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congregations all over those lands. The work produces converts, regenerated in heart and life, with signs following. Much might he said on this point. Suffice it to say that Bishop J. P. Newman visited that work in April last, and with his worldwide observations of missions, was astonished at the type of spirituality that he encountered in Peru. The work produces heroes and heroines to face persecution. Mobs and imprisonments are always likely to occur, so that every adherent of the cause must have a high order of moral bravery. The British Minister at Lima, Sir Charles Mansfield, remarked recently, in view of this fact, that the converts in Peru seemed to him less subject to discount than those of many other fields.

Two colporteurs, Juan Arancet and Jose Illescas, were once canvassing a town in Southern Peru, when murderous mobs beset them. The one that attacked Arancet assured him that he must die then and there. He asked for time to say his prayers. This was granted, and his assailants stood, stones in hand, while he lifted up his voice and prayed for himself and them after a style of praying they had never heard before. He kept on praying, not knowing what moment a stone would crash through his brain. At length a movement was heard. It proved to be an officer coming to pacify the mob and rescue him by arresting him. Illescas was likewise arrested. Both were kept in custody until evening and sent to supper under guard. Returning, they were met by the mob, which filled their guard with fear for their lives. But Illescas parleyed with the leaders, answered their questions, and preached the Gospel to them from the side-walk until bedtime, when all quietly dispersed. Next day the men were released and left the place in peace. Two Bible women, Louisa Hurtado and Melchora Montenegro, were canvassing a town in the interior of Peru when a mob, led by a priest, surrounded them and threatened to kill them. The priest finding them not easily overpowered, declared he would burn them alive. No idle threat was that for those timid women, for not long before that a priest had actually burned a woman to death in northern Peru. They answered timidly, but firmly, that they were ready to die if it must be then, and if it must be by burning they offered to supply the matches for kindling the fire. Upon this the sympathy of the crowd turned in favour of the women, and the priest was baulked of his purpose. Such is the type of heroism developed by the new work in the Land of the Incas.

The work produces workers for its unlimited extension. The men who are pushing the house-to-house work in Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador are all native converts of the Peruvian Mission except Penzotti and Arancet, and these are converts of the older work in Uruguay.


The preaching was carried on in Callao during Penzotti's long imprisonment by native converts, and all kinds of church work are now carried on by them. Two are preaching regularly and pursuing theological studies, reciting their lessons to each other and to the wife of the missionary in his absence. The teaching work commenced with one school in the year 1891. A second and third were added in 1892. A fourth early in 1893, and recent letters from Peru inform me that a fifth school has just been opened. Meanwhile eight teachers have been developed on the ground and more are in the course of training. the poor the Gospel is preached, and they, of their poverty, are supporting and extending it. Not many rich or wise or mighty ones are called to join the persecuted congregations. Yet the local income for all departments of the work is along lines looking toward self-support and self-extension. Two of the schools paid all their expenses last year. The congregations pay all their minor expenses and more. This, in the most poverty-stricken and priest-ridden part of the Western Hemisphere, is a conspicuous triumph. Caste is overridden. The Gospel work reaches all classes and races, and brings them all together. In one of our schools there are sitting side by side children of European, Indian, African, and Chinese descent. If there is any other school in the world where such a commingling of races can be found I have no knowledge of it.

Legal difficulties are disappearing. The long imprisonment of Penzotti,* resulting in his release uncondemned, has given us a vantage ground that could not otherwise have been secured. This conspicuous triumph, reached through his

See Evangelical Christendom, February and June 1891.

sufferings, completes those that have come by the labours of that heroic man. Agitation for full religious liberty is started and destined to end in success.

While Penzotti was in prison a motion was made in the National Congress of Peru looking toward liberty of worship. It was voted down, and the mover was burned in effigy. Since then the growth of public sentiment has progressed, until now many public men are favourable to reform. Thus, at last, the day is approaching when freedom to worship God will be realised in the land of the Incas.

The whole outlook is full of promise in the light of results attained in other parts of both Americas.

Missionary Notes.



MEDICAL MISSIONS.-The list of medical missionaries holding British degrees or diplomas, and which was printed in the January issue of Medical Missions at Home & Abroad, reveals some points of interest. In the first place it tells of progress, more visible medical missionary progress, perhaps, than in one year since the great missionary revival began. There are 185 medical missionaries to heathen and Mohammedan lands, as against 165 last year; this is an increase of 20, the largest increase yet recorded in one year. Looking at the last four years the measure of progress is considerable. In January 1890 the medical missionaries from this country numbered 125; in 1891, the number had risen to 139; in 1892 to 156; in 1893 to 165, and this year it is 185, an increase in four years of 60. We cannot but rejoice in such an advance, though beside the immense number of men who are passing into the ranks of the fully qualified, it is still but a paltry tribute to the service of Christ and to the furtherance of the greatest work in the world. Another feature of interest is the distribution of these 185 medical missionaries. Whilst China heads the list with 61, India comes close behind with 57, and Africa follows on with 33. Palestine with 13 shows what a hold the Holy Land has on the interest of the Church. Madagascar, the South Sea Islands, and Constantinople have each 3; Corea, 2; whilst the following countries: North-West America, Brazil, Arabia, Siam, Persia, Ceylon, Java, and France, have each 1, as have also the two cities of Smyrna and Baghdad. Of the 25 fully-qualified sisters, India takes 18, China 5, Ceylon 1, and Corea 1. A third feature of interest is the division of these workers among the churches. Over 70 belong to the Presbyterian churches, and about 50 to the Church of England; Congregationalists and Baptists have about 20 each, the Methodist churches 8, the Brethren 5, and the Friends 3. Of the rest some belong to Continental churches, and others are unknown.

JAPAN.-The Rev. H. Loomis has prepared the following statistics of Protestant Missions in Japan: There are now 31 missionary societies at work in the islands included in this Empire, of which 3 are English (C.M.S., S.P.G., Baptist), 1 Scotch (U.P.), 16 American, 2 Canadians, 1 Swiss, and 8 of various denominations and nationalities. There are 643 missionaries-including 228 men, 216 single women-working in 125 centres, with 644 out-stations. The American Board (A.B.C.F.M.) has 83, C.M.S. 72, the American Methodist Episcopal Church 66, the American Presbyterian Church 62, the American Baptist Union 47, the American Methodist Church (South) 40, while the remaining societies have 273 between them. The total adult membership of all the Churches is 37,398, but these can be only partially reckoned under the societies. The Church of Christ in Japan, with which 6 of the Presbyterian societies are connected, claims 11,126. The Episcopal Societies belonging to the Nippon Sei Kokuwai (Japan Church) have among them 5,157, of which number 2,652 are converts of the C.M.S. The American Board has 11,110 and the American Methodist Church 4,034, and the other societies have between them 5,971. The baptisms of adult converts in 1893 numbered 3,636-the A.B.C.F.M. having 956; the Church of Christ in Japan 782, while in connexion with the C.M.S. there were 459. The native ministers nurabered 206, the unordained preachers and helpers being 665.

Evangelical Alliance.



Ir has already been announced in these columns that the Council have accepted a cordial invitation from the Tunbridge Wells Branch to hold the Forty-eighth Annual Conference of the Evangelical Alliance this year in Tunbridge Wells. The meetings will (D.V.) commence on Tuesday evening, September 25, and continue till Thursday evening, September 27. As the annual gathering this year takes place so near to London, it is hoped that a large number of members and friends of the Alliance will attend the meetings, which it is expected will be profitable and interesting. The attractions of Tunbridge Wells as a place of resort are too well known to need any description in these columns.

The subject for addresses include several of very special interest and importance, and we hope to give in a future issue a complete list of these. In the meantime, we may mention that among those who have promised to speak or otherwise take part in the proceedings are the following: The Very Rev. the Dean of Canterbury, the Hon. & Rev. E. V. Bligh, General Sir Robert Phayre, G.C.B., Sir William Willis, John Deacon, Esq., Admiral Grant, C.B., Major-General Hatt Noble, R.E., the Ven. Archdeacon Richardson, Rev. Dr. E. E. Jenkins, Rev. Talbot Greaves, Rev. Dr. Clement Clemance, Rev. F. B. Meyer, Rev. W. H. Barlow, Rev. Professor Radford Thomson, Rev. J. G. Train, Rev. Horace Noel, Mr. Eugene Stock, Rev. Charles Spurgeon, and Rev. Dr. Bruce (Persia).

The Committee at Tunbridge Wells are making the necessary local arrangements for the Conference, and will provide hospitality, as far as possible, for all members and friends of the Alliance who desire to avail themselves of it. Early communication with the Secretary in London is requested.


THE monthly meeting of Council was held on Thursday, June 14, the Treasurer presiding. After a passage of Scripture had been read by the Chairman, prayer was offered by the Hon. & Rev. E. V. Bligh.


The following persons were unanimously admitted to membership :

[blocks in formation]

Mrs. Giles, Plymouth.

Mrs. R. Bewes, Plymouth.
Mr. J. Hicks, Tunbridge Wells.

Mrs. Fulwar Skipworth, Tunbridge Wells.
George Langton, Esq., Tunbridge Wells.
Mrs. Elliot Bingham, Tunbridge Wells.
Rev. Charles Stirling, London.
John C. Moor, Esq., Sunderland.

Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Shipton, Crouch End,
Mrs. R. W. Trafford, Bedford.
Miss Groocock, Northampton.
Mrs. Jackson, Northampton.
Rev. J. J. Cooper, Northampton.
Rev. C. Bach, Northampton.
Rev. J. T. Brown, Northampton.
Rev. H. J. Watson, Northampton.
Rev. F. T. Smythe, Northampton.
Rev. S. Needham, Northampton.

Rev. O. G. Gill, Northampton.

Miss Page, Northampton.
Mr. Frank Collins, Kew.
Miss Gosling, Richmond.

Mr. William Carlill, Richmond.

Miss P. M. Auchincless, Richmond.
Miss M. W. Wedgwood, Kew.
Mrs. M. Manchlen, Richmond.

Mrs. Gibson, Kew.

Mr. W. B. Lewis, Twickenham.
Mrs. R. F. Burns, Upper Norwood.
Rev. Hugh Falloon, Dover.
Mrs. Unwin, Folkestone.

Rev. Dr. G. C. Whyte, Dover.
Mrs. Seth Smith, Folkestone.


The Secretary reported the death of Mr. E. O. Crichton, R.N., who had been for some years the acting Secretary of the Edinburgh Branch, and in this position had rendered valuable service to the Alliance. He resigned the secretaryship only last year, owing to failing health. The Council desired that the expression of their sympathy be conveyed to Mrs. Crichton and the bereaved family.


The Rev. J. Consterdine and Mr. Arnold gave reports of their recent deputation work. The latter referred to the invitation he had received to address the General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland and the Free Church in Edinburgh on the subject of the persecution of Christians in Russia and Turkey. He reported that the Moderator in each case had expressed the thanks of the Assembly, and also assured the Council of the Alliance of their warm interest in the great work of promoting religious liberty in which the Alliance had been so long and so successfully engaged.


The Secretary reported that the recent annual conversazione proved to be a very successful meeting. There was a very large attendance and most interesting addresses. At this meeting the Council were reappointed for the ensuing year, with the addition of the following: The Ven. Archdeacon Galbraith, Rev. Dr. Culross, Rev. Talbot Greaves, Rev. Henry Sharpe, Rev. J. G. Train, R. L. Hamilton, Esq., J.P., and Henry Tod, Esq., w.s. It was further reported that these gentlemen had accepted their appointment as members of the Council.


In regard to the annual appointment of officers, &c., the following resolution was moved by General Noble, seconded by the Rev. Dr. MacEwan, and carried unanimously:

"That Mr. Donald Matheson, V.P., be requested kindly to continue his services as treasurer, and that the hon. secretaries and the secretaries be reappointed."

Several sub-committees were also reappointed.


With reference to the persecution of Stundists in Russia, Mr. Arnold reported that Dr. Baedeker's interpreter and companion in his recent travels, had lately had his house searched by the police and all his papers seized. Feeling that his life was in jeopardy this good brother managed, with the aid of friends, to escape from Russia, and he had visited London. Dr. Baedeker appealed to the Council for help towards the settlement of this good man in another country, for his property and business would, doubtless, be confiscated. The Council unanimously voted a grant of money for this object.

A letter was read from the Secretary of the United States Branch asking what further steps the Council had taken in regard to the persecutions in Russia, and inquiring in what way the New York Committee could co-operate: Mr. Arnold stated that he had replied, giving details.


The Secretary read communications from the Constantinople Committee, showing that grave difficulties had arisen at Ordou in carrying out the orders of the Porte that the Protestants should be allowed to resume their worship.


A communication was read from Mr. Soltau, of the McAll Mission, stating that, in connexion with the Lyons Exhibition, a kiosk for the distribution and sale of the Scriptures had been established, and appealing to the Council for pecuniary help towards the cost of this work, which was being carried out by a separate committee. The Council voted the sum of £10 for this object.


The Secretary laid on the table a proof copy of the first number of the new Quarterly Record, which will be supplied to every subscriber to the general funds of the Alliance who does not receive Evangelical Christendom. The Council expressed their satisfaction with the appearance of this new paper.




MR. ARNOLD gave a report to the Council of his recent deputation work. On May 23, he proceeded to Plymouth, where several meetings had been arranged for him to address, and where he again received a very hospitable welcome from Mrs. H. C. Fox.

On May 24, a drawing-room meeting was held by Mrs. Fox, at her residence, Wingfield, Stoke. There was a large attendance, composed mainly of members of the Alliance. The chair was occupied by Colonel Barker, president of the Devonport Branch, and, in the course of his remarks, he expressed his warm attachment to the principles of the Alliance and his deep interest in its work. He added: "It seems to me that even apart from the important work which the Alliance as a body is able to carry out, it is increasingly desirable that those who love the Lord should anchor themselves on some definite basis of Evangelical truth, and hence I am inclined to regard membership as a safeguard to the individual, no less than another stone added to the bulwark of Protestant defence. May He, our impregnable Rock, make us all more jealous for His honour." Mr. Arnold's address dealt principally with the work of the past year or two, and much interest was awakened in his statement, particularly with regard to the persecutions of Christians in Russia, Turkey, &c. At the close of the meeting a collection was taken in aid of the funds of the Alliance ; and several of those present gave their names for enrolment as members.

On Friday May 25, another drawing-room meeting was held at the residence of Mrs. Stoll, in Plymouth, when Francis E. Fox, Esq., J.P.,President of the Plymouth Branch, took the chair. Mr. Fox spoke of his increasing interest in the great work of the Evangelical Alliance, and expressed hearty thanks both to Mrs. H. C. Fox, and to Mrs. Stoll for their kindness in arranging the drawing-room meetings. He also expressed the gratitude of those present to the Secretary of the Alliance, for the very lucid and interesting addresses he had given, and which the chairman felt sure would greatly increase the sympathy of the members of the Alliance in the Three Towns, in the work of promoting Christian union and in the defence of persecuted Christians. At this meeting also there was a large attendance, while much interest was awakened in the Secretary's statement regarding the recent work of the Alliance, several friends stating that their sympathies were now more than ever bound up with the blessed work in which the Alliance was engaged. A collection was taken in aid of the funds of the Alliance, and some new members were obtained.

During his stay in Plymouth, Mr. Arnold also had the opportunity of meeting with the Committee, and conferring with them on several matters of importance. We give the following account of the meetings, which appeared in the columns of The Western Morning News:

"In connexion with the Evangelical Alliance, meetings have been held at Plymouth during the past two days at which interesting information regarding its recent work has been given by the deputation, Mr. A. J. Arnold, the general secretary of the Alliance, and his addresses have evoked much sympathy and interest. The work of the Alliance during the past year appears to have been even of more

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