They contain the same fundamental principles of construction as the regular Horizontal Grand Pianos. Be sure to investigate these superior instruments before purchasing any other. Mr. Loomis will be pleased to give all further information. PIANOS TO RENT Martin Guitars and Mandolins Cole Banjos and Banjeaurines EVERYTHING IN THE MUSIC LINE CHARLES H. LOOMIS Publisher of "BOOLA” 833 CHAPEL STREET YALE STUDENTS, look for the sign of KIRBY & SON For there you will find YALE SOUVENIRS in GOLD and SILVER. Also the place for your WATCH to be made well and reliable. KIRBY & SON, 822 Chapel Street WHITE'S NEW TONTINE HOTEL AND CAFE, EUROPEAN PLAN. Church and Court Sts., New Haven, Conn. GEORGE T. WHITE, Proprietor. Edited by JAMES E. SULLIVAN Price, by Mail, 10 Cents Send your name and address to our nearest store for Spalding's Catalogue of all Athletic Sports-it's free. Superior in Quality, Dryness and Bouquet to Any Champagne Produced Since the Great Vintage of 1884 Geo. A. Kessler & Co. Sole Importers THE REQUISITE AT SMART FUNCTIONS YALE HYPOCRISY, THE PUNISHMENT,. JACK LONDON AND THE PRIMITIVE, IN VAGABOND GOLDEN AND VAGABOND GRAY,.. THE PASSING OF A POET, PAOLO,- NOTABILIA, ...J. N. Greely 209 G. H. Soule, Jr. 213 ..J. S. Newberry 219 S. M. Harrington 223 ...J. N. Greely 224 Donald Bruce 228 MEMORABILIA YALENSIA, PORTFOLIO, BOOK NOTICES,. EDITOR'S TABLE, 235 2:36 240 242 244 THE YALE LITERARY MAGAZINE.-Conducted by the Students of Yale University. This Magazine, established February, 1836, besides being the oldest college periodical, is the oldest extant literary monthly in America; entering upon its Seventy-first Volume with the number for October, 1905. It is published by a board of Editors, annually chosen by each successive Senior Class, from the members of that Class. It thus may be fairly said to represent in its general articles the average literary culture of the university. In the Notabilia college topics are thoroughly discussed, and in the Memorabilia it is intended to make a complete record of the current events of college life; in the Book Notices and Editor's Table, contemporary publications and exchanges receive careful attention. Contributions to its pages are earnestly solicited from students of all departments, and may be sent through the Post Office, or left at the office of the Magazine in White Hall. They are due the 1st of the month. If rejected, they will be returned to their writers, whose names will not be known outside the Editorial Board. The Editors may always be found in the office on the first Monday evening after the announcement of contents, where they will return rejected manuscript and, if desired, discuss it with the contributors. A Gold Medal of the value of Twentyfive Dollars, for the best written Essay, is offered for the competition of all undergraduate subscribers, at the beginning of each academic year. The Magazine is issued on the 15th day of each month from October to June, inclusive; nine numbers form the annual volume, comprising at least 360 pages. The price is $3.00 per volume, 35 cents per single number. All subscriptions must be paid in advance, directly to the Editors or their authorized agents, who alone can give receipts therefor. Upon the day of publication the Magazine is promptly mailed to all subscribers. Single numbers are on sale at the Coöperative Store and book stores. Back numbers and volumes can be obtained from the Editors. A limited number of advertisements will be inserted. The character and large circulation of the Magazine render it a desirable medium for all who would like to secure the patronage of Yale students. All communications with regard to the editorial management of the periodical must be addressed to John N. Greely, Chairman. Communications with regard to the business management, to Donald Bruce, Business Manager. Both should be sent care of the THE YALE LITERARY MAGAZINE, Yale Station, New Haven, Conn. |