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"yearly Penfion, which furely, if we would refpect "Honour and Profit, was not to be a little esteemed;




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yet have I hitherto refused, and think I fhall refuse it ftill, because I fhould be fain to forfake my pre"fent Means, which I have already in the City of "London,* (and I esteem that more than a better) or else I must keep it with fome Diflike of the Citizens, between whom and his Highness if there "should happen any Controverfy, as fometimes it "doth chance, about their Priviledges, they might fufpect me as not fincere and trufty to them, in "cafe I fhould be obliged to the King for an annual Stipend." +



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and it will be great Pity, (because her Destruction must inevitably enfue) if she should ever deviate from this plain, good, old Path. And we are not without hopes, that, notwithflanding this our great Metropolis and the whole Nation are at prefent but too fenfible of the great Decay of Trade, and Growth of Luxury, they will revive in the one, and abandon the other: So, with our most earnest Defires, that All may ftrive to forward this glorious Work, we fhall conclude our Second Volume.



Abots, mitred,entert, ined by

Wolfey, Page 290.

Aberdeen, Earl of, 198.
Abergavenny, Lord, 175.
Abbatis, Michael, his Contract,
Alts, paffed in the firft Parlia-
ment of Henry the VIIIth, 75

in the 2d, 115-in the
3d, 207-in the 4th, 142-in
the 5th, 260-in the 6th, 267.
AЯ, paffed in the Parliament of
Ireland, 274-

A, for electing a Lord Juftice

of Ireland, 253.


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Adrian, Preceptor to Charles of
Auftria, is fent into Spain, to
take Care of his Maiter's In-
tereft, 306-demands an Au-
dience of Ferdinand, ib.
at laft admitted, 307
duces Letters Patents from his
Mafter to the Council of Ca-
file, conftituting him Regent
in his Abfence, 309 but
admitted as Joint-Regent only,
ib.made a Cardinal, 371.
Admirals Ships, two burnt in one
Action, 125.
Africanus, Scipio, 38.
Agent to the Pope, 117.
Albany, Duke of, 270-chofe
Regent of Scotland, ib.-un-
eafy at the K. of England, ib.


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mand of the famous Marthal,,
Peter Navarre, 310 - which
are defeated, 311-He and his
Queen die of Grief, ib.
Alexandria, garrifoned by the
French. 160.


Albert, Henry d, to have the
Kingdom of Navarre, 350-
that Kingdom demanded of
Spain for him, 371.
Alftone, Sir Thomas, 176.
Alfred, King, his Cuftom of cal-
ling his Nobles, with the Rife
of the Courts of Justice, 294.
Alton, Lord, his Descent, 176.
Alpes, border on Venice, 355.
Alva, Duke of, 120at Lo-
his Reafon for
grogno, 121
not attacking Bayonne, ib.
befieges Pamplona, 122.-fub-
dues Navarre, ib.-takes St.
John del Pie del Puerto, 123-
lays fiege to Eftella, and car-
ries it, ib.
Alviano, General, released, 159
-made General of the Vene-
tian Forces, ib. takes Pef-
chiera and Brescia, 160-
dies, 278.
Altar, Bread and Wine of the,

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Alpino, Profpero, a famous Pro-
feffor of Botany at Padua, 358.
Alviftus, 240.

Alcoran, burnt, 33.
Alps, Obfervations on the Troops
raifed on this Side, and thofe
on the other Side, 54.
Alexander the Great, 38.
Amboife, Cardinal of, his Death
and Character, 57.
Ambrofe, St. 287.
Amelia, Princefs, 273.
Ammonius, 218

-his Letter to
Erafmus, relating to Wolfey's
fucceeding Bishop Warham as
Chancellor, 303-an Account
of his Death, 386.

Angola, taken by the Porta-
guefe, 31.

Antonio, Juftiniani's Speech to the
Emperor, 38.
Auguftine Aqua, 112.
Andrew, Bishop of St.-197.
Angufs, Earl of, 192-Master
of, 199.

Anne, Queen of France, 141,
154- her Death and Character,


Anchor, Sheet, 261.
Annandale, Marquis of, 252.
Andrews, Prior of St. 271-


returns to

elected Archbishop thereof, ib.
-fced to refign it, ib.
Andrews, Bishop of St. made
one of the Regents of Scotland,
Angoulefme, Countess of, enamour-
ed with Charles of Bourbon,
Conftable of France, 360.
Antenor, brought the Venetians
into Italy, 355.
Angus, Earl of, 270-flies into
England, 271
Scotland, 273-made one of
the Regents of Scotland, 363.
Apprentices and Clubs, 379-
Ap Thomas, Sir Rice, 176.
Apoftles, Greek Teftament writ-
ten by them, 304.
Apothecaries, Company of, 359
their Phyfick Garden, and
Green-houfes at Chelsea, ib.
Archers appointed, 19.
Archbishops, their Privileges be-
fore Henry the IId's Reign,
Arefkine, Lord, 198.
Argyle, Earl of, 195-killed, 197.
Argyle, Earl of, made one of the
Regents of Scotland, 363.
Argyle and Greenwich, Duke of,

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and made one of the Re-
gents, 263.
Atwater, William, fucceeds Wol-
Jey in the See of Lincoln, 241.
Aftrologer, his Prediction rela-
ting to K. Ferdinand of Spain's
Death, 307:
Aftronomers invited to Rome, 353.
Augfburg, a Diet held there,
Alize, Juftices of, when confti-
tuted, 323.

Athol, Earl of, 198
Floddon-field, 199.


- killed at


Athol, Duke of, 198.

Aufch, Cardinal de, Minifter
from France at Rome, 52.
imprisoned in the Caftle of St.
Angelo, 59.

Auftin the Monk, his Ecclefiafti-
cal Conftitution, 325.
Auftrians, their Zeal for the Glo-
ry of the Queen of Hungary,
compared to that of the Vene-
tians, 63.

Auftria, Charles of. See Charles.
Auftria, Margaret of, 157.
Author of the Hiftory of the Com-
mon Law, 329.
Aubigny, Dutchy of, 197-Lord
of, ib.

Audley, Lord, 177.
Augufta, Princess, 273.
Auguftins, General of, 280.
Auguftin Fryars, 372.
Ayliff, Dr. his Account of the
Pope's Bulls, 331, 332.


Baynbridge, Chriftopher, Arch-
bishop of York, made Ambaf-
1ador at Rome, 24-prevails



Bayn brid

on the Pope not to give the
Church Gallies to the Empe-
ror, 44 prevents the taking
of the Pope in Bologna, 69———
terrifies Chaumont, 70 — re-
ceives more than ordinary Re-
fpect from the Court of Rome,
78-and Inftructions to affure
his Holiness how much the
K. his Mafter was disposed
to protect him, 79-
- made a
Cardinal, 83- not invited to
the Congress at Mantua, 89—
privy to the League figned by
the Pope, Ferdinand, and the
Venetians against France, 99-
Rapin's Reasons for his being
advanced to the Cardinalate,
105-had Instructions to affift
the Venetians in obtaining their
Abfolution, ib.-compliments
Wolfey on his being made Dean
of York, 107
represents to
the Pope what he must expect
from Scotland, 119 — gives
Henry an Account of what had
paffed in the Lateran Council,
and of the Pope's Sentiments,
in relation to the refractory
Cardinals; 133-writes a cour-
teous Letter to Wolfey, 149-
his Letter to the King, 169-
another Letter to his Majefty
from him, ib.-his Opinion
of Cardinal Hadrian, ib.
his congratulatory Letter to
Wolfey on the Success of the
King's Arms, 188-poifoned
at Rome, 233 his Educa-
tion, Birth, and Character,
234 his burying Place and
Epitaph, 236-juftified upon
Account of his not vifiting his
Diocese, 241
not out in his
Conjecture relating to Cardinal
Hadrian, 289.
Baynbridge, Charles, 236.
Bajazet, the Grand Segnior, 64.
Bafing, Lords of, zz.




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