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Saurin, Mr., the Irish attor-
ney-general, ii. 159.
Scarlett, sir James, iii. 354.
Schwartzenberg, prince, ii.


Schwellenberg, madame, i.


Sebastiani, colonel, ii. 21.
Sefton, lord, iii. 3.


Segnier, first president, his
bombastic encomium
Napoleon, ii. 72.
Shelburne, lord, i. 84.; ap-
pointed prime minister, 98.;
resignation of, 99.
Sheridan, Mr., i. 135.; his
dispute with Mr. Rolle on
the subject of the prince's
embarrassments, i. 152. ;
his conversation with Mr.
Scully, member of the ca-
tholic deputation from Ire-
land, ii. 34. ; appointed
treasurer of the navy, 46.;
makes himself conspicuous
in the house of commons
as the Corypheus of the
Spanish cause, 90.


doctor, trial of, ii.

Sidmouth, lord, his letter to
the prince of Wales, ii. 24. ;
his attempted invasion of
the toleration act, 165.; in-
troduced into the cabinet as
secretary of state for the
home department, 196.;
brings in a bill to repeal the
suspension of the habeas
corpus act, iii. 162.; retires
from the home department,

Somerset, lord Edward, ii.


Souham, general, ii. 205.
Soult, marshal, ii. 38.; raises

the siege of Cadiz, 204.;

establishes his head-quarters
at Toledo, 207.; takes the
command in Spain as lieu-
tenant of the emperor, 253.;
defeated by the British at
St. Sebastian, 254.; de-
prived of the command by
the provisional government,
iii. 92.
Southampton, lord, i. 257.
Spain, hostilities begun with;
a treaty of

peace concluded

with, i. 18.
Spence, general, ii. 95.
Spencer, earl, first lord of the
admiralty, i. 252.

Stanhope, lord, his observation
on the report of the bullion
committee, ii. 165.
Stanley, colonel, ii. 19.
Strachan, sir Richard, ii. 130.
Stuart, sir John, ii. 58.
Sutton, Mr. Manners, ii. 17.;

succeeds Mr. Abbot as
speaker of the house of com-
mons, iii. 155.; re-elected
on the accession of George
IV., 202.

Sydney, lord, i. 108.

Talavera, battle of, ii. 120.
Talbot, lord, chief governor
of Ireland, iii. 243.
Talleyrand, the French mi-
nister, his tribute to the
character of Mr. Fox, ii.
51.; with the senate, pro-
nounces the forfeiture of
the throne by Napoleon,
276.; his character, 279.;
imagines himself in the
clutches of Napoleon; in-
vokes the Emperor of Rus-
sia to save his life, iii. 24.
Tarragona, storming of, by
Suchet, ii. 178.

Tavistock, lord, his eloquent

eulogy on Mr. Whitbread,

iii. 124.

Temple, lord, returns from
the government of Ireland,
i. 100.; sent for by the
king, 107.

Teodoro Majocchi, iii. 229.
Thielman, general, iii. 56.
Thurlow, lord, his opinion of
the India bill, i. 107.; ap-
pointed chancellor, 108.;
his character, 189.; his opi-
nion on the right of the
Prince of Wales to the
guardianship of his daugh-
ter, ii. 44.
Tierney, Mr., appointed trea-
surer of the navy, ii. 27.;
moves the appointment of a
select committee to enquire
into the effect produced
upon the foreign exchanges,
iii. 179.; his energetic re-
ply to Lord Castlereagh in
the House of Commons,
195.; appointed master of
the mint, 311.
Tilly, i. 219.
Tilsit, the peace of, ii. 70.
Tooke, Mr. Horne, publishes
a pamphlet, entitled "Let-
ter to a friend," i. 191.
Toulouse, battle of, ii. 280.
Trafalgar, battle of, ii. 39.
Trant, colonel, ii. 150.
Tugend-Bund, the, ii. 240.
Tyrwhitt, sir Thomas, iii.


Vandamme, general, iii. 57.
Vansittart, Mr., introduced

into the cabinet as chancel-
lor of the exchequer, ii.
196.; proposes an income
tax of 5 per cent. iii. 134. ;
retires with a seat in the
cabinet, and a peerage by

the title of Lord Bexley,


Vauxchamp, battle of, ii. 265.
Victor, marshal, ii. 119.
Vienna, the congress of; de-
claration of, against Napo-
leon, iii. 27.

Villele, the French minister,
iii. 262.
Villeneuve, admiral, defeat of,
in the battle of Trafalgar,
by Nelson, ii. 39.; taken
prisoner by the English;
exchanged after some time;
destroyed himself at an inn
on his way to Paris, ii. 40.
Villoutreys, colonel, iii. 58.
Vimiero, battle of, ii. 95.
Vittoria, battle of, ii. 251.

Wachan, the battle of, ii. 247.
Wagram, the battle of, ii. 122.
Waldegrave, lady, i. 48.
Wales, princess dowager of,
death of, i. 49.

Wallace, Mr., vice-president
of the board of trade, iii.


Walmoden, general, i. 248.
Walpole, Horace, letter of,
i. 24.
Warburton, his opinion of
lord Bute, i. 29.
Wardle, colonel, ii. 110.
Waterloo, the battle of, iii. 69.
Watson, Dr., bishop of Llan-
daff, i. 208.
Wellesley, sir Arthur, sails
from Cork on his first pen-
insular expedition, ii. 95.;
recalled to England to
attend the board of enquiry,
98.; arrives with a rein-
forcement to rescue Por-
tugal, 116.; pursues mar-
shal Soult to the fron-
tier of Gallicia, 119.;

created viscount Welling-
ton of Talavera, 121.; cap-
tures Ciudad Rodrigo ;
created by the Spanish
cortes duke of Ciudad
Rodrigo and grandee of
the first class, 200. ; invests
Badajos, 201.; occupies
Madrid, 204.; made com-
mander-in-chief of the
Spanish armies, 205.; ar-
rives at his former head-
quarters on the frontiers of
Portugal, 206.; presented
with the baton of a British
field-marshal by the prince
regent, 252.; invades
France, 255.; crosses the
Adour, 272.; received en-
thusiastically in the house
of commons; created duke
of Wellington, 282.; his

to the speaker,

283.; the speaker's answer,
284.; sent as ambassador
extraordinary to the French
court, iii. 9.; his letter
to the military conference,
45.; his letter to his mother
Lady Mornington after the
battle of Waterloo, 83.;
advances into France at the
head of his army, with
Louis XVIII. in his bag-
gage train, 89.; his letter
to lord Castlereagh, 108.,
his interview with Madame
Ney, 117.; arrives in
England, 136.; leaves
England for the continent,
to take the place of lord
Londonderry, as British
minister at Verona, 255.;
informed by the French
minister that the affairs of
Spain would come under
the consideration of the

congress; writes to Mr.
Canning on the subject,
262.; his correspondence
with Mr. Huskisson, 313.;
sent for by the king, and
commissioned to form a new
administration, 321.; made
first lord of the treasury,
322.; insists on considering
Mr. Huskisson's letter as
a resignation, 331.; his
letter to Dr. Curtis, the
Catholic primate of Ireland,
343.; his speech in the
house of lords on the ques-
tion of catholic emancipa-
tion, 353.
Wellesley, marquis, super-
sedes Mr. Frere as envoy
extraordinary in Spain, ii.
121.; succeeds Mr. Can-
ning as foreign secretary,
129.; resignation of, 187.;
his motion for the consi-
deration of the Catholic
claims, 198.; sent over as
lord-lieutenant to Ireland
in the room of Lord Tal-
bot, iii. 245.; prohibits the
dressing of the statue of
king William in College
Green, 258.

Westmoreland, lord, ii. 61.
Wetherell, sir Charles, iii.

Whig, the monopoly, i. 13.
Whitbread, Mr., proposes a
pacific amendment in the
house of commons, ii. 221.;
espouses the cause of the
princess of Wales, 225.;
his speech, 227.; his com-
plaint respecting the evi-
dence of Mrs. Lisle, 232.;
death and character of, iii.

Whitmore, Mr., iii. 284.

Whitworth, lord, ii. 20.
Wilberforce, Mr., iii. 62.
Wilkes, Mr., i. 20.; pub-
lishes his North Briton, 29.;
returns from exile, 41.
William, prince, arrives at
Plymouth, commanding the
Pegasus frigate, i. 172.;
leaves Plymouth as com-
mander of the Andromeda,
173.; arrives in London,
created duke of Clarence,
214.; his defence of lord
St. Vincent in the house of
peers, ii. 34.; his reply to
the rebuke of lord chan-
cellor Eldon, 35.; mar-
riage of with the princess
of Saxe-Meningen, iii. 170.;
appointed lord high admiral
of England, 304.; retires
from the Admiralty, 354.
Williams, Mr., appears at the
bar of the house of lords as
counsel for the queen, iii.


Willis, Dr., called in to at-

tend the king, i. 183.
Wilson, sir Robert, publishes

his pamphlet upon Egypt,
ii. 21.; removed from the
army in consequence of
remonstrating with some
soldiers at the queen's fu-
neral, iii. 239.
Winchester, the bishop of,
positively states the king's
intention to abdicate the
throne, i. 119.

Windham, Mr., his opposi-
tion to the preliminary

terms of the peace of
Amiens, ii. 15.; appointed
secretary of war, 46.
Withers, tried for his libels on
Mrs. Fitzherbert, i. 191.
Wolcot, Dr., i. 274.
Wolseley, sir Charles, iii. 189.
Wood, Mr., Lord Mayor of
London, iii. 142.
Wortley, Mr. Stuart, moves
in the House of Commons
an address to the Prince
Regent, recommending
such measures as might be
best calculated to form an
efficient administration, ii.
189.; remarkable expres-
sions of, in the House of
Commons, 288.

Wrede, general, ii. 249.
prince, iii. 43.
Wurtchen, battle of, ii. 243.

Yarmouth, lord, detained a
prisoner in France by Na-
poleon, ii. 54.

Yorcke, the Prussian general,
ii. 215.
Yorke, Mr.,

enforces the
standing order for the ex-
clusion of strangers during
the Walcheren enquiry, ii.


Zaragoza, siege of, ii. 89.
Zieten, general, his reply
to Marshal Davoust when
he requested a suspension
of arms to consider the
terms of the surrender of
Paris, iii. 98.

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