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Box 476 J

Send 15 cts. for sample of 100 Ruby Capsules, and a Vest Pocket Dictionary of Medical Terms.

Wayne's Diuretic Elixir

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When in New York do not fail to visit our house.

John F. Douthitt

American Tapestry AND Decorative Company

Near 26th Street

Tapestry Paintings

Artistic Home Decorations

Russian Tapestry

Gobelin Art Cretons

Wall Papers



Douthitt's Manual of Art



Tapestry Materials

222 Avenue Fifth


2000 Tapestry Paintings to choose from. 38 Artists employed including Gold Medalists from the Paris Salon. Special designs for special rooms furnished.

We can show you effects NEVER before thought of, and at moderate prices, too. Write for Color Schemes, Designs, Estimates, Artists sent to all parts of the the world to execute every sort of Decoration and Painting. We are educating the country in Color Harmony. We supply everything that goes to make up the interior of a home-STAINED GLASS, RELIEF. CARPETS, FURNITURE, PARQUETRY, TILES, WINDOW SHADES, ART HANGINGS, DRAPERIES.

For Wall Hangings in colorings to match all kinds of wood work, carpets, draperies. To be pasted on like wall paper, 52 inches wide. It costs little more than Burlaps, and has taken the place of Burlaps in private homes, being softer, smoother and more rich and restful. We recommend these most highly. We have made special silk draperies to match them. Send 10c for postage on samples.

For Wall Hangings. They are pasted on like wall paper. They are taking the place of the latter, being softer and more artistic, costing a very little more-about the same as wall paper at $1.00 a roll. We have them in styles of Grecian, Russian, Venetian, Brazilian, Roman, Rococo, Dresden, Festoon College stripe, Marie Antonette, Indian, Calcutta. Bombay, Delft, Soudan-and mark you, we have draperies to match. Send 25c to pay postage on samples.

New styles designed by gold medal artists. Send 50c to prepay express on large sample books and drapery. Will include drapery samples in package. See our Antique, Metallic, French, Pressed Silks and Ilda effects. Have 500 different wall hangings with draperies specially made to match.

We have draperies to match all kinds of hangings from 15c a yard. This is a very important feature to attain the acme of artistic excellence in decoration. No matter how much or how little you want to spend, you must have harmony in form and color. Send 25c for samples.

If you will send us the floor plans of your house we will send you free a color scheme, illustrated by samples themselves. (Regular charge for this is $25.00.) Tell us what you want on the walls of the principal rooms-tint, paint, paper or stuff. We can decorate your house from $200.00 up. If possible, send us the plans; rough pencil outline will do. Tell us if you want curtains, carpets, furniture,in fact, itemize to us everything you desire. If you have any or all of these articles let us know the color of them, so we can bring them into the color scheme. Send 25c to pay postage.

The art book of the century. 200 royal quarto pages filled with full-page colored illustrations of modern home interiors and studies. Price $2.00. If you want to be up in decoration send $2.00 for this book; worth $50.

Six 3-hour tapestry painting lessons, in studio, $5.00. Complete written instructions by mail, $1.00. Tapestry paintings rented; full size drawings, paints, brushes, etc. supplied. Nowhere. Paris not excepted, are such advantages offered pupils. New catalogue of 225 studies, 25c. Send $1.00 for complete instructions in tapestry painting and compendium of studies.

We manufacure Tapestry Materials 'superior to foreign goods and half the prce. Book of samples, 10 cents. Send $1.50 for trial order. for two yards of 50-inch wide No, 6 goods, worth $3.00.

Multi-Color-Photography colors and tints of the origies, 50 cents, postage prepaid.

Special Reproductions of Old and Modern Masters in the exact containing 232 plates, showing sizes and

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Ting until 6 o'clock p. m.

Arthur R. Elliott, M. D., Vice-Prest.
G. P. Head, M. D.


HERE will be actual clinical work, beginning each day at 9 o'clock a. m. and continuDidactic lectures evenings upon such special topics as the class may desire. The clinical material in all departments is very abundant, and you examine, diagnose and treat these cases under the supervision of the professor in charge. Classes are small, thereby giving you individual instruction.

We have a hospital in the same building. The operating rooms have been so arranged that you are near enough to the operator to observe the most minute operations. The members of our faculty attend their clinics in person, and you will be kept busy all day in our own building.

We are located in the medical center and can, if you desire, give without extra fees the opportunity of witnessing the work of the best operators of Chicago in some ten of the leading outside hospitals.

Fee for General Course for one month, $55.00. (This amount includes matriculation fee, which is good for life.)

Prof. F. Robert Zeit gives special Practical Courses on Pathology and Bacteriology. An unsurpassed Course in Surgical Anatomy and Operative Surgery on the Cadaver is conducted by Prof. R. C. Turck, in a building erected for this special work. Special classes are formed for Intestinal Surgery on Dogs.

For complete information regarding our School send for Illustrated Bulletin No. 8.





"For the past ten years I have been prescribing NEUROSINE with most EXCEL-LENT RESULTS, especially in Epilepsy and Neurasthenia."

W. HILL JUDE, M. D.. Bloomington, Ill.

"I have prescribed NEUROSINE in a number of cases of Epilepsy with very satisfactory results. I know of no remedy which is as efficient."

A. CHAS. DOGGE, M. D., Helena, Mont.

"I have given NEUROSINE a thorough trial in a case of Epilepsy, with a permanent cure, after the most prominent physicians of three of our neighboring cities had unsuccessfully treated him." DR. JOHN MCGLADE, Mt. Zion, Mo.

"I consider NEUROSINE almost a SPECIFIC in the treatmene of Epileptics."
H. S. CROCKETT, M. D., Wilmore, Ky.

"I regard NEUROSINE as the VERY BEST preparation for that dreadful maladyEpilepsy." GEO. DUNCAN, M. D., Fall Branch, Tenn. "NEUROSINE has proven to be UNEXCELLED in Nervous Diseases, especially Epilepsy.' F. A. MALICK, M. D., Corley, Iowa.

NEUROSINE contains no Opium, Morphine, Chloral or other deleterious drugs. No detrimental after-effects. The most satisfactory commendation for NEUROSINE is an impartial trial, therefore we will furnish full size bottle, FREE, only to physicians who have not already received same, they paying express charges.


Class Top Folding Stand.

This stand is made with or without castors, o with rubber feet. It is firm and rigid when put together and the parts will not wear loose. It is made in three sizes, all being 32 inches high, and having glass shelves.

Size 16x20 in., 3 green shelves at $7.00

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Dimensions when crated, length 36 inches, breadth 26 inches, thickness 7 inches. Weight 148 pounds, when crated.

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Manufacturers of all kinds of hospital and office furniture.
Catalogue sent on request.


Now Permanently Established as the Greatest Recent Advance in Animal Therapy.


Essential Features: The R.-H. Special L. C. contains 8 per cent. of pure, unfiltered goat's lymph, and fluid-solution extracts of lymph glands, brain and cord; and 9 per cent. of pure, concentrated, unfiltered testicular fluid (chiefly from bulls).

This preparation is therefore many times richer in animal derivatives than any known remedy. It is rich in animal cells: lymphocytes, red cells and spermatozoa. Its cellular sediment equals 17 per cent. (For further ingredients send for literature.)


A powerful cell tonic and tissue reconstructer. Decidedly increases waste-elimination and phagocytosis.


1. Chronic diseases due to degeneration, infiltration, hyperplasia or connective-tissue overgrowth.

2. Chronic infectious diseases, notably tuberculosis.

3. Chronic articular rheumatism, arthritis deformans and certain functional nervous diseases. SEND FOR back numbers of the JOURNAL OF AMERICAN ANIMAL THERAPY ASSOCIATION, bulletins, statistics (with Doctors names and addresses), etc.


509 Stewart Building, State and Washington Streets, CHICAGO, ILL. JOSEPH R. HAWLEY, M. D., Medical Director, 3421 South Park Ave., CHICAGO.

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