IMPROVED COMPOUND MAGNETO ELECTRIC MACHINE. The IMPROVED MACHINE, by a simple and ingenious arrangement, may be used with the direct or alternating current, and changed from one to the other by a slide, as will be ob erved in the directions accompanying each machine. The IMPROVED MACHINE is, in every respect, more simple, less liable to get out of order, and operates with greater ease than the original. Thus we combine the single or direct ourrent of the Electric and Galvanic Batteries with the compact and valuable character of the Original Magneto-Electric-Machines FAMILY MEDICINE CHESTS-See page 45 this Price Lis GLYCERINE of prime quality, per lb.... GLYCERINE ADHESIVE PLASTER of superior quality per roll. .......... Large size... Lithographic portrait.. .... Bust of, in plaster, 10 inches high.. ....... .... 125 1 00 25 1 50 HEPAR SULPHUR KALI TINCTURE-Will make one gallon of Itch lotion by addition of water only, per pint..... HYPOPHOSPHITES Ammonia, $1 oz.; Baryta, $1 50 oz.; Iron, $1 oz.; Potash, 70c. oz.; Lime, 70c. oz.; Magnesia, $1 50 oz.; Manganese, $1 50 oz.; Quinine, $7 oz.; Soda, 70c. oz.; Zinc, $1 50 oz.. HIGH POTENCIES-Lehrmann's and others. See page 45. German Case, 50 vials, 2 drm, 200th globules... German Case, 160 vials, 2 drm, 1000ths in globules. German Case, 209 vials, 2drm, 200ths in liquid...... 65 00 By single Vial, one-half drm a 15c.; 1 drm a 20c.; 2 drms, a 30c.; half oz. a 50c.; 1 oz. a.... ........ .... HOMEOPATHIC OBSERVER, [Monthly,] 600 pages per year, new volume commences in January, subscription, in advance, [single Nos. 25 cents]. INHALERS-Fullgraff's, $1; Hunter's... INSTRUMENTS-Surgical and other Instruments kept in stock at all times and sold at Eastern prices. LABELS-Dr. Lodge's New Book of Gummed Labels for use of Homœopathic Physicians. To meet the demand for a neat and convenient method of keeping labels for physicians' use, Dr. L. has contrived a book of octavo size, containing several sheets of labels of medicines most commonly used [polychrests and semi-polychrests duplicated]-one sheet of labels for those but seldom used, and two sheets of large size gilt labels for Office Bottles. These are. made adhesive by a mucilage that adheres very strongly to glass." 75 2.00 2.00 Other Labels as follows, all adhesive: Labels for New Remedies, new and correct list, per sheet...... Sheet of 250 polychrest labels, per sheet... Diet and dispensing labels, adhesive, per 100.... Sheet of 126 labels of leading medicines, each 05 10 05 1 00 03 06 06 09 Sheet containing diet and dispensing labels, and 250 others, each Sheet oontaining 396 labels of medicines most commonly used, each Set of 3 sheets, labels for leading medicines-420 in all.... LOZENGES, unmedicated, absorbent and can be used instead of globules, per lb 1 00 LEBENSWECKER'S Baunscheidt Instruments, small size,. large size,. do German, each,. ...... LOCAL ANESTHESIA-Spray producers. ALL THE STYLES MANUFACTURED. ESSEX APPARATUS for the atomization of liquids. Price.. THE COMPLETE STEAM ATOMIZER, packed in box for transportation MATERIA MEDICA, WORKS ON, at publishers rates. MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC WORKS ALWAYS IN STOCK. MICROSCOPES-Pocket lenses for examination of skin diseases, etc.. 5.00 7.00 3.50 15 00 4.00 6.00 4 50 1 25 1 50 2. 00 2.50 2.00 4.00 15 00 75 00 CRAIG MICROSCOPE.-This is the best and cheapest Microscope in the world for general use. It requires no focal adjustment, magnifies about 100 diameters, or 10,000 times, and is so simple that a child can use it. It will be sent by mail, postage paid, on the receipt of $2 75, or with six beautifully mounted objects, for 3 50 With 24 objects, for.... Lea B. Object glass Objects, mounted, per doz. $1.50; single,. C, Diaphragm; D, Reflector. Just-a ment 5 inches high. Novelty Magnifying Glass, by mail,..... NASAL DOUCHE-Apparatus for treating diseases of the Nasal Cavity by the method of Prof. Thudichum.... NEW REMEDIES, in high or low potencies to order. NEW REMEDIES-Last edition-only 25 copies left. OBSTETRICS AND DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN, BOOKS ON, PALMER'S PAPER YALS PAPER VIALS AND PRESCRIPTION BOXES: are strong; lined with pure white paper; covers fit tightly; boxes made with PRESCRIPTION SLIDES shoulder; an equal number of white and AND red colors in cach package. They are much ing globules or powders. 8.50 Prices, half-dram, per gross.. 88 9€ SLIDE PRESCRIPTION BOXES. PILL BOXES! Do not use coffee, green tea wines, spirits, or any fermented liquora, vinegars, pickles, sauces, upices, pork, ham, veal, lamb, corned beer dried beef.highly seasoned soups, Flat Prescription Boxes, with printed diet directions, as represented on margin, per gross. Without printed directions, per gross.... stews or hashes, sausages, raw vege Paper vials, one dram, per gross.. tables, hot bread or cakes, cheese, old to disagree. 888 2 large...... ... 4 00 PRESCRIPTION POWDER, [substitute for Sugar of Milk in putting up prescriptions] per lb .. PRACTICE OF MEDICINE, works on practice. PHYSICIANS' POCKET CASES OF INSTRUMENTS. PHYSICIANS' POCKET MEDICINE CASES, see page 45 and 46. ... PESSARIES, HARD RUBBER, closed lever and horse-shoe, each.... .... ....... inflating, with long tube, stop-cock, $2 [inflator $2] Glass, Silver, Gold, Ivory and Gutta-Percha Pessaries at regular prices. SANTONINE, pure in crystals .... one grain, sugar coated pills of Santonine, per 100.... SPRAY PRODUCERS-See Local Anesthesia. ... 8 00 9 00 The accompanying cuts represent an important improvement upon any form of Speculum hitherto in use, lately devised by Prof. Horatio R. Storer. It will be seen that by a simple spring attachment at the side of the Cusco bivalve, [represented at A,] the blades may at once be disjointed, swung around back to back, and there fixed by a turn of the nut already existing upon the screw traversing the handles, with the effect of giving a retractor equal in working facilities to that of Sims'. Dr. Storer's instrument is, in fact, a duplex one: as a Speculum retaining the excellence of Cusco's instrument, and as a re- 11 tractor better for ordinary purposes than the complicated and more expensive instruments of Emmet, Bozeman, Pallen, and Bryant. This instrument, from its combining the advantages of two separate and distinct mechanical principles, and thus making one instrument serve the purposes of two, will probably come into almost universal use. It has been styled by Dr. Storer the "Boston Speculum," but will doubtless be known by his own name. Price.... ... 6 00 It is well made of solid German silver. If sent by mail the postage will be 50 cents extra. SUGAR OF MILK, refined in porcelain, recrystalized and ground, put up in 1 lb. boxes, or packages, at SUGAR OF MILK, pure, and ground, but not refined, per lb.... 8CALES AND WEIGHTS FOR PHYSICIANS' USE-Small size.... Medium.. With horn pans. SUNDRIES-See page 47 this Price List. [Since this page was stereotyped This is the only Elastic Bulb Syringe with a reservoir or $1 00 60 1 00 1.50 2.00 50 00 The rigid suction-tube, when rested upon the bottom of the vessel, serves a rest or support to the hand while operating the instrument. This advantage alone would recommend it to to those frequently using a syringe; also, the metallic tube retains its shape when placed in the box, being always in order and ready for use. Price.... Mattson's Original Syringe... Mattson's Family Syringe.... .... 2 25 $1 25 ... 2 50 Mattson's Vaginal Irrigator 2 25 Glass Male and Female Syringes, Glass Syringes to introduce Sponge 60 1 00 1 25 with metal caps, at lowest rates. Any other style of Syringe to order. TINCTURES-FINEST MOTHER TINCTURES. Put up in half ounce Vials...... 18c. Four ounce Vials One ounce Vials.. 25c. Eight ounce Vials.. 45c. Pint Bottles..... TRITURATIONS-Same prices as tinctures. TINCTURE TRITURATIONS-Same prices as tinctures. URINOMETER IN CASE, COMPLETE. A very neat arrangement for the analysis of urine, containing Urinometer, thermometer, test tubes, test paper, etc.......... UTERINE SUPPORTERS-See illustrated descriptions on page 44. 85 1 60 3.00 TIEMAN'S UTERINE SUPPORTER, *NEW. The front plate (a) is well made of hard rubber, very light and strong. The stem (b) is silvered or gilt, and the cap of hard rubber. The belt (c) is of good satin jean. Price, to patients, ten dollars; to physicians, seven dol fars each, or $72 per dozen. VACCINE -Warranted from healthy subjects, per scale.. VACCINATOR-The Automatic Vaccinator. Supplied in any quan 187Wayne St., Detroit, Mich |