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WILT thou then obedi

Answer. I will.

Then shall the Priest say,

venly virtues, and everlastingly rewarded, through thy mercy, O blessed Lord God, who dost live, and govern all things, world without end. Amen.

ALMIGHTY, everliving

God, whose most dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of our sins, did shed out of his most precious side both water and blood; and gave commandment to his disciples, that they should go teach all nations, and baptize them In

the Name of the Father, the

ently keep God's holy Son, and the Holy Ghost; will and commandments, and | Regard, we beseech thee, the walk in the same all the days supplications of thy congreof thy life? gation; sanctify this Water to the mystical washing away of sin; and grant that this Child, now to be baptized therein, may receive the fulness of thy grace, and ever remain in the number of thy faithful and elect children; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Merciful God, grant that the old Adam in this Child may be so buried, that the new man may be raised up in him. Amen.

Grant that all carnal affections may die in him, and that all things belonging to the Spirit may live and grow in him. Amen.

Then the Priest shall take the Child into his hands, and shall say to the Godfuthers and Godmothers,

Name this Child.

then naming it after them (if they shall

certify him that the Child may well endure it) he shall dip it in the Water discreetly and warily, saying,

Grant that he may have pow-And er and strength to have victory, and to triumph, against the devil, the world, and the flesh. Amen.

Grant that whosoever is here dedicated to thee by our office and ministry may also be endued with hea


I baptize thee In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

But if they certify that the Child is weak, it shall suffice to pour Water upon it, saying the foresaid words,

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But deliver us from evil.. Amen.

Then shall the Priest say,

WE yield thee hearty

thanks, most merciful

Father, that it hath pleased thee to regenerate this Infant with thy holy Spirit, to receive him for thine own Child by adoption, and to incorporate him into thy holy Church. And humbly we beseech thee to grant, that he, being dead unto sin, and living unto righteousness, and being buried with Christ in his death, may crucify the old man, and utterly abolish the whole body of sin; and that, as he is made partaker of the death of thy Son, he may also be partaker of his resurrection; so that finally, with the residue of thy holy Church, he may be an inheritor of thine everlasting kingdom; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Then, all standing up, the Priest shall say to the Godfathers and Godmothers this Exhortation following.



as this

Child hath promised by you his sureties to renounce the devil and all his works, to believe in God, and to serve him; ye must remember, that it is your parts and duties to see that this Infant be taught, so soon as he shall be able to learn, what a solemn vow, promise, and profession, he hath here made by you. And that he may know

these things the better, ye | and rose again for us, so

should we, who are baptized, die from sin, and rise again unto righteousness; continually mortifying all our evil and corrupt affections, and daily proceeding in all virtue and godliness of living.


Then shall he add and say,
are to take care that

shall call upon him to hear Ser-
mons; and chiefly ye shall pro-
vide, that he may learn the
Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and
the Ten Commandments, in
the vulgar tongue, and all o-
ther things which a Christian
ought to know and believe
to his soul's health; and that
this Child may be virtuously
brought up to lead a godly
and a Christian life; remem-
bering always, that Baptism
doth represent unto us our
profession; which is, to follow
the example of our Saviour
Christ, and to be made like
unto him; that, as he died, ❘ for that purpose.

this Child be brought to the Bishop to be confirmed by him, so soon as he can say the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the Ten Commandments, in the vulgar tongue, and be further instructed in the Church-Catechism set forth

IT is certain by God's Word, that Children which are baptized, dying before they commit actual sin, are undoubtedly saved.

To take away all scruple concerning the use of the sign of the Cross in Baptism; the true explication thereof, and the just reasons for the retaining of it, may be seen in the xxxth Canon, first published in the Year MDCIV.




The Curates of every Parish shall often admonish the people, that they defer not the Baptism of their Children longer than the first or second Sunday next after their birth, or other Holyday falling between, unless upon a great and reasonable cause, to be approved by the Curate. And also they shall warn them, that without like great cause and necessity they procure not their Children to be baptized at home in their houses. But when need shall compel them se to do, then Baptism shall be administered on this fushion :

First, let the Minister of the Parish (or, in his absence, any other lawful Minister that can be procured) with them that are present call upon God, and say the Lord's Prayer, and so many of the Collects appointed to be said before in the Form of Publick Baptism, as the time and present exigence will suffer. And then, the Child being named by some one that is present, the Minister shall pour Water upon it, saying these words;


I baptize thee In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Then, all kneeling down, the Minister shall give thanks unto God, and say,


Wield the hearty

Father, that it hath pleased thee to regenerate this Infant with thy holy Spirit, to receive him for thine own Child by adoption, and to incorporate him into thy holy Church. And we humbly beseech thee to grant, that as he is now made partaker of the death of thy Son, so he may be also of his resurrection; and that finally, with

With what matter was this

Child baptized?

With what words was this Child baptized?

And if the Minister shall find by the answers of such as bring the Child, that all things were done as they ought to be then shall not he christen the Child again, but shall receive him as one of the flock of true Christian people, saying thus,

the residue of thy Saints, he Certify

may inherit thine everlasting kingdom; through the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

And let them not doubt, but that the Child

so baptized is laefully and sufficiently bap

tized, and ought not to be baptized again. Yet

nevertheless, if the Child, which is after this sort baptized, do afterward live, it is expedient that it be brought into the Church,

to the intent that, if the Minister of the same Parish did himself baptize that Child, the Congregation may be certified of the true Form of Baptism, by him privately before used: In which case he shall say thus,

I Certify you, that accorddue and prescribed Order of the Church, at such a time, and at such a place, before divers witnesses I baptized this Child.

But if the Child were baptized by any other lawful Minister, then the Minister of the Parish, where the Child was born or christened, shall examine and try whether the Child

be lawfully baptized, or no. In which case, if

those that bring any Child to the Church do

answer, that the same Child is already bap

tized, then shall the Minister examine them further, saying,

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you, that in this

is well done, and according unto due order, concerning the baptizing of this Child; who being born in original sin, and in the wrath of God, is now, by the laver of Regeneration in Baptism, received into the number of the children of God, and heirs of everlasting life: for our Lord Jesus Christ doth not deny his grace and mercy unto such Infants, but most lovingly doth call them unto him, as the holy Gospel doth witness to our comfort on this


St. Mark x. 13.

THEYre brought young


children to Christ, that he should touch them; and his disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, he much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter

therein. And he took them | up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them. After the Gospel is read, the Minister shall

make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Gospel.


ELOVED, ye hear in this Gospel the words of our Saviour Christ, that he commanded the children to be brought unto him; how he blamed those that would have kept them from him; how he exhorted all men to follow their innocency. Ye perceive how by his outward gesture and deed he declared his good will toward them; for he embraced them in his arms, he laid his hands upon them, and blessed them. Doubt ye not therefore, but earnestly believe, that he hath likewise favourably received this present Infant; that he hath embraced him with the

arms of his mercy; and (as he hath promised in his holy Word) will give unto him the blessing of eternal life, and make him partaker of his everlasting kingdom. Wherefore, we being thus persuaded of the good will of our heavenly Father, declared by his Son Jesus Christ, towards this Infant, let us faithfully and devoutly give thanks unto him, and say the Prayer which the Lord himself taught us:

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UR Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from evil. Amen.


LMIGHTY and everlasting God, heavenly Father, we give thee humble thanks, that thou hast vouchsafed to call us to the knowledge of thy grace, and faith in thee; Increase this knowledge, and confirm this faith in us evermore. Give thy holy Spirit to this Infant, that he, being born again, and being made an heir of everlasting salvation, through our Lord Jesus Christ, may continue thy servant, and attain thy promise; through the same our Lord Jesus Christ

thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen.

Then shall the Priest demand the Name of the Child; which being by the Godfathers and Godmothers pronounced, the Minister shall say,

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