by precept, lecture, and every other mode of instruction, I will impart a knowledge of the art to my own sons, and those of my teachers and disciples bound by a stipulation and oath according to the law of medicine. I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous. I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel. With purity and with holiness I will pass my life and practice my art. Into whatever houses I enter, I will go into them for the benefit of the sick, and will abstain from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption. Whatever, in connection with my professional practice or not in connection with it, I see or hear, in the life of men, which ought not to be spoken of abroad, I will not divulge, as reckoning that all such should be kept secret. While I continue to keep this oath unviolated, may it be granted me to enjoy life and the practice of the art, respected by all men, in all times; but should I trespass and violate this oath, may the reverse be my lot." Coffee for Inebriates. The establishment of coffee houses in place of saloons, is by some regarded as one of the most important means of antagonizing inebriety. We have always been opposed to the plan of curing one evil by the substitution of another; for although the coffee drunkard may be somewhat less of a menace to the public peace, and less of a nuisance to his family, he is nevertheless a sinner against nature, and in a way to become an opium slave or a victim to some other form of narcotism. Recent observations by Czarkowski, according to Wratch, show that drunkards, of all classes, are the least able to bear the use of coffee. As is well known, coffee contains the active principle of caffein, a vegetable alkaloid possessing very marked properties as a cerebral excitant. The authority referred to takes very strong ground upon the subject, declaring that in persons addicted to alcohol, caffein is strictly contra-indicated. He observed that as a result of the use of caffein in medicinal doses, violent cerebral agitation appeared, giving place to the reverse condition, one of extreme sadness, as soon as the caffein was withdrawn. In one case, there was not only extreme cerebral agitation, but also fright, followed by a loss of consciousness which lasted several hours. In still another case, a most violent delirium, in which the patient manifested decidedly destructive tendencies, was induced by caffein. J. H. K. Cutting off Supplies. The eminent Dr. Tronchin, of Paris, considered abstinence from food as the best of all remedies for disease, probably because he regarded most disorders as the result of overfeeding, a conclusion in which we heartily agree, at least if bad feeding is included. "Good generals," said Dr. Tronchin, "always attempt to cut off the enemy's supplies. I put my patients on spare diet at once, and bring the enemy to terms by famine. The great Napoleon seems to have had the same idea. "When I am not well," said Napoleon, "I fast, bathe, and rest. If I am taken sick while I am resting, I exercise. If taken ill while hard at work, I rest; but in all cases, I fast. I find that is all I need." Origin of Hot-Water Drinking.The famous Dr. Sangrado, of whom the original was Dr. Philip Hecquet, who was born in the latter part of the 17th century, seems to have been the originator of hotwater drinking. Dr. Hecquet was a great advocate of bleeding and copious. hot-water drinking. He was also rigidly abstinent. For the last thirty years of his life, he neither ate meat nor drank wine. REVIEWS. Book on the Physician Himself. By D. W. Cathell, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. The F. A. Davis Co., publishers. This work is already so well known to the profession that it is hardly necessary to undertake anything like an extensive review of it. The work is full of just such good advice as any intelligent and sensible physician would be glad to have; and no physician, no matter how extended his experience, can read the work without interest or without profit. The author is a man of highest reputation and character, and one whose long and successful experience in the profession renders him thoroughly competent to write upon such a theme as he has chosen. This work, although not long before the public, has already reached its tenth edition, which is in itself ample evidence of its value and popularity. Colpo-hysterectomy for Malignant Diseases; Diagnosis, and Some of the Clinical Aspects, of Gyroma; Endothelium of the Ovary; Microscopical Studies in Pelvic Peritonitis; and Carcinoma of the Floor of the Pelvis in Women. - These five papers, by Mary A. Dixon Jones, M. D., Surgeon to the Brooklyn Hospital for Women, Brooklyn, N. Y., are all practical and valuable contributions to medical science. Dr. Jones is unquestionably the leading lady surgeon of the United States. A pupil of Lawson Tait, she has followed in his footsteps, and has, by interesting. microscopical studies, developed some very valuable facts respecting the causes of ovarian suffering in women, and in explanation of the anomalous appearance frequently found in the ovaries of women who have long been the subjects of what has been termed chronic ovarian irritation, inflammation, or congestion. the profession for her fruitful labors in this direction, the value of which must be recognized by every laparotomist who has removed any considerable number of diseased ovaries. A Practical Treatise on Materia Medica and Therapeutics.— By J. B. Dr. Shoemaker is a profuse and always interesting writer, contriving to impart to his readers or hearers much of his own enthusiasm. He is evidently a diligent student also. His work fills a useful means place in bringing up to the latest date some of the more recently developed therapeutic measures. Especial attention is given to pneumo-therapy, electrotherapy, and a small and by no adequate space is devoted to hydrotherapy. The work is one which ought to be in the library of every physician, since it contains many interesting suggestions which will not be found so conveniently presented in any other volume. The work is in two volumes. Volume I contains 353 pages devoted to pharmacy, general pharmacology, therapeutics, and remedial agents not properly classed with drugs. Volume II contains 680 pages, and is an independent volume relating to drugs. The price of Vol. I, cloth, $2.50; sheep, $3.25. Vol. II, cloth, $3.50; sheep, $4.50. Extra Abdominal Intestinal Surgery. By Waldo Briggs, M. D., St. Louis, Mo. This is a little paper explaining a new method of procedure in intestinal surgery. The method proposed is an elaboration and extension of a method suggested by Tait, Gregg Smith, and others, and consists in not only bringing the wound of the intestine into the wound in the abdominal wall, but in maintaining the intestine outside the abdominal cavity Dr. Jones is entitled to the thanks of for a few hours, so that it can be watched, until the union has taken place. The author covers the line of union with an asepticised animal membrane, which seems to be quickly incorporated with the peritoneum. Within from six to eight hours after the operation, the intestine is put back into the abdominal cavity. We are impressed with the idea that the method suggested by Dr. Briggs is a notable improvement in intestinal surgery. It is certainly worthy of careful trial. tion upon sympathetic nerves in cases of enteroptosis or prolapse of the abdominal viscera, are probably not unknown to the author. Trastour's observations are certainly in harmony with the results which Dr. Robinson has so carefully worked out, and which are worthy of careful study by all gynecologists. The Wife and Mother: a Medical Guide. By Albert Westland, M. D. P. Blakiston, Son & Co., publishers, Phila. This is an American reprint of an EnHydrotherapy at Saratoga. By glish work, which, as the author says, John A. Irwin, M. A., M. D. Publishing Co., New York. Cassell In this work the author has undertaken to place upon a scientific basis the use of the mineral waters of Saratoga, not only with reference to their mineral constituents, but with reference to the physiological effects of the water as water, independent of any substances which it may hold in solution. The book contains, in addition to information about the Saratoga waters, much interesting and useful information concerning the waters waters of European springs, and of hydrotherapy in general. All visitors at Saratoga who anticipate resorting to the use of the mineral waters for which that place is celebrated, should possess themselves of a copy of this book. The Sympathetic Nerve and Abdominal Brain in Gynecology, Its Reflexes and its Rhythm; Peritonitis. - By F. Byron Robinson, B. S., M. D., Chicago, Ill. These are two excellent papers by a careful observer. The paper relating to the sympathetic nerve and abdominal brain in gynecology is a very important one. The writer has been making observations in the same line for a number of years, and finds in his own experience abundant confirmation for most of the views advanced. The interesting observations made by Trastour respecting the influence of trac "is addressed to women who are desirous of fulfilling properly their duties as wives and mothers." This work contains a great amount of interesting and really valuable information. The statements of the author are concise and clear, and are, as a rule, free from technicalities. The Mediterranean Shores of America, Southern California, its Climatology, Etc.- By P. C. Remondino, M. D. F. A. Davis Co., publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. This work is written in Dr. Remondino's characteristic and interesting style, and contains the most complete and reliable information upon the subject of which it treats. Every person who is interested in the climatology of the Pacific Coast should possess himself of a copy of this book. It is well illustrated, and is not simply a collection of dry statistics, but is a volume which will be likely to be read through, if once begun. The Daughter - Her Health, Education, and Wedlock.- By Wm. M. Capp, M. D. F. A. Davis Co., publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. This work is not a compendious treatise, but is a little volume brim full of good suggestions of interest to mothers, daughters, and in fact to every member of the household. Every mother in the land might read it with profit. |