II. 5 They that were full have hired out themselves for bread; and they that were hungry ceased: so that the barren hath borne seven. Those, that were wealthy, are now so brought down, that they are fain to hire out themselves to get bread for their mouths; and those, that were poor and hungry, are so filled, that they take their ease; the barren is now the mother of many children, &c. II. 8 For the pillars of the earth are the LORD's, and he hath set the world upon them. The Lord hath founded the earth strongly, and immoveably; and hath made it the center, or foundation, whereon he hath framed and stablished the world. II. 12 Now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial; they knew not the LORD. The sons of Eli were lewd and wicked men, and did not acknowledge and regard the Lord; but in their works denied him. II. 14 All that the fleshhook brought up, the priest took for himself. The priests were not content with those parts of the sacrifice, which God had allotted unto them, but took whatsoever the fleshhook brought first up. II. 15 Also before they burnt the fat, the priest's servant came, &c. Whereas, by the ordinance of God, the fat was first to be offered and burnt to the Lord, they would not stay the leisure of this due ceremony, but snatched away the flesh before the time. II. 20 For the loan which, &c. See chapter i. 23. II. 29 Wherefore kick ye at my sacrifice? Why do ye contemn my sacrifices; and make a scorn of them before the people? II. Ibid. And honourest thy sons above me. Wherefore hast thou given more respect to thy sons, than unto me, in that thou hast suffered them to carve for themselves of my sacrifices, and to eat thereof before I am served ? II. 30 I said indeed that thy house, and the house of thy father, should walk before me for ever: but now the LORD saith; Be it far from me. I had indeed, at the first institution of the priesthood, truly, though conditionally, decreed, that thy house and the house of thy fathers should ever continue this sacred office before me; but now, since ye have violated that part of the condition which concerned yourselves, far be it from me to perpetuate the priesthood unto you. II. 32 Thou shalt see an enemy in my habitation. Thou shalt live to know, that an enemy (the Philistine) hath taken possession of my ark and tabernacle. III. 1 And the word of the LORD was precious in those days; there was no open vision. It was a rare and unusual thing for the Lord to reveal his will by visions, to any man, in those days; and if privately he did thus speak unto some one, yet the public use of prophecy was a long time laid down. III. 7 Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD. Samuel was not yet acquainted with the voice of the Lord. IV. 1 And the word of Samuel came to all Israel. And these words of Samuel, which God had by him spoken concerning Eli, came to the notice of all Israel. VI. 5 Ye shall make images of your emerods, and images of your mice. In acknowledgment that these judgments come from the hand of the Lord, ye shall make the fashions both of the emerods and of the mice, wherewith ye are annoyed, in gold; and offer them up to God, for an expiation of that offence, which we have done against him. VI. 19 And he smote the men of Bethshemesh, because they had looked into the ark of the LORD, even he smote of the people fifty thousand and threescore and ten men. He smote some of the men, that were priests and Levites, of Bethshemesh; because, contrary to the charge of the Lord, they looked into the ark: and of the common people, who resorted thither upon the report of the return of the ark, he smote fifty thousand and threescore and ten men, for the same presumption and curiosity. VII. 2 And all the house of Israel lamented after the LORD. All the house of Israel, being humbled by their servitude under the Philistines, made great moans and lamentation to God, for remission and favour. VII. 6 And drew water, and poured it out before the LORD, &c. And drew water in great abundance, and washed, and purified themselves before the Lord from their long and general unclean. nesses. X. 5 After this thou shalt come to the hill of God, where is a garrison of the Philistines. After this, thou shalt come to the hill of Gibeah, which is consecrated to God, in that there is a college of the sons of the prophets on the one side, as there is a garrison of the chased Philistines on the other. X. Ibid. Thou shalt meet a company of prophets coming down from the high place with a psaltery, and a tabret, and a pipe, and a harp before them; and they shall prophesy. Thou shalt meet with a company of prophets and their scholars coming down from Gibeah, with much variety of the cheerfullest music, which they shall use for the raising up of their spirits, and composing of their thoughts in a preparation to their prophesying, which they shall take up before thee. X. 6 And the Spirit of the LORD will come upon thee, and thou shalt prophesy with them, and shalt be turned into another man. Thou shalt find thyself suddenly endued with the same spirit, wherewith they are moved; and enabled to prophesy as they do ; and shalt feel a sensible alteration in thyself, by reason of those extraordinary graces which shall be wrought in thee. X. 9 God gave him another heart. God wrought a sensible change in him, by these new abilities which he infused into his heart. X. 12 One of the same place answered and said, But who is their father? Look not unto the men themselves, but look unto the hand of that God, who hath inspired them: what need you to marvel that Saul prophesies? These other, whom ye see, have not this power from their parents, but it is the gift of God; which is equally free, wheresoever he pleaseth to bestow it. XIII. 13 For now would the LORD have established thy kingdom upon Israel for ever. That kingdom, whereinto thou wert elected, should have been, all thy life, established unto thee; which now, by this sin, thou hast lost the right unto, ere thou be thoroughly settled in it. XIII. 19 Now there was no smith found throughout all the land of Israel. Such was the jealousy and tyranny of the Philistines over their tributaries, the Israelites, that as they had despoiled them of those weapons, which were taken from the Ammonites, so they would not suffer a smith amongst them, who might furnish them with new. XIV. 10 But if they say thus, Come up unto us; then we will go up for the LORD hath delivered them into our hand. 1 find a strong instinct from God, assuring me, that if the Philistines shall say to us, Come up to us, God would have us go up, and we shall speed accordingly this shall be a watchword from God to us, presaging our certain victory. XIV. 27 His eyes were enlightened. He received new strength, whereby all his senses were cheered and revived. XIV. 41 Give a perfect lot. Do thou, O Lord, by this lot clearly and perfectly shew who is guilty this day. XV. 23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Thou wilt grant that witchcraft is a most heinous and abominable sin; I tell thee, that this thy disobedience to God's command, is no less odious to him, than that witchcraft, which thou justly hatest and punishest in others. XV. 29 And also the strength of Israel will not lie nor repent. He, that is the holy and strong God of Israel, as he hath decreed thy kingdom to another; so he will be sure not to falsify his word, nor retract that his just purpose. XV. 35 And the LORD repented that he had made Saul king over Israel. And God did (as those do which repent them of their former actions) profess to undo that, which he had done in setting up Saul; and therefore did now cast him off, and anoint another in his stead. XVI. 14 But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him. And the Lord took from Saul those graces of wisdom and moderation, wherewith he had endued him; and gave power to an evil spirit to seize upon him, and to vex him with frenzy and distemper. XVI. 23 And the evil spirit departed from him. By the sweet and holy music of David, the spirits of Saul were so composed for the time, and calmed, that he brake not forth into his wonted fury. XVII. 29 What have I now done? Is there not a cause? Is it not a just reason, that my father hath sent me hither for your good? Have I not a lawful business here? Wherein then have I given thee cause of displeasure or exception? XVII. 58 And Saul said to him, Whose son art thou, thou young man? And Saul, having never seen David, till this occasion of vanquishing the Philistine (which fell out before his frenzy, and David's playing before him) said unto David, Whose son art thou, thou young man? XVIII. 1 And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David. When Saul had called David to the court, and entertained him as an attendant there, it came to pass, that, upon his conference with Saul, the heart of Jonathan was deeply affected towards David. XVIII. 10 And he prophesied in the midst of the house. And he carried himself as a man distracted of his senses, his speeches and motions. XIX. 20 And they also prophesied. See chapter x. 6. and xviii. 10. both in XIX. 24 And he stripped off his clothes also, and prophesied before Samuel in like manner, and lay down naked all that day and all that night. And he stript himself of his military habit, or of his kingly attire, and carried himself in a wild distracted fashion; and lay down so disrobed, all that day and that night; appearing before Samuel, in the habit and fashion of a prophet, amongst the rest. XX. 26 He is not clean; surely he is not clean. Some legal uncleanness hath happened unto him, that hinders him from this holy feast; for the law forbids any unclean person to eat of these holy sacrifices. XX. 30 Thou hast chosen the son of Jesse to thine own confusion, and unto the confusion of thy mother's nakedness. This thy favour to David shall be to thine own wrong and shame ; since, by this means, thou shalt be defeated of the kingdom, as if thou wert base born, and therefore uncapable to succeed me and to the shame of thy mother, who shall by this act be proclaimed an adultress, and a dishonourer of my bed. XXI. 4 But there is hallowed bread; if the young men have kept themselves at least from women. There is hallowed bread, which having been consecrated to the Lord, may not (thou knowest) be received by any ordinary person, much less by any that is unclean; but in this necessity, if the young men have abstained from the use of women, and have kept themselves this way undefiled, I shall condescend to give it unto them. XXI. 5 The vessels of the young men are holy, and the bread is in a manner common, yea, though it were sanctified this day in the vessel; (or, as in the margin, especially when this day there is other sanctified, The bodies of the young men are this way undefiled; and the bread, however consecrated, is unto us, in this case of necessity, but as common bread, so as we may lawfully receive it; especially when, as this day, there is other bread sanctified, according to the Law, in the room thereof. XXI. 11 Is not this David the king of the land? Is not this David, that sways so much in Israel? XXIV. 3 To cover his feet. To discharge the necessities of nature. XXIV. 13 Wickedness proceedeth from the wicked: but mine hand shall not be upon thee. Were I, such as thou supposest me, wicked, surely wicked acts would proceed from me; but now thou findest how far I am from any villainous intention against thee; neither shall my hand lift up itself against thee to thy hurt. XXV. 22 If I leave of all, &c. any that pisseth against the wall. If I leave so much as a dog alive, in all the house of Nabal. XXV. 37 That his heart died within him, and he became as a stone. Nabal was so deeply stricken, with an apprehension of the danger that was towards him, by the relation of his wife, that his heart was cold within him; and he became stupid, and senseless with fear and astonishment. XXVI. 19 They have driven me out this day from abiding in the inheritance of the LORD, saying, Go, serve other gods. They have driven me away from God's people, and from his holy ordinances; and have, in effect, as good as said, Go, serve other gods. |