HOMEOPATHIC OBSERVER: A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. VOLUME VI. DETROIT, MICHIGAN: PUBLISHED AT DR. E. A. LODGE'S HOMEOPATHIC PHARMACY, 1869. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1865, by EDWIN A. LODGE, In the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of the United States for the District PRINTED AT THE TRIBUNE JOB PRINTING HOUSE, BUSHROD W. JAMES, M. D., EDITOR OF SURGICAL DEPARTMENT. EDWIN M. HALE, M. D., EDITOR OF DEP. OF MAT. MED. AND SPECIAL THERAPEUTICS. Introductory. We commence the sixth volume of the "American Homœopathic Observer" with a position and prospects better than for any year previous. Our subscription list now embraces every State of the Union, and the corps of collaborators has been extended by writers who are ready to enrich our pages with papers of practical value. BUSHROD W. JAMES, M. D., of Philadelphia, has done the profession good service by his surgical articles in this journal, during the past year, and we announce with pleasure that he will continue to edit the Surgical Department. EDWIN M. HALE, M. D., continues his labors in the Observer. The title of his department hereafter will be "Materia Medica and Special Therapeutics." The articles in the present number (January) are some of the best that we have received from his pen. E. W. FISH, M. D., will take editorial charge of the Department of "Chemistry and Pharmacology," and from his particular talent in these branches, and indomitable industry, we know that he will make this department as interesting and profitable as any other. As he is an excellent proof reader, and will write in the editorial office at Detroit, we do not expect our pages will be hereafter marred by typographical errors. Prof. H. P. GATCHELL furnishes for his department of Physiology and Principles of Medicine valuable articles as usual. Prof. C. J. HEMPEL continues to feel a deep interest in this journal, and will write for its pages during the coming year L. YOUNGHUSBAND, M. D. LL. D., has accepted the editorial charge of the Obstetrical Department, and will write |