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" For if by one man's offence death reigned by one, much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness, shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ. "
A cloud of witnesses, for the royal prerogatives of Jesus Christ: or, The ... - Side 313
af Jesus Christ - 1778
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The Whole Works of the Most Rev. James Ussher...: With a Life of the ..., Bind 4

James Ussher - 1631 - 636 sider
...generation and all other motions of the creature, than any natural agent doth or can do. And therefore, " if" by one man's offence, death reigned by one ; much...they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness, shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ." Considering that this second man is not...
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The force of the argument for the truth of Christianity drawn from a ...

John Rotheram - 1653 - 136 sider
...by one to Condemnation; but the Free Gift is of many Offences unto Juftification. For if by one Mans Offence Death reigned by one, much more they which receive Abundance of Grace, and of the Gift of RighteouJ'nefs, Jhall reign in Life by one Jefus Chrift. Therefore as by the Offence of one, Judgment...
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The Whole Works of the Most Rev. James Ussher...: With a Life of ..., Bind 13

James Ussher - 1660 - 628 sider
...living, but like a beggar's hand that receives a free alms given by the donor, as the apostle speaks : " For™ if by one man's offence death reigned by one,...which receive abundance of grace, and of the gift of righteousness, shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ." There is abundance of grace, and a gift...
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Speculum Theologiae in Christo: Or, A View of Some Divine Truths, which are ...

Edward Polhill - 1678 - 452 sider
...another, who by his fall was a common head of fin and death. Famous is that place, Rom. 5, If by one mans offence death reigned by one :, much more they which receive abundance of grace, and of the gift of nghteoufvefs, flail reign in life by one Jefaf Chrift. As by the offence of one, judgment came upon...
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The Mystery of Man's Redemption Opened Up: In Five Sermons, Upon the Five ...

Alexander Lunan - 1712 - 160 sider
...thee, or oweth thee ought, put thai ,' on mine Account ; For as the fame Apoftle argues el fewhere, If by one Man's Offence Death reigned by one, much more they that receive Abundance of Grace' and of the Gift of- Right eoufnefsjh all Reign in Life by one "jejus...
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A Cloud of Witnesses for the Royal Prerogatives of Jesus Christ: Being the ...

Jesus Christ, John Henderson Thomson - 1871 - 720 sider
...by the works of the law : for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified ' (Gal. ii. 1 6). 'For if by one man's offence death reigned by one;...they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ' (Rom. v. 17). ' All that the Father giveth...
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An abstract of the historical part of the Old Testament [by E ..., Bind 1

Edward Harley - 1735 - 764 sider
...fo is the Gift : for the Judgment was by one to Condemnation ; but the free Gift is ot many Offences 17 For if by one Man's Offence, Death reigned by one;...which, receive abundance of Grace, and of the Gift of Righteoufncls, fhall reign in Life by one, Ji SUS CtlfUST. 9 And the LORD GOD called unto Adam,...
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A Discourse Concerning the Happiness of Good Men: And the Punishment of the ...

William Sherlock - 1735 - 398 sider
...fo by ttx Obedience of one /ball many be made Righteous: For if by one Man's Offence, Death reined by one, much more they which receive abundance of Grace, and of the Gift of Righteoufnefs, fball reign in Life $y one,- Jefus Chrift, v. 17. And as for the Law which threatned Death, that is...
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An abstract of the historical part of the Old Testament [by E ..., Bind 2

Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 sider
...Righteoufnefi of one, the fret GIFT "came upon al Men unto JUSTIFICATION. 17. For if by one Man's O/Ftnc*, Death reigned by one ; much more they which receive Abundance of Grace, and of the GIFT oc" RIGHTEOUSNESS (hall reign in Lite liy one, Jrfrti Chriji. 19. For as by one Man's Di'"obedience...
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Christ, a Christian's life: or, A practical discourse of a believer's life ...

John Gammon - 1738 - 288 sider
...ment was by one to condemnation ; but thi free Gift is of many Offences unto Justification. For if one Man's Offence, Death reigned by one$ much more...which receive abundance of Grace, and of the Gift of Righteou/hejs, Jhall reign, in Life by one, Jefus Chri/t. Therefore as by tkt Offence of one, Judgment...
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