, 3,089 rixdollars, which, together with corn, potatoes, and Bibles, constituted the wages of this their labour. She gives extracts from the journals of her colporteurs, full of hopeful intelligence, and the number of books sold by them in that poor neighbourhood where few can buy. They amount to fifty-four. Several hundred tracts were given and lent out, and numbers of little boxes with texts and illuminated engravings had been disposed of.

When I come to look at that part of her report which has reference to her School and Orphan Home, I find it so beautiful and interesting that I do not know what to select. In regard to pecuniary matters, she mentions that the contributions for the twenty-nine children, had, during the year, been 933 rix-dollars, Swedish money (about 50%.) In this calculation, Mrs. P. never included her own contributions, she only mentions what the Lord sent her through other hands. Some donations had greatly rejoiced her heart, such as gifts from Sunday

The school had been going on well. Two years previous it had been visited by a strong awakening. This had subsided; but, though the strong winds had passed, yet the schoolmaster says, that with praise and thanksgiving he must add that the still small voice is there, and a mild wind is wafting through that garden of the Lord, so that the plants give a sweet odour. He gives the account of a boy who had departed this life sorrowing for his sins, but glorying in the work of Jesus, and not wishing to stay longer on earth, which he said was "dark and dangerous." He "would go home," so he said; and so, in humble reliance on Christ, we may trust that he did. The report goes on to say: "Praised be God, whose faithful love is willing to seek and gather the stray lambs in His arms. May He continue to bless us and to pour His Holy Spirit with all His unspeakably glorious gifts on the humble asylum."

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Our dear children," so she goes on, are generally called, the grey sparrows.? Does not this name bear a secret meaning? Does it not remind us of that beautiful passage in the Bible, 'The sparrow hath found an house and the swallow a nest for herself where she may lay her young, even thine altars, O Lord of Hosts, my King and my God!' The altar of God is the cross on which His only Son has been sacrificed for us; and this doctrine is the chief subject of the teaching in the school. We are all of us the recompense for our Saviour's atoning labour; and we look at our children with a holy and serious feeling of responsibility which shall follow us into eternity. But, praised be God, we have an everlasting pardon for our many neglects, which, notwithstanding our care, we unwillingly commit, and are therefore glad that we as well as these children are under the special care of God. The Lord does not require of us that we should save neither ourselves nor the children that He has committed to our trust. That charge He himself gave to the Good Shepherd, to whom, if we will listen to His voice, we belong and shall follow Him to the end, living in the everlasting pardon won by Him for our sins."

This is all that I can say now, besides recommending the work at Herrestad to the Christian love and the prayers of all those who love the Lord and like to see the

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