WITH A COMMENTARY, AND NOTES, PHILOLOGICAL, CRITICAL, EXPLANATORY, AND PRACTICAL TO WHICH IS ADDED, A HISTORY OF THE LIFE OF THE APOSTLE PAU By JAMES MACKNIGHT, D. D. AUTHOR OF A HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS, &c. PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, AND ORME, PATERNOSTER-R REFACE. Sect. 1. That Paul is the author of this epi 2. Of the people to whom this epiftle was written ; occafion of writing it; and of the language in which written.-3. Of the matters contained in it; of Paul thod of reasoning in it; and of the proofs by whi establishes the doctrines advanced in it.-4. Of the t writing it. Epilogue to St. Paul's Epiftles, p. 311. JAMES, p. 321. Preface. Catholic epiftles, why so named. Sect. 1. The of James the writer of this epiftle.-2. Its authentici blished.—3. Of the perfons to whom it was directed ; time when, and the place where it was written; and of th of James.-4. Of the purpose for which this epif written. I PETER, p. 413. Preface. Sect. 1. The hiftory of Simon Peter.-2. The ticity of this epistle established.—3. Of the persons to it was directed.-4. Of the purpose for which it was and of the matters contained in it.-5. Of the time an of writing it. 2 PETER, p. 509. Preface. Sect. 1. The authenticity of this epiftle establi 2. Of the time when it was written.-3. Of the pe whom it was written.-4. Of the occafion on which written. 5. Of the matters contained in it. |