What could have been done more to my vineyard, That I have not done in it? Wherefore, when I looked that it should bring forth grapes, Brought it forth wild grapes? The Works... - Side 31af Joseph Bellamy - 1811Fuld visning - Om denne bog
| Anthony Horneck - 1705 - 608 sider
...The Preceding Confederations reduced to Pratt ice. ^. HOW juftly after this profpeft, may God fay, What could have been done more to my Vineyard^ that I have not done in it ? St. Bernard hath an elegant Difcourfe upon this Subjeft, to ftiew, what force the ferious confideradon... | |
| Samuel White - 1709 - 550 sider
...now, O Inhabitants of Jeruftltm, and Mtrt if Judah, judge, Iprayyou^ betwixt me, and my Vineyard.. What could have been done more to my Vineyard, that I have not done in it ? Wherefore when {'looked that it jhould bring forth Grapes, brought it forth wiid -Grapes f~\ As if... | |
| Richard Lucas - 1722 - 344 sider
...#«v, 0 Inhabitants of Jerufelem, and Men of Judah, judgS,. I pray-you,. bstttixt me and mj Vinsyard. What- .could have been done more to my Vineyard that I have not dons in it? Wherefore when I look'd that it fljould brtvg Serin. forth Grapes, brought it forth mU... | |
| Robert South - 1724 - 554 sider
...namely, by Inftruction, by Mercies, and by 'Judgments, (fo that he might well make good this his Saying, What could have been done more to my Vineyard that I have not done?) and withal having (hewn, how parallel to thofe, his Proceedings with us have been, let us now... | |
| John Gill - 1735 - 536 sider
...judging whether God had given fufficient grace or no, to any, or all among them. . ,, IV. Thefe words, What could have been done more to my vineyard, that I have not done in it ? cannot be underftood of God's having done all that Was fufficient and necef-' fary to the fav ing... | |
| Samuel Clarke - 1743 - 500 sider
...equal, are not your ways unequal ? Ezek. xviii. 29. Judge, I pray you, betwixt Me and my Vineyard; What could have been done more to my Vineyard, that I have not done in it ? If. v. 3. St Paul in like manner, fpeaking of the Judgments of God, declares that all Mouths ftall... | |
| Samuel Clarke - 1744 - 470 sider
...bringing forth good Grapes ; but when it failed to do fo, the Fault was in the Vineyard itfelf, ver. 4. What could have been done more to my vineyard, that I have not VOL. VL F done S u R M. done in it ? Wberefor^ When 1 looked that it jJjould bring forth grapes, brought... | |
| Jeremiah Seed - 1747 - 482 sider
...Children virtuoufly, have Reafon to expoftulattf, as God, the common Parent of us all, does in Ifaiah, What could have been done more to my Vineyard^ that I have not done in it? Wherefore, -when I looked, that it Jhould bring forth Grapes, brought it forth 'wild Grapes ? The only... | |
| John Tillotson - 1748 - 470 sider
...now, 'O inhabitants of Jerufalem, and menofjud ah, judge,. J pray you, between me and my vineyard .- what could have been done more to my vineyard, that I have not done in it ? Wherefore when 1 looked that it jhoul& bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild grapes f Is it true... | |
| Jeremiah Seed - 1750 - 336 sider
...beftow, I mean, for the Probation of fuch rational Beings as fliould be in their Circumftances — What could have been done more to my Vineyard that I have not done in it ? He goes on to reprefent their ungrateful Returns, in the Abufe of thofe Bleffings; and alks, in the... | |
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