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hops. Last year he had four acres in hops, which he poled about the middle of November: they continued to look remarkably well, the weather being moist and favourable, until the middle of December; after which several hot days so affected the bines, that, though the crop was estimated at a ton, not more than one-third of that quantity was obtained.


tion of the city of Constantinople to its conquest by the Turks."


The following description of Cadiz, as it is at present, was written by a person on the spot:

"Cadiz has a most beautiful ap pearance from the harbour; it is entirely surrounded by fortifications; the houses are all built of stone, lofty, and neatly whitened with lime. The M. Fischer, president of the Natural city has only two entrances, one at the History Society of Moscow, has pub- quay, the other at the end of the pelished a brief account of their labours ninsula. At each an officer's guard for the last four years, in which par- is always on duty, and the gates are ticular mention is made of the jour- locked every night at beat of drum. ney to Siberia. This expedition set The streets are so narrow, that two out on the 9th of February, 1809, and carriages abreast can pass but in very is to last three years.. It consists of few of them: but as they run in all Professor Tauber, Mr. James Mohr, angles, a current of air is always flowknown from his travels in France, ing through them. The outsides of Germany, England, and Sweden, and the houses, however, very much reM. Helm, botanist and chemist. semble a row of prisons; for, though These gentlemen, accompanied by two pupils, are provided with books, charts, instruments, and a chemical laboratory. They were to be occupied the first year with the Ouxal chain of mountains, the second with that of the Altai, the third with the mountains of the Dagurie; and, if circumstances permit, they are to visit Kamchatka. They are also accompanied by a draughtsman, and by a person acquainted with the art of stuffing and preserving animals.

the windows are glazed, they are defended by massive iron bars, and very few have any apartments below stairs, warehouses excepted.

"The shops cut a very indifferent figure, few of them having any sashes; their only light is from the door way. if they lead into the house, as they seldom do, the shop door is always locked while the family is at dinner. The entrance into the house is by a large folding door into a porch, where there is a bell; on ringing it the seM. Fischer, the professor and direc- cond door is opened: this door leads tor of the Academy, is collecting na-called the patio, usually covered with to the staircase by the side of a court terials for a comparative Cramegnosy, An accurate knowledge of the cra- marble; around this are the waremam, as one of the chief organs of the animal frame, will fill up an impor tant chasm in comparative anatomy. The Craniology of Dr. Gall will only be used to demonstrate the influence of the brain on the form of the excavations of the skull. It will appear in Latin and French, accompanied with engravings.

M. Tilesius, associate of the Academy, well known by his talents as a painter in natural history, has prepared forty folio drawings of the mam moth; but his observations do not exactly coincide with those of Cuvier. A prize of 100 ducats has been offered for, the best "chronology of the Byzantine authors, from the founda

rooms, cellars, &c.; underneath is a through pipes from the flat roof of the tank, containing am water, running house, making upon an average onethird of the yearly consumption.


side of the harbour, and used to emSt. Mary is a part on the opposite ploy a great number of boatmen from

Cadiz before it was in the hands of the French: the former were ardy employed in fetching water and carWing passengers. Water used also to be sold in the streets of autz by barrow-men, who wheeled n about in jars, and sold at in small glasses, &c. to the poor, mixed with aromauc seeds, viz. carraway, coriander, &c.

"The Spanish dinner, in good companies, consists of a number of

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dishes. Soup is always at table, made two dollars per day; the hour of dineither of pulse, or animal food, but ner is generally two o'clock among boiled so long as not to retain any persons of all ranks; but the English, flavour of the meat: this is eaten with wishing to introduce a later hour, the vegetables, as cauliflower, cabbages, Spaniards have begun to complain of &c. and is called an Olio; a dish much this encroachment upon their native esteemed. Poultry, wild fowl, fish, customs." and game, form the rest of the courses; and fruit of various kinds succeed be- M. Viborg, professor in the Royal fore the cloth is removed. Water, or Veterinary School, has published a sherry wine is taken with the dinner, Dissertation on the Use of Horse-flesh, and with moderation afterwards. Cof- as it seems that since the commencefee is next prepared in an adjoining ment of the late war by the infatuated room; sometimes a glass of liqueur monarch of that country, horse-flesh finishes the ceremony, and is a signal has been eaten as food by the poor, in for withdrawing. At dinner each consequence of which, butchers shops person is supplied with a napkin and are now supplied with many carcases a roll of bread; one knife will often of horses and few of oxen! M. Viborg, serve several persons; the fork and it is said, asserts that the flesh of the the spoon being mostly used by the horse, when roasted, is preferable to right hand, while the left holds a crust that of the ox. Some years since, a of bread which is continually soaked native of Sudbury, in Suffolk, came in the gravy, a Spaniard not eating to London to publish a small tract in the most delicately at table. The evening is commonly spent at the theatre or at the card-table. The expenses for board and lodging are about

which he recommended the flesh of asses, as cheap and wholesome diet! This work the author, it is said, intends to prépare for a second edition.

MEMOIRS OF REMARKABLE PERSONS. HAYDN, the celebrated Musician. the profession of music; a measure THE parentage of this celebrated to which he was not averse, as he had character, who died in May 1809, long felt an inclination to fix him in near Vienna, was of the lowest de- some ecclesiastical situation, and the scription; his father being in no bet- study of music appeared the first step ter situation in life than a common towards the promotion of his object. waggoner in Rohraw, an Austrian vil- In the distressed circumstances of lage on the frontiers of Hungary. Haydn's parents, it is not to be supThis man had learned to play on the posed they could afford to expend harp during his travels to Frankfort much upon the education of their on the Mayn; a circumstance to which children; but here fortune stood the may, in a great measure, be attributed child's friend, for the rector, who kept the proficiency his son Joseph after- the academy at Haimburg, took him wards displayed in his profession, as into his music-school, either for a very eld Haydn was accustomed on a Sun- small premium, or totally free of exday evening to practise those songs pense. At this place he was instructed in with which he was acquainted, whilst the duties of his religion,learned to read his wife accompanied him with her and write; to sing and play on several voice, and his little son seating him- instruments, an advantage Haydn ever self at the feet of his parents, and after gratefully acknowledged. taking a piece of wood into his right had remained nearly two years in band, scraped upon the left in imita- Haimburg, when Reiter, the court tion of performing on the violin. At musician, who conducted the music one of these domestic concerts, a at the cathedral of St. Stephen, at schoolmaster of a neighbouring vil- Vienna, came to pay a visit to the lage, who was a distant relation of dean, with whom he was an old and Hayda's, observing that the boy kept intimate friend. In the course of excellent time in his movements, ad- conversation, Reiter mentioned that, vised bis father to bring him up to as many of his choristers had lost their UNIVERSAL MAG. VOL. XIV.



voices, he was in search of others to during three years. In this period he replace them, and enquired if the was made lecturer at a convent in dean could assist him. This afforded Leopoldstadt, which brought him 104 an opportunity for mentioning young per annum. He played also on the Haydn, who, with his usher, were im- organ at Count Haugwize's Chapel, mediately sent for, and, after a trial of and sung at the Cathedral of St. Stehis powers and execution, he was re- phen. Haydn never went to Italy; if gularly appointed a chorister at the he had, he would have acquired a true cathedral of St. Stephen. He used taste for Italian Operas, which would to relate that at his first interview with have rendered his reputation as great Reiter, his appearance was more that for vocal, as it is all over the world for of a hedge-hog than a human being. his instrumental music. Thus rose In his new office, Haydn was properly Haydn, by his own exertions, from the instructed in the theory of music; and greatest distress; and his compositions, so attached did he become to that fas- for the last fifty years, have immorcinating science, that soon after he talized his name. He left a moderate attempted to compose in eight and fortune at his decease, chiefly saved sixteen parts. "I thought at that from what he had acquired by his tra time," said he," that it must be good vels, and particularly by coming toEng because the parts seemed full and the land, where he acknowledged that his paper black but Reiter reprimanded works have been best rewarded, where me frequently for my presumption in he was universally respected; and undertaking what it was impossible where in 1791 he was created a Doctor for me at that time to execute." At of Music in the University of Oxford. the age of 16, Haydn was discharged He took, on his return from this counfrom the cathedral church, because try, a small house and garden at Gumhis voice was broke: he was then pendorf, where he lived as a widower, obliged to live in Vienna for several until the time of his death. In form, years in the greatest distress. He Haydn was of middle size, and had no lodged in a garret six pair of stairs remarkable features. In 1805 he comhigh, which had neither stove nor posed instrumental parts to a church windows; and he has often de- service, which had been written only clared that his breath froze on his bed for voices in 1742; and afterwards covering, and the water, as soon as he presented it to his benefactor, the had carried it up stairs, turned to a Prince of Esterhazy, which was the solid piece of ice. At this time he last of his works. He composed from gave lessons in music, and played in his eighteenth to his seventy-third several orchestras; yet his poverty year, 113 overtures, 163 pieces for the prevented him from associating with viola di gamba, 20 divertimentos for his friends, and he had no other com- various instruments, 3 marches, 24 fort than that of amusing himself on a trios, 6 violin solos, 15 concertos for half-worm-eaten harpsichord. With different instruments, 80 services, 88 this instrument he sat down to quartetts, 66 sonatas for the pianocompose; but his genius soon forte, 42 German, English, and Italian overcame every difficulty. Fortune duetts, 5 German puppet operas (a now appeared weary of tormenting performance which the late Empress him, for Madame Martini, an ac- Maria Theresa was much attached to,) quaintance of Metastasio, became his 5 oratorios, 366 Scotch airs, and 400 pupil in singing and playing; and minuets and waltzes. thus he got his board for nothing in 1780.



He was born i

escapes to a solitude between Briancon

JULY 21.-Twenty Years Ago. and Modena, in the Alps. His daugh

This is a melodrama in two acts. It appears that Geraldo, a nobleman, had been condemned at Paris upon the suspicion that he had assassinated a Count Montgomery; he therefore

ter, Julia, remained with Count D'Escars, lieutenant of police, and whose son, Fripon, becomes enamoured of her. The count at this is indig nant, and Julia elopes with Carlo, a

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saucy pedlar, and they arrive before partner, Mr. Mortimer, whom, from day break at the cottage of Geraldo, an orphan left at his door, he had eduwhose house Carlo enters in the dark; cated, cherished, and gifted with a no surprise however is expressed at share in his business, is the favoured this meeting. Fripon likewise pursues lover of Miss Danvers, his ward, who, his mistress, and his father pursues at the opening of the scene, reaches them both over hedge and ditch, ac- town from a retired village in Yorkcompanied by a valet called Jacques. shire, where she has just lost her uncle. Coming likewise to Geraldo's hut, These, with John, an honest Yorkthey find he has sheltered Julia, not shireman, servant to Miss Danvers, knowing her; but after a few panto- form the group at the merchant's mimic tricks Geraldo discovers that bouse. The other characters (whose Julia is his daughter, and by a happy interests are connected with these manevre, a dispatch is made to ar- principal parts, by means of a bond, rive most opportunely from Paris to which constitutes him a chief creditor signify that Count D'Escars is re- of Pimento) are, Mr. Duplex, a pawnmoved from his inquisitorial office, broker, and deputy of Candlewick which also opens the way for the re- Ward; Miss Duplex, his daughter; moval of all difficulties, and the piece Mr. Crastinus, her suitor; Mr. Con. ends with a marriage as expected: it naught, from the sister country, his was announced for repetition with friend, and ultimately his rival; and out a dissentient voice. The music, Mr. Frazer, who, in the fourth act, by Mr. Walsh, was well received. returns from India, claims his orphan son from Duplex, with whom he had been left, and to whom repeated remittances had been made for his maintenance. This son turns out to be Henry Mortimer; and Frazer, thrown into the same gaol with Pimento and his son, by the villainy of Duplex, restores them to liberty and afHuence; and the piece happily concludes with the repentance of Lady Janet, the disgrace of Duplex, and the marriage of Mortimer and Emily Danveis.

Monday, Aug. 12.-Jack the GiantKiller. This well known story, dramatized, made its appearance here, in a new grand mock-heroic serio-comic ballet of action, so called. Bradbury made his first appearance at this theatre in the character of the Squire to Jack the Giant-Killer, and displayed considerable pantomimic ability, Master Ivers, also, made a first appearance in the part of Jack the GiantKiller, and dextrously contrived to entrap the giant, who was at length killed, but in a very bungling manner. To give any critical character of such a piece would be a waste of time. It may please children, and to them we must leave it. It had to encounter considerable disapprobation, and was given out for a second representation. amidst hissing, and cries of "No, no," which greatly predominated over the feeble applause of its friends.


On Wednesday, July 25, was produced a new piece, written by Mr. Eyre, entitled High Life in the City. Of this play, the construction is nearly as follows:-Mr. Pimento, a city merchant, is brought to ruin by the extravagant pleasures of his wife, a Scots lady (Lady Janet), whose sole ambition it is to ape the world of fashion at the west end of the town. His

The play was well performed in all its parts, and contained much excellent moral, conveyed in pointed dialogue, but the story wanted interest; the incidents and characters were hacknied; and the audience, in the course of the piece, grew careless as to its result, which, at last, was brought about in that stale method, the fortunate arrival of a wealthy relative from India, who, of course, opens prison-doors, sets merit free, punishes villainy, and sees young lovers happily


The denouement was easily antici pated, and was received with indifference. A trifling disapprobation was expressed early in the performance, and was renewed at intervals; but towards the close of the piece a storm arose, which menaced the entire shipwreck of the author's hopes. The last act was much interrupted by the

noise, and the conclusion of it was from the acting of Messrs. Liston, rendered merely dumb shew; not a Taylor, and Mathews, though the latword could be heard. Silence was, ter is by no means at home in his part. however, obtained for the Epilogue. Liston, who is often slovenly and It has one or two good points, appli- without a good conception of lofty cable to the business of the comedy, burlesque, is always droll when he but the contrast between the charac- brings his face into play: but Taylor tors of George III and Napoleon is has a better idea than either of them quite out of place. The loyalty is of mock dignity, of a consistent stiffgood, but coming in such a shape, it ness, and of the magnanimous pauses seemed very like a loyal clap trap, that usher in the more familiar touches. intended to catch a little good hu- With these aids, the piece goes off tomour for a bad comedy. The pro- lerably, but it drags not a little in Jogue was very common-place, but some parts, and it is not to be comhad one merit, that of being short. pared either in talent or effect to Tom Thumb. The contrasts are over harsh; nothing in real life is ridiculed, because nothing real is imitated, and therefore the whole wants verisimiliWednesday, Aug. 8.-Bombastes tude: the best of the jokes are borFurioso. In this histrionic abortion, we rowed, and not at all made better; are introduced to a mock court, and and the inability of the dying king to the whole of the persons consist of a get out his words, which is imitated king, a general, a prostitute with whom from the Critic, is made the vehicle they are in love, a lord, and an army of a gross piece of obscenity, which it of three men of different sizes, like the would well become the audience to recruits in the caricature. Some of suppress. Upon the whole, this piece the touches are laughable, from the is hardly worth the notice of criticism, mere force of contrast between pom- and still less of the visits of any perpous tones and homely phrases, and sons of taste or delicacy.

The piece was given out for repetition with pretty equal mixture of censure and applause.


Taletter actually sent to the mis- last.

HE following is the transcript of should beware of getting into Hell at

tress of a boarding-school near town, by the father of one of the female boarders:

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A handbill for a benefit club in this metropolis, being partly printed in very large characters, and read at some distance, appears thus,-Sickness, Fire, Death, and Freedom, in

"As I ad a good heddication my self, I ham hintirely ashamed for to see in wat manor that Lucey his bitt by the Buggs, and it is my desire for three months ! hur to sleep in the bedd that she alway do, and not for to sleep sum time in wun and then in annuther for to feed all the buggs in the ouse, for I think that be not right; neither shal abe do it. So I remane, yures, &c.

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The mistress of a boarding school near town, walking through a part of Clerkenwell with some of her eldest pupils, was accosted by a working man in the following terms: Pray, Madam, do you think that G-d AlIt being observed of a gentleman, is near us?" "G-d Al-―y, Sir," partial to a frequent change of resi- said she, "near us!" Yes," replied dence, that it was rather singular that he; "I thought so, because I see you he should prefer places the names of have some of his angels with you." which began with H, such as Harrow, Hampstead, Highgate, Hendon, Hack- A Frenchman being at Nottingham, ney, Horton, &c. an ill-natured critic, and having to find out a sign, could from the tabernacle, remarked that not, with his utmost exertions, recol this was a matter of ill omen, and that lect the name further than, as he said, this gentleman, so fond of aitches, it was something belonging to a sheep.

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