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vernment with a violation of
the law of nations, in com-
mencing hostilities before a
declaration of war; reta-
liates by detaining all Bri-
tish subjects liable to mili-
tary service then within his
power; seizes Hanover, and
occupies both Holland and
Naples, 22.; assumes the
title of emperor of the
French, and king of Italy;
commences the subjugation
of Europe, 36.; leaves Paris
to join his army; takes Ulm,
40.; enters the capital of
Austria; pursues the fugi-
tive court of Vienna; ob-
tains the victory of Auster-
litz, 41.; reduces Francis,
emperor of Germany, to the
style and title of emperor of
Austria; places the crown
of Naples on the head of his
brother Joseph, 52.; makes
his triumphal entry into
Berlin, 57.; enters Poland
to attack the Russians;
joined by the Poles, ad-
vances to the conquest of
continental Europe, 67.;
defeats the Russians in se-
veral sanguinary but inde-
cisive battles; obtains the
memorable battle of Fried-
land, 69.; his interview with
the emperor of Russia, 70.;
his triumphal entry into
Paris after the conclusion
of the peace of Tilsit, 72.;
refuses to acknowledge Fer-
dinand king of Spain, 83.;
invested with the sove-
reignty of Spain; dictates to
the Spanish nation a consti-
tution resembling that of
the French empire, 86. ; ap-

points a meeting with the
emperor of Russia at Er-
furth, 102.; obtains from
him a pledge to support the
title of his brother Joseph
to the throne of Spain, 103.;
divorced from the empress
Josephine, and married to

archduchess Maria
Louisa of Austria, 147.;
invades Russia; establishes
his head quarters at Wilna,
207.; takes Smolensk by
assault, 208.; enters Mos-
cow, 209.; makes overtures
of peace to the emperor
Alexander but without ef-
fect, 211.; sets out for Paris,
215.; leaves Paris


Mentz; commences the
campaign of 1813, 240.;
returns to Paris, 249.; his
plan of military organi-
sation, 259.; leaves Paris;
invests his brother Joseph
with the chief command in
the capital, and appoints
Maria Louisa regent, 260.;
joins his army again, 261.;
his letter to Caulincourt in
reply to prince Metternich,
264.; defeats the combined
Prussian and Russian armies
of Yorck and Sacken at
Montmirail, 265.; directs the
authors of the capitulation
of Soissons to be tried by a
council of war, 268.; his
heroism at the battle of
Arcis-sur-Aube, 269.; ab-
dicates in favour of the
empress and her son, 277.;
signs his unconditional ab-
dication, 278.; flies from
Elba back to France, iii.
16.; obtains loans from the
Italian bankers through his

sister Caroline, queen of
Naples, 19. ; lands at
Cannes, 20.; arrives at
Grenoble; received by the
soldiers and citizens with
delirious joy, 22.; enters
Lyons in triumph, 24.;
enters the Tuilleries, 25. ;
re-constitutes the council
of state, 35.; his answer to
the declaration of the con-
gress of Vienna, 36.; sends
orders to General Grouchy
to leave the Duke of An-
goulême at liberty to quit
France, 37.; makes an
overture to the British go-
vernment; addresses a letter
to the Emperor of Austria,
40.; his conversation with
Fouché on discovering his
secret correspondence with
Metternich, 48.; his ha-
rangue at the national con-
vocation of the Champ de
Mai, 51.; opens the session
of the newly created cham-
ber of peers; leaves Paris
to take the command of the
army, and open the cam-
paign, 53.; addresses his
troops from his head-quar-
ters at Beaumont, 56.; re-
turns to Paris after the
battle of Waterloo, 87.;
assembles a council, 88.;
retires to Malmaison; his
letter to the provisional go-
vernment, 93.; takes leave
of Malmaison for ever, 95.;
arrives at Rochefort, with
the intention of proceeding
to the United States, 102.;
places himself voluntarily
in the hands of the British
admiral; his letter to the
prince regent, 103.; ar-

rives at Plymouth Sound;
addresses a letter of remon-
strance to admiral Lord
Keith; forced on board
the Northumberland, and
sets sail for St. Helena,

Navarino, the battle of, iii.


Necker, madame, her charac-

ter of Mr. Fox, i. 64.
Nelson, commodore, i. 290.;
gains the victory of Abou-
kir, which obtained for him
the title of lord Nelson,
299.; killed in the battle
of Trafalgar, ii. 39.
Netterville, lord, ii. 168.
Newcastle, duke of, i. 17.;
becomes lord of the privy
seal, 37.
Newnham, alderman, i. 150.
Ney, marshal, iii. 23.; his

name omitted in the impe-
rial bulletins of the battle
of Waterloo, 90.; appears
in his place as a peer, 91.;
trial of, 120.; execution
of, 121.

Ney, madame, her interview
with the duke of Welling-
ton, iii. 117.

Nicholson, Margaret, attempts
to assassinate the king, i.


Nicholas, emperor of Russia,
iii. 279.

Niepperg, count, iii. 43.
Norfolk, duke of, deprived
of the lieutenancy of the
West-Riding, and the co-
lonelcy of the West York
militia, i. 297.
North, lord, succeeds the

duke of Grafton as first
lord of the treasury, i. 59.;
commanded by the king to

return the seals of office,
i. 108.
Northumberland, duke of,
succeeds lord Anglesey as
viceroy of Ireland, iii. 34.

O'Connell, Mr., iii. 337.
O'Kelly, count, i. 134.
Orange, prince of, iii. 63.
Orthes, battle of, ii. 273.
Otto, M., ii. 13.

Pajol, general, iii. 57.
Paine, his Rights of Man, i.

Palmella, M. de, the Portu-

guese minister in London,
applies to the British go-
vernment for military aid
on the faith of ancient al-
liance and express treaty,
iii. 290.
Palmerston, lord, appointed
secretary at war, iii. 322.
Pampeluna, capitulation of,
ii. 255.

Paris, state of, ii. 275.; en-
tered by the allied sove-
reigns, 276.; a defini-
tive treaty of peace signed
between the allied powers
at, 281.; capitulation of,
signed at St. Cloud, iii.


Parliament, the dissolution of,
i. 120.
Parr, Dr., his conversation
with the prince of Wales,
i. 55.
Payne, admiral, his letter to

Sheridan, i. 179.; comptrol-
ler of the prince's house-
hold commissioned to pro-
ceed with a squadron to
receive and bring over the
princess of Brunswick, 258.
Paul, emperor of Russia, his

admiration of Bonaparte;
abandons the confederacy,
and proves himself the es-
pecial enemy of England,
ii. 5.; assassination of, 13.
Pauline, Borghese, princess,
iii. 19.

Pedro, don, emperor of Bra-
zil and Portugal, abdicates
the crown of Portugal in
favour of his eldest daugh-
ter, iii. 288.; sends over
his abdication by the hands
of the British minister, sir
Charles Stuart, 289.
Peninsular war, commence-
ment of the, ii. 94.
Peel, Mr., commences his
political life, iii. 135.; his
elaborate report of the se-
cret committee on the re-
sumption of cash payments,
181.; appears as the chief
opponent of catholic eman-
cipation, 236.; brought in
and carried four bills, pro-
posing specified mitigations
of the criminal law 261.;
appointed secretary of
state for the home depart-
ment, 321.; his speech on
the passing of the catholic
emancipation bill, 349.;
brings in a bill to disfran-
chise the Irish forty shilling
freeholders, 353.
Perceval, Mr., succeeds the
duke of Portland as prime
minister, ii. 128.; com-
mences proceedings for the
appointment of a regent,
135.; triumph of, 183.;
assassination of, 187.; his
character, 188.
Perrot, sir Richard, i. 42.
Petty, lord Henry, chancellor
of the exchequer, ii. 46.

Pichegru, the French general,

i. 248.

Picton, sir Thomas, iii. 63.;

killed in the battle of Wa-
terloo, 74.

Pitt, his advice to the king,
i. 12.; resigns the seals;
the king announces to him
a pension, with a peerage
in his family, 15.;
racter of, 16.; commanded
to attend the king, 32.;
raised to the peerage by
the title of earl of Chat-
takes the privy
seal, 38.; resigns the privy
seal, 39.; returns after two
years' retirement for his
health; his speech in the
house of lords on the Ameri-
can war, 61.; death of, 62.

Mr. William, first lord
of the treasury and chan-
cellor of the exchequer, i.
108.; refuses to resign,
114.; receives addresses on
his triumph; invited to a
public dinner in the city of
London, 125.; attacked by
a mob returning from a
public dinner; parallel be-
tween him and his father,
126.; introduces a plan for
the better government of
India, 128.; proposes a
war with Russia in support
of the Turks, 132.; moves
the recommitment of the
Quebec government bill,
234. ; his reply to Sheridan
on his mentioning the in-
adequacy of the prince of
Wales's income in the house
of commons, 135.; his
observations on alderman
Newnham's motion, 151.;
his conversation with the

prince of Wales on the
state of his affairs, 161.;
proposes to increase the
prince's income, 163.; his
conference with the prince
of Wales at Carlton house,
his interview with the
king, 178.; his speech on the
regency question, 184.; com-
municates to the prince by
letter his plan of a restricted
regency, 192; receives a let-
ter from the prince in reply,
193.; answers the prince's
letter in the name of the
ministers, 194.; his inter-
view with the king on his
majesty's recovery, 203.;
resignation of, ii. 7.; be-
comes the most remarkable
advocate of the peace of
Amiens, 15. ; succeeds
Mr. Addington as first
commissioner of the trea-
sury and chancellor of the
exchequer, 28.; his recon-
ciliation with Mr. Adding-
ton, 31.; ministry and
death of, 41.

Plunket, Mr., made attorney-
general of Ireland, iii. 245.;
submits the catholic claims
to parliament, 260.
Pole, Mr. Wellesley, ii. 159.
Poniatowski killed in the bat-
tle of Leipsic, ii. 248.
Ponsonby, Mr., ii. 135.

sir William, iii.

Poole, sir Ferdinand, i. 214.
Porchester, lord, ii. 131.
Portland, duke of, appointed
first lord of the treasury, i.
100.; becomes third secre-
tary of state under Mr.
Pitt, 252.; succeeds lord
Grenville as premier, ii.

[blocks in formation]

Randolph, doctor, i. 271.
Rastelli, an Italian, brought
over as a witness against the
queen, iii. 229.
Reille, general, iii. 57.
Reynier, general, ii. 58.
Richmond, duke of, master-
general of the ordnance, i.
108.; appointed lord lieu-
tenant of Ireland, ii. 62.
Richelieu, duc de, iii. 113.
Robespierre, his character, i.

Robinson, Mrs., i. 69.; her
intimacy with the prince of
Wales; their correspond-

ence under the names of
Perditta and Florizel, i. 73.;
discarded by the prince of
Wales, 92.; death of, 94.
Mr. Frederick,
succeeds Mr. Vansittart as
chancellor of the exche-
quer, iii. 256. ; called to
the house of peers as lord

Goderich, 305.; succeeds
Mr. Canning as first lord
of the treasury, 318.; re-
signs, 321.
Rockingham, lord, first com-
missioner of the treasury;
bis dismissal, i. 36. ; second
ministry of, 85.; death of,

Roden, lord, iii. 335.
Roland, madame, i. 249.
Rolle, Mr., i. 152.
Romilly, sir Samuel, attempts
to mitigate the criminal
laws, ii. 162.; vindicates
the legality and uprightness
of the delicate investiga-
tion, 227.; returned mem.
ber for Westminster; his
death and character, iii.

Rose, Mr. George, ii. 163.
Ross, general, i. 112.
Rostopchin, general, governor
of Moscow, ii. 210.
Rothiere, the battle of, ii. 263.
Russel, lord John, introduces,
with an able speech, the
consideration of the sacra-
mental test and corporation
acts, iii. 327.

Rutland, duke of, i. 108.
Ryder, Mr., appointed to the
home department, ii. 129.

St. Cyr, general, defeats ge-
neral Witgenstein at Pol-
tosk; created marshal of
France, ii. 208.; appointed
by Louis XVIII. minister
of war, iii. 102.

St. Ledger, Mrs., i. 258.
St. Pierre d'Isube, the battle
of, ii. 255.

Salamanca, the battle of, ii.

Sandwich, lord, i. 31.

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