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I am safe while God himself doth hold me In the hol-low of his hand.

Copyright, 1886, by E. S. Lorenz,


Colin Sterne.

Clad in Armor Bright.

H. Ernest Nichol. Arr.

1. We are sol-diers on the way to glo ry, A loyal and gal-lant band; 2. We've a Captain who is strong to lead us, Who came to redeem his own; 3. There are foes we have to meet without us, And foes we've to fight with - in; 4. And at last when all the strife is end - ed, And all of the way is trod,




are sing-ing out the gospel story the people of ev - 'ry From the iron chain of sin he freed us, And we trust in his strength aWe must never let the Cap-tain doubt us, As we march on the hosts of With the sound of song and triumph splendid, We shall enter the home of



Marching, marching clad in ar-mor bright, Press-ing on - ward,



Copyright, 1915, by Lorenz Publishing Co., in "His Worthy Praise." International copyright.


Build on the Rock.

Fred. A. Fillmore.

Fred. E. Ricks.


1. Daily you're building, but on what foundation? On the rock or on the
2. Daily you're building, but on what foundation? Need you fear no tempest
3. Daily you're building, but on what foundation? On Christ Je-sus does your

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ever shifting sand? When the storm-clouds gath-er in their fu

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standing firm and sure? Safe
soul serene-ly rest? For

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now is are you build - ing


Tell me, will your dwelling then securely stand?

'Gainst the winds and tempests is your house se - cure? Build on the rock, the Or for end-less ages in that life so blest?

solid rock; What tho' the tem- pest


Build on the

rock,-the solid rock, Je sus, the Rock of A- ges!

Copyright, 1915, by Lorenz Publishing Co., in "His Worthy Praise," International copyright.


In the Cause of Right.

Rene Bronner.

Claire C. Foster.

1. We're an ar - my marching in the cause of right, Hear our songs resounding 2. Hear the bu-gles sounding as we fall in line, Ready for our duty 3. Tho' our forces weak-en, we will not retreat, Strong and mighty sol-diers,

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as we go;

See our weapons shin-ing in the bright sunlight, Ev - er t'ward our King,- Go - ing forth to battle at his call di- vine, As his Tho' the foe be strong whom we in battle meet; Yet from

true are we;

CHORUS, Unison.

trim and read-y for the foe.
prais-es loud and long we sing.
fear we ever will be free.

Marching, march-ing, Strong in our

Marching, march-ing, Read - y to


Bearing the colors of our King, Onward we're marching


Scatter Joy and Gladness.

N. P. C.

Nellie Place Chandler.

1. Scat-ter joy and gladness all a-long your way, For the world needs words of 2. Have you seen a broth-er, sink-ing in de-spair, With no friend-ly hand to 3. Tell the world so need - y of a Father's care; Good he brings from seeming


cheer; save? ill;

Deeds of love and kind-ness strew life's path with flow'rs,
Heeding not your own cross, strive his load to share,
F'er his love brings peace, con-tent-ment, hope and joy,

[blocks in formation]


blos-som as the rose, Scat- ter joy and gladness, light-en all life's woes.


Copyright, 1915, by Lorenz Publishing Co., in "His Worthy Praise," International copyright.

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