Great Sea StoriesJoseph Lewis French Brentano's, 1921 - 332 sider ...It is one of the curiosities of literature, a fact that old Isaac Disraeli might have delighted to linger over, that there have been no collectors of sea-tales; that no man has ever, as in the present instance, dwelt upon the topic with the purpose of gathering some of the best work into a single volume. And yet men have written of the sea since 2500 B.C. when an unknown author set down on papyrus his account of a struggle with a sea-serpent. This account, now in the British Museum, is the first sea-story on record. Our modern sea-stories begin properly with the chronicles of the early navigators-in many of which there is an unconscious art that none of our modern masters of fiction has greatly surpassed. For delightful reading the lover of sea stories is referred to Best's account of Frobisher's second voyage-to Richard Chancellor's chronicle of the same period-to Hakluyt, an immortal classic-and to Purchas' "Pilgrimage."... |
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... sight of battle . He no longer felt his wounds or his great sorrow as he bustled about the deck ; and ere a quarter of an hour had passed , his voice cried firmly and cheerfully as of old — " Now , my masters , let us serve God , and ...
... ( sight beloved ) be- gan to crackle and fly . Amyas , having , as he had said , the wind , and being able to go nearer it than the Spaniard , kept his place at easy point - blank range for his two - eighteen 12 GREAT SEA STORIES.
... sight . When the ship was in the trough of the sea , you could distinguish nothing but a waste of tumultuous water ; but when she was borne up on the summit of the enormous waves , you then looked down , as it were , upon a low , sandy ...
... sight too near this infernal point . Who knows how her head is ? " " I do , O'Brien : I heard the quartermaster tell the captain S.W. by S. Southerly . " - - " Let me see , " continued O'Brien , " variation 24 leeway rather too large an ...
... sight , broad on the lee bow ; and if the low sandy coast appeared terrible , how much more did this , even at a distance . The captain eyed it for some minutes in silence , as if in calculation . " Mr. Falcon , " said he , at last ...