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income of these Fellowships is paid in three equal instalments on August 15, January 15, and June 1 for the School at Athens, and on September 1, January 1, and April 1 for the School in Rome.

The Fellowship examinations of 1907 will be held in March of that year under conditions similar to those which are stated above. Special inquiries on the subject of the Fellowships of the School at Athens should be addressed to Professor Harold N. Fowler, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio; and of the Fellowships of the School in Rome, to Professor John C. Rolfe, 4400, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.


The Thayer Fellowship with a stipend of $600 will be awarded for the year 1906-07, chiefly on the basis of a competitive written examination, although other evidence of ability and attainments on the part of candidates will be taken into consideration.

This Fellowship is open to Bachelors of Arts of universities and colleges in the United States of America, and to other American students of similar attainments. Candidates will be expected to have such a knowledge of Greek (including Hellenistic Greek), Latin, French, and German as will enable them to make effective use of books written in those languages. The examination will also include Biblical Hebrew, the history and geography of Palestine (ancient and modern), its archaeology, the elements of North Semitic epigraphy, and the outlines of Biblical and early Christian literature. Optional papers will be set in Syriac and modern written Arabic. Students who propose to devote themselves chiefly to the early Christian period or to mediaeval and modern times should shape their preparation accordingly, and will be permitted, on consultation with the Committee, to substitute other subjects for some of those named.

The examination will be held on the 12th, 13th, and 14th of March, 1906, at any one of the colleges or theological seminaries coöperating in the maintenance of the School, namely, Andover Theological Seminary, Auburn Theological Seminary, Boston University, Brown University, Bryn Mawr College, Colgate University, Columbia University, Cornell University, the Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge, Hartford Theological Seminary, Harvard University, the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, Johns Hopkins University, McCormick Theological Seminary, New York University, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton University, Trinity

College in Hartford, Union Theological Seminary in New York, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University.

Persons intending to offer themselves for the examination should consult the Secretary of the Committee on Fellowships, Professor Charles C. Torrey, Yale University, New Haven, Conn., and must announce to him their intention in writing not later than the first of February. On making such announcement the applicant will receive a blank to be filled out with information respecting his studies and attainments.

The award of the Fellowship will be made known to all candidates as soon after the examination as practicable, probably by the first of May.

The income of the Fellowship will be paid in two instalments of $300 each, - the first on August 1, the second on the fifteenth day of the following May.

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The principal papers set in the examination in 1905 are printed on pp. 194-196 of this Report.


The examination in 1906 will cover the subjects mentioned below, and will be based on the books specially named. Other books are named for supplementary reading and reference. For additional titles, candidates are referred to the list of "Books Recommended," which was published in the Appendix to each of the first two volumes of the Journal of Archaeology, Second Series. Each candidate should strive to make his study of the special subjects in Greek Archaeology mentioned below as largely objective as possible, by the careful inspection and comparison of monuments of Greek art, in originals if possible, otherwise in casts, models, electrotypes, photographs, and engravings. The time at which examinations will be held in 1906 is named in each case. Details of the subjects of examination, particularly in Greek Architecture and Greek Sculpture, are subject to change from year to year.

Fellows are charged no fee for tuition. The men who are holders of fellowships will be allowed to occupy furnished rooms in the School building on payment by each of $20 per annum.

Fellows of the School are advised to spend the summer preceding their year at Athens in study at the museums of Northern Europe.

Greek Archaeology. An outline of Mycenaean art, and the study of Greek terra-cottas, numismatics, glyptics, small bronzes, and jewels. Two hours. (Thursday, March 15, 9 a.m.)

Tsountas and Manatt, The Mycenaean Age; A. J. Evans, Mycenaean Tree and Pillar Cult,' Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. XXI; G. F. Hill, Handbook of Greek and Roman Coins; Coins of the Ancients; Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Guide to the Perkins Collection of Greek and Roman Coins; Smith's Dictionary of Antiquities, the appropriate articles, 'Scalptura,' Monile,' 'Inauris,' etc.; similar articles in Baumeister, Denkmäler des klassischen Alterthums, named under II Kunstgeschichte,' in the 'Systematisches Verzeichniss,' at the close of the work; Catalogues of the British Museum, Bronzes, Engraved Gems, Terra-cottas; E. Pottier, Statuettes de terre cuite dans l'antiquité.

[NOTE. Collignon's Manual of Greek Archaeology, translated by J. H. Wright, is now out of date on many points, and cannot therefore be recommended without reserve. The same may be said of Murray's Handbook of Greek Archaeology.]

REFERENCE: P. Gardner, A Grammar of Greek Art; F. Winter, Kunstgeschichte in Bildern, Das Altertum, Abteilung I; A. Springer, Handbuch der Kunstgeschichte, Das Altertum, von A. Michaelis, 6th edition; Perrot and Chipiez, Histoire de l'art dans l'antiquité, Vol. VI; William Ridgeway, The Early Age of Greece; H. R. Hall, The Oldest Civilization of Greece; F. Win

ter, Antike Terrakotten; A. J. Evans, Excavations at Knossos,' in current numbers of Annual of the British School at Athens; A. Furtwängler, Die antiken Gemmen.

Greek Architecture, with some special study of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia. One and one-half hours. (Thursday, March 15, 11 ▲..)

Choisy, Histoire de l'architecture, I (1898); J. Durm, Baukunst der Griechen, in his Handbuch der Architektur, II, 1, 2d edition; Anderson and Spies, Architecture of Greece and Rome. The principal works of reference for the Temple of Zeus at Olympia are Olympia, Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen, Vols. II, pp. 4–27, pls. viii-xvii, and III, pp. 44–181, pls. ix-xlv, and the summary account in Frazer's Pausanias, Vol. III, pp. 492–540.

REFERENCE: Perrot and Chipiez, Histoire de l'art dans l'antiquité, Vol. VII; F. v. Reber, History of Ancient Art, translated by Clarke; Koldewey und Puchstein, Griech. Tempel in Unteritalien und Sicilien; Penrose, Principles of Athenian Architecture; Borrmann und Neuwirth, Geschichte der Baukunst, I, Altertum.

Greek Sculpture. One and one-half hours. (Thursday, March 15, 2 p.m.) Gardner, Handbook of Greek Sculpture; Tarbell, History of Greek Art; Robinson, Catalogue of Casts (edition of 1896) in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts; Collignon, Histoire de la sculpture grecque.

REFERENCE: Overbeck, Geschichte der griechischen Plastik; Waldstein, Essays on the Art of Phidias; Furtwängler, Masterpieces of Greek Sculpture; Friederichs-Wolters, Gipsabgüsse antiker Bildwerke; Overbeck, Die antiken Schriftquellen. For the sculptures of the Parthenon, A. H. Smith, Catalogue of Sculpture, British Museum, I; A. S. Murray, The Sculptures of the Parthenon; E. von Mach, Handbook of Greek and Roman Sculpture, with the University Prints.

Greek Vases. One and one-half hours. (Friday, March 16, 9 A.M.)

Von Rohden, Vasenkunde, in Baumeister's Denkmäler; Robinson's Introduction to the Catalogue of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Vases in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts; the Introductions to the Catalogues of vases in the British Museum; the Louvre Catalogues des vases antiques de terre cuite.

REFERENCE: Rayet et Collignon, Histoire de la céramique grecque; Furtwängler und Reichhold, Griechische Vasenmalerei; A. S. Murray and A. H. Smith, White Athenian Vases in the British Museum; Pottier's Albums to the Louvre Catalogues; H. B. Walters, History of Ancient Pottery. See also the bibliography at the end of J. H. Huddilston's Lessons from Greek Pottery.

Modern Greek. One hour. (Friday, March 16, 11 A.M.)

Gardner, A Modern Greek Grammar, a translation and adaptation of Carl Wied's Praktisches Lehrbuch der neugriechischen Volkssprache, K. Petraris, Lehrbuch der neugriechischen Volkssprache, Neugriechische KonversationsGrammatik; Jannaris, Wie spricht man in Athen? Mitsotakis, Praktische

Grammatik der neugriechischen Schrift- und Umgangssprache; Rizo-Rangabé, A Practical Method in the Modern Greek Language; Thumb, Handbuch der neugriechischen Volkssprache (this last of scientific character). Specifically for the so-called literary language: Stedman, Modern Greek Mastery; Legrand et Pernot, Chrestomathie grecque-moderne. For lexicons and information about publishers and prices, see Journal of Archaeology (Second Series), Vol. I or Vol. II, ad fin.

The examination will test both the candidate's ability to translate the literary language into English, and his knowledge of the common words and idioms of the every-day speech of the people.

Pausanias. Interpretation of Pausanias in his treatment of Athenian Monuments and Topography. Two hours. (Friday, March 16, 2 P.M.)

Pausanias, Book I, in the edition of Hitzig and Blümner; Translation and Commentary by J. G. Frazer; E. A. Gardner, Ancient Athens; Judeich, Topographie von Athen, von Müller's Handbuch, III; Milchhöfer, Athen, in Baumeister's Denkmäler; and Milchhöfer, Schriftquellen zur Topographie von Athen, in Curtius, Stadtgeschichte von Athen, pp. lxv–xciii, E–G.

REFERENCE: Curtius, Stadtgeschichte von Athen; Wachsmuth, Die Stadt Athen im Alterthum; Jahn-Michaelis, Arx Athenarum a Pausania descripta, 1901; Harrison and Verrall, Mythology and Monuments of Ancient Athens.

Greek Epigraphy. Three hours. (Saturday, March 17, 9 a.m.)

Roberts, Introduction to Greek Epigraphy; Roehl, Inscriptiones Graecae Antiquissimae; Dittenberger, Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum, 2d edition; Hicks, Manual of Greek Historical Inscriptions, 2d edition; Michel, Recueil d'inscriptions grecques.

REFERENCE: Kirchhoff, Geschichte des griechischen Alphabets; Reinach, Traité d'épigraphie grecque; Dareste, Haussoullier, et Reinach, Recueil des inscriptions juridiques grecques; the various corpora of Greek Inscriptions; Larfeld, Griechische Epigraphik, in von. Müller's Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft, 1, 2d edition; Larfeld, Handbuch der griechischen Epigraphik, Vol. II, Attische Inschriften.

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