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On Tuesday night, October 1st, a lecture was delivered by the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, in his magnificent Tabernacle, on "The Gorilla, and the Land he Inhabits." The lecture was in every way a success. The crowd, clamorous for admission at an early hour, showed the great interest taken in the subject, and no sooner were the doors opened than the large area and galleries were filled to overflowing, and many whose tickets were secured days before had to go away like hundreds of others nnable to gain admission. Such a large chapel full of people paying 2s. 6d., İs., and 6d. each must be considered as a great success financially to the excellent institution for whose benefit the lecture was given. The rev. lecturer was himself in one of his happiest moods; his marvellous voice rung out clearly his sonorous sentences. His flow of natural humour found in his applauding audience that sympathy which made his every point tell, and showed us the genius of the man to greater advantage than we had ever seen in the pulpit. His more declamatory passages were sometimes truly eloquent, and the amount of information which he managed to impart in a lectare of two hours was really extraordinary. The gorilla himself was there-a fine specimen, kindly forwarded by M. Du Chaillu. We should also say that Mr. Layard, M. P.,the chairman, being present as a traveller, and also the presence of the little modest Frenchman, M. Du Chaillu, himself, whose travels were the subject of the lecture, were ample guarantees that nothing but a thorough knowledge of his subject could have been tolerated on the occasion. The dissolving views of the Band of Hope Union were the most perfect scenes we ever witnessed. The drawings were of the highest class, and they were well managed by Mr. Dunn. The singing of the children, under the leadership of Mr. Smith, was most effective, and added greatly to the interest of the proceedings.

Mr. Spurgeon explained why he appeared before them. It seems Mr. Haynes, the indefatigable treasurer of the Band of Hope Union, is a member of the Tabernacle, and one of Mr. Spurgeon's able assistants in his Mutual Improvement Society, and Mr.Spurgeon being anxious to recompense Mr. Haynes for the many favours he had received in that way from him, offered

to do anything in his power in return. Mr. Haynes then requested him to deliver the lecture on behalf of the funds of the Band of Hope Union, which he gladly did, and he hoped the institution would be greatly aided by the proceeds.

We consider that to raise funds for a society in such a way is perfectly legitimate, and certainly far more congenial to the tastes of those who have to raise money for benevolent objects than the dunning and calling upon people for their subscriptions, especially as this is sometimes a far from agreeable task. We congratulate the Band of Hope Union in having a treasurer able so to replenish their funds, and in having such a large sum to receive from the benefit. May it long flourish and prosper is our earnest wish.-Weekly Record.


The autumnal soiree of the friends and members of the Band of Hope Union was held on Wednesday evening, Oct. 9th, at Shirley's Temperance Hotel, 37, Queen Square, Bloomsbury. Mr. Silas Tucker in the chair. Tea having been partaken of, the chairman said he greatly sympathised with the Band of Hope movement, and as they were about to open a new session during the coming winter, he hoped that the friends of the temperance cause would exert themselves, as he could assure them there was a great deal to do. He would also urge upon Sundayschool teachers to use their influence, which was very great, to induce their scholars to become total abstainers.

Mr. F. Smith then read a statement to the following effect :— The Band of Hope Union is designed to promote the organization and usefulness of Bands of Hope. The ultimate stability of the Temperance movement, and the entire emancipation of our country from the evils of intemperance, depends upon the training of our juvenile population in the knowledge and practice of total abstinence from all intoxicating drinks. Hence the importance of Bands of Hope. But their rapid multiplication renders necessary an institution which will form a fountain of sympathy, a light to guide, a power to aid, and a centre, around which all labourers may rally. Such an institution is the Band of Hope Union. Formed for the purpose specified, it has already afforded material help to Committees, Societies, and Conductors; and, it is believed, will be able, this winter, to render them much valuable assistance. The Committee have much pleasure in informing their constituents, that the Annual

Meeting in May was a brilliant success, and brought the Band of Hope movement more prominently before both the temperance and general public than it was before.

The Annual Conference was attended, as usual, by many old and new friends, and the papers read and the information given, combined to promote good feeling, the zeal of labourers, and the extension of Bands of Hope.

The Committee have, for some time, had the services, as an Agent, of the Rev. J. B. Smythe, and his addresses in the provinces and the metropolis have met with a very cordial reception from his hearers. Mr. F. Smith and Mr. G. Blaby continue to labour with great zeal for the development of the various plans of action entrusted to them.

As an example of the increasing popularity of our movement, the Committee would refer to the fact that the Rev. Charles Spurgeon kindly consented to lecture on behalf of the Union, and to do so in his magnificent Tabernacle. This meeting was an undoubted aid to our cause, and the prelude of similar gatherings in days to come.

The Committee are anxious to promote the circulation of the Band of Hope Record. In the month of April it was placed in the hands of its present Editor, who has endeavoured to make it in every way adapted to the purposes of our movement. Various improvements have been made in its appearance and contents, which have secured for it a larger circulation, and the approbation of its readers. Other improvements are contem plated, which, when accomplished, will make it still more valuable as the organ of the movement, and a manual for the Conductors of Bands of Hope. It is of the utmost importance that the present circulation should be maintained, and as soon as possible much increased.

For some time past the Committee have desired to obtain the services of a gentleman who would be competent to undertake the Secretaryship of our institution. The Rev. G. W. McCree was invited to accept this engagement, but has not felt himself at liberty to do so. He is, however, willing to afford us his assistance for the present, as an Honorary Secretary. This change has been necessitated by the desire of Mr. S. Shirley to retire from his present position, in which his services have been invaluable.

Various plans of usefulness are in contemplation, and will be embodied in vigorous action, as soon as possible. It is trusted that during the forthcoming winter much work will be

well done, and that our movement will do more than ever to save the young from the miseries of intemperance.

The Rev. R. Robinson next addressed the meeting,

Mr. John Anderson, the fugitive slave from Canada, then briefly addressed the meeting. He said, having been unex-. pectedly called upon to speak, he should not trouble them with the details of his past life and of his escape from slavery, which were now so well known, but should confine his remarks to what he knew of the temperance movement in America, and what he saw of it since his arrival in England. The slaveholders in America, when they wanted anything extra done, were in the habit of supplying their slaves with whisky, thus stimulating" and driving their slaves to greater exertions; but he disliked spirits himself, and he was in the habit of selling his allowance, though he would not do so now, knowing better. (Applause.) In that country the drinking custom was not confined to the slaves alone, but he had seen many respectable ladies partake freely of whisky. When he first came to England he was told that if he did not take champagne and good ale he could not live, and for a time he was prevailed upon to do so, but he soon found out that he could do without it. What induced him to forego drink was this. In order to carry out the recommendations of his friends with respect to the champagne and good ale, he entered one of the temples (gin shops), and after having called for a glass of ale he found that he had no money. He then told the landlord that he would pay the next time he passed-(laughter)-but the landlord said, "You must go without." Seeing this he had not been into one since, and he hoped that many of his friends would do the same. The land

lord had no regard for a man after his money was spent. Having instituted a comparison between the drinkers of this country and of Canada, he proceeded to observe that one thing struck him in this country. When he was even a slave, he never went barefooted, but in this country many of the free people go about barefooted, and he thought it was because of the drink. (Cheers.)

Mr. Malthouse, of the Havelock Temperance Rifle Corps, in his uniform, subsequently addressed the meeting, and was well received.

The Rev. G. W. McCree was then called upon, and said: There is an urgent need of a reform of temperance reformers. It cannot be affirmed that our advocacy is in a satisfactory state. Speeches are delivered in our meetings which are not at all

creditable to us as moral reformers. With regard to the Band of Hope movement, I think there is ground for anxious thought. We have about a hundred and fifty Bands of Hope in London, and I have no hesitation in affirming that the conductors of them, in every instance, should be Christian men. I do not stipulate for adhesion to any particular creed. I do not say whether the leader should be a Protestant or a Catholic, a Unitarian, a Churchman, or a Quaker; but, I do say that he ought to be a Christian. He should be a man who can pray with any sick member of his Band of Hope, and teach the dying child to trust in Him who said "Suffer little children to come unto Me."

After a few remarks from the chairman, and the Doxology having been sung, this interesting re-union of friends was brought to a termination about 10 o'clock.

The evening's proceedings were greatly enlivened by the singing of a selection of pieces by a small choir of teetotal friends. PIMLICO.-ECCLESTON CHAPEL.-A numerously attended meeting was held on Wednesday, 25th ult.; Mr. John H, Easterbrook, honorary secretary, in the absence of the president, Rev. J. S. Pearsall, occupied the chair. After prayer and singing, the chairman said he was delighted to witness such a gathering, to listen to one of the noblest themes of progress that can engage the attention of man, All would admit that intemperance was a national evil. The question for discussion then was, how was this vice to be destroyed. They had one way; but if the friends of social advancement could introduce a better, they would cordially give up their scheme and adopt theirs. Their simple and efficacious plan was, the pledge of personal abstinence from all intoxicating liquors, and not give or sell them to others. All experience and observation testify to the fact, that no age, no sex, no station in life was exempt from this degrading vice; the rich the learned, and the pious have often become its victims. The pulpit had in numberless instances been deprived of its brilliant ornaments from the same cause. But it was the poor who were the greatest sufferers. In them all its horrors were perfectly exhibited in home, body, and mind. He hoped numbers would sign at the close. The Rev. John Pillans, recently from Scotland, delivered a powerful and telling address, "On the duty of Christians in reference to the claims of the perilous and fallen," which was listened to with much interest. Thomas Hudson, Esq., gave a masterly speech, in which he portrayed the evils of the traffic and its neutralising

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