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As the two following volumes consist wholly of sermons, it may be proper to introduce them with a few prefatory remarks.

It was the original design of the EDITOR, as stated in the Proposals, to bring into this collection of President EDWARDS'S Works, every thing which had come before the public from his pen. It was beside his hope, to be able to add something from his manuscripts which had never before been published. All this, it was thought, might be comprised within the limits of eight octavo volumes, of five hundred pages or upwards each. This calculation was not founded upon a minute estimate, nor had it the sanction of experience. It was general; and appears, as we have progressed in the work, to be inadequate. It would require at least another volume to fulfil the original design; notwithstanding the type is smaller than that which at first it was proposed to use. For this error in estimate, the EDITOR is willing as much blame should attach to him as it deserves. At the same time he is consoled with the reflection, that, as no injury was designed, none actually accrues, to his subscribers. The volumes, as they are given, are really worth more, by considerable, than the Proposals warranted them to expect.

As the times were uncommonly difficult, and the subscription 80 small as scarcely to justify a proceeding with the work, it was thought, on the whole, not advisable to add another volume. This judgment met the entire acquiescence of several respectable gentlemen, particularly friendly to Mr. EDWARDS'S Writings, who were consulted on the subject. If however the subscribers are desirous to have the work go to the complete extent, at first in

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